A Promised Heart (Book Four of the Dream Catcher Series)

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A Promised Heart (Book Four of the Dream Catcher Series) Page 3

by Rita Hestand

  "The army. You work for the army?"

  "Not any more. I used to. I was a scout. I left my people. So I have no people..."

  "Except us?" Matthew smiled at him for the first time.

  Hawk stared and smiled back. "Except you."

  "You want me to sleep in a tree?" Matthew frowned.

  "Only if you have to, yes." Hawk replied. Hawk saw him and smiled once more. "You learn fast."

  "I like living in the woods." Matthew proclaimed.

  "You would make a fine Indian."

  "Why are some Indians good, and some bad?" Matthew seemed to test Hawk.

  Hawk studied the question for a moment. "It is the same with white men. Some are good, and some are bad."

  Matthew nodded. "My Pa was mean…"

  "I know Matthew. I know…"

  The fire was burning and for a while, they just sat and stared into the flames.

  Matthew copied Hawk as he made his bed. But there was only one blanket. Hawk opened it and invited him to share it with him.

  After a few moments, Matthew lay down beside him. They lay on the ground, but covered with the blanket as the air cooled at night.

  Matthew stared up at the stars and tears came into his eyes. "You think they are alright?"

  The crack in Matthew's voice told Hawk he was worried. The boy had his mother's eyes, and the same fearlessness she had displayed many times. "For now, yes." Hawk promised, glancing over at him and seeing the tears he wouldn't let fall. "Try to sleep now; we will leave before the sun comes up."

  Matthew rolled over, pushing his back against Hawk. In seconds, he was asleep. However, Hawk listened to the sound of the night for a long time before he closed his eyes.

  He worried about the woman and the child, but he wouldn't let Matthew know that.

  Chapter Three

  Hawk was up and about early the next morning.

  Matthew looked at him, "I sure am hungry."

  "Here, chew on this a while," He offered him beef jerky.

  Matthew took it and chewed it. It was tasty and kept him from complaining.

  "How much further do we gotta go?" Matthew asked.

  "Another hour we will be close to their camp, and I will leave you. But do not be afraid…" Hawk told him.

  Matthew nodded. "I won't."

  After Hawk washed his face in the creek, he motioned for Matthew to do the same.

  Then they went down the trail. Hawk saw signs of blood and wondered if Eve had been hurt or the baby. He was worried. The Comanche had little patience with white captives.

  Before long, the encampment was spotted and Hawk and Matthew stared through the heavy brush at the camp.

  "Are they there?" Matthew asked.

  Hawk put his finger to his lips, to shush him. Then he nodded at him. He motioned for Matthew to follow and he did so.

  Once they were in a clearing, Hawk touched his shoulders with his hands. "You must wait here. I will go into the camp, and make a bargain…"

  "A bargain?"


  "Will they trade them?" Matthew asked.

  "I do not know, but somehow I will get them out. You must take care of yourself until I return, then we will leave quickly, understand?"

  Hawk stared at him for a moment then bent down to look into his face. "If I do not return, you must leave and go to a town, and tell someone what has happened and where this village it. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, but why wouldn't you come back?"

  "I may have to fight and I may not win. The Comanche are clever fighters."

  "You mean, you could get killed?"

  "It isn't likely, but it is possible. So remember what I have told you."

  "I will." Matthew nodded.

  "Remember, to climb a big tree if you need to. I will find you."

  Matthew nodded, "Good luck."

  Hawk nodded and went back to the bushes. Now he reared up and walked proudly into the camp, as the Comanche crowded around him. Some hit him, some slapped him, some ignored him, and all challenged him.

  When he saw the chief, he stopped and waited.

  He was old and withered, but Hawk had great respect for his age.

  "I come in peace, to trade…"

  The old chief's eyes narrowed on him. He spoke in his language, and Hawk understood. He wanted to know what he wanted to trade for.

  "You have white captives?" Hawk asked in the native sign language.

  The chief nodded and asked why he wanted them.

  Hawk used his military knowledge to persuade them. "Soldiers want them. It would mean peace if you give them to me. They are looking for them."

  However, the old chief grunted and frowned. He let him know he did not trust the white-eyes.

  "The white woman is mine, my woman." Hawk insisted. He knew to say this would bring trouble, but he had to claim her for he knew what the others would do to her if he didn't, and he would not let that happen.

  The chief didn't trust Hawk. He let him know he would have to fight White Bear for the woman, as he was the one that captured her.

  Hawk nodded.

  The chief informed the braves and White Bear came out of a tipi. His eyes locked onto Hawk, with fire. He was a big man and Hawk knew it would be a struggle to the death from his expression.

  "Who is this?" White Bear asked. He stood fairly tall, and strong, his nose snarling.

  "I came for the white woman and baby."

  "No, they are mine. I captured them." He started to turn away.

  "The woman belongs to me!" Hawk insisted, with sign language. "I must take them back to the fort."

  "Then you will fight for her!" White Bear stared him up and down with a smirk. Hawk knew this was inevitable. The white woman was his captive; he had rights to his thinking. Nevertheless, Hawk had sworn long ago to protect the woman and her children, he could not leave her to such a fate.

  Hawk agreed.

  Hawk wondered where she was. He didn't see her or the baby. Before he laid his knife down, he asked. "Is she alive?"

  "She is!" White Bear spoke English to Hawk's surprise. He glanced at him again; this Indian had been around the whites too.

  Then Hawk got ready for the fight. Their fists were tied together and both had knives in the opposite hand.

  They circled one another, and then White Bear wrestled with him, trying to slash at him. Hawk seemed lighter on his feet than White Bear. He jumped and moved about so quickly that White Bear could not slash him.

  Hawk recovered from each attack and attacked him.

  Both being in such good shape, they scuffled for a long time, neither winning nor losing, but finally, as they grew tired. Hawk found an advantage and jumped White Bear. White Bear landed on his own knife and lay dying. Blood spilled and the look on White Bear's face was one of disbelief.

  The old chief grunted and frowned.

  "White woman is yours…But you cannot leave until tomorrow."

  Hawk knew the customs of this particular tribe and realized he would not change the old chief's mind. It was better to compromise sometimes than fight an issue. He relented. He only hoped Matthew would do as he told him.

  Two braves carried White Bear's body off, and the wailing of the women began.

  A beautiful Indian maiden came out of one tipi and followed the body. Hawk knew instantly that she belonged to White Bear, but the look she shot him with her eyes said more.

  He headed for the tipi where Eve was.

  He found her in a corner sitting in the dark hovering over her little one. The baby was asleep.

  "You all right?" He asked.


  "Yes, I am Hawk."

  "The one that watches over us…" She asked breathlessly knowing the answer before he spoke.


  Eve's gaze drifted over him quickly trying not to admire him, nor flirt in any way.

  "Why did you come here?" She asked her voice rising with fear.

  "To help you and the little
one. Are you hurt?"

  She looked down, "Only my feet…" She winced as she tried to move about.

  He came to sit beside her and stared at her for a long moment. His glance was hooded, as he studied her.

  Gently he reached to raise her foot in his big hands and before she knew what he was doing, he began rubbing something all over them. It came from a small sack he carried at his waist.

  "What is that?" She shrieked. "It smells terrible."

  "It will make it heal." He told her. "Medicine is never pleasant."

  He smeared it all over the bottom of her feet. His touch was gentle and a time or two he stared into her blue eyes with a faint glint. However, the way he touched her had her squirming.

  "I've got to get out of here; I've got to find Matthew!" She cried out. "I'm so afraid for him."

  "Matthew is fine. He came with me…"

  "He's alive?" She cried, the relief in her voice echoing.

  "Yes." His smile was warm and enchanting.

  The relief on her face said everything. "Oh, thank God. I was so worried. But, where is he? Didn't he come with you?"

  "I could not bring him into camp; they would take him from you and raise him as their own. He is safe, in the forest."

  "Oh but…"

  Hawk laid a hand on her shoulder, with a faint hint of humor; he twisted his head at her. "He is fine. I gave him instructions on how to handle any enemy. He listens well."

  "But he's just a child; he can't take care of himself." She fretted.

  Hawk looked into her eyes now with a quiet that belied control.

  "He is no longer a child. His father has been dead two years…He is becoming a young man now. You must see this and act accordingly. Your son has been forced to grow up faster than others. He is wise. He learns easy."

  She looked at him, "How come you speak English so well?"

  "Went to missionary school, and then joined the army." His smile entranced her. "You pick up a lot if you listen wisely. And I read…"

  "Oh…" She blushed. "You read…" she gasped, it never dawned on her that an Indian would read.

  The old chief peeked inside. His glance found them easily.

  "You trade, what you trade for woman?" He asked boldly now. "You say you trade, what you trade?"

  Hawk was at a disadvantage because he had nothing they might want. He thought a minute. "I will bring you many blankets and food for the tribe."

  The old chief nodded, "You have now?"

  "No, I must go get them…"

  "Tomorrow you leave, woman stay here until you get back." He said in sign language. "If you get back."

  Hawk nodded. "I will be back." Hawk assured him.

  When the old chief left, she came closer to him. He was leaving and that scared her witless. "We can't leave with you?" Her voice barely withheld the hysteria she was feeling.

  "No," His voice held no room for argument now. With one curled finger, he turned her chin around so she would look at him. "I do not want to leave you here either. I must think on it." He told her, but if she knew what he was thinking, she might try to escape, so he kept quiet. "Leaving you here like this is very dangerous. You are a captive and…"

  An old squaw came in with food and shared it with them. The baby was still asleep, she had walked half way by herself and she was so tuckered. Exhaustion had claimed her. Her little cheeks were flushed red and she was sound asleep with a light snore. Hawk looked down at her suddenly and smiled.

  Night fell, but the squaw did not leave. Hawk knew what he had to do, but it wasn't something he relished doing. At least not yet. It was not time. The woman knew him, but she wouldn't be ready to submit to him, of that he was sure. It was simply necessary. He knew also that she would not like it.

  "Come…you must lay with me now," he told Eve, as his hands reached to cup her face and he drew her closer.

  He looked into her beautiful blue eyes as he held her.

  "What?" She barely breathed her eyes going wild with some inner turmoil.

  She watched his eyes, they held an emotion she'd never seen there and questions began dancing in her head. Her eyes were big and round, but his head bent.

  "This is the only way," he whispered. "That I can save you."

  "What is?" she barely uttered now

  "Lay with me…" he encouraged softly.

  With trepidation, she lay on his blanket with him, stiff and shaking with unbridled fear.

  Eve's eyes were wide with expectations, but he tried to sooth her as he leaned over her. "Whatever you do, don't scream out. If you want to live…" His hand reached to cup her face again. His eyes studied her relentlessly now. She was even more beautiful close up.

  "What?" She looked fearful at him. "What are you…?"

  "Don't!" He commanded softly. "Lie still, I will not hurt you. But I must…claim you now." He told her. "Do not cry out. You will be mine now, as it should be."

  She laid very still, waiting, wondering, and yet fear escaped her as he came ever closer. His lips hovered over hers. Then he did the unthinkable, his lips came down gently on the side of her mouth, first one side, then the other. She opened her mouth to object and he covered her mouth with his.


  His kiss held her spellbound. Like butterfly wings, he tasted, then tastes some more. Suspended in a moment of time, she gasped and he covered her mouth once more. This kiss was relentless in it's pursuit of her. She moved her head from side to side to escape this beautiful torture. And when he wouldn't let go, she found herself melting into the kiss, slowly, gradually letting him have his leave. He rose above her when he felt her give in.

  He lay beside her now, staring into her face with a serene smile. "What…are you…" she looked panic stricken, so he dipped his head and his lips touched hers in a storm of passion. This kiss was different; it spoke of desire, of passion, of completion. He smothered her prayer with a white-hot kiss that immobilized her thinking.

  Immediately feelings and emotions surrounded her. Unexpected tenderness made her swoon as he commanded the kiss to entice her.

  He smelled of the earth, clean, like a summer rain. Her arms went around him to hold on; his skin was smooth and hard with muscle. Surprised the touch of his skin electrified her.

  Her heart pounded like a drum, her breath seemed to escape her. She hadn't expected this gentle attack of her senses. It overwhelmed her reactions. Instead of fighting him, she began to surrender. For this was the lover she had dreamed of.

  He raised his head to stare into her confused eyes.

  At first, it was a mere feather's touch, as he put his hands on each side of her face and held her. She didn't fight the sensations building inside her, she couldn't. Like a storm that blew quick and lustful, it rendered her submissive, totally in his control.

  She didn't fight it. How could she fight something she yearned to know more about?

  For over two years, she had dreamed of this moment, coming together with this man, but it was just a dream, not a reality. Apprehension, denial, even a last ditch fight for survival had no part of this. Hawk was not fighting her; he was seducing her with his gentle ways. Ways she had known he would have. It was their coming together, her dream come true. Only it was real!

  Yes, her heart sang as he touched her soul.

  Yet something inside her said fight.

  She tried to squirm away, even though the kisses enticed her not to. She quickly realized she wasn't fighting him, but her own reactions to his seduction. The more she tried to deny it, the more it became a part of her.

  This man, awakening her, as though the creator from the beginning had planned this moment, brought her dormant sexuality to life. Passion flared in one long surrendering sigh. Unable to fight against his seductive kiss, she surrendered with a soft moan.

  He had a commanding mastery of the kiss, that drove and aching need inside her, the desire for another kiss burned through her like a wildfire out of control. Like liquid metals fusing together, melting, and forming new
shapes. His kisses lingered, until she completely succumbed to his domination. She would not fight this. She could not fight this.

  A yearning as old as time had come to life and he was fulfilling the dreams she had of him.

  He was real flesh now, she realized. And she knew nothing would stop him until he possessed her. However, fear or apprehension was not a part of this.

  Quite suddenly, she felt a calm overcome her as she relaxed in his arms.

  Was it lust?

  How could she make love with an Indian? Still another voice asked, 'How could she not'.

  From the moment he touched her, she willed herself to be still, to be patient, and to let it happen.

  This is what she'd waited a lifetime for, this moment, with this man. Nevertheless, he was an Indian, her mind cried!


  He had no need to fight her, for he felt the movement of her own lips against his, soft, yielding and so sweet.

  A dream like intimacy wove around them, as he forgot his aim to save her, and bask in her response to his kisses. Somehow, her arms flew around his neck and urged the next kiss as she reached to touch his lips with her own.

  She reached for him!

  Shock registered at first, and then a slow smile spread over his face, making him even more appealing as he lifted his head to stare into her beautiful blue eyes.

  However, he knew the squaw watched and would tell the others the next day. The mixed emotions that his gaze held, should have warned her. However, he realized he was lost to the moment himself. It was no longer some show for the squaw. What was taking place was real. He felt it, knew it, and embraced it.

  He had to take her, or her fate would be sealed. He looked down at Eve who was complacent now. "May your God forgive me? I must do this…it is for your own good. Do not scream! For I will never hurt you! But I must do this…" Something in his voice stilled her.

  He slowly lifted his shirt and then her skirt and kissing her deeply, his warm hand moved along her thigh. She closed her eyes, as his hands explored her. She tensed for only a moment, but the way he touched her, made her quiver against him with the shock of pure desire.


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