Make Me Beg

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Make Me Beg Page 4

by Alice Gaines

  “It felt like the opposite to me.”

  “No matter. We fit together well.”

  She lifted her head and gazed into his face. “And to think I was going to give up looking for the right man.”

  “And I was going to give up fucking.”

  “I’m glad we met.” She rested her head against his chest again and gave a little groan of satisfaction. “I may visit all the private libraries in London before I go home.”

  The devil take that idea. If she thought she could find a man of his abilities in every town house, she’d be sadly disappointed. The idea that she’d even entertain the notion made his gut churn. Not with jealousy. It was just bloody poor taste to talk about taking other lovers while his flesh was still embedded in hers.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.


  She rested her arms on his chest and pushed herself up. “You went completely stiff.”

  “I assure you I’m not capable of that again so quickly.”

  “I wasn’t talking about your member. Your whole body tensed.”

  “It certainly did not.”

  She looked at him as if he were a prize idiot. “Don’t deny it. I can still feel it.”

  “Perhaps we’d better move. My leg’s starting to cramp.” Something was. It might as well be his leg.

  She sat up and straightened her clothing. He turned his back to her, put his member back into his pants, and did up the buttons.

  “I don’t know what should upset you. I only…” Her voice trailed off into a second or two of silence. “Yes, I do. What I said about haunting libraries.”

  He turned back around. “Please, don’t put yourself out about it.”

  “You’re angry because I said I’d look for other men.” Her face had that female expression of victory on it. When she won an argument and knew it. It curdled his stomach even further.

  “You don’t want me with anyone else.”

  “That would be preposterous for a man in my position, don’t you think?”

  She laughed, making herself even more annoying. “The great Thomas Boulton, notorious rake, suddenly possessive of one woman.”

  “Mrs. Trent, we had a bet, that’s all.”

  “A bet you lost!”

  He gritted his teeth. Could she be any more irritating? He should have recognized her as unacceptable from the first moment she made a smart remark. Granted, she was lovely, but her nature made her unsuitable for anything but the shortest distraction. Now, by losing her blasted challenge, he’d forced himself to entertain her company on at least one more occasion. And, to serve in her darkest sexual fantasy. He’d even thought that twist up himself.

  “You’re adorable when you’re angry,” she said.

  “I’m not angry!” Damn, snapping at her wouldn’t convince her. This whole situation had got itself tied into a knot. He was supposed to win the bet and have her at his mercy, not the other way around.

  “Maybe you’d better take me home before you get any more not-angry at me.” Her eyes sparkled with glee.

  “Perhaps I’d better.” He rose and stretched a hand down to help her up. She looked at it and then stood without assistance. Chuckling softly, she walked toward the phaeton, leaving him to clean up the remains of their picnic and everything else he’d mucked up.

  Thomas arrived at the lady’s house at the time they’d agreed on. Two in the afternoon seemed an odd time for wicked fantasies, but perhaps she had plans for the evening. The less he dwelled on that possibility, the better.

  She answered the door herself wearing a dressing gown. Knowing her, she might have nothing at all on underneath it.

  “Does your staff see you that way all the time?” he asked.

  She closed the door behind her. “Disagreeable already, Mr. Boulton?”

  “I’m very sorry.”

  “Your tone says you’re not.” She took his hat. “I gave everyone the afternoon off.”

  At least, none of her servants could catch a glimpse of his humiliation. All night, he’d lay in bed imagining what she had in store for him. With her penchant for doing what she wished and taking no prisoners, he might expect anything. He had his honor. He paid his bets. He’d pay this one.

  “This way.” She turned and led him into a formal drawing room. Quite opulent and furnished in the latest styles, but not the least bit scandalous.

  She dropped his hat on a table and pointed to a settee. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”

  He sat and watched as she went to a sideboard and picked up a decanter. “Sherry?”

  “I’d prefer whiskey, if you have it.”

  “I do.” She poured for both of them and then joined him, finally handing him his drink. She lifted her own glass in a toast. “To good sports.”

  They drank. He took rather too much of his liquor, and though it proved excellent, it burned going down.

  She crossed her legs in a frankly provocative manner. Her slipper fell from her bare foot, and a naked ankle and lower calf appeared from under the hem of her gown. She proceeded to dip her toes under his pants and ease them up over his calf. No woman had ever acted so casual in her audacity toward him. The gesture tugged at a Puritanical streak he hadn’t known he had. Priapus loved it, though, and began to thicken.

  He shifted in his seat. “Are you going to tell me what plans you’ve made for me today?”

  She sipped at her sherry and studied him over the rim of her glass. “My plans center around myself. Remember, this is my fantasy.”

  “I could hardly forget.” All sorts of possibilities had kept him awake for most of the night. Would she tie him up and torment his cock again? Perhaps, she’d add another man for her pleasure. A big, strapping fellow with large hands. One of her footmen, so he’d have to perform in front of a servant. On the other hand, what about a lady’s maid? She could order him to watch them gamahuche each other. Damn, his rod really liked that idea, and it grew as hard as steel in his pants. He tried moving again, but no matter what position he tried, he couldn’t find any comfort.

  Her toes inched farther up his leg to the back of his knee. Who would have thought that spot could be so erotic?

  “I want you to spank me,” she said.

  He almost dropped his whiskey. Some of it did slosh down his front. “I beg your pardon.”

  “That’s expensive Irish.” She glanced at the front of his pants. “Would you like me to lick it off you?”

  “My good woman, don’t change the subject.” Blast it all, now he was sounding like a prude as well as feeling like one. “Did you say you wanted me to spank you?”

  “Oh, good, you did understand.” She gave him a smile the cat might give the mouse before it pounced. “You never really know if American English translates.”

  “I won’t do it.” No matter how splendid an idea Long Tom thought the image was.

  “I won our bet. You have to give me my darkest fantasy.”

  “I don’t hit women.”

  She gave him a pout that wouldn’t convince the most gullible of men. “Even if I asked you to?”

  “A man who uses violence against a woman is no gentleman.”

  She leaned toward him and placed her palm on his pants, right over his cock. “But, you’re no more a gentleman than I am a lady.”

  He ought to push her hand away, get up and declare this charade at an end, and leave. What could she do to him for not honoring their bet? She couldn’t disgrace him with the fact without making herself ridiculous. And yet, some deep, evil spot inside him wanted to turn her over his knee and swat his fingers against her bum until they both smarted. And, his cock surely enjoyed the firmness of her touch.

  “I see you’re not immune to the idea,” she said.

  “I’m not immune to anything about you.”

  She bit her lip. “Well, then?”

  “Why would you want me to hit you?”

  “Not hit. Spank. Like a naughty child.” She moved her hand then, strok
ing the length of him. Up and down. Up and down.

  He managed to hold in a groan of pleasure. “Why would you want to be spanked?”

  “I want to surrender control. I’m tired of always taking charge, having responsibility, issuing orders. I only just realized this is why I came to England—a place where I don’t own anything but can be a simple woman with needs and desires.”

  “You’re anything but simple, Mrs. Trent.” He gritted his teeth and fought to control his rapidly escalating response to her touch.

  “You’re considering it,” she said. “I can read it in your face.”

  “This must never get out.”

  “I wouldn’t want anyone I know to see this side of me.”

  “If I do it, I’ll want to fuck you afterward.”

  The smile this time was sincere, even eager. “I’ll want that, too. Very much.”

  “All right, then, but you’ll have to tell me how to do it.”

  “Pretend I’ve done something wicked and you’re angry.”

  “You’ve been a bad girl, and I’m very cross.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, is that the best you can do?” she demanded.

  “I’m not used to playacting.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake.” She rose, walked to the table and picked up a vase. “What if I were to break this?”

  “It looks expensive.”

  “It is, and I’ve only rented this house.” She hurled it against the fireplace where it crashed into dozens of pieces that fell to the floor with a clatter. “Not enough?”

  “This whole thing is preposterous.”

  She picked up his hat, tossed it onto the floor, and crushed it with her feet. “Was that expensive, too?”

  “Devilishly.” He crossed his arms over his chest and glowered at her. “Very well, Olivia, I’ll teach you to destroy other people’s possessions. You walk straight to me and bend over my knee.”

  Her cheeks turned a deep pink, and she bit her lip again. Harder this time, as if she’d like to draw blood. The action made him want to brush his tongue over the spot to soothe it. This session wasn’t about soothing her, though.

  “I’m waiting,” he said in the sternest tone he could muster with his erect member throbbing in his pants.

  She approached him slowly until she stood no more than an inch away. Still glowering, although his heart pounded in his chest, he put his hands at her waist and guided her down until she rested across his lap, her face pointed to the floor.

  “This is for your own good,” he declared as he lifted the skirt of her dressing gown. Dear God Almighty, she wore nothing underneath, and the two most sweetly rounded buttocks he’d ever seen lay exposed to his gaze. And, his hands.

  This time, he did moan. Only a stone could have remained unmoved by the sight of flesh as smooth and as rich as strawberries and cream.

  “Please don’t hit me,” she cried, in a breathless tone that told of her own excitement. She wiggled her arse in invitation. “I’ll behave myself.”

  “You need to learn your lesson.” He raised his hand, palm flat, and brought it down against her skin. It made a solid smacking sound, so he did it again on the other side.

  “Oh!” she said, as moisture seeped out of her onto the leg of his trousers. He parted her legs and found her pussy. Already, the hairs there gleamed wet.

  “Please,” she said. “I’ll be good.”

  He swatted her again, first on one cheek, then the other. And again and again. Her skin glowed pink, and the scent of her mounting passion tickled at his nostrils. By now, his cock would have taken on the ruddy hue of a man about to lose control. What a delight it would be to watch it disappear into the folds of her sex while her buttocks still had this blush on them.

  He smacked her a few more times until she squirmed. The action pressed her hip against his rod. Enough of that, and he’d spend in his pants.

  “Hold still,” he ordered. “No matter what I do, you must hold still.”

  “But, I can’t.” She whimpered. “Why must you be so cruel?”

  “Don’t move an inch.” He parted the petals of her sex and slid two fingers inside her. She groaned as her muscles closed around him, gripping him tightly. She’d gone past wet, and her cunny dripped its nectar into his hand. After pulling out of her, he teased her pearl into full distention. She whimpered, and her hips jerked.

  He slapped her a few more times. “I told you not to move.”

  “Can’t stop,” she gasped. “Help me. I’m dying.”

  “Do you want me inside you?” Lord, just saying it almost undid him.

  “Yes. Please. Now.”

  Some devil in the back of his mind found enough sanity to realize what he’d done. He’d made her beg, just as he’d begged the day before. What delicious revenge.

  He shoved his fingers back into her, as deep as they could reach. “Is this what you want?”

  “No, you,” she shouted. “All of you.”

  “Will you die without it?”

  “Yes. Hurry.”

  Once more, he removed his fingers and hit her smartly. “Beg.”

  “Yes, I’m begging.”


  “Please,” she shouted. “I beg of you. End this torture.”

  He stood pulling her up with him. Half guiding, half carrying, he led her to the table and bent her over it. After lifting her gown again, he fumbled with his fly. Finally, his cock sprang free. He parted her nether lips and eased the tip into her heat.

  “Hurry,” she wailed. “I need it all!”

  He gave her another pair of blows and watched as the living image of his hand appeared on her cheeks. He’d long passed the point where he could enter her slowly, though. Instead, he grasped her hips and embedded himself inside her with one movement.

  Her cries grew louder. The signal that she’d reached the pinnacle. He bent and put his arm around her so that he could stroke her pearl as she came. She shrieked as her inner muscles clamped around him and then burst into spasms along the length of his cock.

  He held himself still, fighting off his own orgasm until she’d finished and went limp against the table.

  He’d hardly fucked her, and if he could manage a little restraint, he could make her climax again and take him with her.

  “Oh, dear Lord,” she whispered after a moment. “Better than anything I could have imagined.”

  He pulled almost out of her and then sank slowly in again. “We’re not done yet.”

  “You’ve outdone your reputation, Mr. Boulton.”

  “Thomas, and I haven’t plowed you nearly enough yet.”

  She sighed. “My bones have melted.”

  “They’ll grow firm again.” He pulled fully out of her then, although Priapus nearly screamed in protest. His lust had gone far too urgent to take the time to find a bed, so he led her to the center of the room and helped her down onto the carpet. The lace of her dressing gown spread around her, and her hair slipped free of its pins to make a cloud of golden curls to frame her face. Another time, he might take a moment to enjoy the sight of her cheeks, still flushed with passion. Right now, he needed to make them both naked.

  He tore at his clothes, tossing aside items as he got them free. She lay and watched him, and her hand went to the juncture of her thighs. Playing with herself in anticipation of their coupling. Shameless, wanton, utterly delicious.

  With the last of his clothing gone, he joined her and started in on the tiny fastenings of her gown. They resisted, so he took the sides of the garment in his fist and tore them apart. Buttons flew everywhere, like a hail of ivory snowflakes. Soon, he had the fabric open, and he could lower himself to her. Skin against skin. Nothing separating them.

  “Olivia,” he whispered before he captured her lips with his. She might have tried to answer, but he swallowed the sound of her voice with a kiss made savage with his need.

  She tasted sweet from the sherry she’d sipped, and a floral scent clung to her hair. Someday, he’
d kiss her for hours. Today, he needed to memorize every inch of her with his mouth.

  After trailing caresses over the curves of her neck, he came to her bosom. While he kneaded one full breast with his hand, he took the other nipple into his mouth and teased it into a stiff peak.

  She arched her back and slipped her fingers into his hair. “That feels so good.”

  “I’ve hardly begun.” He moved to the other side and gave that nipple the same adoration.

  Her hand roamed over him, stroking his face and then his shoulders and his back. Thank God she couldn’t reach his cock, or she’d make him spend before he’d finished with her.

  He went lower, past her ribs and over her belly. She must have guessed his destination, because she sighed and parted her legs. Now close to her mound, he again made out the intoxicating perfume of highly aroused woman. It reached to the most primitive parts of his brain. The ones that urged him to plunder her with no thought of her pleasure. He fought back, kept his breathing steady, concentrated on her sounds of pleasure and surprise as he neared the seat of her passion.

  Her pussy lips were swollen when he got there. They parted like the petals of a flower to reveal the jewel at the apex. Her pearl, her clitoris, the precious bud of her passion.

  He took that into his mouth and sucked until her gasps turned to cries, and her hips moved.

  “Ah, heaven,” she crooned. “I’m going to come again.”

  He kept up the pressure, now grazing that scrap of flesh with his tongue.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. “Inside me. Now.”

  Yes. He would. In another few seconds. After he’d driven her quite mad. He kept sucking and then licking until she writhed beneath him.

  “Now!” she cried. “Thomas!”

  Enough. He released her pearl and scooted upward. As though sensing her heat, his cock found her entrance easily. With one thrust, he surged into her, impaling her fully.

  She shrieked and immediately climaxed all around him. With her pleasure sure, he let his own beast loose.

  Fucking. Primitive word and right. He fucked her hard and fast. An animal in full rut. Even when his arms threatened to give out from the force of his movements, he hammered into her. Over and over and oh, damn…yes!


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