The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story Page 18

by Ruby Rowe

  I’m also wondering if she’ll confront me and spout vicious words about how I’m beneath her and couldn’t make Greyson happy.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” I snap out of my negative train of thoughts and join the other guests in clapping for my sister and brother-in-law. “I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Burke,” the minister adds.

  Looking ecstatic, Ellis and Camilla walk down the aisle. Greyson and I hook arms and follow them, and I focus straight ahead, not wanting to risk eye contact with Whitney, wherever she may be.

  Once we’re away from the guests, Greyson pulls me by the hand to the white screen I’d waited behind earlier.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I found out she was here the same time you did.”

  “It’s OK. I know you would’ve told me if you had known.”

  “Unfortunately, her family is tight with mine, so she’s going to make appearances on occasion, but I don’t believe she’ll cause a scene. I’m sure she doesn’t want anyone to see us together since it would only be a reminder of what happened.”

  I clutch his arm. “Really, it’s fine. If she does confront me, I’ll walk away. I better get inside to help Camilla change.” I giggle. “I wonder if she and Ellis are the first to have a kid’s birthday party/reception.”


  This is not like any wedding reception I’ve attended. After the ceremony, we did the champagne toasts and cut the wedding cake, but to preempt meltdowns by the children, we’re putting the rest of the wedding festivities on hold.

  Instead, everyone is singing the happy birthday song to Liam and Ellis. Liam smiles bashfully, his eyes bouncing from one group of people to the next as he stands up in a chair at a long table under the white party tent.

  As the singing stops, he and Ellis simultaneously blow out the lit candles on their obnoxiously large sheet cake decorated in red, yellow and blue icing.

  Because we needed more cake.

  Ellis leaves a lot of the candles for Liam to blow out, and I chuckle amongst the crowd, knowing how hard this is for my cousin.

  Ellis is being a good sport considering how much he hates being the center of attention. Man, his life sure has changed.

  Sasha slips an arm around my waist before she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. She doesn’t say anything, but she doesn’t need to. I know what she’s thinking.

  Sasha’s life has probably changed the most, and unlike a lot of the guests here, she’s appreciating every second of this celebration.

  Right after the ceremony, Ellis surprised her and Camilla with a video call to their grandmother in Italy. All three women were crying, so then I got teary-eyed.

  I swear, if my cock wasn’t getting hard for Sasha every hour of the day, I’d think I was low on testosterone. I need to get her alone to ensure that’s not the problem.

  Liam claps his hands, but he stops fast and points his finger toward the jumpy blow-up contraption some of the other children have raided.

  After the wedding, Sasha helped him change into shorts, so he’s ready to play. Ellis sets him down on the ground, and he takes off running.

  “Maybe I should go watch him,” Sasha says. She waves at Ellis and points in Liam’s direction, signaling she’ll keep an eye on him.

  “Let me grab a drink first, and then I’ll be over.” I give her a kiss and head to one of the two bars in the tent. I start to order a scotch, but then I think of Sasha and change my mind.

  “What can I get for you?” a young girl asks as she bats her long lashes at me and flips her blond hair over her shoulder. I appreciate how it doesn’t affect me.

  When I was miserable with Whitney, I would’ve enjoyed flirting with the bartender or taking her behind the tent for a good time, but that was the old Greyson.


  “Oh, uh, just give me … hell, two waters I guess please.”

  “Easing up on the booze today?” a male voice asks from behind me.

  I turn around, and shit, it’s Sebastian, Whitney’s boyfriend.

  “Something like that.”

  “Let me guess. You don’t want to drink around that girlfriend of yours. I heard about her problem.”

  Not wanting to knock the asshole out at my cousin’s wedding, I say, “Yeah, and I heard about yours, too. Enjoy a lifetime with Whit. Keeping her pleased is not an easy task.”

  “Maybe you just didn’t know how to give it to her right.”

  I throw a twenty in the tip jar for the bartender and pick up the waters.

  “So, I saw your new billboard off i-25. Your smiling face sure is big and out there for the world to see.” Smirking, I take a drink.

  He slides a hand through his jet hair.

  “What are you bringing that up for?”

  “No reason. I’m sure it’s going to draw in a lot of business for your law firm.” I let out a clipped laugh. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a hot chick waiting for me. Good luck with the high-maintenance one.”

  Strolling away, I’m proud of the changes I’ve made by being with Sasha. OK, I can still be an ass to those who deserve it, but my girl has shown me that an abundance of money and success aren’t the most important things in life, and neither is the Gant-Peterson empire. Sebastian can have it.



  “Has Liam clotheslined anyone yet?” Greyson asks as he walks up beside me at the jumpy house. He hands me a water before taking a drink of his own.

  “My nephew is too sweet for that.”

  “Then I need to spend more time with him.” He winks at me, and the sun shining down enhances the sparkle in his bluish-green eyes.

  “What if Camilla has three more boys?”

  “Jesus Christ, then we better pray for her sanity. Burke boys are full of piss.”

  “No kidding.” I wink back at him. “Hey, speaking of … I need to use the ladies’ room. Do you mind keeping an eye on him for a few minutes?”

  “Of course not.”

  Giving him a kiss first, I leave Greyson and head to the back door of the house. I consider checking on my sister, but I see her with Ellis, talking to some people I don’t know.

  I think dinner’s being served soon, and then I imagine the adults who don’t have children will be partying it up on the dance floor.

  I find the hall bathroom and toss my cup into the wastebasket. I do my business, wash my hands and gaze in the mirror. It’s a hot July day, so my makeup is beginning to run.

  I dab away the mascara under my eyes and push back the fallen strands of my updo, but I need a better touchup. Remembering that my cosmetic bag is in the sewing room upstairs, I walk to the staircase.

  Once I’m on the second floor, I have to count the doors to remember which one has my belongings in it. I find my makeup and go to the adjoining bathroom.

  I finish my touchup, and as I’m putting my cosmetic bag away in the sewing room, I catch a glimpse of a guy passing by the door. He steps back and strolls right into the room.

  “Hi, we haven’t met.”

  I glance around, finding it uncomfortable that he walked in without permission.

  “No, we haven’t.”

  “I’m Sebastian.” He holds his hand out for me to shake, and his name’s familiar. The guy is well over six feet tall, and his eyes are onyx, the eerie color reminding me of Rusty’s. After shaking his hand, I grip my opposite arm across my chest and glance away.

  “I’m Sasha, Camilla’s sister.”

  “You’re also here with Greyson, correct?”

  “Yes, I live with him actually.” Sebastian steps closer, and I take a step back. He’s in my personal space, and if someone saw us, they’d get the wrong impression. “I should go. I’m responsible for watching my nephew right now.”

  “You know, I was shocked when I heard Greyson turned down all that money. I mean, it was good for me since I’m a better fit for Whitney and the Gant-Peterson business, but I was
still surprised.”

  “What money? What are you talking about?”

  He slides a hand through is coal-black hair and smirks.

  “Are you telling me you have no idea about the inheritance Greyson would’ve received had he married Whitney?”

  “No, I don’t, but I’ll be sure to ask him about it.” I start to walk around Sebastian, but he holds out his arm and gently pushes me back while he looks at the ceiling and laughs.

  “Oh, this is too good to be true. I can’t believe I get to be the one to tell you.”

  “You’re making me uncomfortable.”

  Slowly lowering his head, he pierces me with a look of warning and grazes the back of his hand down my arm.

  “I’ve been wondering what’s so enticing about you to make a man turn down seventy-five million dollars. How tight is your pussy, Sasha, that Greyson would give up all that money?”

  Seventy-five million dollars?

  My lip quivers, and I feel the panic take hold, erupting throughout my body like a fiery volcano.

  “Or, maybe you prefer it in the ass.” He nods. “Bingo, I bet that’s it, but still, he could get that elsewhere, too.”

  I shove around him to run away, but he grabs my wrist and jerks it until I’m spinning back toward him.

  I slam against his chest, and wrapping an arm around my waist, he stares down at me, his gaze calculating and sinister, and even through his black irises, I see his vulgar thoughts. I push on his chest, but he won’t budge.

  “Get off me!”

  “Not until I find out what’s so special about you. It’ll be a sweet revenge; sort of like an eye for an eye. He’s fucked my girl, so I should get to fuck his, too. Seems only fair.”

  “I said get off me, you sociopath!” I jerk back and forth in his arms, but I can’t break free, so I bring my knee back and swing it up between his legs, nailing him right in his testicles.

  “Ohhh, fuuuck!” he groans before he doubles over. I turn to run out the door and smack right into another man.

  “Get out of my way!” I slap at his chest. “Let me go.”

  “Sasha, Sasha, it’s me, Greyson.” He tilts my chin up. “What’s wrong? I heard you yelling from down the hall.” Furrowing his brow as I cry and shake, he looks around me at Sebastian. “Did he fucking touch you?”

  I nod fast, and he lets me go so he can charge at the asshole. I turn around and watch him sucker punch Sebastian about the time he was trying to stand straight. Greyson grabs him by the collar and hits him in the nose.

  “Fucker, if you ever touch her again, I’ll kill you. I mean it with every fiber of my being. Do I make myself clear?”

  Covering his bleeding nose, Sebastian manages to grin.

  “Who knew white trash could be worth so much money? By the way, I told her how you gave up all those millions. I was only trying to see if her pussy was worth it.”

  “I’m gonna murder you!” Swinging his arm back again, Greyson throws another punch before tackling Sebastian to the floor. I scream, unsure of what to do, until Lawrence shoves past me.

  I watch as he grabs Greyson by the biceps and pulls him off Sebastian. He drags him back, and Greyson fights to get free the entire time.

  “Sasha, out in the hallway,” Lawrence barks at me, so I turn and run from the room. He exits with Greyson and forces him into a bedroom across from us, so I hurry behind them, not wanting to be left alone with the asshole.

  “What happened?” Lawrence asks.

  “He put his hands on Sasha. He was going to hurt her. I swear, I’m going back there to kill him if he doesn’t leave this property now.”

  “I’ll get him out of here.” Lawrence leaves, slamming the door behind him. I jump from the loud noise and cover my face, sobbing once again.

  Greyson’s arms wrap around my trembling body, but I’m furious with him, so I shove with all my might until I’m free from his hold.

  “Don’t touch me. How could you keep another secret from me?”

  Shaking his head, he opens and closes his fist, his knuckles already red and swollen.

  “Sasha, it’s not as bad as you think. I don’t need the money.”

  “You can honestly stand here and tell me it’s no big deal that you gave up seventy-five million dollars? I can’t even comprehend it.” Crying, I cross my arms around my waist. God, I might vomit.

  “I did it for you, Sasha. You’re worth more than any amount of money, and I’d give away every cent I have if I was made to choose between it and our relationship. That’s how much you mean to me.”

  I cover my ears. “Stop. Just stop it. You don’t understand. By giving up that money, you added the weight of the world onto my shoulders.

  “How could I ever measure up, Greyson? How?” My last word is garbled through my cries. He tries to grab my arms, but I jerk away.

  “How do I even begin to be a girlfriend, wife or mother whose value is worth millions of dollars? I could never screw up.”

  I hold out my arm. “And now, your fellow pretentious assholes think they can touch me, too. Sebastian found it fucking humorous. Did everyone know about the money but me?”

  He looks out the window and blows out a breath.

  “The news got around, but I don’t think Camilla knows. Ellis didn’t think it was a big deal, either, so I doubt he told her. Look, I understand you’re upset over what Sebastian did, and I’m sorry another man forced himself on you.”

  He shakes his head. “God, I want to kill the bastard, but you’re overreacting about the money. I knew the news would stress you out, and that’s why I didn’t tell you, but I never dreamed you’d be this upset.”

  “You have no idea what you’ve done. What unfathomable expectations you’ve placed on me, but I guess someone who has enough money to set on fire and watch it burn wouldn’t get it.” I hold out my hand. “Give me your keys. I’m leaving.”

  “You can’t get the car out of the garage. There are too many vehicles behind it.”

  “Then I’ll find someone who’ll take me back to the city.”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  “Oh, yes I am. You’re not going to tell me what I can or can’t do, and you’re not going to breathe a word about this to my sister. It would ruin her and Ellis’s special day, so you tell her I got sick and went home. Do I make myself clear?”

  He lowers his head. “Yes, but where are you going?”

  “Far away from you and this life. I don’t belong in it.” I storm out, and peeking into the sewing room, I see Sebastian’s gone. There’s blood all over the rug, and I weep as I grab my purse.

  I run down the stairs, almost falling on the slick hardwood like I imagined I could do. Fleeing out the front door, I look around, but there’s no one leaving. I don’t know what to do. I can’t wait for an Uber driver to come all this way.

  “Sasha, wait,” Greyson says.

  I spin around. “I told you I need space, and I’ve earned it.”

  “Let me drive you to the penthouse. I promise I’ll come back here to sleep.”

  Clenching my eyes shut, I ball my hands into fists.

  “What part of I don’t want to be near you do you not understand?”

  “I’ll take her,” I hear someone say. I open my eyes, and Lawrence is leaning against the house with a cigarette in his hand. His shirt is untucked from his dress pants, and his jacket is hanging over his arm above where his hand is shoved in his pocket.

  “Since when do you smoke?” Greyson asks.

  “Since the day before I had to tell my wife I was a cheating sack of shit.” Aspen… “Sasha, I’ll drive you back to the penthouse. My car’s not blocked.”

  Greyson looks back at me. “Will you at least let Lawrence drive you? I need to know you made it home safely.”

  “You need to know I’m safe?” I ask sarcastically. “I’m obviously not safe here now that your friends think I have a pussy made of diamonds and gold.

  “I mean, there has to be something spect
acular about it, right? For you to give up seventy-five million dollars.” I grab my stomach. “I can’t even say it without wanting to throw up.”

  “Sasha, let me take you home,” Lawrence says. “I just need to tell Aspen first.”

  “Fine.” I glare at Greyson. “I’m sure Katherine would have plenty to say about this incident.”

  “I love you.”

  “Do you? Or, did you want to stick it to your family so badly that you gave up all that money? You said showing me off today was your fuck you to everyone. Is that what you meant by the comment? Maybe this had nothing to do with me after all.”


  We’re twenty minutes into our ride back to Denver, and Lawrence hasn’t said a word. The silence is awkward, especially since I know he’s nervous. The way he scratches the back of his head is a dead giveaway since Greyson often does it, too.

  “Thank you for offering to drive me home.”

  “It’s no problem. I needed a break from the chaos.”

  “I really love Aspen. She’s been nothing but kind to me since we met.”

  “That’s Aspen. She’s damn near perfect.”

  I look over at him, and he tightens his hand around the steering wheel.

  “Then can I ask why you did it?”

  “I think you just did.” He finally glances over at me and displays a smile, but it doesn’t reach his sad eyes. “What’s fucked up is you’re the only person besides Greyson and Aspen to ask me why.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  He shrugs. “In our high-society, cheating happens often. I don’t think anyone figured there was a specific reason, other than temptation maybe.”

  “Wonderful. Is that something else I can look forward to if I stay with Greyson?”

  Lawrence looks over and scowls.

  “Greyson would never cheat on you.”

  “He cheated on Whitney.”

  “Stop looking for another reason to bail.”

  Crossing my arms, I huff. “I think I already have enough of those.”

  “Look, he and Whit hadn’t been in a relationship in a long damn time. Not the kind that matters, anyway. He loves you and would never do that.”


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