Fire Burn And Cauldron Bubble, A Paranormal Romance (Jolie Wilkins)

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Fire Burn And Cauldron Bubble, A Paranormal Romance (Jolie Wilkins) Page 16

by H. P. Mallory


  I wheeled around at the sound of his voice. He stood in front of me, naked except for a pair of boxers. A flush stole my cheeks as I took in his olive chest covered with wiry dark hair. His muscles were broad and well defined. I forced my eyes to his and suddenly had the funniest glimpse of a wolf with a pair of red boxer shorts in its mouth.

  “Why are you here?” I asked, cutting to the chase. I guess I wasn’t in a very affable mood tonight. It seemed I was snapping at everyone.

  “I came to talk with you.”

  I could’ve deduced that much. “So talk.”

  He chuckled, but continued. “I wanted to thank you for what you did …”

  “Rand makes the decisions on jobs we take, not me, so you should thank him.”

  He cracked his knuckles and gave me a broad smile. “Well, I daresay it was you who did the work? At least that’s what my people told me.”

  “We share in the responsibility.”

  “What’s your name?”


  He nodded as if my name could only be Jolie.

  “Well, witch Jolie, I came to tell you my pack is forever indebted to you and we’ve sworn ourselves to protect you should you ever need it.”

  I was taken aback. I’m not sure what I’d been expecting, but I’d been on edge since first seeing him. There was just something about him that spelled danger. Maybe it was just his bad-boy persona. I relaxed. “Thank you.”

  “Can you whistle?” he asked and thoroughly confused me.

  After a moment of wondering why he’d ask me this, I shrugged and figured I might as well answer. “Yes.”

  “Please do so.”

  I was sure I looked as perplexed as I felt, but whistled in spite of myself. Trent seemed to hang on the sound when I remembered dogs have excellent hearing and maybe werewolves even more so.

  “I’m committing the tonal vibration to memory,” he said and paused. “Whenever you need me, just whistle and I’ll come.”

  I wanted to make a joke about whistling while I work, but held myself back. I didn’t imagine the wolf would appreciate it, and he was being civil, after all.

  “What if you’re far away?” I couldn’t help asking the obvious.

  He quirked another debonair smile—one I’m sure he’d used to win over many women. This guy just breathed player. “We’re creatures of the Underworld, right? We have powers that transcend human abilities. Whistle, and wherever you are, I’ll come for you.”

  It wasn’t every day a girl had a sworn protector even if he was a hairy wolf who probably got around.

  “Thank you.”

  “One other thing,” he began.


  “When I died,” he hesitated and I imagined it must’ve been a weird sentence to say. “Did you see who killed me?”

  “You were fighting with a wolf,” I started, trying to remember exactly what had happened. “And a human stepped out from the shadows and shot you. I couldn’t see his face because his back was to me.”

  Trent bobbed his head, as if remembering himself. “The wolf was from a rival pack of ours. Do you remember what the man looked like?

  “Normal height with dark hair … sorry, that’s all I remember.” I guess I should’ve been paying more attention, but the man had jumped out of the shadows so quickly. Then he’d fired his gun, and I had to worry about touching Trent at the moment of his death … it was over before it started.

  He nodded, and I thought maybe he’d leave. But he hesitated. “Would you care to go to dinner with me some night?”

  Maybe it was the way he said it—with none of the machismo and conceit I’d seen him display otherwise. He actually sounded nervous—like I might turn him down. Me! Someone who hadn’t had a date since … anyway, my lips parted in surprise. A sworn protector and a date? My night was off to a good start.

  “I’d be happy to go to dinner with you,” I answered, still a little bit shocked that he’d asked me. Aside from Rand, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually had a date. And really, Rand and I never had gone on a real date. So I guess that didn’t count.

  Trent smiled, and I felt as if I could get used to such a charming expression. He wasn’t exactly what I’d call my type at first glance—maybe he had a bit too much of the playboy thing going on. Of course, I wasn’t even sure what my type was, as I didn’t date. True, I had something for Rand, so if he was the control, then Trent was nothing like my type.

  He was shorter than Rand and stockier and seemed to be hairier, but he had a nice face and a strong, capable body—well everything in view anyway. There was something about him—a certain charisma that was attractive, and I could definitely understand why women would pursue him, as I’m sure they did.

  “Great. I will pick you up on Saturday evening at eight o’clock if that suits you?”

  “It’s a date!” I answered and watched as Trent assumed his wolf likeness and with a canine grin, trotted off.

  I couldn’t help the smile that stole my lips as I made my way inside and upstairs. Maybe being involved with the Underworld wasn’t quite as bad as I’d thought. I definitely wasn’t accustomed to such attention from the opposite sex, and it made me feel good, feminine. I pushed open my bedroom door and couldn’t help the surprise that landed like a grenade in my gut.

  Rand stood in the center of my bedroom, his arms crossed and a frown marring his handsome face. “What were you doing speaking with that damned wolf?” he demanded.

  I closed the door behind me and removed my coat, taking a great while to respond. Who the hell did he think he was, eavesdropping on me and in my own room, no less? “Just that—talking. Why were you watching me?”

  He ran an agitated hand through his hair, and I had to fight the urge to run my own fingers through the unruly waves. God, why did the bastard have to be so damned hot? It wasn’t fair!

  “Pelham alerted me that you’d gone down to talk to him.”

  Damn the nosy Pelham. I’d have words with him later about this, but for now, I had to face the angry countenance of one perturbed warlock.

  “What did he want from you?” Rand demanded.

  “To capture Cerberus, the guardian dog of Hades.” I paused for dramatic effect. “And using no weapons.”

  “Goddammit Jolie!”

  I held my hands out before me in a play of submission. “Okay, okay. God. He wanted to thank me, tell me he’s forever indebted to me, and I can rely on him and his pack to protect me should I ever need it,” I finished with smug satisfaction.

  “And that was it?” he asked, his shoulders loosening as he appeared to calm down.

  “That and he asked me to go to dinner with him,” I added with a grin.

  The anger returned to Rand’s face and his aura began to tinge with purple. “And of course you bloody well said no.”

  I took great care with pulling the French doors closed and locking them. Then I wiped my fingers along the panes and noted they were covered in dust. “Why would I say no? He’s very good looking, and I have no plans for Saturday,” I shrugged, feigning indifference.

  “Why would you say no?” Rand repeated, his gaze focused on my fingers as I rubbed them together trying to wipe away the residue of dirt. “Because he’s a wolf!”

  “What’s wrong with that? Are you racist?” I asked with a smile.

  “There are things you don’t know about the other creatures of the Underworld, Jolie. You have much to learn and shouldn’t be taking chances with a wolf. They’re renowned for being less than honest, and they take what they want.”

  I frowned, thinking I didn’t need this lecture. Trent seemed anything but dangerous. I was beginning to wonder if Rand was just paranoid. “Well, I guess I’ll have to find out for myself.”

  His mouth caught in a tight line. “You’re making a mistake.”

  “Are you finished?” I asked and turned away from him.

  “I don’t want you going to dinner with that wo
lf,” he said through gritted teeth.

  I turned to face him, ire building within me. Who the hell did he think he was? “Last I … I checked, you weren’t my father.”

  Dammit, I was starting to stutter. It only infuriated me more.

  “Perhaps that’s what you need,” he responded and stepped so close to me I could feel his breath against my cheek. I didn’t back down.

  “D … do you know what I think, Rand?” I asked in a low voice and didn’t wait for his response. “I think you’re j … just jealous because you want nothing more than to be in his place. You’re so afraid of ruining our relationship b … because I mean nothing but money to you that you won’t act on your feelings.”

  I was proud I was able to stand my ground and even with a few stutters, I spelled out in no uncertain terms exactly what I felt. Rand said nothing, but continued to glare at me, and I wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss me or scream. I returned his murderous gaze. Finally, without so much as a goodnight, he excused himself and left the room.


  “You look lovely,” Trent said as he withdrew my chair from the table.

  Mentally, I had to second his notion as I’d spent hours slaving over my appearance. With a little help of witch magic, I’d recreated a black sparkly dress Jennifer Aniston had worn to some awards show. I’d found the picture in one of Christa’s craptastic magazines. The dress hugged my curves, stopping just short of my knees. It plunged down in a low v in the front, revealing just enough cleavage to appear sexy but not slutty. I wore my hair down but ensured it was full of wavy curls and completed the elegant look with a pair of diamond earrings I’d borrowed from Christa.

  “Thank you, you look wonderful yourself,” I said and gave him the once over. He was dressed smartly in dark green slacks and a sweater the color of coffee—the kind with no milk. It looked like he’d gotten a haircut for the occasion and now wore it with a certain spikiness at the top.

  “I was surprised you agreed to have dinner with me actually.”

  “Then why did you ask me?”

  He shrugged and relaxed into the chair across from me. “No one can fault me for trying,” he said with a laugh before continuing. “I’d thought you and the warlock might’ve been involved.”

  The mention of Rand left me a bit cold as he and I hadn’t spoken since our altercation in my bedroom two days ago. He’d avoided me since then. He was becoming habitual about getting pissed off and then disappearing for at least a week. It annoyed me—when was I going to get over the jerk? I refocused my attentions on the handsome man before me and thought maybe he might be a solution to my problem.

  “He’s my employer … that’s it.”

  The waiter approached us and I couldn’t help but think that had I been with Rand, the waiter never would’ve ventured forth when we were in the midst of conversation. Ugh, I had to catch myself again.

  “We’d like a bottle of Chardonnay and the Bruschetta to start off with,” Trent said. The waiter took note and disappeared as Trent’s attention returned to me. “I hope you like Bruschetta and wine?”

  I downplayed the sense of irritation that snaked through me. It would’ve been nice if he’d asked me earlier, but I was determined to make this a successful date and wouldn’t hold it against him. I just nodded.

  “Where are you from?” I asked abruptly, trying to force my thoughts on calmer topics. I’d noticed upon first meeting Trent that he wasn’t from England—his accent was distinctly not English, but it wasn’t quite American either.

  “I’m originally from Russia, but moved to the US when I was very young.”

  “Ah, I thought you weren’t from the States.”

  Trent reclined in his chair and steepled his fingers in his lap. He regarded me coolly, his lips slightly upturned at the ends. “I thought my accent would’ve faded away after all these years. I …”

  “Do werewolves live forever like vampires?” I interrupted.

  Trent’s smile combined with the low candle light caused a flurry of butterfly-like activity in my stomach. I could get used to that sensual smile.

  “No, I’m afraid we’re not so lucky, or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. We age much slower than humans do, though. The average lifespan of a werewolf is about one hundred thirty years.”

  “How old are you?”

  He glanced down at his steepled fingers before returning his bedroom eyes to me. “Thirty-five.”

  I laughed, actually pleased with the fact that he wasn’t much older than I was. Any difference from Rand was a good one. “Sorry for interrupting, please go on.”

  He obeyed with that same sexy smile. “My pack and I only recently migrated to England to escape the clutches of Bella.”

  I straightened, my ears perking at the mention of Bella. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it seems the league of witches, now that they’ve joined the vampires, is getting more and more angry that the demons, fairies, and wolves haven’t joined ranks with them, and they’ve been hunting us out.”

  I glanced around the small, intimate restaurant. Only a few patrons sat scattered about and none seemed interested in our conversation. I leaned forward and lowered my voice. “Hunting you?”

  His hands broke from the steeple and turned into fists. “Yes, trying to set an example by imprisoning us and in some cases, even killing us.” His tone was so cold, I waited for his words to fall from the air, landing crystallized on the plate before him. “Their recruitment methods leave something to be desired.”

  I couldn’t suppress the chill of fear that seized my spine. “And have their tactics worked?”

  “Some of the wolves joined them while others migrated.” He quirked a brow. “I believe the wolf that attacked me was sent by Bella.”

  I instantly pictured Trent and the wolf that had lured him into the alley when he’d been shot … and killed by the human lurking in the darkness.

  “Sent by Bella?” I repeated.

  “Yes. She was holding me captive, but I managed to escape. Needless to say, she didn’t take it well that I’d outwitted her, so she sent her pack after me.” He frowned and tapped his fingers against the table, almost looking anxious. “No creatures can track quite so well as werewolves.”

  I was shocked to hear this, as I’d not thought Bella would resort to such violence. Apparently, she was set in her mission, and it made me wonder what this would mean for Rand and me. Bella still wanted me to join her—I was sure of that.

  I slowly turned my water goblet, watching the clear liquid slosh up one side, whirl in the middle, and slosh up the other side like a mini typhoon.

  “So you came here to escape persecution?”

  Trent nodded. “Word spread that your employer isn’t allied with Bella and therefore, his territory is safe. I believe we aren’t the only pack to migrate—there have been many others and will continue to be many others.”

  “I see.”

  I couldn’t control the racing of my heart. This was no little Underworld quarrel, but was shaping up to be a full-blown WWIII on the verge of erupting around me. I’d thought Bella had gone her separate way but now, it seemed she was of the belief that all creatures needed to join her union or suffer the consequences.

  “I believe you, yourself, are in danger as well—that’s why I offered my protection, and I meant it. Once I learned of your extraordinary power, I figured it would be a matter of time before Bella would want you for herself.”

  “She already made that known.”

  “Yes, well, I don’t suppose she will let it rest either. I don’t want to frighten you, but it’s best to be prepared. If you ever need me, don’t hesitate.”

  I nodded although I felt anything but sure. “Thank you.”

  “I’d hate to see her get her hands on you,” he said with a lascivious wink and it wasn’t hard to guess whose hands he’d love to see on me.

  I mentally pushed thoughts of Bella into the dark recesses of my mind. I’d need to revisi
t them later, which caused me chagrin. Recently I’d been pushing so many thoughts aside that I’m sure my mind looked like a closet stuffed to max capacity.

  “Are you flirting with me now?” I asked, figuring I’d give it a try myself.

  “I believe it could be construed as such.”

  “I bet you have quite a few lady friends?” I decided I could be as blunt as I liked with Trent. He seemed to wear his heart, or more pointedly, his libido, on his sleeve.

  “I just haven’t found that perfect one yet.”

  He probably liked sorting through the many in search of the one. “Don’t you think that perfect one would be a wolf?”

  He shrugged. “That’s what the elders would have me think, and they encourage us to mate with one another, but that cuts off a huge amount of very beautiful and eligible ladies, such as you.”

  Hmm, I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Mate? It sounded so animal kingdom. I’d need to protect myself—I didn’t want to be another notch on his bedpost. “Maybe you should know that I’m a bit more traditional. I’m not interested in one night stands.” I thought I’d give him an easy out.

  He just smiled. “You didn’t need to tell me that—I already knew. You’re a lady and I, myself, am not interested in one night stands either—not with you anyway.”

  I’m not an idiot, and this wolf didn’t know me so why was he feigning so much interest? Was he telling me the truth or was he just really really smooth? “So I should believe the playboy has changed his ways?”

  He nodded. “I’m up for the challenge, if you are.” As if to prove he was up for it, he leaned over and clasped my hand in his.

  Hmm, was I up for the challenge? It wasn’t as though I had a line of dates ready to go. I’d just need to guard myself, play it safe, so I wouldn’t get hurt.

  “Does this mean you’re asking me for a second date?”

  “I believe I am. When can I see you again? Tomorrow night?”

  I laughed. “You’re certainly eager. I think I’m free tomorrow night.”



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