The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story Page 13

by Ruby Rowe

  “Open the fucking door, Sasha! I should’ve known I’d find you here. I came for some cash, but you’re a perfect pawn for me to get more of it.”

  My lip quivers and heart pounds in my chest from the instant panic I feel. The past–pain–fear … it’s all bubbling to the surface.

  Turning the handle, he tries to come inside. He shoves forward as I push back. I won’t let him in. I won’t let him near my family again.

  “Bitch, you’re coming with me. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Did you honestly think you could run out on me like that?”

  “You’re not getting in this house!” I shift around and push my shoulder and hip against the door.

  Sharp pain slices through my chest from my gunshot wound, but I don’t stop using all my strength to keep the psychopath out.

  He gets a shoe wedged between the door, and shoving as hard as he can, he swings it open. My body flies to the floor, and I land on my back.

  The heels of my tennis shoes dig against the marble floor as I try to slide myself back and away from him.

  With rage in his eyes, he comes for me, so I scream at the top of my lungs and cover my face, fearing the worst.

  Hearing pounding footsteps, I move my hand and see Rusty looking behind me. Greyson travels past me and swings a punch at my evil ex’s face, knocking him back a few feet.

  Rusty straightens his gait but has no time to respond before Greyson grabs hold of his shirt and hauls him out the front door. Ellis follows behind them, and I suck in quick breaths, hyperventilating on the floor.

  Feeling paralyzed, I envision Christopher when he was standing in this room with his gun. I stare up at the chandelier high above me to block out the memory, and the first thing I notice is how the glass jewels hanging from it sparkle from the sun shining in through the tall windows.

  I thought once I had the courage to get away from the darkness, it would disappear, but the pain from my past won’t let me go, and even the evilness followed me here, to this bright and beautiful place.

  Hearing police sirens, I wonder how long I’ve been transfixed on the chandelier, trying my hardest to forget the darkness.

  “Sasha, are you OK?” Camilla’s voice echoes in the massive open space. “What happened?”

  “Where’s Liam?” I ask. “Don’t leave him outside. It’s not safe. It’s not safe anywhere I go.”

  Running to the open front door, Camilla looks outside.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Rusty happened. He came back here for more money and forced his way inside, but Ellis and Greyson got him.”

  “Oh, my god, the police are here. Are you hurt?”

  “The area around my wound is stinging, but otherwise, I’m OK. Please, go get Liam and Hercules. I don’t know if Rusty had anyone with him.”

  My comment is enough to make Camilla run toward the back of the house. Because of the pain in my chest, I continue to lie down and stare up at the pretty chandelier, a sign of elegance, prestige, wealth and respect, the opposite of what I embody.

  I’m an imposter, and my vile past is going to follow me wherever I go. What does Greyson see in me? I’m not my sister. I’ve said it before … she fits in this world in a way I never have or will.


  “Sir, you need to give me a statement,” the cop says as he follows me back into the house.

  “Sasha, are you OK?” I ask as I squat down.

  “I said you need to give me a statement.” Jerking my head to the side, I glare at the officer.

  “You’re going to give me a minute to make sure my girlfriend’s all right.”

  “I’m fine. Talk to him,” Sasha replies. She starts to stand, so I help her up, and she winces in pain.

  “What’s hurting?”

  “My wound. I’m OK, though.”

  “Call for an ambulance,” I say to the cop. He unclips the radio on his hip.

  “No, don’t,” Sasha insists. “I’m not that hurt.” I stare into her eyes to see if she’s telling the truth. “Please, Greyson. I’m OK,” she adds. Thinking of what could’ve happened if I hadn’t heard her screams, I hug her tightly.

  “I’m going outside to answer the cop’s questions, but I’ll be right back.”

  “I know. Go.”

  I follow the officer out the door, and I’m pleased to see Rusty sitting in the police cruiser with no means of escape. I notice through the window that the fucker’s bleeding heavily.

  All the anger that has built up inside me over what Sasha endured was released on Rusty’s face until Ellis tore me off him and called the cops.

  I think I would’ve killed the asshole if he hadn’t, and I’d be the one sitting in that car right now.

  While talking to the officer, I look down at my hands. They’re covered in blood, and I’m not sure if it’s only Rusty’s or mine, too. My knuckles and fingers hurt like a bitch.

  “We have to get a statement from the woman, as well.”

  I want to tell him to fuck off, but I know I can’t.

  “Fine, come back inside.” He follows me into the house and approaches Sasha. Her arms are wrapped around her shaking body.

  She’s trying to hold it together, but I see the pain and fear, and the hundred steps back this has already taken her.

  I’m going to kill that sick bastard. I turn to head back out the door, but Ellis puts his hands on my chest as he’s walking inside.

  “You’re not going out there. I know that look, and you’ve done enough damage to his face.” Grabbing my head, I growl. “Come with me to the kitchen,” he adds. “You can wash up there.”

  Since Sasha’s still talking to the cop, I do as Ellis said and follow him. I no sooner have my hands under the water when Camilla comes in carrying Liam on one hip and Hercules on the other. She sets them down, and Liam drops to his knees to play with the puppy.

  “What happened?” Camilla asks.

  “Rusty showed up and forced his way inside. That’s all I know,” Ellis says. “I forgot to shut the damn gate after Greyson and Sasha arrived.”

  “She said he came back for more money. What did Sasha mean by that?”

  Ellis looks at me at the same time I glance at him. Shit.

  “Rusty’s been here before,” Ellis says quietly. “He showed up here for money once, and I gave it to him so he wouldn’t go to the authorities about your past. It was before we worked that situation out.”

  “You should’ve told me.” Damn, she looks pissed.

  “I know, but I didn’t want you to worry.”

  “Your selective honesty is growing old, Ellis. Real old.” After picking up Hercules, she takes Liam by the hand. “We’ll be in his room. He doesn’t need something else traumatizing him.”

  Flipping her auburn hair back, she marches from the room with Liam trying to keep up.

  “It seems like I can’t do a damn thing right with her.”

  “I guess I can look forward to the same lecture,” I say as I grab several paper towels to dry my hands. “How is it Sasha knew Rusty had been here?”

  “She ran into him the other day, and he told her.”

  “Were you going to tell me this?”

  “I didn’t see a need to.”

  “You didn’t see a need to tell me she could be in danger?”

  “We didn’t think he’d try anything else.”

  “Where did she see him?”

  “Thanks to you, I saw him at my old apartment,” Sasha says hatefully. I turn around, and she glares at me. “You sent Terrence there, but he didn’t know it was my old place, so he asked me to ride along. Well, guess who greeted me once we got there.”

  “Sasha, I’m sorry. It never crossed my mind that Terrence might take you with him.”

  “Did it ever cross your mind to tell me you were checking out the complex?”

  “I was going to tell you after I had a chance to revitalize the property. I swear, I was going to tell you later.”

  “I want
to go home,” she spouts. “Ellis, I’m sorry I brought my past to your front door–again.” Her eyes wash with tears. “I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry.”

  She runs from the room, and fuck our life right now. Fuck Rusty, too.



  “The ice helped my wound. It’s better now,” I say to Greyson as he sits on the couch. The TV’s not on, and he seems deep in thought. “I want to snuggle with Hercules, so I’m going to sleep in the spare bedroom.”

  Scratching the back of his head, Greyson blows out a breath and looks at me.

  “I’m not the enemy, Sasha. Don’t lose sight of that.”

  “I know, but I need space to think.”

  “That’s the last thing you need. You’ll somehow convince yourself that what happened today was your fault, but it wasn’t. Your ex is a piece of shit.”

  “Yeah, and that piece of shit could’ve hurt my family all because I once dated him. It disgusts me to even say those words.” Greyson’s in front of me fast, clutching my shoulders.

  “Baby, don’t do this. Don’t retreat.”

  “My past is never going to release me. Don’t you see that?”

  “It will when you’re ready for it to. Once you stop doubting that you’re worth more than your past life, it will lose its power.”

  Fighting my tears, I look away. “Maybe. Look, I’ll sleep in your bed, but only if Hercules can, too.”

  “It’s our bed, Sasha. Our fucking bed, and yes, he can sleep with us, too.”


  Hearing Hercules whine, I open my eyes. He’s off the bed and scratching at the door like he wants out.

  “I’m getting up,” I groan. “Give me a minute, and I’ll take you outside.” As I sit up to slip some cotton shorts on, I hear voices, so I freeze to listen.

  Greyson and a woman are exchanging words, but I can’t make out who she is. After I finish dressing and pick up Hercules, Greyson’s voice escalates, and I grow concerned.

  I start down the hallway and recognize Theresa’s voice. Their conversation is heated, so I stop to listen.

  “I said no, Greyson. This is absurd. I understand you’re a wealthy man, but there are some things money can’t buy, and I think this is a perfect opportunity for you to learn that valuable lesson. Now, hand over my parents’ dog.”

  Gasping, I cover my mouth and instinctually pull Hercules closer to me. He whines again, wanting down, and now I know the reason why he was scratching at the door.

  My eyes fill with tears as Greyson walks toward me down the hallway. He lifts his head, and as soon as his eyes meet my teary gaze, he stops.

  “Sasha, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t. Don’t come near me.” I walk briskly past him to the foyer, and once Theresa sees us, her shoulders sink.

  “I’m sorry, Sasha. I never meant for any of this to happen. Greyson told me how attached you are to Snowflake.”

  “Snowflake?” I let out a clipped laugh. “Of course he’d already have a name!” Holding Snowflake up, I give him a kiss on his dark, wet nose, which looks adorable against his white fur and the pink inside his ears.

  “I don’t know why I’m surprised, Snowflake. Nothing good lasts.” He licks at my face. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Oh, Sasha,” Theresa says, “I want to hurt that boyfriend of yours for doing this to you. You make him go buy you a puppy, OK?”

  “That’s not happening. See, he never wanted to buy me a dog in the first place, so why would I have him do it now?”

  Sighing, she pulls me in for a hug before she slips out the door. Stunned, I stand stock-still and wonder how much worse the week will get.

  Unable to take another second of the anger roaring inside me, I stomp down the hallway to our master bedroom. Greyson’s sitting on the bed, waiting for my wrath, so I march up to him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I couldn’t bring myself to do it. You were so happy.”

  “Oh, so keeping me briefly happy was worth ripping my heart out later?”

  “I tried to fix it, but she wouldn’t budge.”

  “No shit, Greyson, and I can’t believe you thought she would.”

  Lowering his head, he slides his fingers through his hair.

  “I know. It was stupid of me. She was right to tell me no, and you’re right to hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you. I’m angry and confused. I don’t know how to be in a relationship with you, and I need time to think about what that means for our future.”

  Turning around, I stomp to the spare bedroom and slam the door. I’m upset over losing Hercules, but mainly, I’m pissed at Greyson for thinking I couldn’t handle the truth.

  The door flings open, and he storms inside. His panicked eyes are watery, his face scarlet.

  “You can’t say shit like that and walk away. Why don’t you know how to be in a relationship with me?”

  I cross my arms. “Greyson, you dragged me off this bed by the ankles for oversleeping when I first moved in, yet now you’ll let me believe someone else’s dog is mine for two damn days because you don’t want to hurt my feelings. I can’t make sense of it.”

  “That’s because when you moved in here, I didn’t love your stubborn Skittles ass, but now I do, so yeah, I’m going to do everything I can to make you happy.”

  “OK, but ever since we got together, you’ve treated me like fragile glass that could shatter any moment. That’s entirely different than the expectations you set for me in the beginning, which sends me mixed signals about how capable you really think I am.

  “How am I supposed to grow as a person if you control everything that happens around me? When I need you, I’ll tell you, like I did when we went to my therapy session. You don’t need to be overprotective.”

  He strides closer and grimaces. “You want to talk about mixed signals? I thought you trusted me, but yesterday, I found this.” Squatting by the bed, Greyson reaches under it and removes a suitcase.

  “Hercules sniffed it out for me, and what’s inside confirmed my worst fear; you don’t trust me. You’re hoarding food like I’m going to kick you to the curb at any moment.”

  “Did it ever cross your mind that there could be another explanation for that food?”

  Glancing down at the suitcase and back at me, he lifts his chin. “I can’t think of a single other reason you’d have this hidden under the bed.”

  I clutch my hips. “The way you think you’re right about everything is annoying sometimes. For the record, I’ve been storing food in there to make homeless care packages, which are bags of items I can give to homeless people when I see them on the streets.

  “I knew if I left it in the pantry, I’d either eat it, or Theresa wouldn’t see a need to restock the shelves.” I look away, feeling a touch guilty. “She thinks I want the single-serving items to take to work, but I put them in the suitcase instead.

  “I didn’t think you’d care since you’re always trying to give me money and keep the pantry full.” I steal a glimpse of him. “Greyson, everything in there is for the homeless, not me.”

  He drops the handle he’s been holding, and the large suitcase falls over, smacking the floor.

  “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions, but you don’t understand how out-of-my-mind desperate you make me feel. I’m terrified something or someone might take you away from me and ruin this oddly perfect relationship between us.”

  “Why do you have to say nice things after you do stupid shit?”

  Without warning, he grabs my face and slams his lips to mine. He forces his tongue inside, and I let him because even though I can’t explain it, I physically need his affection this second.

  Our mouths are joined, his tongue probing every inch of mine. I whimper as I push my body against his.

  He let’s my lips go and pleads, “Don’t hate me for what I did.”

  “I don’t. Now, touch me.” Crashing his lips against mine again, he tugs at my shirt
, and I lift my arms for him to pull it over my head.

  His hands cup my breasts before he massages them and tugs on my already hardened nipples.

  He groans into my mouth, and I whimper as we become more turned on by the second. Clenching my waist with his strong hands, he lays me back on the bed.

  He wastes no time pulling off my tiny shorts, his shirt, and lastly his pajama pants. Yearning to feel him inside me, I stare at his stiff cock, and I’m desperate for him to ease this throbbing between my legs.

  I open them wide for him, and without hesitation, he climbs over top of my body and drives into me, his back arching in the process as he locks his arms.

  Moaning from the feel of his cock, we both sling our heads back. I’m lifting my pelvis, wanting to feel him deeper, needing him closer.

  He pulls back and thrusts into me again, and desperate to feel us closer, too, he lowers himself onto my body and shoves his hands in my hair.

  “I love you so damn much, and fuck, it feels insanely good to be inside you. I can’t get enough of it.”

  “Me, either.” We kiss, and he does what he can to bury his cock deeper. With each thrust, he’s stroking my pussy, driving me closer to the edge, until I can’t hold on any longer.

  “I’m going to come,” I say choppily before I free-fall into the abyss, the pleasure swallowing me up. He presses his head against the crook of my neck and pulses into me, and we can’t ever stop doing this.

  This makes me feel desirable, normal and loved beyond comprehension, especially now that he’s lifted his head and is staring into my eyes with longing and affection.

  “That was… I don’t have words for how incredible that was.” He presses his lips to mine and kisses me softly.

  “Ladybug, all I’ve wanted is to make you happy, and I know I’ve screwed up trying, but it’s because your love’s not something I have control over, and I don’t want to lose it. It’s freaking me out, and I’m not thinking things through.”

  “No one’s ever felt that way about me, but I guess I understand.” Pulling out of me, Greyson lies on his side, so I do the same to face him.


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