Sensitive Compartmentalized Intelligence
An assortment of humanoid remains at Angorgal sites has revealed matches to human DNA. It is our strong suspicion that an Angorgal subsect not only reached the Outworlds, but also continued farther - to Earth - many centuries ago for what seems to be conquest-mating rituals, cross breeding experimentation, and/or outright genetic manipulation of our species. In addition, some of their texts we have managed to translate contain words phonetically similar to several Earth languages. There are indications some of their grammar - and even a few symbols - are similar too. These apparent ancient alien correlations to our species are unsettling to say the least. Recommend that the Angorgal matter be treated with the utmost secrecy. The few of us privy to them have started using the code phrase “Mineral 99” in reference to them.
Sensitive Compartmentalized Intelligence
Eigil Damgaard, Chief Archeologist
Science, Research, and Development Branch
Frontier Combine Metallurgical Enterprise
Classified Internal Communication, 19 April 2312
Truth Insurrected: Declassified Page 13