The Sundering

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by Janelle Peel



  A Clutch Mistress Book

  Janelle Peel

  Amazon Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2018 Janelle Peel

  Illustrated by Elaine Newsome

  To be notified when Janelle Peel’s next book is released, follow her online at

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  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations used for promotion or in reviews.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, businesses, locales or events is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18



  Mel has traveled to Mexico with Viv and Jackson to give Nat some distance.

  Kane moved his entire Pack from the mansion.

  Lila’s powers are growing. New abilities emerge every day.

  Tragedy strikes from multiple angles; leaving Sora and Blaze scrambling to pick up the pieces.

  A new threat looms on the horizon and cannot be ignored.

  Can the Clutch come together in time to stop the world from burning?

  Find out in, The Sundering.

  Dear reader,

  While this book can be read alone, it is highly recommended that you read the entire series, in order. Important events have been skimmed over, but not detailed. I have included a Glossary at the end of the book for your convenience.

  ~Happy reading,


  For my Beta Readers,

  Thank you all so much for listening to my thoughts. Each one of you has brought something to the table. Without your encouragement, none of this would be possible.


  Chapter 1


  Stepping from the shower, I perused my reflection in the floor length mirror.

  A complete stranger stared back.

  Nearly five foot ten, I was taller than both Sora and Nat. Thick, black lashes framed my eyes. Normally a pale blue, they had almost constantly taken on the appearance of cracked ice, ever since… Jerking my chin sharply; water sprayed against the glass with the motion of my damp tresses.

  I would not think of that. Nope.

  Toweling off, my mind replayed the scene regardless.

  My chest felt like it was caving in. He couldn’t go. Sitting on the king sized bed, I whispered past the ache, “Why are you leaving?”

  Slamming the dresser drawer, my uncle finally looked up, “I can’t stay, Bex. Not without knowing what Nat wants…” he shook his head. “It’s too difficult. Kane and I had an agreement. If she couldn’t decide, we were going to settle the matter ourselves.” Sighing, he zipped the suitcase. “Nat’s broken. If we fought now, it’d only make things worse.”

  I scoffed at his audacity, “Are you freaking kidding me? You say she’s broken, yet you’re leaving? How the fuck does that make sense?”

  His orbs flashed to amber as a growl rumbled from the back of his throat, “Watch your mouth, pup.”

  Crossing my arms, I jutted my chin defiantly. This was crap and he knew it.

  Clenching his lids closed, the tense lines of his shoulders drooped, “Please try to understand, Bex. She needs time to come to terms with what happened.” Brown once more, his gaze begged me to understand.

  “So, you’d leave me if things got too,” I air quoted, “‘difficult?’”

  Lowering to his knees, he pulled me into a rough hug, “I would never leave you, Bex. This is just temporary.”

  Pushing him away, I stood, “Temporary? Really? No, Uncle. You can’t handle what she’s going through and you’re leaving.” Standing, I stormed to the door. Flinging it open, I glared at his back, “You’re a coward.”

  Softly, he murmured, “Goodbye, Bex. I love you.”

  Shaking my head, I left him on the floor.

  A single tear trickled down my cheek. It had been almost a year since I’d seen him. He kept in contact with Sora, but I refused to speak with him. Every text he sent went unanswered.

  Kane hadn’t tried to contact me in months.

  Temporary my ass.

  Calling to my center, my hand lit with an azure glow. Touching my cheek, the salty drop of water froze. Gathering it in one fist, I pulled more magic from my well. White light flashed, coloring spots in my vision. Uncurling my fingers, I inspected the tiny diamond. Flawless, it cast a mini rainbow against my creamy skin.

  Placing it with the others inside a bowl on the vanity, I marveled at my collection. At least a few hundred sparkled back, and each one was absolutely perfect.

  The trick had come to me when Sora encouraged the use of my magic. Luck would have it I could even pull water from the air.

  This made me uniquely qualified to babysit Lila. My lips lifted at the thought of the sweet little toddler.

  Dressing in a teal tunic and leggings, I left my room.


  “Don’t you dare, Lila. I know you don’t like peas, but you need to eat them.”

  Blaze attempted a stoic façade as his shoulders shook with barely contained laughter.

  Throwing him a stern look, I glanced back at the smoking vegetables on our daughter’s plate. No matter how hard I tried, she hated anything green.

  Clapping her hands, she giggled as Bex strolled into the dining room. The stars lighting her sapphire eyes began to swirl as she focused on the lone sphere she missed.

  Within a blink, a layer of frost covered the tray of her highchair.

  Lila grinned at the new challenge.

  “If you eat your last pea,” Bex cajoled, “I’ll watch Bubble Guppies with you for an hour.”

  Instantly, she grabbed the cold ball in one small hand and popped it into her mouth.

  Oh, thank the Goddess for Bex. Her expertise was most appreciated.

  Deftly, she unbuckled Lila and settled her on one hip, “How late are you two staying out tonight?”

  Sitting back, I took in her tall form. Mature beyond her years and whip crack intelligent, her supermodel body still shocked the hell out of me. It seemed like only yesterday she was frolicking after butterflies on the lawn. I didn’t quite understand the logistics, but Mel explained her growth was due to her prolonged exposure as a Wolf. Shrugging away the thought, I answered, “A few hours. We should be home by midnight.”

  “Gup, gup, guppy!” Lila sang, bouncing up and down.

  “Shh,” Bex soothed, “in just a minute. Where are you off to?”

  Standing, Blaze rumbled, “Drinks and a movie.”

  Clearing my throat, I added, “He loves the Star Wars series.”

  Ears redd
ening, Blaze averted his face and muttered something about getting our coats.

  Chuckling, I watched his jeans flex with every step as he strode to the foyer. Thickly corded in muscle, I never tired of exploring every inch of his body. I was one lucky woman.

  Bex winked, “He’s still got it, huh?”

  Ducking my head, I blushed, “That he does. Now, you have our cell numbers. Lila has a spare monitor-”

  Rolling her eyes, she cut me off, “I know, Sora. I’ve got this. Go. Have some fun.”

  Hesitating, I debated whether to ask if she’d take Lila to see Nat. She’d seemed better after her birthday, but things had taken their toll. If she wasn’t patrolling the grounds, she was sulking in her room. I’d tried multiple things to cheer her up, but it seemed she was only truly happy around the younger duo.

  Intuiting my thoughts, she nodded, “Lila, how about we get Nat to watch your show with us? Would you like that?”

  “Nat, Nat!” Lila squealed, straightening her legs to get down.

  Gently, Bex lowered her to the endless black carpet. Following the exuberant three year old from the kitchen, she threw over her shoulder, “Go, Sora. Before she notices. Everything will be fine!”

  Blaze returned with my jacket, “Come, Love.”

  Unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong, my brow furrowed. Plucking my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, I shot off a text to Mason.

  ‘Perimeter all right?’

  Instantly, he replied, ‘Yes, Mistress. All is well.’

  “What is it?” Blaze growled, reading the display.

  Biting my lip, I shook my head, “I don’t know. I just have this… feeling. I can’t explain it.”

  “We can stay, it’s fine.”

  Looking into his understanding cobalt orbs, I caved, “No, let’s go. I’m sure it’s nothing.”


  Pulling a box from the top shelf of the closet, I slowly lifted the lid. My fingers trembled as I caressed the worn leather collar. Inhaling, scents of the forest met my nose. For the millionth time since Kane left, I wondered where he was. It felt like a lifetime since I’d seen him. My chest pinched uncomfortably at the thought.

  A loud hump hit the door followed by an outraged cry.

  Closing the cover, I quickly tucked my treasure back into its hiding place.

  Bex’s muffled voice carried from the hall, “You’re all right, hush. The door is closed, sweets. Why don’t you knock?”

  “Nat! Guppy!”

  The numbness surrounding my heart melted. Moving to the entry, I turned the handle and spilled Lila at my feet. Plucking her from the floor, I nuzzled her cheek, “Hey, babe. What’s this I hear about a Guppy?”

  Gleefully, she grinned, “Bubble Guppies!”

  Bex leaned against the frame with a fond expression, “She wants you to join us.”

  Lila’s swirling eyes widened, “Pease, Nat?”

  Grinning at her innocence, I injected enthusiasm into my voice, “Of course! I’d love to watch your show!”

  An hour later, Lila snored softly against my shoulder. Flicking off the massive projector, I whispered, “I’ll take her to the nursery.”

  Our procession to her room was silent. As I settled her small frame inside the crib, Bex tucked her blanket carefully around her.

  Stepping into the hall, I closed the door.

  Bex gave me a knowing look, “So…”

  Shit. Her sense of smell was on point. Rolling a shoulder, I played dumb, “So?”

  Her eyes hardened, “Rec room, now. We need to talk.”

  Dread slithered down my spine as she walked away.

  I did not want to have this conversation, but it seemed she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Pulling up my big girl panties, I closed the distance between us.

  “I still don’t know what to do, Bex.”

  Her pace increased as she sniffed the air, “Lie.” Turning the corner, she made a bee line for the bar, “Pick your poison, and yes, we are talking about this.”

  Stalling near the pool table, I wondered how our roles had reversed. She was now the adult and I was the sulking child. Rounding my shoulders, I moved to a rotating stool, “Whiskey, please.”

  As she busied herself with the bottle, I tried to wrangle my emotions, “It’s hard-”

  She stilled, “Hard? Are you really going to play that? You’ve had almost a year to get your shit together, Nat. I’m done. I know what you were doing in your room.” Grabbing a rocks glass, she filled it to the brim.

  Taking the cup between my palms, I took a long drink before replying, “You don’t understand, Bex. Whatever I decide has consequences.”

  She scoffed, “Seriously? Aren’t we already living with those consequences? My Uncle is gone. The Pack is being run by Jonas. Kane and his Wolves are Goddess know where. How much more fucked up can it get?”

  “Yes, but-”

  Slamming her fist on the oak, her irises pulsed like a stone skipping across the water, “There is no but. We’ve hit bottom. You were smelling Kane’s jacket. Admit it.”

  My cheeks pinked, “I was, okay? Are you happy now?”

  Her lips thinned, “No.”

  Throwing my arms wide, I growled, “What the hell do you want from me, Bex?”

  Lifting the bottle to her mouth, her expression dared me to say something about her underage drinking.

  I sucked in a sharp breath, but wisely remained silent.

  She chugged for a moment as her nose wrinkled in distaste. Lowering the whiskey back to the bar, she coughed.

  Smirking at her reaction, I polished off my own cup.

  Giving me the stank eye, she refilled it, “It seems to me you’ve already made your decision. Now you just have to own it.”

  I shook my head, “If I choose Kane, where does that leave Mel? Or you for that matter?”

  Her brow furrowed, “No less fucked than I already am. As it is, I have neither in my life.”

  She was right. I was being completely selfish. My fear over making the wrong choice was costing everyone. Her most of all.

  “I’m not mad,” she shrugged. “I just want you to be happy. Right now, no one is.”

  My eyes pricked, “What will happen here? I don’t want to leave, Bex. This is my home.”

  Her hand closed over mine, “It will always be your home. Granted, I’d rather it was my Uncle, but the choice is yours. I can’t fault you for how you feel. The rest is logistics. Anything is better than living a half life.”

  All Mother, she’d grown up so much, and I’d missed it. Sure, I had a good reason. Murdering an entire race of people we were both related to, but it still didn’t make things right. Was it really so simple? Choose, and let the cards fall where they may?

  The ice coloring her orbs thawed to a beautiful sky blue. Using her finger, she caught the tear slowly tracing down my cheek. My magic flared as she called to her own. Turning my hand over, she dropped something into my open palm.

  I stared in shock at the clear stone, “W-when did you? H-how?”

  She snorted, “I’ve been practicing.”

  Awed, I asked, “Is it real?”

  “Blaze says so. I have a ton of them back in my room.”

  The thought of her crying jolted me back to reality, “I’m so sorry, Bex.”

  Smiling softly, she whispered, “It’s fine. Please, just make this right. It’s gone on long enough. Okay?”

  Jerking a nod, I pulled her across the bar and into a fierce hug.

  She giggled, “Go, pack a bag. I’ll let the others know you’ve gone.”

  Releasing her, I bit my lip, “What if he doesn’t want me, Bex? What if I’ve waited too long? I don’t even know where he is.”

  She chuckled, “Um, no. He’s not stupid. Plus, I have his number.” Removing her phone from the waistband of her jeggings, she thumbed the screen to life. Expertly, she tapped out a message.

  I held my breath. This could all go so wrong. What would I say? The sp
eaker chimed before I could continue the train of thought.

  Grinning, she tipped the display toward me, ‘Where are you?’

  A capital K shone next to his reply, ‘Bex! Is everything all right? We’re in Santee.’

  My heart warmed. He’d stayed close.

  Her fingers flew across the glass again, ‘Everything is fine. I want to meet. Starbucks on Magnolia. One hour.’

  His reply was instant, ‘Deal.’

  Equal parts of excitement and trepidation lit through my veins. This was happening.

  Chapter 2


  Working up my courage inside the SUV, I watched Kane drum his fingers across the coffee table. Lifting a large hand, he ruffled through the shortened length of his hair.

  Gone were the locks I once longed to touch. Trimmed on the sides, the top was a medium length that screamed modern class. Lowering his hand, the raven tips brushed the side on one perfectly sculpted cheek.

  Deciding it was now or never, I slid out of the vehicle and strode with faux confidence to the door.

  Another patron exited and held it with his heel, “In or out, lady?”

  “T-thank you,” I stammered, crossing the threshold.

  Time seemed to stop as Kane’s green gaze met mine. Full lips forming an O of surprise, he sucked in a sharp breath. In an instant, he was across the room and clenching me to his thick chest.

  “Nat,” he rumbled against my crown.

  Of their own volition, my palms soothed the muscular lines of his back. I’d missed this.

  Gripping my shoulders, he pulled away, “How? Where?”

  Smiling, I mumbled, “Bex.”

  He grinned, “The pup made you come?”

  Tugging his wrist, I moved us outside for some privacy, “She’s not a pup anymore. Have you seen her? She’s beautiful, Kane.”

  Expression shuttering, sorrow colored his voice, “No. She hasn’t contacted me since I left.”

  My brow furrowed as I filled in the missing pieces. Everything was all my fault. Both men adored Bex. Losing her was akin to cutting off a limb. My voice cracked, “I’m so sorry.”


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