Maintenance Required: A small town romance (The Cortell Brothers Book 1)

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Maintenance Required: A small town romance (The Cortell Brothers Book 1) Page 24

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Actually, I think it would fuel it. We haven’t been giving them anything to talk about these past few months.”

  “Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint them,” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “We definitely wouldn’t want to do that. Should I post an article in the morning paper?”

  She grinned and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Nah, just tell Joe. It’ll be on social media in two minutes.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  I slid my lips across hers and slipped my tongue into her mouth. I wanted her so bad, but I couldn’t risk injuring my cock and being taken out of the running even longer than I already was.

  “So, now that you’re moving in with me, and you’ve already claimed me as your intended, what are we going to do about my brothers?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you have to admit, it’s a little weird, living in a house with my brothers when we’re about to have a baby.”

  “I don’t know, I kind of like them here.”

  “You do?”

  She nodded with a smile. “It’s kind of nice. I’m not saying I want them to live here forever, but for now it’s fine.”

  “What about when the baby comes?”

  “Then we get to put them on diaper duty,” she said mischievously.

  “Yeah, I’d like to see you try that.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll use my hormones as a weapon to get my way.”

  “You’re evil.”

  She shrugged lightly. “I do what’s necessary.”

  She pulled back and finished getting ready for bed, but there was a lot on my mind now. Things were moving forward with us. We were living together, and that opened the door for so much more. Living together was just one step away from the big commitment, and I wasn’t sure that we were ready for that yet. I had been foolish to suggest it when I first found out she was pregnant. I wasn’t going to lie, I could see getting married to her, living with her for the rest of our lives in this house. I wanted that so bad, but I still needed to take things slow. This was all still new to us, and moving too fast would do more damage than good. But as I laid in bed that night, I couldn’t help but think of what it would be like to see her walking down the aisle toward me and know that she was mine for the rest of my life.


  It was official. Over the past two months, I had officially gained more weight than any normal pregnant woman. It was all Eric’s fault. Since we couldn’t have sex, he was feeding me in other ways, plying me with all kinds of yummy foods to keep my sexual appetite under control. It had to come to an end. I knew that the end was coming. He was getting more and more adventurous every night, pushing himself to see what he could handle. Last night, he had ground himself against me until he came. He said it was weird, but I hoped it was weird in a good way.

  “Earth to Kat,” Chrissy said to me, waving her hand at me as we stood in front of the elevator.

  I blinked and came back to the conversation at hand. She had been describing her kinky sex from last night to me and that was the point I had zoned out. It wasn’t fair to tease a person that wasn’t having sex.

  “Since when do you call me Kat?”

  “Since Eric calls you Kat. I think it’s cute.”

  “You know, I was perfectly happy with Kiki.”

  She grimaced slightly. “Yeah, but he has a point. It does sound like you’re a parrot.”

  I pursed my lips and glared at her. “Whatever.”

  “You know, half the staff calls you Kat now. Ever since it started circulating on the town Facebook page-“

  “Where half the people that work here don’t even live,” I pointed out.

  “But they all follow now. I’m telling you, you’re practically famous ever since you were outed so publicly. Even Casey got a kick out of that video.”

  I gasped, smacking her on the arm. “You let her watch that?”

  “Hey, she was feeling down the other day. I figured she could use some cheering up. Her last trial application was rejected,” she said sadly.

  I sighed, wishing there was something more I could do for the poor girl.

  “Dr. Willis said that there’s still one more trial he wants to try and get her into.”

  “Let’s hope he’s successful.”

  She studied me for a moment and then chuckled.


  “Nothing, you just look a little…frustrated.”

  I snorted. “You could say that again.”

  “So…are you into the homestretch?”

  “God, I hope so. I mean, he’s been great, but I need the real thing. I’m tired of waiting.”

  She pointed her fork at me accusingly. “Just remember, you’re the one that wanted him to get this. You should be happy he’s even taking care of you after the stunt you pulled.”

  “I know, but it’ll be worth it. I’ve been reading up a lot on different things to do to make it pleasurable for him. I can’t wait to try them out.”

  The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. “What do you think is holding him back?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he thinks it’ll hurt. I don’t know.”

  “Well, make it good for him or he’ll make you pay for the rest of your life.” I nodded. “Hey, you didn’t say what your other challenges have been.”

  “We haven’t done any for the past two months. He said that we needed a break,” I said with a smile.

  She burst out laughing. “I can only imagine what he thought you would do to him next.”

  “Alright, I get it. I went overboard. Trust me, it’s not going to happen anymore. I want Eric to like me, if only for our child’s sake.”

  “That man doesn’t just like you, he’s in love with you.”

  I knew that. He had no problem telling me every day, and it was a great feeling, but I couldn’t help but wonder when it was all going to fall apart. “You know, I just get this bad feeling every now and then.”

  “Like what?”

  The doors opened and I stepped out, headed for the parking lot. “I guess…we’re just so different.”

  “Yeah, but you guys have worked past that.”

  “I know, but this is the honeymoon stage. What happens after the baby is born and reality hits?”

  “Um…I’m guessing you’ll live a sickeningly happy life with one of the hottest men in the world.”

  I rolled my eyes. She made it sound so easy. “And when our kids get older? What happens then? What happens when I want to go have fun and my husband is wanting to stay home and build things?”

  She put a hand on my arm and stopped me. “Okay, there are so many things wrong with what you just said. First, kids? As in, more than one?”

  “Well, I would assume if we stay together that we’ll have more.”

  “Right, so, you’re also planning to marry him? Because you called him your husband.”

  “Look, I’m just saying it’s the natural progression.”

  “Okay, but you’re acting like Eric’s boring.”

  “He is. I have to force him to do everything.”

  “Kat, you’re being too hard on him. He’s not boring. He’s finding his adventurous side with you.”

  “He stopped that,” I said indignantly.

  “Only because you choose crazy challenges. You could have asked him to go canoeing or something that would lead up to the crazy, but you went right to crazy from the start. The man didn’t stand a chance against you.”

  “Hey, I took him on a ferris wheel! That’s the least crazy thing a person could do.”

  “I’m just saying, you’re worrying about nothing. And who cares if he wants to stay home with you. I would kill to have a man that worshiped me the way that man worships you.”

  “You have a husband,” I point out.

  “Yes, and we have wild and crazy sex, but he doesn’t stare at me like the world will end if I leave.”

  Maybe she was right.
Maybe I was reading too much into all this, but I couldn’t help but worry that this baby was all that was holding us together. I smiled at Chrissy and gave a wave.

  “I’m going to have some wild, monkey fun of my own. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Hey, think about what I said!”

  “I will.”

  “If you walk away from that sexy man, I’ll refuse to be your friend anymore!”

  I laughed and got in my car. I knew she would never stop being my friend. Instead of driving home, I headed for Eric’s office. He said that he would be working late tonight, so I thought I would head over there and see if he was ready to go home yet.

  On the way, I saw the bakery and remembered that Eric plied Anna with baked goods to keep her on his good side. I figured a little intervention on my part could only help. I pulled up to the bakery and headed inside. Mary Anne was wiping down tables and smiled when she saw me.

  “Need a pre-dinner treat?”

  “Actually, I was going to head over to Eric’s office and I thought I might pick up something for Anna.”

  Her eyes lit up and she walked behind the counter. “I have just the thing for you. Anna comes in at least twice a week and she always gets the same thing.” She put something in a box and handed it over. “Chocolate babka.”

  “Ooh, what’s that?”

  “It’s a European coffee cake. It’s so good.”

  “That does sound good. Can you box up one for me too?”

  “Of course. Anything else?”

  “How about two hot coffees.”

  “She likes cappuccinos.”

  I grinned. Mary Anne knew everyone so well. “Alright, two cappuccinos.”

  “Coming right up.”

  The door opened behind me and the sheriff walked in, tipping his head in my direction. “Katherine, you’re looking good. How much longer?”

  I sighed, rubbing my hand over my belly. “Two more months.”

  His smile warmed my heart. Everyone in this town was so nice. After the initial shock of the town heartthrob knocking up the nurse that was new to town, they all turned into a second family of sorts. Everyone smiled and asked about the baby. Of course, there were still people that gossiped, wondering when or if Eric and I would get married. I ignored them. Their opinions didn’t matter to me.

  “Do you have everything you need?”

  “We’re pretty much ready. Eric’s been working on finishing up a dresser for the baby’s room. As soon as that’s done, we’ll have everything we need.”

  “That’s great. Oh, Ginny has some baby clothes that she never used. She wanted me to ask you if you wanted them.”

  “That’d be great. Tell her I said thank you for thinking of us.”

  “Any time.”

  “Mary Anne, can I get a black coffee?” Jack asked.

  “Of course.”

  I paid her and then walked out with my purchases. Rubbing my hands together to ward off the cold, I started the car and headed for the office. When I pulled up, I was disappointed to see that Eric’s truck wasn’t there. I got out and headed up to his office. Anna was sitting behind the desk, completely engrossed in something on her computer.

  “Knock, knock,” I said in a sing-song voice. “I brought treats.”

  “Yeah,” Anna said, still watching the screen.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “Uh…Eric had to go back to Mrs. Cranston’s to repair something.”

  I walked around the desk and saw that she was looking at a page on Facebook and there were dozens of candid pictures of a man, but you couldn’t see his face.

  “What is that?”

  “That is Eric.”

  I looked closer, taking particular interest in one where he was on his back under a sink. There was a closeup of his shirt riding up. I could see his ab muscles flexing and the obvious outline of his cock. My eyes widened in surprise.

  “When is this from?”

  “Um…about the time that you two met. Mrs. Cranston always requests Eric, and then she takes sexy handyman pics and uploads them to this special page she created for him. It’s invite only,” she grinned up at me.

  My mouth dropped open in shock. “Why didn’t anyone say anything to me?”

  “Uh…because they probably assumed that you’d freak out like you are now and ask her to take it down.”

  “Freak out? Hell, I want to join the page. If anyone should be allowed access to these pictures, it’s me!”

  “Ah,” she jumped, clapping her hands. “She just uploaded more pictures.”

  “Scoot over,” I said, rolling her chair away so I could slide another chair over and get a better look.

  The caption of the album said The heater is acting up…

  I started drooling as I looked at the pictures of Eric sweating as he made the necessary repairs. It was obvious that it was too hot in the house. In one, he had his shirt lifted to his face to wipe the sweat. His full chest was on display, showing off every delectable inch of his body.

  “Oh my god. This is like porn,” I whispered.

  “I know.”

  “How many people have access to this page?”

  “Um…I think fifty.” She scrolled to the group info and nodded. “Fifty-two.”

  “Huh. You’d think he’d have more followers.”

  She smiled up at me. “Mrs. Cranston is very picky about who she lets into the group.”

  “How do I get an invite?”

  “You’ll have to send a message to Mrs. Cranston.”

  “That old bat will never let me in,” I grumbled. “She doesn’t like me.”

  “She doesn’t like you because you’re with her boy toy.”

  I snorted in laughter just as the door opened. Anna tried to click out of the screen as Eric walked in, but ended up enlarging the image on the screen.

  “What is that?” Eric asked. “Are you looking at porn at work?”

  “Uh, no!” Anna said, trying to get out of the screen, but it seemed to be frozen. Her face turned beat red as Eric walked over, squinting at the screen. She dove in front of it, trying to block it from him.

  “What is that?”


  I laughed as Eric pulled her away from the screen and stared at the picture. “Is that…is that me?”

  “Yes,” Anna said, stepping away with her hands raised, “but don’t freak out. It’s all in fun.”

  “There’s a picture of me on Facebook,” he ground out. “That’s from a half hour ago at Mrs. Cranston’s house. Why are there pictures of me while I’m working?”

  “Okay, don’t freak out,” I said, stepping up to take the heat off Anna. I was pregnant. He wouldn’t flip out on me.

  “Don’t freak out?” he shouted. Okay, maybe I was wrong. “I’m running a business and there are pictures of me half naked on Facebook!”

  “You’re not half naked,” I argued. “You still have your shirt on. It’s just…showing a little skin.”

  He clenched his jaw in anger. “I want those pictures taken down.”

  “I didn’t do it! If you want them taken down, you’ll have to take it up with Mrs. Cranston.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “What?”

  “You heard me. All these pictures were taken at her house. You should be flattered.”

  “Flattered that a woman is sneaking pictures of me?”

  “Hey, you’re man candy. Deal with it.”

  “The only man candy I want to be is yours!”

  “You already are mine, and you’d better start proving it.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he shot back.

  “It means that it’s been months and I’m ready to try out what you’re hiding in your pants!”

  “Uh, I think I’m gonna go,” Anna said, jerking her thumb at the door. “This looks like it might be…” She motioned between us and then gave a thumbs up. “Anyway, see you tomorrow.”

  She ran out of the office, slamming the door behin
d her. Eric turned his furious gaze on me.

  “Was that really necessary?”

  “Yes, it was,” I said, throwing my hands on my hips. “You’re healed, Eric. It’s time to take that thing for a test drive.”

  My hands immediately went to his pants and undid his belt buckle. “Stop,” he said, putting his hands on top of mine.

  “No, I want this.” I quickly unzipped his pants and yanked them down. His cock was hard and the piercing was calling out to me. Eric was breathing hard, his jaw clenched tight.

  “We need a bed.”

  “We need your desk,” I said, reaching behind him and shoving the papers off the desk.

  “Anna’s gonna be pissed at you,” he murmured, slipping his hand into my hair. He pressed his lips to mine as he pulled me into him. His cock rubbed against my belly and he groaned as the piercing worked its magic.

  “Do you really think I care?” I wrapped my hand around his cock and gently stroked up and down, careful not to touch his piercing yet. I wanted him relaxed before I touched it. His eyes slipped closed as I stroked his cock, up and down. I dropped to my knees in front of him and took a good, long look at his cock piercing. I smiled right before I licked the underside of his cock. He groaned and his fingers slipped in my hair.

  “God, Kat…”

  I added a little pressure and jerked him a little harder. I leaned forward and opened my mouth, but didn’t take him in yet. I let my hot breath fan out over the tip of his cock, warming up his piercing. I flicked my tongue out, just enough to send a zap of pleasure through him. He groaned and tightened his hold on my hair.

  Looking up at him, I could see that he was just barely holding on. I had him where I wanted him. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock and then slowly slid my mouth over him, humming lightly.


  I had read about humming during a blow job and how it sent vibrations through the metal and stimulated his nerves. He seemed to like it, so I did it again.

  “Christ, Kat. That’s so good.”

  I did it again, this time pumping him harder. He started jerking in my mouth, fucking me a little harder, something he hadn’t really done before. I slipped my hand down to his sac and gently massaged his balls. I heard his intake of breath right before his hips slammed against my face and he shoved his cock deep down my throat. I swallowed, sucking him hard as he pumped inside my mouth, fucking me like he was on steroids. I moaned one last time and he lost it, shoving himself all the way in my mouth as he spilled his cum down my throat.


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