Fantasy Friday

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Fantasy Friday Page 17

by Annalise Wells

  “Mmm, that’s nice,” she murmurs.

  My tongue traces a line up the length of her calf and around the back of her knees. I slowly caress her inner thighs with the tip of my tongue.

  Brooke’s body squirms as I move closer to her pussy. She whimpers with pleasure, and her hips raise and push her pussy toward my teasing tongue.

  “You have no idea,” Brooke murmurs.

  My tongue runs through the creases of her pussy, and I can already taste her juices. The musky aroma engulfing and enticing me nearer to her. My tongue pushes through the wet lips of her pussy. I lift my head as my tongue bobs over her wanting clit. I spread the soft folds of her pussy and flick the tip of my tongue frantically against her arousal.

  Brooke arches her back; her breasts rise upward as her ass lifts from the bed. She slides a pillow under her gyrating hips.

  “Alex, how long I have waited to say it?” she mumbles.

  “Say what?” I ask, getting a breath.

  “Just fuck me, fuck me quick,” she coos.

  I kneel between the junction of her perfect thighs, I stroke my throbbing shaft and bring myself to a full erection. I push my hips forward and then I slide the head of my hard cock between the wet lips of Brooke’s wanting pussy. She sucks in a deep breath, and I watch her caressing her breasts as her body is taken by pure lust and ecstasy.

  Inch after inch, I push my shaft deeper inside Brooke. Her hips buck wildly in response to my thrusting hips. She raises her legs as I drive myself deeper. I dig my fingers into her hips and grind my loins against the wetness of her aching pussy.

  “Alex, my god, this is Lovers Cove all over again,” she squeals.

  Brooke arches her hips wildly, she writhes deeply in sexual torment and moves with movements that match my rhythmic thrusting. I feel my body will finally reach the point when I have to explode. Where my hot seed will fill her.

  I feel Brooke as she wildly and provocatively pushes her grinding hips against me. “Alex, I am going to cum,” she mumbles as her body shivers beneath my slamming thrusts.

  “Hang on baby, I am almost there,” I mutter.

  Our bodies move together in total harmony as Brooke starts to shake and quiver. Her mouth opens and her eyes close as her body finally releases her in a glorious moment of sensations that flood from deep within her body.

  Brooke pulls on my shoulders, I feel my balls tighten and waves of warmth flood down my spine. My hips thrust twice and then a third time as my body releases me. I shoot deep inside of Brooke’s quivering body.

  Brooke pulls the soft pillow from under the smooth skin of her ass and drops it to the floor. I slide myself from between her quivering hips as I gasp for breath. I feel my heartbeat slowing as my body finally returns to normal.

  I turn my head to Brooke. “I never want to be apart from you ever again once this is over,” I say.

  “Same here, I have spent most of my life away from this sort of relationship, and with the will of God I will be by your side for as long as I can,” Brooke says.

  You put a lot of faith in God…

  “When do you think it will all be over?” Brooke asks.

  “Tomorrow is the last game, all I need is a player and the money from Beau,” I say.

  “Is there anything more I can do to help?” Brooke asks.

  “If you try and get hold of Shona and find out about the money and how they are going to send it, that would really help.”

  “I can do that, they should be leaving the bank soon,” Brooke replies.

  I stand from the bed and walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Everything is going to get really complex very soon…

  I wash my face and wrap myself in a towel. I walk back into the room, and Brooke is kneeling on the couch, looking from the window to the car where the watcher is sitting.

  “What are you staring at?” I ask.

  “I was just looking to see if Bell is still there?”

  “And is she?”

  “I’m not sure where she is, but the guy is not looking this way so I can sneak out,” Brooke adds.

  She dresses quickly and stands by the door. I see the guy rolling his head ‘round and ‘round. His hands grip his steering wheel.

  “It looks like he is having a yoga session or something,” I say.

  Brooke looks from the curtain, then she begins giggling.

  “What are you laughing at?” I ask. She is hilarious, sometimes.

  “Keep watching after I have gone,” she says.

  Brooke turns and kisses me passionately. “Keep your phone on,” I say.

  She opens the door and walks away from the guy’s car. She passes on the far side of the parking lot and walks on the edge of the road. I watch from the curtain as a head pops up from the guy's lap. A girl I guess is Bell leans to the window and spits. She wipes her mouth and smiles at the guy in the car. She steps out and walks away from him. He rests his head on his seat and then looks in my direction.

  I wave to him, and for once he actually smiles. “Christ he’s lucky!”

  “Getting what you want, can take a significant amount of sacrifice.”


  “A family that fights together stays together.”

  “Tell me everything that went on,” Bell says.

  I look at Bell strangely. It is a strange request, but there must be a reason for it.

  “We had sex,” I say.

  “No, not that sort of telling me everything, everything to do with Alex,” she replies.

  “Oh, sorry,” I say, my shoulders jiggling as I chuckle.

  “I said let’s run, but Alex is in-between a rock and a hard place. He has two more nights of poker to play for a guy called Mikey,” I say.

  “And then what, his debt is cleared?” Bell asks.

  “Not anywhere near, this card thing is just to give Alex extra time to get the money. He’s already had his hand smashed with a hammer,” I explain.

  “That’s a fucking rotten win-win situation for this Mikey,” Bell answers.

  “Yeah, it sucks big time. On top of this, he has a plan,” I say.

  Bell looks at me. “A plan for what?”

  “This game is with some mega-rich Russian mobsters. This Mikey wants to clean them out,” I say. “Alex wants to get a player into the game and win the final hand which will be everything in the pot.”

  “Is he crazy? How much money is going to be involved?” Bell asks.

  “Upwards of ten million,” I reply.

  “Holy fuck, you can die for less than that,” Bell says. I can see she is thinking.

  I turn back to Bell. “So far, his mate Brent has managed to get onto the rotation as the final dealer. According to Alex, he is a whizz with a pack of cards,” I explain.

  “It sounds very unsafe, to say the least,” Bell says. She frowns and looks at me seriously.

  “Alex and Brent have had a few games where they have been able to influence a game, you know. They have cheated.”

  “That is absolutely fucking marvelous, but how are they going to walk away from the Russian mob if they get caught?” Bell says plainly.

  “That is why they want a player, they don’t want to get caught,” I say.

  Bell pulls the car into an ice cream parlor and steps from the car. “Are you coming or what?” she asks.

  “You want ice cream?” I ask, unsure of her plans.

  “I have just blown a complete stranger, I think the best thing you can do is treat me,” Bell says laughing.

  I slap her on the ass as she climbs the wooden steps. “Don’t do that, it will get you into trouble,” she says.

  “I have Alex back now, I have no need for your sexy body,” I reply, lifting my head like a snob.

  “Be careful, I might just treat the both of you together,” Bell says.

  “Don’t get too confident, he is as honest as they come where I’m involved,” I reply.

  Bell pulls open the door to the ice cream parlor. The air is cool
and the smell of chocolate and strawberries fills the air.

  “I will grab a table, just order me anything.” I sit by the window.

  Bell walks over with two over-sized glasses full of chocolate, banana and vanilla ice cream. Slices of banana protrude from the scoops that are shoved at the top of the glass.

  “This is a hell of an ice cream,” I say.

  “It was a long fucking blowjob I had to give that guy, you took ages,” Bell says.

  “What do you expect? I mean, we haven’t seen each other for, well, a few days,” I say, scooping a slice of banana.

  “So, what were you saying about the money?” Bell asks.

  I look at my watch. “Oh fuck, I have forgotten to call Shona. Hang on,” I say.

  I grab my phone and scroll through my contact list. My finger stops at ‘S,' and I hit dial on Shona’s name and put the phone on speaker.

  “It sounds like they are not going to answer. Come on, please answer…


  “Hello, Shona is that you?” I ask.

  “Yes, it is a bit noisy, but I can hear you,” she yells back.

  “How did you get on at the bank?” I say.

  “We got the money, they just took time to count half a million.”

  “Half a million?” I ask.

  “Yeah, we didn’t want to take any chances,” Shona says.

  “Why is it so noisy? Where are you?”

  “Half way,” Shona yells.

  “Half way where?” I ask.

  “I am half way to Vegas,” Shona yells. The buzzing noise is driving me crazy.

  “What, you are coming here?”

  “Yes, Beau didn’t want to wire that much, it causes too many problems,” she replies.

  “How long before you are here?” I say loudly.

  “Just under two hours,” Shona shouts.

  “We will meet you at the airport,” I say.

  “Go to the private part, not the commercial. I am in a red private jet.”

  “You have a private jet?”

  “One of Beau's toys.”

  “Is Beau with you?”

  “No, he has flown back to Jamaica, he wants to make sure everything is ready,” Shona says.

  “We will see you in a while,” I say.

  Shona cuts the call, and I look up at Bell. “I’m not sure how that will affect Alex’s plan. He was expecting the money to be wired.

  “There has to be a way out of it, somehow,” Bell says.

  “Only Alex will know, but at least we are aware we have the money,” I add.

  Bell looks at me with wide eyes. “That is if he doesn’t lose it.”

  “Will everyone stop looking down on things, we all need to think positively,” I say. “Chapter Two… verse one.”

  “What is that? Another quote from your Bible?” Bell asks.

  “No, it’s from the ‘Good Book of Brooke.’ Stop putting a dampener on things,” I say, laughing a nervous laugh.

  “Finish your ice cream, we need to get to the airport,” Bell says.

  “What a freakin’ week this is turning out to be,” I say plainly.

  We arrive at the airport and go to the private sector. We sit waiting at the gate for a red jet to land.

  I look at Bell. “You know, I can still taste banana every time I burp.”

  “Stop burping then.”

  “Nerves. I burp when I get nervous.”

  “You weren’t nervous last night,” she says.

  “Whiskey, I’ve never had it before,” I reply.

  “It seems there are a lot of things you have never done before,” Bell says. She can smell it a mile away. The truth of things.

  “So, I lived a sheltered life, don’t hold it against me,” I say plainly.

  I slide from the hood of the car. I see in the distance a plane is coming in, ready to land. My fingers clutch the chain link of the gate as it gets closer.

  I jump up and down. “It’s Shona,” I scream.

  “How long have you known her? I mean, it sounds like you have known her for years,” Bell says.

  “About a week max,” I say.

  “So, you’ve only just met Alex as well?” she asks.

  “Yeah, a few days before Shona,” I reply.

  “And you are head over heels already?” Bell says.

  “I think I am,” I say as I turn my head away from the gate.

  “Why the fuck doesn’t it happen to me?”

  “Don’t worry, you will find someone who deserves you,” I reply.

  “It’s a real motherfucker, everyone I meet gets hooked up, and I still stay single,” Bell says.

  “Maybe the guys are scared of you.”

  The plane lands and stops just past the gate. Shona comes down the steps carrying two bags. I whistle through the gate, and she looks up at me. The security opens the gate, and Shona drops the bags to the floor as she reaches our side of the fence.

  I fling my arms around her as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. “We have found Alex,” I say.

  “Thank God for that, is he okay?” Shona asks.

  “So far, but things are a little more complicated,” I reply.

  “Why does that not sound too unfamiliar?” Shona says, giving a huge hug.

  “You know… life is always complicated,” I say, truthfully.

  Shona walks over to Bell and gives her a big hug. “Everyone says hi, and a big thank you,” Shona says.

  “Get off with you, you will have me all emotional,” Bell says.

  “They all miss you, you should come and visit, or at least visit the new club once it’s done,” Shona says.

  “I might just hold you to that,” Bell says, happily smiling.

  “You know you are more than welcome anytime, you are family.”

  “Follow me, we have so much to tell you, and Alex is going to be over the moon,” I say.

  “Just for the money?” Shona says, sarcastically.

  “Of course not, you know he loves you,” I reply.

  “Same here, but you know Alex,” she replies.

  “A family that fights together stays together.”


  “God chooses who he listens to, it can seem unfair when it is not you.”

  I was just about to rest for a while, and I hear the door open. I pull the cushion from my face and Brent comes steaming into his apartment.

  “What are you doing home so early?” I ask.

  Brent sits on the arm and catches his breath. “Have you seen her?” he asks.

  “If you mean Brooke, then yes, I have,” I reply. I smile a huge grin.

  “I couldn’t wait, and I bet she hasn’t said anything, well she wouldn’t have. It’s only because I know that I could see it,” Brent rattles on, like a loud machine gun.

  “Just calm down a moment, relax and tell me what the hell you’re on about,” I say.

  “The player for tomorrow night,” Brent says.

  “What about it?” I ask.

  “It is Brooke, trust me,” he says.

  I burst into a fit of laughter. “You have got to be kidding me,” I say.

  Brent shakes his head. “Trust me, if you want to do this, Brooke has to be the final player, she is the only one who can do it.” He looks at me seriously.

  “What makes you so sure?” I ask.

  “I was talking away, and just as I turned away, she said, ‘Thank you, Brent.’”

  “So what? I mean she is polite,” I comment, confused by his pressing of the subject.

  Brent points to the space over the pocket on his jacket. “Do you notice anything that is not there?” he asks, sarcastically.

  “You have no name badge, so what?” I say.

  “Well, how did Brooke know my name?” Brent asks.

  “You must have told her, or she had heard it,” I say plainly.

  “Alex, don’t fight it, Brooke is the one who can make it all happen,” Brent snaps. “Phone her and get her here, we will see,” Brent

  “What about the guy outside?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry about him, you are not going out, they are coming in,” he replies.

  I pull out my cell phone and call Brooke. “Hi, just quickly, where are you, and how quick can you get here?” I ask.

  “Ten to fifteen minutes,” Brooke replies.

  “Come back here,” I say.

  “Okay see you in a while,” she says as I hang up the call.

  “I don’t know how you have this notion Brooke can play cards,” I say plainly.

  “I don’t think she can play cards, I think she can see them.”

  “Utter bullshit,” I reply.

  “As a gambling man. I will bet you.”

  “What’s the bet?” I ask.

  “I get to sleep with her,” Brent says.

  “You must be joking, get out of here.”

  Brent goes to get his pack of playing cards. He sits at the table and practices his shuffling.

  I look from the window. I see three women walking across the parking lot. I look back into the room.

  “Three women?” I say.

  I pull on the door handle as I hear the knock on the door. Bell walks in, Brooke follows, and the last lady is…

  “Shona, oh wow. I am so glad to see you here,” I say.

  “I am glad to see you are alive and kicking,” she says as she dumps her bags onto the floor.

  “What is in the bags?” I ask.

  “What do you think?” she replies.

  “Oh, I assumed you were going to wire it,” I say, shocked.

  “Too risky, it might get lost.”

  “Tell her about the plan,” Brent says.

  “Yes Alex, tell me about the plan.” She looks at me with a raised brow.

  “It is a long story. I have to play four games for Mikey against the Russian mob,” I say. “Are you with me?”

  Shona nods.

  “Right, the last game is a winner takes all, and anyone who has lost tonight gets replaced in the last game.”

  Shona “ums” and “ahhs” a little.

  “Brent has got in as the dealer. I am the star player. And I just need another player who I can lose to on the last hand,” I explain, in fast detail.


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