King Dragon_An Alien Dragon Shifter's Fantasy Romance

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King Dragon_An Alien Dragon Shifter's Fantasy Romance Page 9

by Crystal Dawn

  When he woke, his mate was on top of him naked. If only he had the time to make love to her. Sometimes being a leader with responsibilities sucked. In a second, he wiggled out from under her. His mate needed more sleep with a change ahead of her. Rushing to the shower, he cleaned up and dressed. An interrogation was ahead of him and a plan for the attack would be planned now.

  His guards were at the door half of them heading away with him while the other half waited for their Queen. That she would be protected made him feel better. Now he needed to see Jarel and get things moving. Walking down all the steps to the stinky basement wasn’t his favorite thing. The scent assaulted his nose right away.

  “My king.” Jarel bowed.

  “Stop that when we’re alone. It’s a waste of time.”

  “Your highness.” A female voice said making him flush. Damn he’d not seen her there. “Davy. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  She giggled. “Is it a pleasure?”

  “Always. Were you here to work?” He asked.

  “Jarel thought my presence might bring out something in these prisoners.”

  “Was he right?”

  “Mostly bad manners. But one did say they had a plan against some of the human mates.” Davy admitted. “Now we know he knows something. Things won’t go well for him.”

  She didn’t look like she cared. This male had attacked her friends and family. He would have killed them had he been able to. No punishment including death was too great.

  “Are you staying?” Erak asked.

  “My work here is done. I’m going back to the surveillance room. There are new girls to train. Most are doing well.”

  “Most?” Erak asked.

  “One of the girls is shy. I think I can work with her. No worries.” Davy waved over her shoulder as she moved away quickly.

  “She’s hard to handle.” Jarel observed with a grin.

  “So is Tomi. They are a constant surprise. So what is going on?”

  “We have three dozen from each attack. Most know nothing, I would send them to the meteor to clear our jail.”

  “What of the others?” Erak asked.

  “I’m thinking we will release a couple. Their leaders will kill them and it will cause panic among the other prisoners.”

  “Pick carefully.”

  “I’ve already chosen two who know just a little. Even though they’ll kill them and we can follow the trail, it should confuse them.” Jarel said.

  “Where do you get these ideas?”

  “Davy saw it in a movie. I like the idea of confusing them and upsetting the prisoners. If they know their friends are dead, they won’t want to be freed. What will they want then?”

  “It’s crazy enough to help us.”

  “Davy says crazy like a fox.”

  “What is a fox?”

  “It’s an animal, a small predator that must use its cunning to get what it needs.” Jarel explained.

  “Because of its small size?”

  “That’s what I believe. If you can’t use strength, you need to use your brain.”

  “Let’s do it. It can’t hurt since these guys are low on the list. Too much fear in their organization may cause problems.”

  “Congratulations.” Jarel said softly.

  Erak smiled widely. “Thank you. I’d best go find her before she gets angry.” He turned and left quickly glad to get away from the smelly place and happy to get back to his mate.

  Only he didn’t get back to his mate. Tomi was gone. She’d left their rooms and headed somewhere. He suspected the cafeteria. It would be a good place to eat since he’d skipped breakfast. Now he walked with renewed vigor. Not only would he see his mate, but he’d get fed. As he entered the dining area, he saw it was crowded.

  That’s when he remembered what she’d said about limited room. Since there was a lot of unused space, he would give her whatever space she needed. With that decided, he slipped in the chaos that was in the kitchen. It was clear they were all busy and no one had time for him. Feeling neglected when you were a king was an unusual thing.

  Sitting quietly, he was thrilled when Tomi saw him and got him a plate piled high with food. Watching in awe, he was amazed at how fast the food moved through the kitchen to the customers. Never had he really watched as they worked, at least not when they were busy. An hour later, Tomi collapsed in the chair across from him.

  “Would you be happy if I gave you the rooms next door to expand your business?” He asked.

  “I would be crazy happy. But I would wonder what you might expect in return.”

  “Can’t a male just want to please his mate?”

  “I suppose it’s possible, but that’s not what is going one here.” Tomi observed.

  “Fine. I need you. You’ve already been a big help and I need you to make time for me to be my advisor. I think I can get you help so you will be more of a manager unless you wish to do more.”

  “Okay. I can deal with that if you can hold up your end.”

  “Okay?” He looked stunned.

  “Females are logical. If you make sense we can agree. Now eat your food.”

  Looking down at his plate, he dug in. Yes, he’d expected trouble from his mate. Being logical couldn’t be too difficult, could it? It was something he needed to learn so his mate would do as he wanted. He was feeling pretty good about things so far.

  If she would help him with some of his duties, they would have time together. When he made treaties and trade agreements, her business-like approach would aid him. The upcoming trip in six months didn’t seem so bad now. They would make the agreement and spend some time sightseeing and enjoying being together. Looking up, he saw Tomi watching him. An innocent look came over his face. Her eyes narrowed.

  ”What are you thinking?”

  “This food is amazing.”

  She laughed. “Tell me another one.”

  Now he was confused. What did she want him to tell her?

  “I mean I know you’re trying to distract me.”

  “But I really do love your food.”

  “I know you do. That makes it a good distraction, but that’s not what you were thinking.”

  She was right. How could she know something like that? “I’ll admit I was also thinking about us.”

  “Were you making plans?” Tomi asked.

  “Not on my own. But we have a lot to discuss.”

  “Why don’t we give ourselves a day or two before we arrange our lives?” Tomi asked with a grin.

  “Just as long as we don’t forget to get back to it.”

  “Want to go back to our room and grab a quickie?” Tomi asked.

  “Is this quickie what I think it is?” He asked. His dragon growled at her nod. His plate was empty so he grabbed her hand dragging her away.

  Once they were in the bedroom, he kicked the door shut and she jumped on him wrapping her legs around him. They kissed like two sex crazed fools with passion washing over them both in huge waves. Tomi sucked in his lower lip, raking it between her teeth gently. Her hands stroked his skin, making his desire flame even higher. Moving slowly, he carefully her put on the bed so he could pull off his clothing setting his trapped cock free so it wouldn’t hurt anymore.

  Finally naked, he saw his mate wasn’t bare yet. He leaned down to help her and then slid on the bed next to her. His mouth went straight to one of her pink nipples and he tugged hard on it as his hand cupped her other one. Switching his mouth to the other nipple giving it the same attention before licking down her body desperate to get between her legs. The need to smell and taste her honey was taking a toll on him.

  He drew in the sweet wonderful scent enjoying every moment. It was appealing to him so much he flicked out his tongue unable to wait any longer to taste her. She tasted amazing. It was sweet and spicy, giving him thoughts of home. Tomi would be his home from now till the end of time. Licking and fingering her channel, he wanted to bring her to orgasm first before he sank his cock inside her. He jerked wit
h need, soon he would be inside her.

  Finger fucking her, he also licked her clit. Adding another finger to stretch her so she could take him easily. She was close and she responding to his touch. He pinched her clit as he picked up his speed, hammering his fingers in and out as her legs moved further apart she arched up against him. One more pinch to her clit and she came apart. Bucking against him as pleasure washed over her in waves.

  Getting up, he motioned her to get on her knees on the edge of the bed. Grabbing her hip with one hand, he lined up his cock with her slit with the other. Tomi looked over her shoulder at him. Damn that was sexy. Slowly, but easily since she was incredible slick, he slid in to the hilt. Both of them moaned with pleasure.

  “Gods, you feel amazing!” He declared. For just a moment, he stayed still to enjoy the feeling of complete joining.

  But the need to move forced him to begin to slide in and out. Faster and faster until he was crazed with the need for them both to find release. Tomi made amazing sounds of pleasure that just spurred him on more. His dragon rumbled in his chest wishing for the day he would have his mate at his side. Hopefully that would be soon.

  His hips pistoned back and forth as their need rose until it was ready to explode. As soon as Tomi detonated, he followed her bellowing like his beast. It made him hope the soundproofing was good. His mate just screamed his name, her dragon was not yet near the surface, but he thought he could sense her growing deep inside Tomi.

  “That was amazing, but now I’m starved to death.” She whispered.

  “I’m hungry too. Let’s shower then we need to eat.”

  They ran to the shower that was part of their bedroom. He’d never asked, but he hoped it was soundproofed too. Setting the water hot, he got in first then backed it off for Tomi. Soon he wouldn’t have to do that anymore. As they took turns soaping each other up, their desire reheated. Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around him as he sank deep inside her.

  “Yes!” He screamed unable to stop himself. Tomi groaned with need.

  Turning her up against the wall, he could hold back no more. Pounding deep and hard, it took no time for them both to erupt with their love juices dripping down his leg. It was amazing, but now they needed to clean up again. He chuckled, this was something he didn’t mind at all.

  Finally clean, they got out to dry off and dress. She would head to the kitchen, while he had a planning session coming up. Checking the time, he saw he was late. The others would wait, it was a benefit of being the king. As he walked in he saw the others were all there including Davy?

  “Since she is in security, I thought to include her, your highness.” Garulto explained without him having to ask.

  “Good idea. So why don’t you explain the plan as it currently stands?” He looked at his general.

  “Very well, my king. The decision was made to attack the caves and I see no reason to change that. Hopefully they are licking their wounds and not expecting anything.” Garulto went through the whole plan and everyone seemed to be happy with it.

  “Everyone is dismissed. Davy would you stay. I need some mating advice. You too Garulto if you would?” He turned a little red.

  Everyone else rushed out and nothing was said until Garulto scanned for all bugs. Once he had them in a special container, they were ready to proceed. “Who do you think the traitor is?”

  “I’ve no way to know, but Davy has a suggestion.” Garulto said and Erak nodded at Davy.

  “You have cameras everywhere else. We have some so small they can’t be easily seen even by a dragon. I can set them up so only you can see the footage. Once you view it, you can dispose of it. But really, nothing private happens in here.” Davy observed.

  “Not right now, no. The private stuff happens when I have negotiations or a visiting dignitary. That happens rarely since none of the kings are mated. Do the camera, go get it now. Garulto is putting the bugs back. Just remember that.”

  Davy left while the guys discussed different unimportant things. When she came back, she put the camera in three places in the room. “Sorry I had to leave. I’m back now and I can answer that question. Romance is what human females like best, even those who deny it.”

  “You mean wine and dine?” Erak asked.

  “With candles and flowers. Maybe even a small gift. Not anything expensive but something thoughtful.” Davy said.

  “You’re making it even harder now.” Erak observed.

  Davy giggled. “You’ll be fine.”

  “Alright. Out with all of you.” He directed.

  It wasn’t rude, he told himself, because he wanted to find his mate. Besides, his stomach was protesting not getting fed enough. Marching down the hallway, he noted his guards behind him. Tomi would be in the cafeteria, he was certain of it. The aroma of lunch being served came to him as he got closer to the cafeteria. His mouth watered from that and the thought of his beautiful mate serving food there.

  The moment he entered he saw her taking a break even though they were packed. It seemed the help Jary had found for her helped. All he wanted to do was take care of his lovely queen. She looked up and smiled making his heart sing. When he got to her he sat down beside her.

  “I’ll get you a plate and be right back.” She was gone before he had a chance to protest.

  When she came back, she handed the guard a plate too. The one she set in front of him was piled slightly higher. As it should be since he was hers. “How goes the day?”

  “It’s busy, but I’ve enough help to manage, finally. They all seem to be working out. The males are happy as long as I bake a few treats for them.”

  “We’ll get to work on expanding this place soon. What needs done first?”

  “I need a builder to look at everything and help me layout where it all will go. The space needs to be laid out wisely when so many people work in it.”

  “That makes perfect sense. Ora is a builder that lives near the emperor’s palace. We’ll get in touch with him. He’s said to be the best.”

  “Whenever you can. I know you have a lot going on right now. I have to get back to work. If only you’d come sooner.” She kissed him and left.

  His mate was always shocking him. While he was glad she wasn’t one of those females that would bow down to him all the time; he just wished she would make time for him once in a while. Tomi would probably say he needed to look at things from her point of view. It wasn’t always easy. Once he and the guard were finished with their food, they walked back to the throne room.

  It was difficult to act naturally while watching everything he said. Those bugs really bothered him. If it wasn’t a key part of their plan to try to use them against the enemy, he’d remove the damn things. Getting down to his work, he noticed Jary in the corner at his desk working hard. The male was always just there, barely noticeable except when he needed him.

  Once he got through a pile of paperwork, he put it where Jary could get it. Yes, they had computers like the Earthers were used to, but certain things had to be in print with his signature and seal to be official. It would probably always be that way. After he attacked the last pile of paperwork, he looked at the clock realizing it was supper time. That realization made his stomach growl like a starving beast.

  Maybe it was also his desire to see his mate thrown in that made him hurry so. His stride was long and his guard hurried to keep up with him. As far as days went, this one had been a productive one. Tomorrow all hell would break loose, but tonight he would enjoy his meal and then his mate. Thank the gods he had finally claimed her. Nothing seemed so bad since he had.

  As soon as he entered the edge of the dining room he saw her standing near the kitchen door. She was kneading dough with her soft delectable hands. It would be better if they were on him. Desire shot through him and he tamped it down. Soon, but not here and not now.

  “If you would be done soon, we could take supper home with us and enjoy it together.” He observed.

  Tomi turned smiling at him. “That’s
the best offer I’ve had in a while. Let me get this done and I’ll fix us a tray. Have your guard get his from Lushia.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He turned to look at his guard who nodded and approached Lushia.

  In a few minutes, all would be right with the world. The food was on a wheeled tray and it looked like she’d gotten enough to fill two dragon size appetites. While he’d seen no signs of the change affecting her yet, he had no doubt a dragon lurked inside her. What it looked like and its personality were yet to be revealed. His dragon and his human side already loved her.

  They made their way back to their rooms. Finally, he would have all her attention and they would be able to do whatever they desired once they were done eating. Once the cart was wheeled into their room, he closed the door.

  “Alone at last.” He whispered before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

  “Alone.” She grinned up at him. “Time to eat. I’m starved. I don’t seem to be able to get enough food.”

  “That could be a sign of the change.”

  “I hope so because I’m ready for her to get her butt out here.” Tomi admitted. “I can feel her inside and she’s antsy.”

  “Once she arrives, you’ll have to take her out regularly. Dragons have to be free once in a while to fly and let out all their energy.”

  “You don’t have to convince me. I’ve always wanted to fly. It’s hard to imagine anything more amazing except being a mermaid.”

  “Dragons can swim under water too.” He observed smugly.

  “You’re not teasing me are you? That is completely amazing. Why don’t they ever talk about it?”

  “Some of the oceans have huge predators in them. We have to be extremely careful about where we swim.”

  “But there are safe places?”

  “There are.” He admitted. “Just not many.”

  “You know how to kill the mood. Why don’t you make a few more areas safe?”

  “How would we do that?”

  “You could remove the big bad sea monsters and fix it to where they can’t get into certain spots. I know you have the technology.” She reminded.

  “You’re right. We don’t use our technology as much as we could. I’ll put that on the list. But a concern is having the workers to do these things. Especially this which would be dangerous.”


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