Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series

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Sought...Book 3 in the Brides of the Kindred series Page 8

by Evangeline Anderson

  Kat glared at him. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I guess I’m just too stupid to know what’s good for me.”

  “No, you’re just too damn tempting for your own good.” Suddenly Deep was right in front of her, cupping her cheek and looking down into her eyes. “You have no idea how alluring you are, do you, little Kat?” he said softly. “With your full curves and your hot scent. No male in the universe could be near you without wanting to fuck you.”

  “Leave me the hell alone.” Kat jerked away from his touch. “I’ve had enough of you for one day.” Turning, she marched to the spiral staircase.

  “You’re going to have to put up with a lot more of me during the party tonight. A lot more of both of us,” Deep called.

  Kat didn’t bother to answer. She still had one of the triangular bonding fruits clutched in her hand. Acting on a sudden impulse, she flung it at his broad chest. The fruit hit him squarely above the heart and splattered all over his deep green uniform shirt, making what Kat hoped was a permanent stain. She was hoping to piss him off as much as he had irritated her. But to her intense annoyance, Deep only looked at her and laughed. Looking her in the eye, he drew one finger through the pulp that stained his shirt and stuck it slowly in his mouth.

  “Juicy, little Kat,” he rumbled. “Juicy and succulent and oh, so sweet.”

  Kat refused to dignify his leering with an answer. He was still laughing as, with one last glare in his direction, she climbed out of sight.

  * * * * *

  Lock sighed and reached down to pick up the remaining bonding fruit and the carved wooden bowl Kat had left on the cushions. He knew his mother only kept such fruit in the house to remind her of their fathers. Though she had loved their stepfather dearly, the same Kindred male who had been Baird and Sylvan’s true father, she had never forgotten her first mates—Twin Kindred who had died in battle with the Scourge.

  She had been overjoyed when he and Deep had brought an unmated female home with them. After what had happened with Miranda, she seemed to have lost hope that they would ever call a bride. So of course when Kat had reached for the bonding fruit, she’d gotten the wrong idea about what was going on between the three of them. I wish it was the right idea, Lock thought longingly. Gods, how I wish it.

  Putting the fruit in the bowl, he straightened up to see Deep staring moodily up the stairs where Kat had disappeared. The ruined bonding fruit was dripping down his shirt but he didn’t appear to notice or care.

  “Why do you do that?” he asked, unable to keep his frustration from spilling over. “Why do you antagonize her? Why do you push her away?”

  Deep turned to look at him. “In case you didn’t notice, Brother, I’m not the only one pushing.”

  “Kat only pushes you away because you push first,” Lock accused him. “Why don’t you tell her how you really feel? Why don’t you tell her what you did for her? How you took her pain?”

  Deep was on him in a flash, both hands fisted in Lock’s shirt. “That is not your secret to tell, Brother,” he snarled. “We haven’t come to blows since we were children but I promise if you tell her about the whipping—”

  “Fine.” Lock pushed him away roughly. “You don’t have to threaten me. I don’t know why you want to keep it from her, but I’ll keep your secret if it means so much to you. I’d no more tell her what you did than I would tell her about Miranda.”

  “See that you don’t.” Deep frowned and straightened his shoulders. “I’m going to try and get some rest before the party tonight. If you’re smart, you’ll do the same.”

  “I can’t rest now,” Lock said wearily. “I have to talk to Mumzelle and try to explain that the bonding fruit was a mistake. Then I’ll try to make peace between you and the lady Kat—if that’s even possible.”

  “Why should you care if we get along or not?” Deep demanded. “Just let it go, Brother. You know the minute we take her back to Mother L’rin she’ll be asking for a way to break the connection between us. Hell, she doesn’t even know it exists and she’s already angry. What is she going to do when she finds out we have a soul bond with her she didn’t ask for?”

  “I don’t know,” Lock said, running a hand through his hair. “But I don’t think now is the time to tell her. Right now I just want to keep her from hating you. From hating us.”

  “Too late, Brother.” Turning, Deep left him alone in the kitchen, clutching the last remaining bonding fruit. “Too late.”

  Chapter Nine

  Kat was a mess. She sat on the bed with her arms wrapped around herself and shivered. God, she hated to admit it but those two got under her skin—especially Deep! What was it with him, anyway? Why did she let him get to her so much?

  “Drives me crazy,” she muttered, running a hand through her hair. It was surprisingly glossy and clean, despite the fact that she’d been out of it for so long before she’d woken up between Deep and Lock the night before. Vaguely, she remembered dreams she’d had. Dreams of large male hands bathing her and washing her hair—but those were just dreams, right? The thought of the brothers handling her naked body while she was unconscious made her really uncomfortable.

  And what about the damn bonding fruit? Her hands still smelled of the triangular, palm-sized fruit. The scent was tempting and incredibly delicious but Kat had no desire to eat any more now. What was going to happen to her when the weird, alien aphrodisiac kicked in? And how was she going to make it through a huge formal party if she was horny out of her mind?

  Not that I’d ever get horny enough to let Deep and Lock try that on me. Just the idea of both of them trying to fit their huge shafts inside her at the same time gave her the shivers. There was just no way that any fruit, no matter how “special,” could make that kind of three-way action anything but painful. How would you even get in the right position to do that? It made her head hurt just to think about it. Then don’t think about it. But the image wouldn’t leave her head. It was the same one Deep had sent her the night before while she was swamped in lust. Then it had seemed almost plausible and extremely hot. But now…Kat shivered and shook her head. No way. No way in hell.

  Sighing, she got up to pace back and forth in front of the wide window. Then she looked down at her bare legs and had a sudden thought—who knew if what she had on would be considered decent or not? She didn’t need to be putting on another show. Quickly, she shut the shade, plunging the room into bluish-purple gloom, but not before she saw several men on the street below smiling and waving at her. Kat did not wave back. God, some of those jerks will probably be at the party tonight!

  The thought made her wince. Her time on Twin Moons was really getting off to a great start. She hadn’t even been awake for one whole morning and she’d already given a peep show to strangers and eaten a whole bowl full of horny fruit by mistake. What the hell was she going to do tonight? And what—

  “My lady?” A soft rapping on the door interrupted her mental tirade.

  “Yes?” Kat sighed with resignation. “Come in.”

  “Thank you.” Lock came in and shut the door behind him. He was alone, Kat saw with relief. She didn’t think she could handle another dose of Deep just now. “I just wanted to talk to you,” Lock said, coming over to the window where she was standing. “I wanted to tell you—”

  “Have you been washing my hair while I was unconscious?” Kat blurted.

  “Um…” Lock coughed and looked down at his boots. Then he looked up and nodded. “Yes.”

  “You and Deep both or just you?”

  “It was my idea,” he said softly, looking into her eyes. “But I did get Deep to help me.”

  “God!” Kat started pacing again. “I knew it. I knew it wasn’t just a dream.” She rounded on Lock. “Do you know how creepy that is? I mean, I was unconscious, for God’s sake! You two could have been doing anything to me.”

  “We only bathed you,” Lock said in a low voice. “Deep and I are honorable males. We would never take advantage of you as you slept.” />
  Reluctantly, Kat shook her head. “No, I guess not. You wouldn’t anyway.”

  “Deep would not take undue advantage either,” Lock said, obviously taking her meaning. “And we draped you in towels to preserve your modesty if that makes you feel any better.”

  Strangely enough, it did. Kat sighed and nodded slightly. “I guess, maybe a little.”

  “Try to understand.” Stepping forward, Lock took her hand in his. “We were charged with your safety and well being. We were acting as any males would toward the female they cared for.” Bending his head, he pressed his lips to the back of her hand and gave her a soft, lingering kiss.

  Kat felt her heart skip a beat at the old fashioned gesture and the feel of his warm lips on her skin. He looked so handsome standing there, so earnest and hopeful as he kissed her hand. When he looked up, his whole heart was in his chocolate brown eyes.

  “Lock…” she said, not knowing how to continue.

  “My lady,” he murmured. “Forgive me for offending your modesty. Please know that I acted only out of affection and the most earnest desire to see to your needs.”

  He had needs of his own. Kat could feel them. She could feel the yearning inside him—the wanting so strong it brought tears to her eyes. And all of it, all his desire and need and love and lust, all was centered on her. “Oh, Lock…” Somehow she found herself hugging him, wrapping her arms around his muscular torso and holding him close.

  “My lady… Kat,” he murmured into her hair, returning the hug carefully.

  Kat breathed in his scent without speaking, knowing it was his mating scent but not caring for once. It was warm and calming—a mixture of hot coffee on a cold morning and fresh laundry straight from the dryer. Under it was a hint of masculine spice that tickled her nose and made her nipples and the tender vee between her legs throb. But despite her desire, hugging Lock was wonderfully comforting. His arms were hard and strong around her and she realized for the first time that she liked him—liked him a lot.

  He liked her too. She could feel the warm iron bar of his cock against her thigh, but she didn’t pull back. It seemed right somehow—or at least, not scary. Her irritation and worry seemed to melt away and for a moment she allowed herself to just feel good in his arms.

  “Kat,” he breathed and she looked up. His brown eyes were half-lidded and she realized he was going to kiss her.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m probably only feeling this way because of all the damn fruit I ate. But she couldn’t help remembering the gentle way he’d tasted her the night before, the sweet way he’d made her come with his tongue. The memory made her hot and cold all over and she shivered in his arms. She tilted her mouth up to meet his—

  “Brother, I—” Deep’s voice at the door made her jerk away, but not before the dark twin’s coal black eyes had taken in the way she and Lock were wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “Deep.” Lock raised a hand to his brother. “The lady Kat and I were just—”

  “I see what you were just doing.” Deep’s eyes flashed. “Don’t let me interrupt you.”

  “Stop,” Lock pleaded. “You know it isn’t like that. It can’t be. Without you—”

  “I’d say you’re doing just fine without me.” Deep nodded at both of them coldly and left, shutting the door behind him.

  Lock sighed and stepped back, away from Kat. “I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have been able to do that.”

  Kat frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “We’re bonded twins.” Lock ran a hand through his hair. “Touching a female in the way I was touching you should have been excruciatingly painful for me without my brother somehow involved.” He sat heavily on the edge of the bed. “It hurt me to take you in my arms without Deep touching you as well, but I was able to do it.”

  “It hurt you to hold me?” Kat looked at him, her eyes wide. “Really? How…how does it feel?”

  “Like a low-level electrical shock running through my body. But just the fact that I was able to do it at all…” He shook his head. “We’ve grown apart lately. Ever since—”

  “Since what?” Kat asked but he only shook his head.

  “Never mind. I owe you an apology.”

  “It’s all right,” Kat said softly, sitting beside him. “I wasn’t exactly trying to get away. I should have, though—I don’t want to lead you on.”

  He gave her a look from the corner of his eye. “Meaning you still have no interest in us.”

  “I think I could if I let myself—I could have feelings for you, anyway,” Kat said honestly. “I mean, you’re sweet and kind and caring and gorgeous—what more could a girl want?”

  “But?” Lock raised one dark blond eyebrow at her.

  “But…” she said reluctantly. “You come with an awful lot of baggage. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes.” He nodded heavily. “Yes, I do. But my lady, if you could just give Deep a chance…”

  Kat was already shaking her head. “I’m afraid not, Lock, it would never work. Deep and I—we’re like oil and water—we don’t mix. We can’t even have a single conversation without it turning into a shouting match.”

  Lock’s broad shoulders slumped. “I know he’s difficult to get along with. But he truly does care for you.”

  “Then why don’t I feel it?” Kat asked. “I get all these strong emotions from you two but what I mostly feel from him is lust and annoyance. He wants me but mostly I irritate him.”

  “You’re only feeling what he lets himself feel,” Lock protested. “But under all that, he cares. I know he does.”

  “Maybe you just want him to,” Kat said gently. “Because you two come as a package deal and I can’t take one without the other. Look, I can tell how hard it is for you and I’m sorry—really I am. But aside from the whole feeling both of your emotions thing and the, uh, way you perform bonding sex which is scary to say the least…” she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. “Aside from that, the fact is, I just can’t let myself get involved with two guys when one of them can’t stand me.” She shook her head. “God, that sounds so weird.”

  “No, it sounds like common sense.” Lock looked down at the green wooden floor between his black boots. “I can’t blame you for what you feel, my lady. But I can’t help what I feel, either.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Kat put a hand on his knee to comfort him. Then she pulled it away quickly. “Oh, I didn’t think. Did that hurt you just now? Me touching you without Deep being here?”

  “A little.” Lock gave her a sad smile and put her hand back on his knee. “But it’s worth it.”

  “That’s sweet.” He looked so dejected and his feelings of sadness and loss were so overwhelming, Kat felt like she was going to cry if they sat that way much longer. Clearing her throat, she rose and began pacing in front of the bed. “So when do the effects of this, uh, bonding fruit I ate kick in? And how long do they last?”

  Lock shook his head. “The fruit should be in full effect in a few hours. As for how long it will last, it could be days.”

  “What?” Kat rounded to face him. “Are you telling me I’m going to be feeling…uh, amorous for days?”

  “No, no.” He shook his head hastily. “That will be the first effect to fade. But your scent will remain enhanced for a long time. As well as your…” He coughed delicately. “Flexibility.”

  “Oh, well…” Kat crossed her arms over her chest protectively. “I don’t think we need to worry about it then. As long as I can get through tonight at the party…”

  “You’ll be all right,” Lock finished for her. “And I promise we’ll take you back to Mother L’rin tomorrow. She wanted to examine you after we healed you, anyway. And maybe she can help you to shield yourself against some of our emotions.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Kat muttered. “But about the party, tonight—before we go, I really need a shot of those translation bacteria that Sophie got. I mean, this whole mess could have been avoided if I coul
d have talked to your mom instead of just pointing at the fruit I wanted. I don’t want to get into any more trouble.”

  Lock shook his head. “I’m sorry, but those are only available on the Kindred Mother ship.”

  “Really? Damn!” Kat sighed and raked a hand through her hair. “You know, I don’t get it. Back when you two were bringing me here in the spaceship I heard Deep talking in another language and I could understand it. But when I talked to your mom I didn’t catch a word.”

  “You weren’t conscious in the ship,” Lock protested. “In fact you almost…almost died.” His face had gone pale and the last word came out in a whisper.

  Kat nodded grimly. “I figured it was something like that. I was floating above my body looking down. And I saw you doing some kind of weird CPR on me. But the talking…I don’t see how I could understand the Twin Moons language then and not now.”

  “Maybe you were dream-sharing with us.” Lock looked thoughtful. “It might explain why your spirit didn’t drift away entirely and also why you could understand our language. However tenuously, you were linked to our minds, seeing and hearing as Deep and I saw and heard.”

  “Well I wish I could have a little of that now,” Kat grumbled. “This is going to be some fun party. I’ll be high on horny fruit and I won’t have any idea what anyone is saying to me.” Then she thought of the males who had seen her in only a sheet that morning. “Come to think of it, maybe that last part won’t be such a bad thing.”

  “There will be a few people there you can talk to,” Lock told her. “Some of the ambassadors and their mates have had the translation implants so they’ll understand you. And they’ll be safe—your scent won’t affect mated males.”

  “So I should stick with the couples.” Kat nodded. “Got it.”

  “Only if you should get separated from Deep and myself,” Lock said. “But I don’t think that will be a problem. We’ll be shadowing your every move.”

  “Oh joy,” Kat said dryly. “I can’t wait.”


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