The Sundering

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The Sundering Page 13

by Janelle Peel

  Her pink lips rose into a grin, “She once straddled the line of death, no?”

  My mind flashed back to the moment when I’d nearly lost both our lives. I’d been pregnant and hadn’t even realized it. Lila saved my life, and her own. Grudgingly, I nodded.

  “Your Goddess could not let an innocent perish. Her cries carried to Heaven. While your Mate held your body, I touched the life of your child. Through me, she brought you back from the brink of death.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks at her words. All along I’d assumed it was the Goddess who had intervened.

  Mason wrapped a sinewy arm around my shoulder in silent comfort.

  “Lila is the key to stop the end of the world,” her form blurred. White light spilled from her back as it took the shape of wings. Taller than she, their arches flared an inch above head before tumbling in a curtain of gold past the heels of her feet. As the shine dimmed, she extended each one in tandem.

  I gaped.

  Creasing her brow, she plucked one feather with a shudder, “Your Goddess cannot help you, but I can.” Gliding forward on an unfelt breeze, she extended the delicate plume.

  My hand lifted of its own accord. The silken quill tickled the tips of my fingers as I gently accepted her gift. Over two feet in length, it was longer than my forearm.

  Mason pressed against my side with wide eyes.

  “When the shock has worn off, hold the spine and call my name.”

  “Wait!” I cried out, but she had already disappeared.


  Reaching down to help possibly the most beautiful female I’d ever seen, Mel barked, “Don’t touch her skin!”

  My nose scrunched in confusion as she clambered over the rim. Gulping in large breaths of air, soot marked her cheeks.

  Gripping Mel’s arm, I pulled his naked ass over the ledge. My gaze snagged on a black line marring his thick neck, “What the fuck happened?”

  Sidestepping me, he patted the strange woman’s back without answering.

  Shrugging away his attitude, I flicked on my flashlight and directed the beam below, “Come on.”

  A blast of heat buffeted my cheeks as Nat and Kane came barreling out with a gust of wind. Landing on all fours, a stream of smoke trickled from her large nostrils.

  The rope swayed as someone began to climb.

  “Nat!” Blaze boomed. “Get ready to collapse the volcano! There’s too many!”

  Kane slid down her side with ease. A moment later, she shifted. The ground began to shake as she called upon her magic.

  Blaze launched from the darkness in a blur of speed. Grabbing my elbow, he pulled me from the edge, “Now!”

  The sound of cracking boulders met my ears as the quake increased. Massive chunks of rock fell from the rim as the ground bucked beneath our feet. Large rifts formed on the surface around us as we stumbled to get clear. Ash belched from the volcano followed by the squeals of multiple Demons being buried alive.

  Lit in gold and silver light, Nat clapped her palms together as the wide chasm closed with a boom.

  I took in our filthy party, “Um, guys? Where’s Bex?”

  Everyone froze.

  Blaze snapped his black eyes to Mel with a growl, “She was with you.”

  He shook his head, “She urged us up, first. I followed Lillin,” he hooked a thumb beside him.

  Kane ran toward the crater. Dropping to his knees, he began digging through the debris.

  A mournful howl rent the air as Mel tipped his face to the sky.

  Kane picked up his anguished cry.

  Nat joined in as Asena’s voice pierced my thoughts with a wail of her own.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. How could she have survived that?

  Blaze took control of the situation, “We go back to the hotel. Sora will know if she still lives.”


  Curiously, I gazed at the crescent shape high overhead. Small lights winked from a curtain of black. Raising my hand, I wondered if I could touch it.

  “It’s the Moon,” Mel grumbled beside me.

  “The Moon,” I whispered, awestruck. It seemed so close. Dropping my arm, I peeked at our bedraggled party. Introductions had been made, but I struggled to grasp what role each person played within the group.

  Nat appeared to be a Shifter of some sort. With her scaled hide, she could easily lead a legion of her own in Hell. Now, she wore human skin like everyone else. As she walked beside Kane, the points of her ears poked out from her raven hair. What did that mean?

  Kane was tall and broad. Similar in size to Mel, his ebony hair was closely shorn on the sides and longer on top. Noticing my scrutiny, his jade eyes squinted into a glare.

  Gulping audibly, I instead looked at Viv. Hot pink spikes stuck out in every direction atop her head. Vastly shorter than anyone else, she held herself as if she had something to prove.

  Blaze, Mel had told me about. Well over six feet tall, he moved with the confidence of a predator on the prowl. Barely contained power radiated from him in waves of authority. Blond hair brushed the nape of his neck and square jaw.

  Lights shone up ahead as we neared our destination. I took in the tall structure with a gaping mouth. Large arched holes appeared in regular intervals of its front. We had cities in Hell, but nothing like the sprawling rectangular monstrosity in front of us.

  Movement drew my attention.

  Gripping a thin beam wrapping around the entire length of the building, a female voice called out, “You’re back!”

  Mel quickly outpaced the rest of us. Leaping over the waist high rail, he scooped her into a fierce hug.

  Jealousy reared its ugly as I averted my eyes.

  “Rowe,” he purred.

  Her giggles carried to my ears as I inspected the green floor beneath my bare feet. Springy and moist, but also soft. Water trickled from a bowl outlined by a flat grey pathway. Needing a distraction, I moved toward it.

  Blaze appeared in from of me. Jerking his head, he growled, “Get inside.”

  Biting my lip, I swallowed the retort begging to fall from my lips and nodded.


  Demons poured through the halls in their haste to escape the collapsing tunnel.

  My boots pounded a frantic staccato against the rocky ground as I tried to stay ahead of the horde.

  The frost coating my skin from Nat’s inferno kept the beasts at bay. Anytime one came close, I shot a tendril of ice in their direction. Their reaction was almost comical as they squished their own brethren to escape. Eventually, they lost interest entirely.

  I mentally berated myself. Definitely should have tried that before. Pushing away the thought, I followed my previous path back to the throne room.

  Red hot and smoking, the doors bowed out as if something had hit them from within.

  Calling to my well, azure mist crept from my fingers. I’d found a vast source of water on my last visit, so I sent my magic flaring in that direction. Almost instantly, it responded in a rushing wave. Pooling past my feet, it met the entryway with a hiss of steam. Large cracks formed along their lengths as giant chunks fell to the floor. Keeping a tight leash on my power, I made my way inside.

  Flames licked along the walls, filling the entire chamber with a thick, black haze. Holding back a cough, I dropped to my knees and blindly began to search. Where could he be?

  Crawling along the ground, my leathers provided a much appreciated barrier against the abrasive stone.

  A pained groan drew my attention near where I estimated the dais to be. Changing direction, I whispered, “Kai?”

  No response.

  My hand slipped out from under me, sending my nose into a puddle of warmth. The copper scent of blood slid down my throat followed by the spice of cloves. Swallowing a shriek of alarm, I tracked its path to the source.

  Sightlessly, my fingers closed on a shoe.


  Clenching my teeth in fear, I trailed my palm up his leg and over one hip. Grabbing the waistband o
f his pants, I began dragging him back to the corridor.

  It seemed an eternity before we cleared the doors. Blinking the smoke from my watering eyes, I got my first glimpse of his chest.

  Nearly as wide as my fist, the edges of his ribs shone in stark relief against a pit of crimson. Horrified, I ripped off my vest. Wadding up the material, I prayed that I was doing the right thing. Stuffing it inside the gaping wound, I called for my power to freeze it in place.


  A growl rumbled from my throat as I threw myself protectively over his body.

  Michael floated from the darkness, “If you use your magic, it will kill him.”

  Slowly, I rose. Ready to defend Kai if need be.

  Lifting his sleeves in a placating gesture, he moved closer, “Please, let me.”

  I snarled. Was this a joke? Why would an Angel heal a Demon?

  A soft glow lit beneath his cowl as his face was revealed, “You’ll never make it out of here if I don’t help you. The Fracture has collapsed.”

  Indecision warred within me as I sniffed the air for any trace of deceit. Finding none, I jerked a nod.

  Lowering to the ground, he murmured, “You came back.”

  My brow furrowed, “Was I not supposed to?”

  Removing my vest, he inspected the wound, “I didn’t expect you to. Both of your actions have changed Fate.”


  Reaching into his robe, he sucked in a sharp breath. A second later, he produced a feather. Touching its fluffy tip to the center of Kai’s injury, golden light flashed in a bright arc.

  My lids slid closed of their own accord.

  Shaking my head to clear the spots, my mouth opened and closed in shock.

  Chapter 14


  The mood was somber as we all settled in with a drink.

  Blaze retreated to speak in private with Sora.

  Rowe fidgeted beside him with a throw pillow. Tucking her chin, she pressed against him in silent comfort. Heart pinching in pain, his Wolf paced in agitation beneath their shared skin.

  Lillin inspected their surroundings like a child. He supposed it was quite a shock to see such a strange place.

  Viv passed her a glass of whiskey. Nodding encouragingly, she lifted her own cup to her lips and drank deeply.

  Frowning, Lillin mirrored her. On the first swallow, she choked. Sputtering a cough, her orbs darkened in anger.

  “It’s alcohol, Lillin,” he chuckled, hoping to diffuse the situation.

  Viv grinned, “It’s an acquired taste.” Sobering, she gave him an expectant look.

  Everyone wanted to know about the stranger who accompanied his rescue. Shaking his head, he mumbled, “Wait for Blaze.”

  Hesitantly, Lillin brought the glass back up to her lips with a grimace.

  The tread of Blaze’s shitkickers carried from the hall.

  We all held our breath as he rounded the corner. Grabbing the bottle from Viv, he drained it dry. Falling heavily into a chair, he nodded, “She’s alive.”

  Nat rushed into Kane’s arms as everyone sighed in relief.

  His Wolf chuffed in happiness at the news before pricking his ears in confusion. Inhaling through their nose, he snarled, Mates.

  Kane snapped his green gaze to his with a possessive growl.

  “No,” Blaze bit out intuitively. “We have much to discuss. Everyone sit down.”

  Dawn was lighting the sky by the time everyone was caught up.

  Strangely, only his other half was saddened by the news of their bonding.

  Mel felt… fine.

  The time without his Wolf had given him a clarity he’d never experienced before. Add in the twin soul of the origin inhabiting Nat’s body… and his Wolf grudgingly agreed she was no longer theirs.

  Viv closed the door to her and Jackson’s room with a defeated expression. The scent of sickness wafted past as she moved to the balcony.

  Blaze tracked her progress, “Wait.”

  She paused on the threshold.

  Jerking his chin at Rowe, he tipped his head toward Viv. Rowe moved from his side and took Viv’s hand.

  Sadness radiated from him in waves, “Daisy and Cooper found some information. There is nothing we can do for Jackson’s illness.”

  Her emerald flecked eyes filled with tears as she slid to the floor in defeat.

  Rowe wrapped her in a hug. “Shhh,” she soothed, rubbing small circles along her spine.

  Now was the time to add what he’d held back. Bile coated his throat as he gazed at Viv, “Lucian said there is a cure, but it can only be found in his blood.”

  Viv barked a bitter laugh. Fangs snapping down with a snick, she scoffed, “That’s great. Really. We fucking buried the only access to him beneath a million tons of rock.”

  Standing, Lillin gained the attention of everyone. Straightening her spine, she panned the room, “Try mine.”

  Silence reigned.

  “I’m only half Demon, but I am his direct offspring.”

  Blaze rubbed his chin in thought, “And the other half? Your blood could very well make him worse.”


  Hope lit Viv’s orbs as her canines retracted. Flashing to Lillin’s side, she took her shoulders in an iron grip, “You don’t know us, why would you offer? Is this a trick?”

  Shrieking, Lillin jerked away, “Let go! Don’t ever touch me without permission!”

  Viv dropped her hands in confusion, “Um, okaaaay.”

  Visibly calming, Lillin sighed, “My Demon half is succubus. If you touch my skin and I’m not paying attention, I could hurt you.”

  Blaze snapped a glare at him, “Don’t you think that information was relevant?”

  Mel growled, “No. She saved my life, Blaze. I trust her.”

  Gasps sounded at his words.

  His eyes flashed gold, daring anyone to voice their opinion.

  Viv flapped one hand in a shooing motion, “He did warn me, back at the volcano. No touching, got it.” Her tone took on an excited pitch, “Now, back to the matter at hand. Can you save him?”


  The hopeful expression on her face sent my thoughts tumbling. Would my blood work? Mel had explained Vampires to a degree, but could my human half tame the Demon within?

  Squaring my shoulders, I met her gaze, “If he truly is dying, what have you got to lose?”

  Her brow furrowed as Blaze rumbled, “Nothing. Every lead we have is a dead end. I vote we try, but the decision is up to Viv.”

  Biting her lip, she looked back at the closed door she recently vacated. A fine tremor shook her hand as she reached toward me, “Please?”

  I found Mel’s gaze. Nodding, he clasped his fingers together. He believed in me.

  Burying the hunger deep inside, I extended my palm.

  Gently, she took my offering in a tight grip. Squeezing once, resolve colored her voice, “Let’s do it.”

  Blaze held out a strange shiny surface with a tiny woman inside. I’d been told it was an electronic device and it connected people from vast distances. The person lighting the display was Sora, his Mate.

  More than once, Mel had to snap his fingers in front of my face, “Lillin, focus please.”

  “Viv,” she called out, gaining my attention again. Tightly plated, her silver hair draped over one shoulder. Bright lights swirled on an unending loop within her navy colored eyes.

  “Yes, Mom?” Viv snarked.

  Mom? How could this woman be a mother to one that was clearly her own age?

  Reading my confusion, Mel answered, “She’s joking.”

  I found no humor in the situation whatsoever. The desiccated corpse of Jackson rent the room with the scent of Hell. In fact, I’d known many lessers that didn’t smell nearly as… ripe.

  Rolling her orbs, Sora continued, “You’ll have to pierce Ly,” she stumbled. “Excuse me, Lil-lin’s,” she sounded out, “skin with a blade. If her blood burns through anything, we cannot use it.�

  Nodding, Viv produced a slim knife from the back pocket of her pants. Flicking it open with a snap of her wrist, I sucked in a sharp breath.

  Mel stepped forward, “I’ll do it.”

  Pursing her lips, Viv handed him the hilt.

  Nearly nine inches long, its edge sharp lit with a wicked gleam. Turning toward me, he gestured for my hand. Hesitantly, I lifted my arm. Before I could jerk away, he slid the edge over my thumb.

  We all watched as a rubied line trickled from the small incision. Gradually, it ran down the injured digit before pooling inside my palm. In slow motion, I rotated my hand.




  As the drops splattered against the tile, everyone cheered in relief.

  Elated, the breath I was holding hissed through my clenched teeth.

  “All right, settle down!” Sora called out, halting the celebration. “Bring her closer to Jackson. Blaze, give the phone to Rowe. Viv, you’ll need to puncture her vein and direct the flow into Jackson’s mouth. Nat? Where the fuck is Nat?”

  The raven haired beauty stepped forward, “Here, Sora.”

  “Good. Take Jackson’s hand. Push your healing throughout his body,” she paused. “And pray this fucking works.”

  Silently, we all took our positions.

  Viv gestured for me to move closer. Her fangs snapped down with a snick, “Are you ready?”

  Mel touched my back reassuringly. His deep bass rumbled the small hairs of my ear, “You can do this.”

  His words strengthened my resolve. Holding tight to my hunger, I lifted my wrist to Viv and nodded, “Ready.”

  In a move too quick to follow, she perforated my flesh. Her lips suctioned over the wound as she took a small sip. Furrowing her brow, she pulled back with a grin, “Delicious! She tastes like chocolate.” Tugging me closer, she fastened my skin against Jackson’s mouth.

  Golden light lit Nat’s fingers as we waited.

  After an eternity, Jackson swallowed.

  Rowe screamed, “It’s working!”

  Distantly, Sora cautioned, “Watch him, Blaze. If her blood heals him, he may not stop.”


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