Claiming Charity

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Claiming Charity Page 3

by Lacey Thorn

  “We’ll have to see what kind of arrangements we can make,” Doug stated as he pulled cushions off the sofa and pulled out the folded mattress. It had holes in it but he lifted it and looked. “It looks like the visitors have found other accommodations. So if we both throw our sleeping bags up here we should all be able to rest comfortably.” He glanced at his brother and then they both looked at her.

  “I’ll see how the rest of today goes,” she promised them but she already knew what she planned to do with them tonight. Even if fate decreed that she did have to go back and marry, she’d at least have this moment, this magical time with Dev and Doug. She planned to make the most of it.

  “Well gentlemen, we have a lot of work to do if we are going to get this cabin ready for us to spend the next few days here. Which reminds me, did you guys happen to bring any food? Or is that cooler I saw filled with liquid refreshments?”

  “Both,” Dev assured her with a smile.

  “Then let’s get to work guys. I want to check on that cove before dark.” She turned towards the kitchen and the cleaning supplies she hoped were still under the sink. “I brought this tiny little bikini my sister Faith sent me for my birthday. I can’t wait to try it out.”

  Dev and Doug both swallowed audibly and turned to follow Charity into the kitchen. She just bet they would love to see her in the bikini as well. Of course, hopefully, they would prefer to see her in her birthday suit more. They exchanged a look and it was easy to see that they were sharing the same thought, one of Charity between them, naked and writhing in ecstasy.

  “Tell us where you want us to start,” Dev invited. The sooner they got all this done, the sooner they would move on to other more entertaining activities.

  Doug just grinned and bowed gallantly from the waist. “Your wish is ours to fulfil.”

  “You just want to see that bikini,” she shook her head at them.

  “No,” Doug assured her. “I want to see you in that bikini.”

  Charity laughed and they all set to work making the cabin habitable. There were a lot of heated looks exchanged between her and the twins. There was intentional brushing of bodies against one another and by the time they were finished Charity was sure that she wasn’t the only one on edge from all the sexual tension that surrounded them. Her body burned. Her breasts were tight and full, the nipples pressing against her T-shirt. Her stomach was filled with butterflies at the thought of what the rest of the day could hold for her.

  Her pussy was wet and with every step she took she could feel the moisture coating her panties making the brush of the damp cloth against her engorged clit a slow torture all of its own. She was more than ready to change and head to the cove. Hell, she was more than ready to strip naked and see what other form of entertainment Doug and Dev could come up with. She laughed softly having a perfect thought of what would be ‘up’ with them. She’d never been this horny in her life. And all the rubbing assured her that both men were feeling the same way.

  Dev came up behind her allowing his body to brush along her back. There was no denying the hard cock she felt behind his zipper. She almost moaned out loud at the desire it sent through her body. “You ready to change and cool off?” His voice purred close to her ear sending more shivers down her spine.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned agreeing to much more than he had voiced.

  Doug cleared his throat breaking the sensual spell they all seemed to be under. “Then I suggest you hit the bathroom while we change out here. Then we’ll all head out for that refreshing swim.”

  Charity snagged her bag from the pile they’d left by the door and headed off. “I’ll call out before I open the door back up. Just to make sure that you’re both decent.” She actually blushed when she said it.

  “We might be dressed Charity,” Dev called after her, “but I’m not sure we’ll be decent.”

  She felt another shiver travel through her body. There was so much promise in that voice, so much desire for her and she wanted it, wanted them. Yes, she knew exactly how the night would end. With all of them together, naked and thoroughly sated.

  She entered the bathroom and leaned back against the door trying to calm her rioting pulse. She could easily picture how the night might go. She eased her clothes off and let her hand find the pulsing centre that craved something stronger than her touch. She closed her eyes and let her fingers move over the familiar flesh, stroking and touching just as she pleased. It would be so much better with them.

  She thought they both would prove great lovers. They were twins after all. She doubted they would have the same technique in bed though. She slid two fingers inside the wet sheath of her pussy and rubbed them along the walls. It felt so good that she had to bite her bottom lip to hold back the moan that wanted to escape. She wanted it to be their fingers, or even better their cocks touching her, sliding inside her.

  She brought her other hand up to her mouth and put two fingers inside her mouth. The fantasy came to life in her mouth. The fingers in her pussy became Dev’s. Her thumb rubbing in circles over her clit his tongue. She could feel him there, the brush of his hair on her inner thighs. She worked her hips, fucking the face that filled her mind. Her fingers picked up the rhythm, fucking in and out of her faster, harder. Her breath caught in her throat as she pushed down on her clit with her thumb. In her mind the sharp sting was that of Dev’s teeth.

  The fingers in her mouth became Doug’s engorged cock. She sucked greedily at it pulling it as far into her mouth as she could. She wanted it all, wanted to taste him in the back of her throat, wanted to choke on him. She was hungry and greedy with it. Her tongue licked and wrapped around the digits sucking and working them in the way only a woman of oral talents could.

  This was what she wanted. This was the fantasy that refused to leave her alone. Both sets of fingers became cocks fucking her, hard and fast. Each sharp stroke brought her closer and closer to the rapturous end that lay just out of reach. No matter how hard she reached for it, her orgasm stayed away. The harder she worked for it the more elusive it became.

  Finally with a harsh groan she pulled her hands away. She wanted to scream with frustration. What she had thought would be a harmless way to take the edge off had only served to make her worse. Her skin was a hundred times more sensitive. Her nipples were so hard that they hurt. Her clit was too hard, too engorged, too needy. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed demanding the vision her fantasy had brought to her. It wanted to be filled. She wanted to be fucked.

  She turned the water on in the sink and splashed some on her face trying to cool the rush of blood in her veins. The only thing left was for her to slip into the bikini she’d brought with her. She seriously hoped she wouldn’t be in it for very long. Hell, at this point she was afraid she might spontaneously combust from all the heat coursing through her. The only thing she felt like focusing on at the moment was getting naked and wet with her two guards. And she didn’t care how.

  Chapter Three

  The water felt wonderful washing over her skin as she walked deeper into the pool. Though the vegetation had grown high around the cove that only added to the ambiance of where they were. It helped to hide it and make it even more of a secret garden oasis. It added an element of romance, of seclusion form the rest of the world. It was as if they had stepped into a different place and time where nothing existed but them and this moment.

  Charity had led the way and when the guys had made a path for her through the overgrowth she had walked right to the edge of the cove. It looked as cool and inviting as her childhood memory recalled. She had dropped her cover, stepped out of her shoes and immediately walked in. Within a few feet there was the drop off and she swam to the centre laughter bubbling off her lips. Two shadows appeared under the water and then with a tug she gasped for air before she plunged beneath the surface to join them.

  They all resurfaced together and Charity was more than happy to find herself sandwiched between them. Both men were extremely aroused and she anticipated jus
t how good it would feel to be with them, sexually. She was still so on edge from her earlier attempt at release that she was sure it wouldn’t take much to push her over. Maybe just a nice rub over hard flesh, the right parts creating friction. She let her legs entwine with Dev in front of her and reached behind her under the water to let her hands touch Doug. It was a rapture she couldn’t compare.

  Both men had a light covering of hair along their chests that trailed in a line down their stomachs disappearing beneath their swimming trunks. Their bodies were lithe and muscular with well developed arms and chests that she delighted in seeing and touching. Their dark hair lay flat to their heads water dripping down to run in rivulets over their cheeks. Dimples flashed at the corners of both of their mouths and Charity felt no compulsion to reign in her desire to lean forward and claim Dev’s lips in a kiss. She was too hungry for him, for them and all the possibilities that lay just within finger reach.

  The kiss was everything that she had imagined it would be, everything and more. It was deep and wet. An exploration for both of them. Their tongues meshed and rubbed before pushing to discover hidden corners. Teeth bumped as passion rode higher and lips rubbed and slipped. The kiss turned carnal and her hands moved from his brother to embrace Dev more fully and pull him as close as the water would allow. She was lost in him, lost in the tidal wave of sensations that were crashing through her. And she felt as if she couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t feel enough of him at once. Her hands were wild with her need to explore, discover and own. He was hers. For this moment they were the only two people in the world.

  But they weren’t and Doug was greedy to remind her. His hands roved over her skin touching and invoking a myriad of other more sensual sensations that had her gasping into Dev’s kiss. Within moments her top was no longer tied around her, but gone tucked somewhere or perhaps already sinking to the bottom of the pool. Hands, rough and calloused, wrapped between her and Dev and strong fingers explored her breasts, tugging and pinching at her distended nipples. She could feel the hard pulse of his thick cock pressing between her buttocks and she damned the cloth that kept their skin from touching.

  As if planned, Dev and Doug shifted at the same moment exchanging places in their seduction of Charity. Dev pulled reluctantly from her kiss and Doug immediately lifted his hands to turn her head to the side. He took her lips with his and treated her to the same all consuming exploration his brother had. She was drowning, not beneath the water but in them and the eroticism they had awakened in her. She never wanted the moment to end, the kiss to end. But she knew it would and with that ending so much more would begin.

  She rubbed against them begging without words for more, more, more. And Dev was there. His lips trailed a path of liquid heat down her throat and across her chest until he hovered over one turgid point. With a harsh groan he claimed her nipple sucking it hard against the roof of his mouth and nipping the tender flesh around it with his sharp teeth. Greedily he suckled, working his way between both breasts so that neither was neglected for long. Back and forth he went until both were fiery red and sensitive from his ministrations.

  Doug’s hands were busy beneath the water. He made quick work of the ties on her bikini bottom and then it was gone—joining her top she was sure. He pulled her body snug into the shelter of his and pressed his cock into her. His hands moved over her buttocks caressing and squeezing them as he made his way around her hips to the curls of her mound. He ran the fingers of one hand through them glancing over the hard nub of her clit on his way to the passage he sought.

  She was wet. Even without the water she was submerged in she would have been dripping with desire for him, for them, for this. One long finger circled the entrance to her pussy before plunging inside. Charity cried out at the invasion, automatically canting her hips forward to deepen the penetration. He moved it in circles inside her and she could feel the pulse of her sex around his digit. God, she wanted him, his rock hard cock plunging into her and taking her to places she’d never known.

  One finger became two and it was pure fire moving through her bloodstream and spreading from her womb outward to all her limbs. So much better than her fantasy. So much hotter. In and out he worked, the palm of his hand resting against her clit. She was close to peak, so close that she wanted to scream. That elusive orgasm was finally within her reach. Then they stopped. She was moved once again and she groaned at the brief loss of sensation.

  Then they had her floating on top of the water with Dev slipping from her breasts down between her legs and Doug up by her head and chest. At some point they had managed to manoeuvre back towards the outer circle and both men were now standing in the water. Four hands moved over her body keeping nerve endings on edge and orgasm just out of reach.

  “Please,” she whispered though she had planned it as a command. She couldn’t take much more of their sensual torture. Not when she had already tortured herself earlier.

  They attacked as one. Doug was at her breasts this time and if anything he was even more demanding then Dev. He ate at the globes using teeth, tongue and lips to devour, claim and explore. She cried out with the pleasure he created and found herself on the brink of orgasm at his erotic touch. So close, so very close to what she wanted, no needed.

  But it was Dev that pushed her over that edge and had her flying off into a million pieces. She felt his shoulders spread her thighs, her knees moving over the tops of them as he placed her pussy just where he wanted it. And then with no forewarning he was there. His tongue was a heavy lash against her clitoris and two fingers pushed deep within her pussy.

  Charity screamed her release holding nothing back from them as she flew and splintered and flew some more. She was no longer in the water but somewhere over head awash in a blaze of ecstasy too extreme to be real. But it was real, so incredibly real. She came back down slowly, Dev and Doug now using gentle hands and soft kisses to soothe her. She shuddered once more and opened eyes that she hadn’t realised were closed.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like that before in my life,” she admitted softly as she slowly came to her feet between them. “I didn’t know that pleasure like that existed.”

  “I’m glad,” Doug said as he leaned over to kiss her softly on top of the head.

  “Me too,” Dev agreed as he gently caressed her cheek with the brush of his fingers.

  They were both so gentle with her now, so easy and undemanding. She knew they were hard, knew that they must be as hungry for release as she had been. They should be demanding things from her not kissing her.

  “Don’t you want to,” she felt suddenly shy which was funny after what she had just experienced with them. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Don’t you want to have sex?”

  “Absolutely,” Dev stated with that boyish grin she was coming to know and love.

  “But this was for you Charity,” Doug added. “We did this because we wanted to, not because we expected something from you in return.” She’d had no idea what to expect but this was definitely not it.

  “What if I want sex?” She asked reaching beneath the water, one hand going to the trunks of each of them. She was not surprised to find both filled with rock hard cocks that pulsed and wiggled under her touch.

  “Anything you want,” Dev breathed roughly.

  “Anything,” Doug agreed with the same husky need in his voice.

  They had given her pure pleasure and had been willing to walk away without asking for anything in return from her. Damn it at this rate she was liable to end up falling in love with them.

  “I want you, both of you,” she added so that there would be no confusion between them about just what she was asking for, agreeing to. “Anywhere. In the water, on the bank or back at the cabin if you prefer. I just want to feel you inside me, hard and fast, soft and slow, anyway you want me. I just want you to make love to me.”

  “Your wish,” Dev said grasping her hips.

  “Is ours to fulfil,” Doug finished grasping h
er outer thighs.

  Together they lifted her and with one deep thrust she cried out again as she found herself filled with Doug’s rock hard cock, his balls full and firm against her buttocks. The water sloshed around her as he pumped inside the tight sheath of her pussy. She leaned back against Dev, wrapping her hands up and around his neck to bring his mouth back to her. Her legs lifted and wrapped securely around Doug’s waist, not wanting to take the risk of losing what he gave to her.

  Doug leaned forward over her torso letting his lips lick over the drops of water that clung to her chest. His hands were on her buttocks now, squeezing and kneading them as he rode her. He filled her, so thick that he pulled along her sheath with every in and out stroke of cock to pussy. It was pure pleasure and yet she felt as if she was dying from it. Nothing had ever felt this good, this powerful.

  Dev’s hands were around her waist, his tongue buried deep in her mouth exploring every facet available to him. Her hands were in his hair clenching and holding him close. One hand slid between her and Doug and then Dev’s finger brushed over her clitoris and she cried out into his kiss. He stroked and manipulated the tiny nub of flesh that was such a pleasure centre, sending her careening higher and higher into an abyss. It was more than she could take.

  Doug bit down on her nipple, his hips becoming a piston as he rocked harder in and out of her. The water churned and splashed all around them. Dev rubbed harder applying forceful pressure to her. And Charity came undone. It was as if she was no longer in her body but on a different plane of existence, one filled with fire. For that is what her body felt like. As her orgasm continued to grow her skin was alive with a fiery heat that would not be soothed by the coolness of the water. If anything she seemed to be heating the pool of water surrounding them.

  She bowed and arched between them. Her fingers clenched and pulled at Dev while her heels must be leaving indents on Doug’s back. She pulled from the kiss and screamed her fulfilment to the heavens. Her throat was raw, her voice hoarse and yet she couldn’t stop. She needed some outlet, some way to release her body from the multitude of pleasure consuming it. She shuddered and shook and howled and still the orgasm washed over her, through her, refusing to release her from the now painful pleasure she felt.


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