Ruthless Mountain Man

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Ruthless Mountain Man Page 8

by Jenika Snow

“Kozmo? Rosie?” I step farther inside, figuring they aren’t in here when I don’t hear anything right away. I’m about to turn around and head back to do another sweep when I hear a soft whimpering in the corner. I grab a flashlight off the shelf, turn it on, and shine it in the direction of where the sound came from. The shed isn’t wired for electricity, which is a bitch at the moment. “Kozmo? That you, boy?”

  Only a second passes before he jolts out of the corner, nearly tackling me to the ground. His tail wags back and forth, his excitement and relief evident. “Where’s Rosie?” I ask him as if he’ll actually respond. But then he turns around and runs back toward the corner, whimpering until I follow. I shine the flashlight and see her huddled behind a box, her little tail wagging as she cries out. But she doesn’t move, probably too cold, tired, and scared.

  I pick her up and hold her against my chest, putting part of my coat over her body. I turn the flashlight off and set it on one of the shelves, calling Kozmo to follow. He’s more than happy to get out of the shed, clearly knowing we’re going back to the cabin where it’s warm.

  “I bet you guys are anxious to see Kylie.” At the sound of her name Rosie perks up and starts licking my neck, her excitement evident. Kozmo does a little jump in the air, his tail wagging back and forth.

  I unlatch the door and push it open, Rosie burrowing her body under my jacket at the first sign of wind and snow. I make sure the shed door is closed securely this time and then haul ass toward the porch.

  Once inside, I shut the door and stomp my snow-covered boots on the floor. I don’t bother taking them off or removing my jacket as I head toward the bathroom. The door is shut, and I can hear Kylie sniffing softly, the sound breaking my heart. I give the door two light knocks before pushing it open. She sits up, her eyes wide, anxiousness written across her expression.

  “Did you find…” She starts crying harder when Rosie pokes her head out from behind my jacket, and Kozmo comes barreling into the bathroom. She stands and steps out of the tub, reaching for her towel. A moment later, she’s down on her knees and wraps her arms around him. He starts licking her face, and she does a mixture of laughing and crying. She then stands and walks over to me, giving the same kind of affection and love to Rosie. …

  The moment lasts several minutes before she finally takes a step back and looks at me. Wiping away the tears that track down her cheeks, she smiles.

  “Thank you,” Kylie says softly then leans up and presses her lips to mine.

  “Hell, I’d brave any storm again just to see that expression of relief on your face and feel your lips against mine.”

  “I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to them,” she says and exhales softly “You saved them, and in return, saved me.”

  I set Rosie down, and she does laps around Kylie’s feet. But Kylie continues to stare at me, her gratitude tangible.

  “I can’t bear to see you that way,” I say honestly. “And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never feel like that again.” I take a step forward and wrap my hand around her waist, curling my fingers against the terry cloth that covers her body. I pull her in close, and she lets out a soft gasp. “Because I meant what I said,” I say closely to her mouth, the scent of my soap she used filling my head, making me feel territorial. “You’re mine, and I’ll move heaven and earth to make sure you don’t forget that.” She leans against me and rests her head on my chest.

  God, this feeling right here—it’s what I’ve wanted my entire life. I just didn’t know it until Kylie came along.



  Two and a half months later…

  “Rosie! Kozmo!” I shout out my backdoor. “Get inside!” Kozmo’s running in circles, chasing his tail and Rosie’s sniffing around and eating the snow.

  I hear chuckling behind me.

  “They’re worse than kids, I swear!” I pout, looking over my shoulder at a shirtless Luke leaning against the kitchen counter.

  “Let them play.” He grins.

  I shut the door and walk over to him, planting my feet between his relaxed legs. “Are you sure? My neighbor can be an asshole about picking up after them.”

  Luke reaches for me, grabs my hips, and pulls me against his chest. “Yeah, I heard he can be too. Perhaps he needs to get laid or something,” he quips.

  Rolling my eyes, I laugh at his pathetic plea to get sex. “Pretty sure he gets laid enough.”

  “Probably why he’s been in such a great mood then.” He smirks and winks.

  “Can you get them in for me? I need to use the bathroom before we head out. And you need to finish getting dressed.”

  He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my nose. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “They listen to you better than me anyway. Go figure,” I snort, pushing off his chest so we can get ready to leave soon.

  “Must be the alpha in me.”

  I snort at his arrogant attitude.

  “They’re smart dogs. They know who’s in charge around here.” He cracks his palm on my ass as I turn around and when I gasp, I look over my shoulder and see him eyeing my body.

  “You wish!” I snicker.

  A few minutes later, I hear the dogs barreling in and Luke yelling at them for tracking snow all over. I chuckle to myself, knowing how patient he’s been with them these last couple months. Who knew my ruthless neighbor would turn into such a softy when it comes to caring for me and my pups? He pretends to only tolerate them, but I know better. He enjoys playing with them and taking care of us. I’d even go as far as to say he’s grown to love them.

  Once the blizzard blew through and the power was restored, the dogs and I moved back to my place but only part-time. Luke and I take turns sleeping over at each other’s houses and no matter what, the dogs come with me when I stay with him.

  “Are you ready?” I hear Luke ask me from the other side of the bathroom door. Looking at the box in front of me, I set it down on the counter and inhale deeply.

  “Just need a few more minutes,” I call out. Biting down on my lip, I take out the test and open the wrapper before setting it back down on the edge of the sink and grabbing the instructions.

  “Pee directly on the stick for five seconds and then wait three minutes. The control line means the test is working and the pregnancy line will appear if it’s a positive,” I whisper to myself, hoping Luke can’t hear me through the door. The last thing I need is him freaking out right along with me when I don’t even know the results yet. I read over the directions once more for good measure. “Seems easy enough.” I set the paper down and grab the test.

  Once I’ve followed the instructions, I set the test down, wash my hands, and wait. I start pacing as I think back to when I missed my cycle two weeks ago. Even though I’ve been on the pill, I missed it that week I was at Luke’s during the storm. I knew it was a risk but having sex with him was the last thing on my mind when I came over in haste. Looking back, I know it was stupid to assume nothing would happen but knowing I might be carrying Luke’s baby I can’t even be upset about it. I want a life with him and having his child would be a blessing. After numerous failed relationships, I’d been doubtful having a family was in the cards for me.

  I know I would be over the moon happy, but I have no idea what Luke’s reaction will be. That’s the part that’s making me nervous as hell. When I woke up sick the other morning, I played it off as something bad I must’ve eaten although I suspected I might be pregnant. After finally making it into town, I bought a test needing to make sure before I tell him anything.

  Checking my phone, I realize three minutes has passed, and it’s finally time to find out.

  “Oh God,” I whisper, closing my eyes. My heart hammers in my chest as I walk over to the counter, my hands shaking as I pick up the test.

  It’s clear as day. Two pink lines.

  I’m not completely surprised but seeing it in front of me makes it real. I’m pregnant with Luke’s baby.
r />   Worry rushes over me as I think about his reaction and what this’ll mean for our relationship. I look at the closed door, and although I obviously can’t see him, I wonder if he’s waiting for me on the other side. We haven’t discussed the future outside of just wanting to be together, so I don’t even know if he ever wanted to have kids or a family. But I do know his heart, and I believe he’ll be happy.

  Or at least I hope that’s what he’ll be.

  “Kylie.” He taps on the door. “We have to get going if we’re going to make those dinner reservations.”

  I stuff the test back into the wrapper and put it in the box before hiding it under the sink. Tonight would be the perfect night to tell him since it’s New Year’s Eve and we’re actually celebrating it with dinner and a show. We’ve been hunkered up here in the mountains like a newlywed couple but after the blizzard passed, we went into town to restock supplies, and that’s when a few people Luke knew invited him and his “new girlfriend” to dinner. After reminding him that we should be social once in a while, we started hanging out with other couples and even hosted our own dinner party at Luke’s cabin a few weeks later.

  We spent Christmas together snuggled up by the fire, and it was the best holiday break I’ve ever had. I told my job I wasn’t going to do the daily commute and they’ve agreed to let me work from home instead, which works out great for being close to Luke and staying with the dogs every day.

  Life is really great right now, and I never knew things could be this good. Perfect actually.

  So I only hope I’m not going to shift Luke’s entire world upside down with the news of a baby.



  Ever since Kylie came out of the bathroom, she’s been acting weird as fuck. She was quiet the entire car ride into town and even now at the restaurant. I feel the distance with her silence. She’s definitely nervous about something, but I don’t want to call her out on it and make the situation awkward when we’re surrounded by other people. But on the heels of that rationalization, I’m starting to get concerned maybe I did something to make her act this way.

  The waiter comes over, and I ask for a bottle of her favorite wine then we both give him our dinner order. After he leaves we sit quietly as she avoids eye contact, her discomfort evident—tangible even.

  She shifts in her chair, and I lift a brow, wondering if I should just question her. It’s clear she has something on her mind, but she’s either too afraid or embarrassed to tell me. And I hate that she may feel that way.

  For long moments we sit there, the noise from the restaurant filtering around us. Finally, I can’t take the tension between us any longer and break the silence.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?” I ask and lean forward, bracing my forearms on the table and clasp my fingers together. I stare at her but notice she won’t look at me, and instead stares down at her lap. “Kylie, baby. Talk to me.” I’m pleading now because I have a bad feeling about this.

  After a moment she looks up at me, her throat working as she swallows.

  Worry starts to settle inside of me, and all I can think of are all the bad things that she might have to say. Maybe this isn’t working for her anymore? Maybe she’s nervous because she wants to break it off? That very thought has me tightening my hands into fists and placing them on my lap, so she doesn’t see how tense I am. My entire body is ramrod straight, my muscles contracting at the very thought of her not in my life.

  I try to push those negative thoughts away because things are going well with us. I love Kylie more than I ever thought imaginable, and her leaving isn’t an option. If that’s what she has to say, then I’ll fight to the ends of the earth for her. There isn’t anyone else in the world that I want to share my life with.

  “Princess, you’re starting to freak me the fuck out.” I probably say that a little too loudly as I get a few looks from the couple beside us, but I don’t give a shit. My only focus is Kylie. It always has been and always will be.

  “I’m sorry,” she says and offers me a smile, but it seems forced. “I don’t mean to make you worry, and I can see that you are by the way you’re gripping onto the edge of the table.” She glances down at where my hands are. I hadn’t even realized I brought them up. “I’m fine.”

  “If everything’s okay then why are you acting like you’re about to dart the hell out of here?”

  She exhales slowly and leans back in the chair. She opens her mouth, about to say something. My body tenses, getting ready for whatever it is when the waiter comes back with the wine and two glasses.

  He pours the wine into my glass and allows me to sample it. Once I nod in approval, he continues to fill my glass and precedes to do the same for Kylie. She’s looking at the now filled glass with a weird expression.

  He leaves us alone, and the silence ensures. She’s still looking at the glass, her fingertips on the bottom of it as she skims along the flattened edge. She pushes it away and sighs.

  “You don’t like it?” My brows knit in confusion. “It’s your favorite.”

  She swallows again, the pulse beneath her ear jumping. She’s scared as hell, and every protective part of me rises up. Was someone hurting her? Whose ass did I need to kick?

  “Kylie,” I growl out her name and hold her gaze with mine. “What the fuck is going on?” I don’t want her to think I’m angry with her, but she’s worrying the hell out of me. “You know you can talk to me about anything.” My heart pounds rapidly. “Is this about us?”

  She licks her lips and nods.


  I lean back in the chair, close my eyes and tell myself to stay calm. “Kylie, baby. Can we just cut through the shit and tell me what’s going on?” I look at her and see her eyes are wide as she stares at me.

  “Luke, I’m pregnant.”

  Everything in me stills at her words. I blink a few times, not moving, not even breathing. “Pregnant?” I say that one word, repeating it over and over in my head. “Like a baby?” I’m drawing a blank right now as I stare at her.

  She looks at me like I’ve grown another head, or maybe that I’m repeating obvious shit. “Yes, Luke. Like a baby inside of me. Your baby.”

  I run a hand over my mouth, not sure what to say, or how to feel. “Damn, I thought you were breaking it off with me,” I finally say with a sigh of relief. “A baby I can deal with.” Grinning, I stand and walk over to her, helping her out of her seat and pulling her into an embrace. Now it makes sense why she didn’t want the wine.

  “Wait,” she says and pulls back, confusion on her face. “You’re not upset?”

  I shake my head and cup her check. I’m sure we’re making a scene, but I don’t give a fuck. In fact, I want everyone to see this. I want them to see my commitment to Kylie.

  “How are you not even acting shocked?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Baby, as long as you’re by my side I can handle anything, even this little surprise.” I place my hand on her belly. “My child is in here,” I say to myself. The fact I’ll be a father a little surprising, but then again not. “It’s not like we took precautions.” I grin when Kylie looks around, her cheeks turning red.

  “Luke, keep your voice down,” she says in a hushed voice. “People are watching.”

  When she looks at me, I don’t wait to slip my hand around the nape of her neck and pull her forward. I lean down and claim her mouth. She makes a sound in the back of her throat as if she wants me to stop, yet she grabs my shirt and pulls me in harder. I grin against her lips. “That’s my girl.” I give her one more kiss before pulling back. I look around and see a shitload of couples watching us, some smiling, others looking pissed that we disrupted their meal.

  Fuck em’.

  “You’re…happy about this? Cause I’ll be honest, Luke, I’m scared shitless.”

  I cup her cheeks and lean in to kiss her on the lips softly. When I pull back, I smile.

  “You know what?” I pause a moment, growing serious. “I am
, Kylie. Hell, I don’t know what kind of dad I’ll be, but if I’m going to have a family, there’s no one else in this world I’d want to have that with.”



  It doesn’t feel real.

  This moment.

  This feeling.

  Everything about Luke is a surprise. I was sure he’d be upset since we hadn’t even talked about having kids, but the fact that he’s not, speaks volumes about the kind of person he truly is. I now know I’ll get to experience this journey with the man I love.

  I barely process everything that’s just happened when Luke steps back and kneels in front of me, holding my left hand.

  “I was going to wait until midnight, but I don’t want this moment to end, so Kylie…”

  “Oh my God. What are you doing?” I blurt out then cover my mouth with my other hand. I gasp when he digs into his pocket and reveals a velvet box. I know what’s about to happen. God, I’m not prepared, didn't even think this moment would happen this soon.

  “I’m hoping you’ll say yes,” he replies with a smug grin. “To marrying me and being my wife.”

  “Are you serious?” The restaurant has gone completely silent, and now I know everyone is watching. I can feel their gazes on us, holding their breaths as they wait for my answer. But I don’t even care that the attention is all on us right now. In my eyes, it’s only Luke and me.

  “I love you, Kylie. More than I ever thought was possible to love someone I first hated.”

  My head falls back in laughter before I bring it back to focus on Luke.

  “I want you in my life forever, princess. You and our baby. For always.” He flips the small box open and reveals the most gorgeous ring I’ve ever seen.

  “It’s even a princess cut.” I smirk.

  “Of course it is.” He winks.

  “Yes.” I bite my lower lip, smiling.


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