Midnight Touch

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Midnight Touch Page 18

by L Ann

  “I know you don’t remember. I know it would be seen as ethically wrong … but you were dying, and I couldn’t let you go. I woke you up long enough to get you to say yes. It’s frowned upon and, under normal circumstances, it would be grounds for …” he released her hand and shrugged. “You know what, it doesn’t matter, it’s not important. Being mated brings with it the ability to draw on your mate’s strength and heal. Shifters are naturally strong. What would kill a human will barely touch us. Without that strength, you would have died.”

  “What did you do?” She whispered the question, already knowing the answer.

  “I pushed that final step. Once you said yes, I bit you and bound you to me.”

  Even though she’d expected it, Cassie still gaped at him.

  “Chase and Mac got into the room shortly after. Mac wasn’t happy, but Chase worked fast to make it look like the hospital had misjudged the extent of your injuries. The paperwork was fudged to reduce the damage you’d received.” He ran his tongue across his teeth and sighed. “If I’d known there was a Hunter watching me, I’d never have come near you. You would have been safe. But now, because I’ve brought you into our world, it’s brought you to the attention of those who would hunt us down.”

  “Who is this Hunter? He has Gemma, doesn’t he?”

  “We don’t know who it is yet. I can tell you what they are though. There are a number of them. They are a group of humans who believe Shifters, or any being other than human for that matter, should not be allowed to live. They believe we are dangerous. But we’re just like humans, Cass. We have good and bad in our communities. It has nothing to do with what we are. We just have abilities that are different.”

  “Other beings?”

  Shaun touched her cheek. “There are more than just wolf Shifters out there.” A yawn caught him off-guard and he smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long night.”

  “You should sleep.”

  “I will, later. This is more important.”

  “Aren’t you going back out later?” As she spoke, she gave in to temptation and burrowed closer to him, winding her arms around his waist.

  “Yeah, we need every nose and pair of eyes we can get to track down your sister and Scarlet.”

  “Will this hunter hurt her?”

  There was a beat of silence before he answered, and then it was with noticeable reluctance.

  “Normally I’d say no. Hunters don’t usually target humans. They believe humans are in danger from Shifters and do everything they can to protect those they view as victims. But there’s something odd with this one. He’s taking chances they don’t usually take. Coming into our home and drugging us? That’s a new one. Hunters are usually just that … Hunters. They’ll shoot us, attack us while we’re in wolf form, track us …” he tried to stifle another yawn.

  “How much sleep have you had?”

  “An hour, maybe a bit less.” She could feel his gaze on her, heavy and unsure. “Will you stay?”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  Shaun felt like he’d only just closed his eyes when Deacon’s voice woke him. Blinking groggily, he pushed himself upright, discovering he was alone on the couch.


  “Right here,” her voice sounded from behind him.

  Twisting round on the couch, he watched as she crossed the room with a plate piled high with food and handed it to him.

  “Deacon said you’d be hungry when you woke up.” She eased onto the cushion beside him, and worked her way underneath his arm, careful not to knock the plate from his lap. He threw her a surprised look but settled his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his body as he attacked the food.

  “We burn energy faster than humans,” he told her between bites. “So, we eat more often, and larger amounts.”

  “Plus, with the drug we ingested last night fucking up our balance, our immune system is working overtime, which uses more energy that we have to replace,” Deacon added, stealing a fry from his plate.

  “Get your own,” Shaun growled, batting his hand away.

  “As you can see,” Deacon said to Cassie. “We’re also territorial when we’re hungry. Anyway, I’ve already eaten. We’re just waiting on you,” he added to Shaun.

  Shaun slowed, frowning at his brother. “You should have come and got me sooner.”

  Deacon shook his head. “There were things you needed to resolve.” His eyes flicked to Cassie and back again. “I assume you did resolve them?”

  “Mostly, I think.” The arm draped across Cassie’s shoulders tightened briefly. “Did we? Are you okay?”

  Cassie didn’t reply immediately as she looked at Shaun, then Deacon and back again. “I won’t lie,” she began, quietly. “I don’t know how I feel about it all. Kinda just want to lock myself in a room and shut down, ask someone to wake me when the drugs have worn off.” She slipped her hand beneath Shaun’s where it rested on her shoulder and weaved her fingers through his. “I think it’s going to take a little time to digest, you know? I mean … you turn into wolves! How is that even possible?” She waved her free hand when Deacon drew breath to answer. “I’m not really looking for an explanation. It just sounds crazy.” She stopped, her eyes widening and twisted to look at Shaun. “Wait. Will I turn into a wolf now?”

  Silence greeted her as the two brothers stared at each other. Cassie pulled her hand free and rose to her feet. “Shaun? Will I?” she demanded, her voice rising.

  Deacon moved closer and rested his hand on her arm. “It’s hard to say. It’s rare for our kind to mate outside of our community. When it has happened, those with the strongest Shifters as their mates have gained that ability. Those mated to Shifters lower in the hierarchy haven’t.”

  “And how strong are you?”

  Shaun set the plate on his lap aside and rose fluidly to his feet.

  “Cassie, look at me.” His finger touched her chin and turned her head in his direction. “This is a lot to take in, as well as having to deal with not knowing what’s happening with Gemma.” He dipped his head and rubbed his cheek against hers, marking her with his scent and himself with hers. The echo of an approving growl rolled through his mind. “No matter what happens, we’ll work this out. I promise.”

  “How strong are you, Shaun?” Her fingers clutched at his arm.

  “Strong enough,” he replied.

  “Does it hurt?” she whispered.

  “Shifting?” Shaun lifted his head and smiled. “Not at all. It’s as natural as breathing.” He hesitated, staring down at her. “Would you like to see?”

  “Not sure this is a good idea,” Deacon rumbled from beside him.

  “We’re going out as wolves anyway, right?”

  “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t express my doubts.” Deacon pulled his t-shirt off and working on the buckle of his belt.

  “Why are you taking your clothes off?” Cassie asked him.

  “Wolves have four legs, not two. We get tangled in clothes. It’s messy and awkward,” Deacon grunted, sliding his belt from around his hips and reaching for the button on his jeans.

  “Oh my God, you’re seriously getting naked in front of me?” Cassie pressed her hands over her eyes. “I don’t want to see you naked, Deacon.”

  “You saw me naked last night, darlin’. Anyway, don’t look at me, look at Shaun. I know you like seeing him naked.”

  Shaun’s chuckle was warm against her ear. “Face this way,” he told her, and tugged her around until Deacon was behind her.

  His fingers hooked under hers and pulled her hands down away from her face. “Look,” he said, and directed her attention to his eyes. “The first thing to change is my eye colour.” He blinked and when his lids slid open, the green was gone, and replaced with a bright yellow.

  “And then all it takes is a thought.” He stepped backwards and, in between one step and the next, the man had disappeared, and a dark brown wolf stood in his place.

  Cassie’s breath caught in
her throat as she stared at him. She jumped with an embarrassed shriek when a cold wet nose touched her palm. Twisting around, another wolf – this one golden brown – stood, tongue lolling out in the canine version of a laugh.

  “I feel like I’m dreaming,” she whispered and stepped back until her legs hit the couch and she dropped onto it. Both wolves moved forward and sat in front of her. The dark brown one – Shaun, she thought – slowly inched forward, his eyes on her, and laid his head on her knee.

  ~ Can you hear me? ~ Shaun’s voice whispered through her mind and her eyes widened. ~ From your expression, I can see you do. Do you remember hearing me last night? ~

  “You told me not to run,” Cassie offered, hesitantly.

  ~ I did. Wolves are predators. If something runs, our instinct is to chase. Because we’re not just wolves, we can mostly control that impulse. But last night, with drugs in our system, I wasn’t sure I could stop myself from giving chase. ~

  A shimmer surrounded his form and, between one blink and the next, Shaun was kneeling beside her. The golden-furred wolf padded around behind him and butted Shaun’s back with his head. Shaun tugged his brother’s ear and laughed when the wolf barred his teeth in a mock growl.

  “This is crazy!” Cassie breathed unsteadily, watching as Shaun rose to his feet. Her eyes dipped, widened when she was reminded he was naked, and dragged her eyes back up to his. “You’re naked in front of your brother. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “Why would it? We spend half our lives naked. When we run, as a pack, we often crash in a clearing somewhere, and wake up back in our human forms. Nakedness isn’t really a problem for Shifters. That’s a human hang-up.”

  “I’m not sure I can deal with this.”

  His hands curved over her cheeks and held her face still as he bent to press a kiss to her lips. “You are strong enough, Goldilocks,” he whispered, and kissed her again, slow and sure.

  A grunt from Deacon’s wolf broke them apart, and they both looked toward where he sat watching them.

  “It’s time we left,” Shaun told Cassie. “We’ll find Gemma and Scarlet, I promise.”

  “Wait!” Cassie caught his arm, held him still. “What if you don’t?”

  Deacon growled, and Shaun glanced down at his brother. “Don’t think like that, Cass. We’ll find her. This Hunter has no reason to keep her. She’s not a Shifter or mated to one. They don’t kill humans.”

  “But –”

  “No buts, we will find her.” He stole a final kiss, and then his wolf took his place.

  ~ Open the door, Goldilocks. Mac is waiting for us. ~

  With a final troubled look at the two wolves, Cassie did as he asked and followed them into the hallway where a third larger silver wolf waited.

  Isabella stood with her hand resting on his back, fingers curled into his fur. At first glance, Cassie thought the touch was one of affection, until she met Isabella’s eyes, which flashed with a fury she couldn’t hide. Looking back down at her fingers, Cassie saw they were clenched into a white-knuckled grip. The big silver wolf didn’t seem to notice or care.

  When Shaun and Deacon appeared, the large wolf – she assumed it was Cormac – shook off Isabella’s hand and moved to meet them. All three touched muzzles and moved toward the door.

  “Cormac.” Isabella’s voice rang out, stopping them in their tracks, and the silver wolf’s head swung around to look over his shoulder. “Do not forget your promise to me.”

  The wolf’s silver eyes narrowed at her and one side of his lip curled up, displaying sharp white fangs.

  “Being an Alpha does not stop you from being reminded of your duties, “she told him, her voice cool, and Cassie wondered if Cormac was talking to Isabella the way Shaun had spoken to her. “I have not given away my rights to speak my mind.”

  The wolf snorted and dipped his head once before resuming movement and the three of them disappeared out of the door.

  Cassie moved forward to stand by the other woman. Isabella gave no indication that she knew Cassie was there, staring out of the door until she could no longer see the wolves. Her shoulders slumped as she sighed, and she turned her head to finally look at Cassie.

  “You look like you’ve accepted the truth,” she said, and linked her arm through Cassie’s.

  Cassie considered her words before replying. “I’m really not sure what I’m thinking. There’s so much to take in. How could you exist without the world knowing about you? How could any of you spend time co-existing with people who aren’t the same as you?”

  Isabella pursed her lips in thought and gave an abrupt nod. “Why don’t we break into our beloved Alpha’s alcohol stash and I’ll tell you what I know.”

  “You know Shaun has a fully equipped bar in his games room?” Cassie pointed out as Isabella dragged her toward the study.

  Isabella grinned, a baring of teeth. “Where’s the fun in taking a bottle from there, when I know Cormac has some really special bottles of wine in that room?”

  “I …” Cassie paused, eyeing the door. It was the one room she hadn’t actually been in since her father’s death, and she wasn’t sure whether she was ready to take that final step.

  As she struggled with her decision, Isabella stopped and cocked her head slightly. “Why are you upset?” her eyes slid to the door of the study. “What is it?

  Cassie swallowed. “It’s stupid,” she said. “Did … Did Shaun tell you I grew up here?”

  Isabella shook her head.

  “Well, I did. This was my childhood home. My mom sold it a few months ago after my dad died – turns out to Shaun and his family.” She glanced at the study door. “That was the room my dad spent most of his time in. I don’t know if I can …” she let the words trail off.

  “Ahh, Cassie, I’m sorry,” Isabella said, gently. “I didn’t know.”

  “It’s stupid. It’s just a room.”

  “A room with memories. I understand completely.” And there was something in the way she said it that had Cassie’s head turning to look at her. Isabella patted her arm. “Why don’t you go to the games room and I’ll sneak in and snaffle something nice for us to drink. You can go in there when you’re ready.”

  “I – thank you,” Cassie said, and retreated to the games room, leaving Isabella standing in front of the study.

  “So,” Isabella said once they were settled in the games room. She filled two glasses from the bottle of wine she’d taken from the study and handed one to Cassie. “What do you want to know?”

  “Shaun says we’re mated,” Cassie said, slowly. “He said he took away my choice at the hospital.”

  “Did he tell you why?”

  Cassie nodded. “Because the doctors said I was dying. But the way he talked. It was almost like he knew it would have happened anyway – the mating, I mean – even if I hadn’t been in the crash. Like he had just taken the final step sooner than planned.”

  “What do you think?” Isabella took a sip of wine. “Don’t say what your head and logic is telling you to say. Listen to your instincts. What are they telling you?”

  Cassie shifted on the couch, lifting her legs to tuck them beneath her and took a swallow of wine. “It feels right. I feel right, like everything before now has just been passing the time while I waited for him.”

  “That’s one of the signs of a true mate,” Isabella smiled.

  “Is that what you and Cormac have?”

  Isabella’s smile faded. “We’re not mated. Our situation is nothing more than a business agreement.”

  “He seems –“ Cassie hesitated.

  “Aloof? Cold? Distant?”

  Cassie laughed. “I was going to say terrifying, but they all work too.”

  “Cormac is the Alpha of the pack. It’s more than just being the head of a household, or the boss of a company. His word is law.”

  “Like a king or emperor?”

  “In a way … maybe the kings from history.”

  “So, he gets to tell everyone w
hat they can and can’t do?”

  “It’s not quite that straightforward, but yes, he could and all members of his pack … and many other packs … would bow to his authority. They wouldn’t have to like it, but they would have to do it.”

  “You argue with him.”

  “Cormac and I have an …” Isabella hesitated, then smiled. “We have an understanding of sorts. But even I won’t cross him on some things.”

  “Shaun said his actions at the hospital could get him into trouble. Will Cormac punish him for mating with me?”

  Isabella considered her question for a moment before replying. “I don’t think so,” she said. “He’s aware the circumstances surrounding it were unusual, to say the least. If you didn’t want to be with Shaun, I think it would be different. Cormac won’t allow forced matings. And you do want to be with him, don’t you?”

  “Forced?” Cassie ignored her question.

  Isabella nodded. “They are a thing. Female Shifters are not as prevalent as males. A lot of pack Alphas make the decisions on who gets to mate with us. Some packs use female Shifters as trophies, prizes to be bestowed on their most loyal members.”

  Cassie detected a tone in her voice again, something that suggested it was an issue Isabella was familiar with. “Are you being forced to mate with Cormac?”

  “No. No, please don’t think that. Cormac wouldn’t force me to accept him. I could walk away right now, and he would let me go.” Isabella refilled her glass. “But enough about me.”

  “You mentioned other packs. They have their own Alphas?”

  Isabella nodded. “But the Midnight Pack – that’s this pack – is unique in that Cormac is the most powerful Alpha of all the packs … and he has two Alphas, almost as strong, as his seconds.”

  “Why is that unusual?”


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