Prince of Havoc

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Prince of Havoc Page 23

by Michael A. Stackpole

  Kai glanced off along the Precentor Martial's line of sight and saw a robed and hooded ComStar acolyte. Red means Precentor, I think. He shrugged. I guess those sorts of details are the things I need to concentrate on now. as he turned back he saw Focht had departed, but a pretty young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes had joined them. She hugged Omi, then smiled at the rest of them. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She looked down sadly. "Duke Allard-Liao, I want to convey to you my deep regret at the state of affairs in St. Ives. I very much tried to convince Sun-Tzu that what he was doing was disruptive and foolish, but he did not listen to me. I know that probably sounds false coming from me, but..."

  The pain in her voice sounded genuine to him, so Kai gave her a quick smile. "Isis, I thank you for using your influence over my cousin, and I regret as deeply as you that he did not heed your advice."

  Isis Marik nodded, her lips pressed together in a solid line. "Thank you. I, ah, well, thanks."

  Deirdre reached out and took one of the younger woman's hands into her own. "What is it, dear?"

  Isis brushed a single tear away. "I'm sorry, I, ah, I just, ah, get a bit confused. Sun-Tzu has been distant, and growing more so. And my father's got a new son, a legitimate child, so my value in the universe is shrinking."

  Kai struggled to conceal his surprise at seeing Isis in such a state. He didn't know her well, but she'd always seemed cool and collected.

  Omi laid a hand on Isis' shoulder. "You have never struck me as one to see your own value as that placed on you by others. You were strong enough to endure at Hustaing. You have strength and worth even if your role as a political bargaining chip is over."

  "But, Omi, I have not been prepared for a role as you have."

  Phelan gave her a smile. "But you're smart enough to find yourself one."

  Deirdre rolled her eyes. "I think, Phelan, you're missing her point. The role you wanted, Isis, was at Sun-Tzu's right hand. You still love him, don't you?"

  Isis nodded mutely.

  Phelan started to say something, but Kai reached out and poked him in the shoulder. "Don't. We're way out of our depth here, I think."

  Deirdre looked at Kai and shot him a sharp glance. "That's right. You boys should go mingle or something—just try not to start any wars."

  Phelan arched an eyebrow. "Now, where is the fun in that?"

  Kai pulled Phelan away as the trio of women retreated toward one of the Grand Ballroom's corners. "Let them deal with Isis. I feel for her because I know my cousin can be very nasty and likely will discard her now that Thomas has someone who will no doubt take her place in the succession. Sun-Tzu can do better—at least he will think so."

  "Better?" Phelan blinked. "Katherine?"

  "I could wish. They would deserve each other." Kai smiled as he decided that marriage would be measured not in anniversaries but nanoseconds. "No, I was thinking the Periphery or, perhaps, Yvonne."

  "Yvonne?" Phelan frowned. "I would think Sun-Tzu would be smarter than to again allow himself to have a realm dangled before him the way Thomas has been doing. Now, one of the Periphery states, that might work. Expand his realms bloodlessly, threaten either the FedCom or the League in doing so. Since things are not going well in St. Ives, he might need to do that."

  "Well, whatever he's going to be doing, at least it won't be as the First Lord of the Star League." Kai shook his head. "It will be another fifteen years before he can drop into that post."

  "I wonder how many of the people here will still be alive in fifteen years?" The Wolf's question came solemnly. "Kai, are you going to go fight in St. Ives?"

  "I don't know yet. I'm going to do whatever is required to keep my homeland free. Right now my mother thinks my best use is here, so I'm here."

  "Being here would be Victor's best use, too." Phelan sighed. "Then again, if Sun-Tzu takes St. Ives and Katherine decided to destroy the Arc-Royal Defense Cordon, maybe we'll just have to go to Luthien and help Victor in his war on aphids."

  "I hope, my friend," Kai said, resting a hand on Phelan's shoulder, "it never comes to that."


  Royal Court, The Triad

  TharkadCity, Tharkad

  District of Donegal, Federated Commonwealth

  3 November 3061

  Kai sighed. Perhaps fighting aphids would be an improvement on this. Sun-Tzu, as the First Lord of the Star League, presided over the meeting of the Lords and dictated the details of the various ceremonies surrounding the meeting. For this, the first session of the Council meeting, he had insisted upon full recognition for all the delegates and their aides, which produced hours of tedious introductions.

  The council chamber had been set up much as Kai remembered it from three years earlier. The Grand Ballroom that housed the welcoming reception had been again transformed into a meeting hall. The long staircase down which each delegate entered was behind the speaker's podium. To the fight of it sat a table for the Capellan Confederation, and to the right of that table was the one designated for the Draconis Combine. Next came the Free Worlds League and directly opposite the podium sat the table for the Federated Commonwealth. The St. Ives table diagonally opposed the Capellan Confederation table, placing it immediately to Katherine's right, then the Free Rasalhague Republic, and finally ComStar to the left of the podium. at the first meeting ComStar and Rasalhague shared a table, but now Rasalhague has the one that would have been reserved for Victor's Federated Commonwealth. Kai glanced to his left at Katherine sitting at her table, her expression serene, but her eyes so very cold. Yvonne sat behind her and looked to be a million light years away. Kai wished Deirdre was there with him because she would be able to tell if Katherine had Yvonne doped up and presented as a show piece.

  Because the St. Ives Compact was seen as one of the lesser nations of the Inner Sphere, Kai, his mother, Morgan Kell, and Phelan had been announced first and had to endure the parade of other delegates trickling into the room. Morgan Kell had been granted admission as an aide to Candace Liao, likewise Phelan. The Arc-Royal Defense Cordon might as well have been a realm unto itself. But Katherine had chosen to ignore the fact that Morgan wanted nothing to do with her. She still claimed it as part of her nation. If Morgan declared his full independence, Katherine would fight to pull him back into the fold, weakening the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth and allowing the Jade Falcons to sweep into the military vacuum left behind. after them came the Free Rasalhague Republic, then ComStar and the Combine. The Free Worlds League came next, followed by Katherine—though here, in her realm, she was announced as Katrina. Kali Liao, the auburn-haired leader of a Thugee death cult, led the Capellan Confederation delegation down to the floor, then everyone waited for Sun-Tzu to appear.

  Preceding him were members of the Black Watch Regiment, the First Lord's new personal bodyguard. They took up positions on the stairs as a ripple of barely concealed shock ran through the room. So that's where they are. We should have known, considering who and what they are, that regardless of who holds the office of First Lord, they would be by his side.

  Next Sun-Tzu arrived. He was resplendent in a golden Han jacket worked with black tigers on the breasts and sleeves. The cloth of gold all but glowed, and the expression on Katherine's face showed she thought the display was so ostentatious as to be absurd, but Kai realized what was truly going on. Gold was a color forbidden to all but the Emperor in Old China. The people of the Capellan Confederation will see him here, leading his peers, as imperial as ever. This show is for their benefit, not ours.

  Kai smiled, pleased that his jacket, likewise reminiscent of ancient Asian styling, had been cut from red cloth, but was embroidered with golden dragons. In China, the emperors had been seen as being dragons. The jacket, which his mother had supplied him, suggested subtly to Sun-Tzu that Kai was willing to oppose him as heir to the Liao throne. While that was the last thing Kai ever wanted, he knew it was a fear Sun-Tzu had long harbored, and doing anything that could unsettle him would be useful in the Com
pact's cause.

  The Black Watch sergeant at arms announced Sun-Tzu in a loud and clear voice. "Lord and Ladies, I present to you His Excellency, the Duke of Castrovia, the Grand Duke of Sian, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, the First Lord of the Star League and Conqueror of the Clans, Sun-Tzu Liao."

  Conqueror of the Clans? Kai exchanged glances across the way with Hohiro and shivered. Yes, he was First Lord when the Clans were defeated, but he did nothing to help the cause. He felt anger building in him as that phrase kept ringing in his ears. Normally he would have shunted his anger away, but he held on to it, letting it pool inside him.

  Sun-Tzu slowly descended the steps, looking stately and calm, as if be were above any of the mundane political conn cerns of the assembly. His jet-black hair had been slicked back and golden lights flashed across it with each step. His jade eyes remained focused on a point well beyond Katherine. Finally he reached the floor, the heels of his boots clicking loudly on the parquet, then he mounted the steps to the podium dais and leaned forward on the podium as if he bore burdens that would have crushed a lesser man.

  "We welcome you all to this tri-annual meeting of the Council of Lords—this second Whitting Conference. We thank Archon First Princess Katrina Steiner for her graciousness in hosting us yet again. Her willingness to organize these meetings speaks of her vast concern for the future of the Inner Sphere. Her contributions to the stability and safety of us all cannot be underestimated or ignored."

  That remark can be taken two ways. Kai looked toward Katherine and saw her cheeks reddening. And she took it the second way. Is Sun-Tzu warning us that her rapacious appetite for power could consume us ?

  The First Lord continued. "There are many issues for us to discuss, but first we would report to you on the state of the Inner Sphere, if you would indulge us in this matter. As you are all aware, our agents were successful in defeating the Clans on Huntress and Strana Mechty. We would single out no person or nation's representatives for special praise because this was truly a united effort that has brought us freedom from oppression. This victory is a victory for all of us. While We were victorious during our holding the office of First Lord, this truly is a victory for all of you. Without your efforts, our victory would never have happened."

  Kai's right hand tightened down into a fist. The way he keeps hitting the words victory and victorious, he mocks Victor completely and totally.

  "Beyond that, we have accomplished much in our reign. We have suppressed banditry and promoted commerce. We have overseen the return of our warriors and their integration of our society. We have begun an exchange of diplomats who will allow us to broaden our contacts with the Clans and facilitate their integration into our society. These gains, meager though they may seem, are our legacy. We wish our successor as much good fortune as possible.

  "I hereby call this session of the Council to order." as Sun-Tzu looked out over the room, Kai slowly uncoiled himself from his seat. "I would be recognized, First Lord."

  "Grand Duchess Liao, please instruct your aide that you are the Compact's chosen delegate."

  Kai's mother, Candace, stood at his side. "Enough of your games; Sun-Tzu. You know who my son is, and you know he has a right to speak here. Just because you would not want your sister speaking for your nation is no reason you should assume I do not trust my son."

  Sun-Tzu kept his face impassive despite the acid tones in Candace's words. "Very well, Grand Duchess, I shall allow him to speak, this time. Kai Allard-Liao, the floor is yours."

  Kai swallowed hard and slowly let his anger drip into his words. "My Lords and Ladies, I stand before you as one of the warriors who left the Inner Sphere to represent the Star League. I was there and fought to defeat the Clans. I was but one of many who did your bidding, and I was glad to do it. I thought, as did those who fought by my side, that we were battling to preserve the Inner Sphere we knew and loved."

  Kai lifted his chin, kept his voice strong and didn't let his nervousness make him speak too quickly. "There were changes in my absence, and I am certain those changes will be cause for further discussion here. The change I find most disturbing, however, is the complete absence of courtesy exhibited by the First Lord of the Inner Sphere."

  Sun-Tzu snorted dismissively. "What are you talking about?"

  Kai looked around the room, making eye contact with all the other leaders of the Inner Sphere! "What I am talking about, Sun-Tzu, is the disgraceful message you sent to Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. Having returned from defeating the Clans at the head of an army that would do anything for him, he chose to resign his position instead of use it as a rallying point that would allow him to retake his realm and even to unseat you from the position you now hold. He accomplished what no other man could have by destroying the Clans, and then refrained from visiting war upon the Inner Sphere, and you send him a hastily worded message of thanks?"

  "There was no haste used in composing that message."

  "And there was no thought put into it either. How did it go? 'In recognition of your service, I present you this hearty commendation for all you have done.'"

  The First Lord nodded once. "That sounds, appropriate for the English translation. The original Chinese was more ceremonial."

  Kai laughed at him. "You'll forgive me, Sun-Tzu, but I read the original Chinese. That version carried nuances that English won't allow, and that was even more insulting than the English. For this reason I move, here and now, that the First Lord of the Star League be required to record and communicate to Prince Victor Steiner-Davion a message of gratitude that is not insulting."

  "It will take time to compose such a message." Sun-Tzu waved his hand dismissively. "We have more pressing business."

  Theodore Kurita stood. "Do we, First Lord? I feel the petty nature of the message sent to Prince Victor was unworthy of him and the office of First Lord. I should like to see a new message sent to him, and made available to all the troops who accompanied him, so that they know the Star League valued their service. I do not think this is a matter that can be so casually overlooked. I will second the Compact motion."

  Kai nodded at Theodore. "And, First Lord, I have taken the liberty of drafting the message for you to read. If you will allow me: 'I, Sun-Tzu Liao, First Lord of the Star League speaking for all the Lords and Ladies of the Star League do hereby commend you, Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion for the leadership and courage you displayed in leading our forces to Strana Mechty to end the Clan threat to the Inner Sphere. All of us are aware of the great personal sacrifices that have resulted from your effort, and salute your selflessness in pursuing the task to which we set you. Without what you have accomplished, the Star League would have no future. To you go the utmost thanks of the people of the Inner Sphere and fond wishes for the same long life and happiness you have helped grant all of us.'"

  The souring expression on Sun-Tzu's face told Kai he'd successfully pushed the wording to such an extreme that Sun-Tzu would choke on every other syllable. Good, he deserves punishment for doing what he has done. I know this won't salve Victor's wounds, but it will teach Sun-Tzu he can't be so cavalier when his enemies still have friends.

  Sun-Tzu scowled. "You cannot be serious. We would never read such a sickly sweet message."

  Katherine shot to her feet. "You will read it, if that is the message we decide you will read. Precentor Martial, would ComStar be willing to communicate this message to my brother immediately?"

  Focht nodded. "Such an important message we would get to Luthien inside a day. It would be our pleasure to do so."

  Katherine looked over at Kai. "If my colleague from the St. Ives Compact would be so kind as to amend his motion to include the text he has just read us, I would call for a vote."

  "So amended."

  "And seconded." Katherine smiled. "Is there any need for discussion?"

  Prince Haakon Magnusson Rasalhague stood. "I would only suggest that passing this motion with any dissent would reflect most poorly on us all. I would ask
that we accept it by acclamation."

  Sun-Tzu's nostril's flared as his eyes rolled heavenward. "Seeing no opposition, the motion is passed."

  Theodore smiled. "I would then move for adjournment so the First Lord can record this message. I feel there should be no chance of delay."

  Magnusson seconded the motion and it passed.

  Kai sat back down as everyone else got up and started to head out of the hall. His mother swiveled in her chair and smiled at him. "Your first political battle, Kai, but you did well."

  He turned to his right and looked at her. "But this was an easy one, mother. The other battles coming up will be tougher."

  "You're learning to walk, later you can run."

  "But run fast enough to save the Compact?"

  Candace shrugged wearily. "You'll have to, won't you?"

  * * *

  Katrina suppressed a smile as Sun-Tzu stormed into her office. His gold jacket seemed too bright in the winter-white room, but it was nothing compared to the fury radiating off him. He was expecting to be exalted and triumphant and instead his cousin stung him. "To what do I owe this visit, Sun-Tzu?"

  The First Lord raised his left hand, his index finger poised to point at her, but refrained from stabbing it in her direction. He quelled the trembling in his hand, then spitted her with a hellish glare. "You, I thought, were my ally. You wanted something from me, but you participated in my humiliation. The wording of that message will crystallize my blood, it's so sweet, and it's going to a brother you revile. How could you?"

  "As I recall, Sun-Tzu, I sent you a message saying I thought it would be a wonderful tradition for the sitting First Lord to nominate his replacement. The response I got from you was tardy and non-committal." She picked up a platinum paper knife and tapped it against her desk's blotter. "I refrained from committing my troops and my assets in the St. Ives conflict, and I restrained George Hasek from sending his own troops or hiring mercenaries to intervene. I have not yet agreed with my military advisors to post the returning AFFC forces to the Capellan March or use them to occupy worlds you covet in the Chaos March. I have been good to you, and what do I get but insults in your opening remarks."


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