Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Susan Hayes

  He fished her key card out of her back pocket with one hand and opened the door to their room. He moved so fast they were across the floor and on the bed before the latch even clicked shut behind them.

  “Clothes off. I want to see you,” he ordered, already pulling his own shirt over his head. He had decided on a plan of action. The first thing he was going to do was kiss every bruise and injury her bastard ex had inflicted, and then he was going to make sure she knew just what would happen whenever she got sassy with him. After that, he intended to make love to her until she was screaming his name loud enough they’d hear it in the cafeteria three floors down.

  * * * *

  Michelle watched him strip off his top, anticipation and annoyance warring for control of her emotions. As he bared his chest and revealed the heavily muscled torso beneath, her sense of anticipation finally won out. She drank in his powerful build and felt her entire body heat at the thought of what was to come. She wanted him, all of him, in every way. She intended to have him, now and always. She mirrored his actions and began to draw her blouse over her head, gasping in surprise as his hands cupped her breasts, his touch warm through the fabric of her bra. “I need to see where he hurt you, baby.” His voice was softer than it had been a moment ago, the commanding edge gone now.

  “I’m okay, Sin.” She finished tugging her shirt free and smiled as she saw him leaning over her. His eyes were full of desire that was tempered with deep concern. “I wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t stepped into the circle though.” She covered his hands with her smaller ones. “I think— I think he was trying to take me with him into the prison. That’s what it felt like anyway. It was like he was pulling at me, and I felt stretched out, like a bubble blown so big it’s about to burst. Or maybe he was just hanging onto me because I was the only thing he could get hold of. I don’t know. I just know that if you hadn’t been there, something terrible would have happened to me. You kept your promise. You protected me.”

  “I told you I would.” He leaned in further and kissed the tender spot beside her mouth, then trailed his lips lower, leaving a fiery path across her skin. He kissed her again, just above her collarbone, his hands moving to unfasten her bra. She gave in to temptation and reached for his hair, tugging at the leather thong he’d use to fasten it into a club, wanting to feel his hair free and loose between her fingers. A low groan rumbled from deep in his chest, and she worked her fingers deeper, drawing him closer as she inhaled the masculine scent that was uniquely his. Dark and faintly spicy, it made her mouth water with a hunger that had nothing to do food.

  He coaxed her to lie back, cradling her body gently until she was reclined on the bed. Her hands were still wrapped in his hair, and his lips were still branding her skin wherever they touched. Gently, so gently, he kissed his way down her body, and she realized he was making an intimate inventory of her injuries. Kissing every mark and bruise she had acquired in the last few days.

  “They’ll heal,” she murmured, and she knew there was a powerful truth to her words. The bruises would heal, and so would she. The nightmare she’d been living through was finally over.

  “If I had done my job better, you wouldn’t have so many.” She heard the lingering regret in his words.

  “If you hadn’t protected me, I’d of been lost so many times. Will you please stop feeling guilty? You saved me. You always save me. You’ve done it in every lifetime we’ve had together, in every incarnation. I don’t care if you believe it or not, but I know it’s true. You and I, we’re soul mates, and that’s that. I have your word, every time I sass you, you’re going to carry me off like you just did. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a commitment, big boy. You and I, we’re going to have a lifetime together.” She couldn’t help but grin at him as he leaned up to stare at her. “So you better get used to getting sassed, Sinjin Heath.”

  Heat flared in his eyes, and a low growl rumbled up from his chest. “Big boy? Are you sassing me again, baby?”

  “Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?” She could barely get the words out past the thundering of her heart, which felt like it was lodged high in her throat, making it hard to breathe.

  “Minx. I think you know exactly what I am going to do about it.” The commanding edge was back in his voice now, and it sent a thrilling tingle down her back, all the way to her toes. He shifted and then stood up, his hands on the fly of her jeans. He undid them quickly and peeled them off with a smooth motion that left her bare legged and gasping in surprise. His face was a study in intensity as he raked his gaze over her body and she knew he could see what she could only feel, the flush of heat staining her skin and the tight buds of her nipples, along with the telltale moisture she knew was pooling between her legs and dampening her panties.

  “These are very pretty, but they have to go.” He reached down and snagged his fingers in the sides of her underwear, tearing it away and letting the pale-pink concoction of lace and satin flutter from his fingers to the floor. “Hands and knees, right now.”

  For a moment, she considered arguing, but the look in his eyes and her own, surprising yearning to follow his orders stopped her protests and she did as she was told. She rolled over onto her stomach and then rose up on her hands and knees. Her braided hair slid over her shoulder, partially blocking her view as she glanced back to look at him. Anticipation made her skin tingle again, and her stomach felt as though it were stuffed full of butterflies. As he moved in behind her, she held her breath, waiting. And waiting, and waiting some more. She glanced back again in confusion and saw him wink at her as their eyes met, his thumbs hooked into the waistband of his jeans, unmoving.

  “Patience, baby, I’m just enjoying the view.”

  “You son of a—” Irritation spiked through her, and she started to move, only to find his hands clamping firmly around her hips a second later.

  “Oh no you don’t! You stay right there, and no more peeking.”

  She heard the amusement in his voice and huffed in frustration, “Having fun?”

  “You have no idea how much I like just looking at you, Michelle.” His fingers stroked her, and he moved close enough she could feel his breath fan over her back, sending a flurry of goose bumps chasing over her skin. She felt his hands slide down her hips to her thighs and then let go of her, and a second later the telltale buzz of a zipper being opened filled the silence. She heard the slide of fabric over skin and knew he was naked now. She found the urge to peek back at him too much to resist. She twisted her head and felt a quick flash of pain in her left ass cheek before she could even move her head all the way around.

  “I said no peeking.” She felt his lips brush over the spot where he’d bit her, kissing away the sting.

  “You bit me!”

  “And you tasted amazing.” His mouth opened, and she felt the slow, sensuous caress of his tongue dragging over her skin. “Like creamed honey.”

  She managed to stay still as his hands slid up her thighs, light and teasing as they moved over her, never staying still long enough to give her more than a taste of pleasure. His caress moved up over her hips and then inward, dancing along her spine. Next he stroked down over the curve of her buttocks. Sparks seemed to come from his fingers wherever he touched her. His fingers swirled, drawing patterns of desire across her body as he let his hands drift ever so slowly toward her pussy. Michelle’s lungs didn’t want to work right, and she had to fight to keep her breathing steady as she mentally willed him to move his hands closer to where she needed him most. As his fingers brushed higher, she shivered, and her legs parted in silent invitation.

  “Tell me what you need from me, baby.”

  Her brain stuttered as he ran a single finger over the seam of her pussy, and she nearly lost the ability to speak. “Touch—” She gasped and drew in a ragged breath before trying again. “Touch me, please.”

  “Where do you want me to touch you?” His voice curled around her, warm and sensuous, every word making her heart beat even fast

  “Please, Sin, please!” She bowed her head and rocked backward, grinding herself against his hand. His chuckle was rich with notes of desire, and he relented, sliding his finger between her folds and stroking her slowly, end to end.


  “Yes, touch me there!” She couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of her mouth, didn’t care that she was begging. “Please, Sin, I need you.”

  “You have me, baby.” He stroked her again, long and slow before sheathing his thick thumb inside her slick pussy, his fingers teasing her clit out from beneath its hood of flesh, pinching her lightly. In and out, his thumb moved in time to the teasing of his fingertips, and she began moving to the same rhythm, increasing the pressure as much as she could, needing more. She bucked her hips, trying to urge him to move faster, but instead he slowed down and laughed softly.

  “You and I need to work on your patience.”

  “Not today we’re not.” She tossed a frustrated look over her shoulder and then yelped in surprise as his free hand came down on her ass, hard enough to sting.

  “I said no peeking.” His fingers kept up their exquisite torment, keeping her just on the edge of an orgasm. She lowered her head again, aroused and panting, trembling with the need to come. She felt his hand leave her backside, and this time she knew what to expect as his hand came down again, slightly higher this time. His swat was timed to hit just as his fingers stroked over her clit, and she heard herself moan loudly. Her entire focus was on what his hands were doing to her, pleasure counterpointed by the slightest of pains.

  “You’re gorgeous, Michelle. Seeing you like this, fuck, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  His palm caressed the globe of her ass where he’d smacked her, and she pressed herself against it, unable to answer with anything more than another moan. Finally his fingers began to move quicker. They pleasured her where before they had been teasing, and soon his touch was driving her toward her release with breathtaking speed. Just as she crested the wave of pleasure, she felt the stinging shock of Sinjin’s hand on her ass again, and then she was coming. Coming so hard she felt as though she were flying apart, her world full of light and noise and pleasure piled upon pleasure.

  She was still trying to catch her breath and find her scattered wits when she felt him move up behind her, the thick head of his cock pressing against her pussy, just a thrust away from entry.

  “I need you.” His body draped itself over her, his chest against her back, one powerful arm curving around, just beneath her breasts.

  “Not yet.” She shifted forward just enough to separate them, ignoring the screaming protest of her body as she fought to keep her mind on what she wanted, truly wanted. Him.

  “Michelle.” He groaned her name in protest, his hand cupping one breast, stroking her nipple until it pebbled beneath his fingers.

  “I love you.” She whispered the words. Her body trembled with need and fear, fear that he’d reject her even after all they’d been through. “I love you, and I want to be part of your life, always.”

  She heard his breath hiss over his teeth, felt his body tense wherever they were touching. “You shouldn’t,” he finally answered her. “You can do better.”

  She laughed, unable to help herself. “Is that the best argument you’ve got? Really?” She leaned back just enough to tease him, turning her head to watch his expression as she let their bodies touch and then part again.

  “Michelle!” He growled her name, and she watched his eyes close as he fought to keep control, his hips arching forward even as he shook his head in denial. “I can’t…”

  “The big strong soldier can’t say three little words?” She pushed at him, knowing this was the moment that would make or break both their lives. “You aren’t afraid of anything or anyone, so why are you afraid of this?”

  “Because.” She felt him shudder as his arms wrapped around her and held her so tight she could barely breathe. “Because it’s you, and this is forever. I know it is. And you deserve so much better than me.”

  “Stop trying to protect me, Sin. It’s already too late for that. I already love you.” She rocked back against him again, letting their bodies meet and merge, the tip of him just inside her, teasing them both.

  She heard him sigh, and then he finally said the words she knew to be the truth. “I love you, too,” he whispered into her ear and thrust himself deep inside of her, claiming her body and her heart.

  “Love you so much, need you so much,” he chanted softly as he made love to her. He held her to him as he drove deep, filling her, stretching her until she was quivering on the edge of bliss. Every nerve and fiber of her body sang with pleasure. She clamped her inner walls around him, part of her wanting to lock him inside of her forever. His cock thickened and grew impossibly harder as his release neared. She gripped him again, heard him groan as her efforts brought him to the end of his control. He thrust once, then twice, his body out of control with desire as he spent himself inside her. On the last thrust, she came, too, her orgasm blazing through her entire body like a wildfire.

  They both collapsed onto the bed, boneless and spent, with their limbs tangled together and their hearts beating as one. It was a long time before either of them moved, but eventually Sinjin eased himself off of her, flopping onto his side with a breathless chuckle before reaching out and gathering her to his chest. “You realize now I’ve said it, you’re never getting rid of me?”

  “I know.” She nuzzled his cheek, unable to stop the goofy grin she knew was on her face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She squirmed in his arms until they were nose-to-nose. “I’ve been thinking about what Anya said, that I wasn’t the only one having problems like these.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like where this is headed?”

  “Because you have excellent instincts Mr. Heath, they’re a match for your exceptionally hot bod.”

  “Flattery will get you only so far, baby. So tell me, what’s this idea of yours?”

  “Robert left me everything in his will. It’s more than I will ever be able to spend, even if I spoil us both rotten.”

  “Holy shit, you are rich, aren’t you? I had totally forgotten about that. Wherever Robert is, I hope he enjoys knowing I’m going to be living in the lap of luxury thanks to him.”

  “I hope he knows it, too. But Sin, there’s more then we’ll ever need. So I was thinking that maybe you and I should try and help other people, people like me. Do you think Remington would be interested in doing that? Using Paladin’s resources and my money to make a difference?”

  “I think he might, yeah.” Sin sounded thoughtful as he gathered her into his arms. “We could base it right here in Seattle. We’d need Anya’s help though.”

  “We’d need plenty of help. But I think it could work. You and Paladin protected me when I needed it, and now I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted and a lot more besides. I think we should help others have that chance.”


  Six months later

  Sinjin strode down the hallway and stopped at the last room on the left, not bothering to knock as he pushed the door open and entered. Sunlight filled the space, streaming in through the windows that lined the outer wall and highlighting Michelle’s lithe frame. She stood quietly, looking out over the Seattle skyline. Her hair flared gold and platinum, falling around her face as she turned to smile at him.

  “How do you like my new office?” She opened her arms to indicate the space they stood in.

  “Your new office?” Sin paused and then shook his head. “Baby, you’re mistaken. This is my new office.”

  “Nope.” She shot him a grin that he knew meant they were about to have one of their now infamous fights. “I’ve been talking to Geoff, and we’ve decided that I’m not going to be as silent a partner as you wanted me to be.”

  “Oh you did, did you?” He glanced around at the furniture and realized that although it was similar to what h
e had ordered, it was not exactly the same style. “And did you decide to redecorate my office at the same time?”

  “Well, it’s my office now, so yes. You’re getting the corner suite across the hall.” Her arms crossed over her chest, and she gave him an even bigger grin. “It’s larger than this one, and I know how you boys all feel about size.”

  “Minx.” He pulled himself to his full height and glowered at her, loving the fact she was completely immune to his attempts to intimidate her. Six months had seen so many changes in both their lives, all of them for the better. She was full of confidence these days, and more than a little sass. He loved it, almost as much as he loved her.

  “So what exactly is it you’re going to do sitting here in my office? You don’t know a thing about security protocols or running a paramilitary unit. And the last time I checked, you were happy spending your time putting together that charity for the victims of domestic abuse.”

  “Oh, I’m still very happy with the charity, but I need something else to do with my time.”

  “And that would be?” He arched a brow at her, waiting to hear what she had to say.

  They’d come up with the idea to expand Paladin’s services together, but until now Michelle had never expressed any interest in being more than a silent partner. She’d invested the money, but it was going to be his to run. Division S was a uniquely designed unit that would specialize in supernatural cases. Anya had assured them that there was a need for their services, and had brought in contacts and people with talents and abilities he hadn’t known existed. They even had a medium and a telepath coming to work with them, along with Anya herself. It had taken months to identify the right members of Paladin’s security forces and then train them in skills none of them had ever imagined they’d need.


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