King Dragon_An Alien Dragon Shifter's Fantasy Romance

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King Dragon_An Alien Dragon Shifter's Fantasy Romance Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  He didn’t even want to think about what was going on. If Tomi were already his mate, he’d hurry home to rest in her arms. Instead, he would work things out alone. It seemed there was more to work out all the time. Was there trouble like this in other kingdoms? Just asking could make it seem he couldn’t handle his land or his people. As soon as Toreen’s party was over, things would begin to happen.

  It couldn’t be soon enough for him. A buzz came from his com. The emperor had read his proposal and he was intrigued. These things were strange to their kind. Advertising here was word of mouth. Videos were only used by government and military. Regular folk had no use for such things. Being the emperor, he’d had access to the same videos as most kings and the military officers.

  They were entertaining and some were educational. Even though they couldn’t begin to imagine the affect they would have, they knew they would have one. It was hard to imagine a mate for every male. The other planet they’d gotten females from simply didn’t have enough to spare for that. Earth did, and they had others that could come here to swell their ranks.

  The emperor had not approved it and he’d not expected him to. But he had agreed to learn more. That was the first step to take in something as important as this was. He commed Garulto.

  “Yes, my king?”

  “I have some things I need done on Earth. I’m sending you the email I sent the emperor. It explains the plan. Right now we just want more information. I added a small part at the bottom. That is from me to you only.”

  “I’ll get you whatever you need.” Garulto said.

  He could only hope so. Now he sent Garulto that same email he’d sent the emperor hoping he’d hear the requested information soon. At that point, he’d send the new information onto the emperor. Making his way to the throne room, he was there just in time to open the door for Tomi It was now lunch time. She’d made a large lunch like he’d had yesterday. Didn’t that show she cared?

  Following her in as she set the tray on the table she put the plates where they belonged. “I’m glad you were able to get away.”

  “I can’t stay long.”

  “This help shortage is odd with so many unemployed.” He commented.

  “I agree. Few people apply even with a help wanted sign at the counter. There is little to do to get the word out beyond that.”

  “If there was another way, would you pay someone to find you help?”

  “Are you looking for a part time job?”

  His face flushed. “Not me but a business that matches workers with employers.”

  “We have that on Earth at least in the US.”

  Chapter 5


  “That is what I have heard.” Erak admitted.

  “Really, I was surprised you had nothing like that here. You are so advanced in technology in certain areas, but more like our world in olden times in others.”

  “How does this employment office work?”

  “In the US, we pay a small part of our wages every paycheck for services and taxes. If we end up off work under certain conditions, we can draw a small check back from them while they try to help us find a job.” She explained.

  “Certain conditions?”

  “You can’t just quit without a good reason. They won’t give you anything then, but they will still try to help you find a job.”

  “That is kind of them.”

  “It’s their responsibility. They work for the government and it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep all of our people working.”

  “What happens if someone isn’t working?”

  “We have other programs that help supply them with food and money for their expenses. Some are run by the government and some by private charities.” Tomi explained.

  “Your world is complicated. I’m not sure I will ever understand your government and what they do.”

  “Don’t feel bad. Most citizens never fully understand it either.”

  “But they live there. Shouldn’t they know how things are run?”

  “Some do and they take advantage of everything available even to the point of abusing it. The average citizen doesn’t even use the benefits they are entitled to even when they need them.”

  “That sounds sad. What do they do?”

  “They ask for help from friends and family or suffer through their difficulties until it gets better.”

  “What if it doesn’t get better?”

  “They live in poverty or some get sick and die.”

  “It sounds like your system needs work too.” He observed.

  “No one would disagree with that. They make changes all the time but not all changes are for the better. Are you considering a similar program?”

  “We need something for a sudden surge in unemployment. Jobs are there, but no one takes them. I don’t understand it, but we are investigating.”

  “Could it be the rebels have somehow caused this?”

  “How could they do that?”

  “Some feel certain jobs are worse than no jobs at all. Remember that one guy said Dala had told him I was terrible to work for and he’d just get fired anyway?”

  “The male that also had neighbors looking for work?”

  “Yes, that was the one. The whole thing sounded strange. Maybe you should see why they are all unemployed?”

  “It does sound odd. I will have it checked into.” He stepped close to her giving her a kiss. That was a habit he’d gotten her into. Both a greeting and a goodbye with a kiss.

  There was little doubt that he was moving her toward a relationship and she wanted it. She couldn’t seem to hold back the feelings for him that were deep inside her. All this time, she’d fought it and now she wasn’t sure why.

  A week passed and she noticed the guard but said nothing. That made her feel safer after what had occurred with Dala. The birthday party was moving closer and she hoped and prayed Kitty would be joining them soon after that. It would be a fabulous event, if she could get away for the day.

  “Hey, my King. What are you doing here?” Lushia greeted.

  He’d been coming here more often and when he hadn’t she’d gone to his throne room. Still, it was a bit early. “I needed to speak with Tomi. A snack would be nice too. What do you have on hand?”

  “I’ve got several pies or cookies.” Lushia offered.

  “Any blueberry?”

  She decided to stop lurking in the shadows and come out and greet him. “We do and we have cherry as well.”

  “That’s right.” Lushia agreed.

  “I’ll take one of each and one for Tomi too.” Erak ordered.

  “I’ll get those right away.” Lushia rushed to get it. It was halfway between breakfast and lunch.

  “What did you need to talk about?” She asked.

  “I spoke to the emperor preparing him for the request to allow Kitty to come among other things. His first question was if you were my mate and if so, why weren’t we mated?”

  “He’s requiring us to mate to let my sister come? That’s wrong on so many levels.”

  “That’s not what he said or what he meant. It would help to give even more reasons to let her come. Here even an emperor can be brought to task for decision that seems to favor some over others. While there are some reason to allow it, more would be good. We are mates, I feel it down to my soul and I believe you do to.”

  Her face turned red enough that she felt hot. It was true she felt something deep inside for this male, but she didn’t want to feel forced. Things were progressing naturally as they should. If anything, it was the demands of his position and her resentment of them that had held up their mating. The emperor was single so he would have no understanding of what was involved in a mating.

  “You resent his question?”

  “I do. He’s single, what would he understand of mating?”

  “Too much, I fear. He wooed a female once and she chose another. I don’t believe she was his fated one, but he does.”

�How can that be confused?”

  “Armagine was gorgeous beyond belief. Although she’d come to our planet to test compatibility with the emperor before he was an emperor, she left to join with another high in the government of her own planet. They said she died when her planet was struck by the meteor. She refused to leave her possessions behind. There were a few others like her.”

  “How tragic.”

  “Indeed. It’s like a story you tell children so they won’t be greedy.” Erak admitted.

  “We have stories like that too.”

  Lushia set their pie and a drink for each of them on the table they sat at.

  “Thank you.” They said together.

  “This is perfect.” Erak said as he took his first bite.

  “Didn’t you expect it to be?”

  “I did, but it’s always a pleasure to be right. Are you still upset about what the emperor asked?”

  “In one way I understand his reasoning, in another it aggravates me.” She admitted.

  “I wasn’t sure whether to mention it or not. It’s your sister so I decided to.”

  “Yes, I needed to know. I just hate to be pushed.”

  “So how goes the hunt for employees?”

  She saw he felt the need to change the subject. “I have two new males that I assume your people have checked out and a new female. If I can find a few more, I’ll open the cafeteria for supper to everyone as well.”

  “Can it support those hours? Only a handful of guards work that late.”

  “Perhaps, but many guards are single and would wait for supper or even come back to be fed. Eating alone is no fun.”

  “I guess that’s true. Are you getting many from the village?”

  “A portion every day that grows. I’ve also thought about offering food they can take home like sandwiches. When we do have them, customers often order extra. They are either taking them to someone or taking them for later.”

  “It’s so interesting to see the way a business is run.” Erak admitted.

  “Running the castle is much like a business.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. You determine the needs, you have to watch the expenses, and you plan out your time.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “Right now the rebels are making things harder. Eventually you’ll get them dealt with.” She encouraged.

  “I hope so. We delayed the attack because the emperor is coming to Toreen’s party. There will be an attack, there’s little doubt.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be prepared.”

  “If they attack the party, yes. If they attack elsewhere, maybe not.” Erak observed.

  “You’ve no idea where they might strike?”

  “The party should be the most likely place but with the extra guards there, it opens up other possibilities.”

  “I can see that dilemma, but have you no extras you can pull in? There are many soldiers on ships. Have you no ships you can have here to pull help from?”

  “There is one due in a day or two later. Maybe they can hurry to make it in time. They won’t be happy, many on board came back with potential mates.”

  “Any of the mates have a military background?”

  “That’s something the general can check on.”

  “Oops. I didn’t intend to give the general extra work.”

  “If this gets us some help, he’ll thank you.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Trust me. I am.”

  Now Erak ate quickly and ran off the same way. She hoped she’d been helpful. To be honest she was worried about their security. It had become more urgent after Lushia had been attacked. Once she finished her work, she headed home.

  The next few days went well although she saw less of Erak. Toreen’s party loomed and soon it was the night before. It was both exciting and scary to go to a party where everyone would be dressed up. She’d had enough notice to find a perfect dress with all the accessories. It was a soft lavender and darkened all the way down to a rich deep purple. Hopefully there would be no trouble because running would be damn hard in it.

  It was the morning of the party. She’d gotten up early to see everything was perfect at the cafeteria. Now she headed to her mom’s where all the girls were meeting. As she made it there, she saw Betty headed toward the door.

  “Hey, Sis!”

  Betty paused so she could catch up. “I worried that you wouldn’t make it.”

  “I got lucky. I have some new help.” She admitted.

  “I bet we’re the last two to get here. I can’t wait to see everyone’s gowns.” Betty shot a look at her garment bag.

  “Where’s your dress?”

  “I brought it here last night and we had supper with mom and Garulto.”

  “It was probably heavenly.”

  “You cook. Why would you care?” Betty asked.

  “There are still lots of things I can’t cook as good as mom does.”

  “I don’t believe it. It’s just the thought of Mom fixing it. It’s just the way a child is.”

  “You believe that and I’ll believe what I believe.” She said.

  The place was busy as they entered and everyone rushed around. “Breakfast is on the table.” Their mom yelled to them.

  They both sat down and fixed big plates. “Thank goodness she saved us some food.” Betty observed.

  “She probably had to beat the others off.” She giggled.

  Davy was in the living room with a towel wrapped head and something shiny on her face. Bree was sitting next to her with a shower cap on her head and a mineral mask on her face. Even Cretia had something wrapped on her head and her hands and feet soaking in bubble bath. The day might start like a trip to the spa, but when they started to get ready the stress would be on.

  They would all want to look perfect and none of them would feel they looked good enough. Their mom came into the kitchen with her hair already done. Her face was makeup free, but looked like that of a much younger woman.

  “You look younger every time I see you.” She admitted.

  Her mom smiled and her eyes were shiny. “It’s because I love my family and have all but one close by.”

  It made her feel bad to know an engagement announcement or whatever dragons did might help the emperor approve Kitty coming here. Would it really be that much of a hardship to give in? Her decision was made. She felt an enormous relief now that it was decided.

  The next few hours, all of them washed and styled their hair, applied all manner of cleansers and makeup to their skin, lightly perfumed themselves, and finally put on their dresses. Betty went with red, Bree blue, Cretia liked yellow and their mom wore pink. Betty’s sitter watched all the children and it was finally time to go.

  The males showed up decked out like gentlemen in their finery. Styles were slightly different here but their clothing resembled suits. They divided up into two vehicles and made it to Toreen’s house in no time. Sure they were early. Cretia was the hostess and she was with them.

  Toreen greeted them all at the door and swept Cretia into his arms. They made a lovely couple as they entered leading the rest of them in. Most guest would be in the ballroom, but the rooms nearby would handle the overflow that they would have if most of the invited guests came. Those guests began to arrive early and some would leave early.

  The emperor arrived exactly on time. He was a stickler for being punctual. Everyone immediately bowed or curtsied. “Rise everyone.” The emperor said. Once he said that, additional bows were unnecessary except when new people entered. There were so many rules to remember and she would have to learn them all.

  For now, she would put the problems of being royalty out of her mind. Right now, convincing the emperor to let Kitty come here and watching for any suspicious characters was far more important. Erak had told her the ship had made it here and soldiers were mixed in with the guests and servers. No one would guess they were there. The castle also had several squads of extra so
ldiers ready for anything.

  Erak was much more relaxed than she’d expected. He felt confident in the security he now had in place. All that could be done, had been. If anyone attacked, they’d rue the mistake they’d made.

  “May I have this dance?” Erak asked.

  Her cheeks felt warm as she nodded. “Do you know that I’m untaught in your dances?”

  “I’ll be pleased to teach you anything you wish to learn.”

  Goodness, she could take that in many ways. “Thank you.”

  Erak twirled her around in what was quite a complicated dance. She let him lead her round and round as they moved behind a line of other dancers. Her mother danced with the emperor and they seemed to be talking. Personally, she couldn’t keep up a conversation and follow the steps of this dance. Were they discussing Kitty? She’d bet money that they were.

  “You’re distracted. I wish I could keep your attention on nothing but me.”

  “There’ll be many years for that. Right now Kitty is my main concern.”

  “Years? You’ve decided then?”

  “Was there ever any doubt? We both knew we belonged together.” Erak was clearly excited and happy.

  He led her out into the garden where he kissed and held her tight. “Looks like a king is getting frisky with his whore.” A male voice said.

  Her heart sank as she realized they had walked away from all their protection and were now surrounded by several dirty disreputable looking males. She knew she’d be no help in this fight. The only help she could provide is if she got away to bring back help. There was a gap between two of them and all their eyes were on Erak. The second her mate began to shift, she ran through the hole and hit the party.

  Davy was who she saw first. “I’ve sent Jarel to aid him. It will be alright.” Davy whispered. Just don’t let anyone know what’s going on.”

  She nodded. It was easier said than done but she calmed as she saw Garulto and others headed to the garden. Erak wouldn’t want the guests, especially the emperor or other kings to know about this attack. Looking around she saw the emperor headed toward the garden. The male must think something exciting was going on out there.

  All she could do was intercept him and find something to talk about. Heading his way, her mind could only come up with Kitty. “I’m so pleased to see you here. Did Erak tell you we are planning to mate soon?” She grabbed his arm and turned him on the other direction. Maybe not an acceptable move, but he went along with it.


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