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Maintenance Required: A small town romance (The Cortell Brothers Book 1)

Page 21

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “God, are we going to have to watch this shit every morning?” Joe grumbled. “It’s like a bad porno.”

  “How is it a bad porno?” Kat asked, sounding slightly offended.

  “Well, first of all, there are no clothes coming off. First rule of porn is that clothes have to come off. Second, my brother is in this porno, which makes this disturbing. I’m not into picturing my brother having sex.”

  “We weren’t having sex,” I reminded him. “I was kissing my…Kat.”

  “Your pussy cat,” Andrew chuckled.

  “Hey,” I snapped. “Don’t say that shit.”

  “You’re the one that named her Kat. You should have known it was only a matter of time before that joke came out.”

  “Well, this pussy cat is hungry, so scootch.” I moved out of her way as she grabbed the pan and started scooping eggs onto the plates.

  “You know, you don’t have to feed my brothers.”

  “Yes she does,” Joe said around a mouthful of eggs. “We’d wither and die without her cooking.”

  “I cook for you too, asshole.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not like hers. Besides, your meals come with a lecture on learning to cook or taking responsibility for our lives.”

  “That’s because you’re twenty-eight years old and you still require someone else to do your cooking and cleaning.”

  Joe rolled his eyes and finished eating. Surprisingly, Kat was finished already also. She leaned over and kissed my cheek, then put her dish in the sink. “I’m gonna shower. We’re leaving in two hours!”

  Joe put his plate at the sink and walked out, leaving me alone with Andrew.

  “Where are you going in two hours?”

  I shook my head. “Out to eat and then…hell, I don’t know. We’re supposed to do our thing today.”

  He grinned. “What does she have planned for you this time?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. She seduced me and then told me when she was giving me head.”

  “Nice,” he grinned. “You know it’s bad if she used head as a distraction. What did she talk about?”

  I thought back, trying to remember actual words. I shook my head. “Something about a prince? Getting a prince?”

  His brows furrowed. “Getting a prince?”

  I shrugged. “Something about heightening sexual pleasure.”

  His face dropped as he stared at me, then he burst out laughing. “And you agreed?”

  “Why? What is it?”

  “Oh my god! I can’t believe you agreed to that.”

  “What is it?” I asked again, my heart starting to pound.

  “You are so fucked. She’s definitely a seductress, giving you head while she asked you to do that.”

  “What is that?”

  “Holy shit, I have to tell Joe.”

  I stood from my chair and walked around, slamming my hand down on his phone. “Just tell me what the fuck it is!”

  He covered his mouth as he laughed. “Alright, keep an open mind.”

  “Just tell me what the fuck it is!” I roared.

  “It’s a barbell.”

  “A piercing?”

  He nodded.

  “Why would she want me to get my ear pierced? How is that going to heighten sexual pleasure?”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “She doesn’t want to pierce your ear.”

  I frowned, not understanding where. “If not my ear, then where else would she pierce? I’m not getting an eyebrow ring.”

  He leaned forward in his seat and smirked at me. “Tell me, where is the place that you get the most pleasure from? And if you say your toe, I’m disowning you as a brother.”

  My eyes widened in horror and I stumbled backwards, knocking over the chair behind me. I shook my head violently from side to side. This couldn’t be happening. My hand moved involuntarily to cover my dick. “This is so wrong. Why would she…Oh God,” I said, swaying slightly into the table. “I don’t feel so good.”

  Andrew chuckled, finding this whole situation so goddamn hilarious. “How did you not know what that was? And why would you agree to something without knowing?”

  “I had my cock in her mouth,” I whisper-hissed. “I wasn’t exactly thinking about what she was saying. Hell, I would have agreed to a three-some with a guy at that moment.”

  He jerked back. “You aren’t actually interested in that, are you?”

  “No!” I practically shouted. “She tricked me. She used her powers to get her way.” I shook my head slightly. “Well, I’m not doing it.”

  “Right,” he snorted. “You go ahead and tell her that you weren’t actually listening to her during sex and that you’re not going through with it.”

  “She tricked me.”

  “Yeah, but she can turn this around on you, and you’ll pay for it way longer than the recovery time of the piercing.”

  “No, I’ll just explain to her that I didn’t know what I was agreeing to.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Besides, your woman is asking you to do this for her. Are you really going to say no?”

  “You’re damn right I’m going to say no. I don’t even know where the damn piercing goes!”

  “Right through the head of your cock.”

  I stood there for a minute in shock. I couldn’t believe she would ask me to do this. It was insane. “Well, that does it. I guess I’m back to being single. Alone and single. Never to get married or have any fun sex ever again.”


  “Why? You want to know why? Because I’m not insane. I’m not going to let someone else touch my dick, let alone shove a piercing through it. That’s insane, and one thing I’m not, is insane.”

  “But you are a wet blanket.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “And the whole point of this was to try and bring you out of your buttoned-up demeanor.”

  “I like buttons. I like being able to squeeze a lump of coal out of my ass. Hell, I would rather wait for the most boring woman in the world to come along, than to have my dick pierced. It’s not happening.”

  “So, the process is pretty simple and only takes a few seconds to perform,” Decker said.

  “Do you have one?”

  He smirked at me. “I don’t talk about my junk with other guys.”

  I swallowed nervously. My hands were clenched tight in fists and I was pretty sure I was on the verge of passing out. The only reason I came was because I made a bet with Kat, and I wasn’t about to back out of that.

  “Look, I just need to know…something. Shit.” He sighed and started undoing his belt buckle. “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you what it looks like.”

  “Why, why, why….why would you do that? I don’t need to see your dick.”

  “Relax,” he said, shoving his pants down. His cock bounced up and I got a glimpse of silver before I averted my eyes. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. This was so wrong. “Just look at it. It’s not like I’m asking you to touch it.”

  I shook my head, but he grabbed my face and yanked my head so that I was staring at his cock. “I’ve seen it.”

  “Any questions?”

  “Does it hurt?”

  He shrugged. “At first? Not really. Now? It’s fucking amazing. Your lady is going to love it.”

  “So…you think I should do this.”

  “What I think is irrelevant. But imagine this, you’re getting the best head of your life. She’s sucking you hard, doing that thing that makes you want to blow on the spot, and then she hums.”


  “That hum will send a thousand vibrations through your cock, making you shoot off faster and harder than you ever have before. Now, are you saying you want to pass up an opportunity like that for five seconds of pain?”

  Well, when he put it like that…

  “Trust me, this is something you don’t want to miss out on.”

  He yanked up his pants and fastened the belt just as Kat walked back.
“So, are you ready?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I said with more confidence than I felt. I wouldn’t appear weak to her again.

  “Alright, drop ‘em and we’ll get you marked up.”

  “Drop…you want me to…”

  “Well, I can’t do the piercing through your pants,” Decker retorted.

  I huffed and yanked my pants down, my face beat red as another dude got down low and inspected my dick.

  “I’m just going to mark you right now. We’ll do the rest sitting down, in case you pass out again.”

  “I’m not going to pass out,” I muttered.

  He snorted. “Sure.”

  The door opened and I glanced up, shocked when I saw Joe walk through the door. He glanced down at Decker and then his eyes widened as he looked up at me. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Stop looking at it!” I shouted.

  A sharp pain stabbed through my dick and everything went black.


  “I can’t believe he did that before I was ready,” Eric muttered as we drove home.

  “He was taking advantage of the distraction,” I said for the tenth time.

  “I can’t believe Joe saw my dick.”

  “Oh, relax. I’m sure he sees a lot of dicks working there.”

  “Yeah, but not mine.”

  I put the truck in park in front of his house and sighed. “Well, are you mad you got it?”

  He shrugged, still refusing to look at me. “It feels weird. I have a fucking bandage around my dick.”

  “Well, it’s like any other wound, you need to take care of it.” I scooted across the seat and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Lucky for you, I’ll happily be your nurse during your recovery.”

  “No,” he said, dragging my arms off him. “You heard what he said, a six to eight week recovery time. I hope you remember that when you’re horny and lying in bed, needing my cock. If I don’t get any, neither do you.”

  “You’d really do that to your pregnant intended?”

  “Yes, I would. I can’t believe you tricked me this morning.”

  “I didn’t trick you,” I said indignantly. “I was trying to get you in the mood, to show you what it could be like!”

  “And that might have worked had I known what the fuck it was.”

  I sighed, wondering how long this bad attitude was going to last. “You know, if you’re going to get like this every time I try and get you to do something new, we’re just going to have to stop doing new things. You’re too grumpy.”

  “I come up with good shit,” he shot back. “You come up with shit that’s painful. Do you really hate me that much?”

  “No, I lo-“ I stopped myself from saying what I really wanted to say. It was too soon, but Eric caught on to what I was about to say and slowly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

  “You what?”

  I shook my head slowly.

  “What were you going to say, Kat?”

  I swallowed hard as I looked into his beautiful eyes. I couldn’t tell him. It was too soon. “I…I was going to say that I love to drive you crazy.”

  His eyes fell slightly in disappointment. He took my hand and squeezed it slightly. “Come on, it’s your turn.”

  “You’re not going to make me bail hay are you?”

  We climbed out of the truck and he slammed the door, heading toward the field.

  “Wrong time of year and we don’t actually farm any of this land.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Nope. We rent out the land to other farmers.”

  “Oh…I guess I just assumed you did it.”

  “Would you like that? To see me in tight jeans with a farmer’s tan?”

  I smirked at him. “You already have the farmer’s tan.”

  “True, but you haven’t seen me on a tractor yet. I bet that would drive you insane.”

  I had no doubt that if I saw him on a tractor, I would want to jump him immediately. All that bouncing on the seat could be a lot of fun.

  We continued walking across the grass until we came up to a huge tree near the field. There was a hammock set up under it and as soon as we stepped under the shade of the tree, the heat melted away and the breeze cooled my skin.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “I need to rest my dick.”


  He sat down on the hammock and patted the spot next to him. “Come on, Kat.”

  I sat down beside him and we slowly maneuvered so we didn’t tip over the hammock. We were swaying slightly with the breeze and it really was enjoyable, but this couldn’t be all he wanted to do.

  “So, what are we doing under here?”


  “But, I thought we were going to-“ He leaned over and covered my mouth with his hand.

  “Just for a little while, I’m going to lay here with you and enjoy the peaceful day.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion. “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “But… I had you put a barbell through your dick.”

  “I’m aware. I can feel the damn thing right now.”

  I laid there for a few more minutes, but the silence was killing me. “So, what does one do when lying under a tree?”

  “You enjoy the quiet.”

  I had never done anything like this before. It was weird. Didn’t he have things he wanted to do? I could be folding laundry or getting stuff ready for dinner. Hell, I could be catching up on my favorite TV shows. It seemed like such a waste to just lay here outside.

  I shifted to my shoulder, allowing him to put his arm under my head. Then I did what I always did when lying with him. I brought my leg up over his.

  A strained sound came from his mouth and he jerked away from me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just brushed a little too close to the goods.”

  “Oh my god!” I shouted in horror. “What can I do? Are you alright? Should I-“

  He wrapped his hand around my mouth and pulled me back down beside him. “You can lay down beside me and be quiet.”

  “But what about-“

  “Woman, I just got my dick pierced for you. The least you can do is lay here with me in silence until I’m ready to move. Is that too much to ask?”

  I shook my head slowly and watched as his eyes slowly slipped closed. I got comfortable beside him, sighing in contentment when his fingers started brushing up and down my arm lazily. The temperature was perfect and the breeze slowly pushed us back and forth. I could see the appeal of being out here. The sun peeked through the leaves above us, giving a serene feeling.

  “If you want, I could get my clit pierced,” I said, breaking the silence.

  “Christ, you just can’t stand to lay in silence, can you?”

  “I was trying to be helpful,” I said indignantly, leaning up on my elbow.

  “By talking about getting your clit pierced? How is that helpful?”

  “I thought it would make you feel better!”

  “First, you can’t get your clit pierced until after you have the baby. And second, why the hell would you think that talking about your pussy, when you know that I can’t have sex, is helpful?” he shouted.

  I shut my mouth, a small snort escaping as I tried to hold back my laughter. I really was being cruel.

  “I’m glad you think my pain is funny.”

  “Not your pain. Just the situation in general.”

  “You’re lucky that I like you. No sane man would put up with the shit you’ve put me through.”

  “No sane woman would walk away from you,” I said quietly, staring into his eyes.

  He brought his hand up to my face, brushing a strand of hair away. He threaded his fingers through my hair, gripping me around the back of the head as he pulled me in closer, just an inch from his lips. “No sane man could help but fall in love with you.”

  My breath caught in my chest just as he pressed his lips
to mine. It was sweet, but demanding, sending me free falling in my love for him. My tongue slipped into his and my hands started skimming down his chest. I loved the feel of his hard body beside mine. My fingers barely touched his waistline when I heard his gasp of pain. I jerked back, my eyes wide.

  “What? What happened?”

  “Blood…rushing to the wrong place.”

  I burst out laughing, then kissed him hard. He pulled back and scowled at me.

  “Not helping.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you,” I murmured against his lips.

  “You’re going to put me in an early grave,” he grumbled.

  “Not a chance. I haven’t even gotten to try my new toy yet.”

  “Just so we’re clear, none of your future challenges can involve anything with my body.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  “I’m serious, Kat.”

  “Fine, but when you realize how good it’s going to be, you’ll be begging me to try something else. Maybe a nipple piercing.”

  “I can guarantee that I’ll never beg you to have my nipples pierced,” he said fiercely.

  I smiled and snuggled back into his side. “We’ll see.”


  I limped along, my dick aching with every step. The damn bandage was uncomfortable, but the piercing was even worse. I wasn’t even sure why I agreed to the damn thing. It was like learning how to do everything all over again. I had to sit when I took a piss, otherwise piss went everywhere, even from the second hole of the piercing. Was that going to happen when I ejaculated? God, this was a friggin’ nightmare.

  “Why are you walking like you just rode a horse for four hours?” Will asked as he brought me supplies to take up to the roof. I had to replace the roof before the baby came and my days of nice weather were running out. I was lucky that today was nice enough to do it. There had been rain in the forecast for the next week.

  I ignored him and started hauling shit up the ladder. Each step was painful and I had to stop several times to take deep breaths. When I got to the roof, I bent over in and took several calming breaths, readjusting the way my cock was sitting in my jeans.


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