
Home > Romance > Tryst > Page 15
Tryst Page 15

by Alex Rosa

  “Then what are we doing?” he says, taunting.

  It’s out of my mouth before I can stop it. Just as Blake suggested, I say what’s on my mind. “I’m being bad.”

  Once the words escape me, I know there’s no taking them back.

  A seductive, approving hum can be heard from Blake, and I’m glad I’m not facing him.

  My skin tingles with an indescribable nervousness I’ve never felt before. I cannot find a way to wrap my head around how we went from serious to undeniably flirty. Regardless, I press my thighs together as my lips burn with another searing, forbidden memory. The reaction he elicits is unfair. I want nothing more than to have his sense of prowess and confidence.

  Still not having the guts to turn around, I change tact and shake my head of the ridiculous thought.

  The air in the room shifts even in the silence, and I don’t understand how it’s happening. I really don’t know how to play this game, but here I am, stuck right in the middle of it.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask, eyeing the toast I have on the counter. I need to find a way to slow my shallow breaths of nerve-racking anticipation.

  Though time has been moving slowly, this still feels like it’s happening too fast. Just like the skilled predator he is, Blake walks up behind me, his body almost flush against mine, the warmth from his naked torso wrapping around me without even touching me. With no shame, he places a lingering kiss on my shoulder before speaking, calling my entire body to attention. I freeze, succumbing to the spreading chill sliding up my spine.

  “Not for food,” he retorts, his voice a continuing hum as he makes it a point to pepper more deliberate, vibrating kisses across my skin, leaving a burning pool of tingling desire in its wake.

  I let my eyes sink closed, for once basking in the feeling rather than fighting it.

  He brushes my hair to the side, his fingertips making delicate contact with my skin, eliciting a liberating electric current with his touch. He trails his lips up my neck to my hairline, and I hold back a quiet groan. He smoothes his hand over my hip, shifting to kiss along my other shoulder, before tucking it under my shirt and laying a flat palm against my stomach, pulling my body against his. His hand is warm against my skin, causing goose bumps to rise over the surface of my body, while everything below my waist clenches.

  With my eyes still closed, I tilt my head to the side, giving him free range. He doesn’t hesitate, and his tongue begins a slow lick along the edge of my ear before he takes hold of my earlobe between his teeth. I can’t hold back my gasp this time.

  I don’t care about my food; I don’t care about much of anything other than Blake and my throbbing core.

  His hand slides under the waistband of my shorts to my most private part of my body. My hips arch into his grasp as his lips nip and suck along my neck. I’m in his sexual thrall, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  His hand cups my sex, and the groan I hear has me soaking.

  My behind pushes back, grinding against him, seeking any form of friction.

  I bite back another moan and decide to speak. “What are we doing?” I murmur as I repeat his previous words, arching my hips harder into his hand, aching for more, aching for him to touch me there. I want him to move, but he teases me by staying still, holding me in a forbidden way.

  I can feel his smile against my skin as his breath comes out hot and humid. “We’re being bad.”

  A blush creeps up my neck, the warmth filling every corner of my being.

  “Is my brother home?”

  Another smile forms against my skin. “No,” is all he says—crisp and to the point.

  I want Blake to delete the image of me crying. I want him to forget it ever happened, and this is the only way.

  I turn around, causing his hold to be released, and with newfound confidence, I press my lips to his, eager to taste him. He growls in response.

  I tangle my hands into his unruly hair, anchoring his lips to mine. He is quick to take charge, coaxing my mouth open, allowing his tongue entry as he presses our bodies against the counter, his growing erection hot and heavy against my thigh. He drags his hands down my body, eliciting that charging electric current as he takes my behind firmly in his grasp, forcing our bodies closer together. There is something wonderfully frantic in the carnal explosion as he ravishes my mouth, and I continue to arch my hips to his, aching for so much more.

  He lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his hips and he strides toward his bedroom. I have no qualms with my actions, driven by pure lust and a need to be as close as possible to this frustrating and enthralling, walking sex god.

  I’m eager, and my body yearns to feel skin against skin. While still in his strong grasp, I let go of him, pulling away briefly from his lips. I flash a devilish smile as I lean far enough away to peel my tank top and sports bra off, revealing my naked torso. His matching grin is all the more captivating before I crash my lips back to his, realizing I don’t think I could ever get bored of kissing this skilled creature.

  Blindly, I toss the clothing among the post-party trash, and press my body to his, basking in the exchange of heat between us.

  Before I care to realize, well, anything, Blake tosses me onto his bed, breaking all of our contact, and I yelp in surprise as I make contact with his sheets, leaning back on my elbows, watching him watch me.

  He turns around and closes his bedroom door, locking it, and when he turns back around, he says, “You can never be too careful.”

  I suppress my giggle as I raise a waiting brow. I don’t want to talk, especially not about that.

  Still naked from the waist up, I peer down at my shorts.

  Blake catches my stare and chuckles as he climbs onto the bed at my feet. “I guess you won’t be needing these.”

  My teeth clamp down on my bottom lip as I nod my agreement, and decide that this has become my favorite game, but it could be because of the player involved.

  He leans over and peels my shorts from my body, and an unrestrained sigh of appreciation comes from Blake as he licks his lips.

  I can’t remember the last time I’ve lain naked before someone, and I get the sudden urge to cover myself.

  As my arm comes toward my body, Blake crawls over me, grabbing my hands.

  “Nope. None of that. You have an incredible body. You shouldn’t be shy.”

  I don’t know what to say, but my body continues to blaze out of control as his bright eyes drag over every inch of me, starting at my feet, slowly working their way up, shamelessly devouring me.

  His lips soon capture mine. His kisses are practically frantic before he pulls away to trail them across my jaw, down my neck and to my breasts. I let out a groan as his lips move over my nipples, licking and sucking, but his sensual assault is too quick. He pulls away, trailing more kisses down my stomach. His intention becomes clear as his right hand takes hold of my thigh, kneading the flesh as it rises toward the apex of my thighs.

  His hand finds its place between my legs as his lingering mouth draws closer.

  It all feels too intimate, and I’m nervous, but trembling in anticipation. I want to tell him to stop, but when his fingertips caress my sex, the loud sigh that escapes me erases all doubt.

  I hear another appreciative hum from Blake as he spreads my legs and positions himself between them, his fingertips teasing a deliberate trail over the sensitive area. I claw at his sheets, feeling so exposed. I want to look at him, but embarrassed and in his sexual thrall, I shut my eyes, absorbing all the sensation.

  “You’re so wet, Skye, so ready.” I can hear him lick his lips.

  He blows against my sex, and my body quivers in hungry anticipation.

  His hot, slick mouth touches my throbbing core as he slips two fingers inside me.

  I moan his name, fighting back a tremble, which only goads the flicking movements of his tongue against my clit as his fingers begin their in-and-out assault.

  My body is quick to peak as the quivering in my legs
continues to escalate.

  Blake, always the tease, slows his mouth and fingers, waiting for my body to calm before he begins again, doing this repeatedly.

  My grip only tightens on his sheets, trying to find some sense of release.

  “Blake, please . . .”

  A vibrating hum is felt against my scorching sex as I repeat his name again, more as a plea as my body bows against him.

  “B-Blake . . .”

  He sits up, pulling his fingers out of me. It isn’t until then that I open my eyes. I’m squirming with need, and I’m impatient, but I sit still, idly wondering why he isn’t naked yet.

  His lips glisten from my arousal, and I never thought I’d find that so hot. I watch him crawl up the length of my body with carnal determination.

  I’m so eager to make contact with him that I lean up to devour his lips, making it a point to swipe my tongue across his bottom lip, lapping up my lingering saltiness.

  He groans against my mouth. “Skyler, you’re hotter than you realize.”

  I don’t want to hear it, though I’m smiling. I’ve never been one to take a compliment, and accepting that one seems entirely too difficult. My sexual prowess would rate in the negative in comparison. With that thought, Blake grinds his erection into my sensitive core, the thin layer of his boxer briefs being the only thing keeping me from what I want.

  My hands drag down his toned body, paying close attention to the sinews of his abs, basking in their hardness, but finding the most tantalizing location tucking my fingers between his skin and the waistband, grazing the light peppering of hair. There is a brief pause of anticipation that I think I feel from Blake, and I take it as my cue as I let my hands slip farther inside, taking his hard cock in my grasp. He’s soft steel and blazing hot in my hands.

  He pulls away from my lips to release a breathy gasp at the contact as his mouth forms an O.

  As if he’s finally had enough of foreplay, he slips off his underwear, grabbing for a condom on his nightstand. He rips the foil package, rolling the latex over his considerable length, and with a hunger in his eyes, he comes back to press his body against mine.

  His erection lingers at the opening of my sex, continuously teasing me as he ravishes my mouth.

  “Blake.” It’s more of a whiny demand than anything.

  “I love it when you say my name.”

  With Blake’s door shut, and my brother who knows where, this odd sense of liberating vulnerability blooms in Blake’s overwhelming presence. It’s something that I have found difficult in previous relationships, but seem to thoroughly enjoy now.

  I say his name again, but this time it’s sharp.


  He groans again into my mouth as he pushes the head of his cock into me just an inch.

  “Say it,” he demands.

  I moan, arching my hips toward his, begging for more.

  “Say it,” he repeats. He leans down to my breasts, and sucks on one of the sensitive buds.

  “Say what?” I moan as I tangle my hands into his hair, tugging, begging.

  “Say you want me.”

  I let out a laugh at hearing his words, and he drags his nose between my breasts, licking as he goes, until he makes it back to my lips. “Say you want me. I know you do.”

  There is no doubt about it; I want him. I want him more than I did last night, and I didn’t even think that was possible. His demand would have originally pissed me off, mirroring one of our first conversations on this topic, but right now, in this moment, it’s the hottest thing he’s ever said.

  “I want you so badly,” I blurt out confidently.

  His approving, devilish grin forms against my mouth as he slams into me, and I moan. His lips capture each sound with every thrust. My body is seeking release. It’s waited too long. I want to burst. His movements have me on the brink, and I want to fall over the precipice.

  I repeat my words from the night before as I drag my nails across his back, his muscles rippling with every movement of his hips. “Blake, faster.”

  He buries his head into the crook of my neck. “Oh no, babe, I had to rush before. I’m going to take my time enjoying every inch of you.”

  Combined with his body now slicked with sweat, it has me ready to take the leap.


  I can’t stop it as my body quivers and clenches around him. Blake can sense the peak, and he thrusts harder and harder, driving the orgasm to the surface. I can feel Blake’s body tightening, too. He nuzzles his head into my neck as we both come together in an earth-shattering orgasm. I grip onto his strong biceps as my body winds down.

  When my eyes finally flicker open, Blake is trying to catch his breath as he trails appreciative kisses across my collarbone before placing a more possessive kiss against my lips that lingers wonderfully.

  When he pulls away, his eyes sparkle with accomplishment, and I smile, too, at how incredible he looks after sex.

  “See, you’re perfectly good at being bad.”

  With our post-coital glow in full HD, we laugh at the remark. In that instant, while looking at Blake, the charming sex god, I wonder to myself: Did we just fuck, or was that making love?

  I worry that I don’t know the difference, but I do know that I could get used to this.

  Chapter 20

  I pull Blake’s soft navy sheet up to cover my chest, lean back into his pillow, and take a deep breath. I feel sticky and content.

  Blake is watching me, the sheet covering him at his hips. He looks like a Greek god with a sense of humor, and I find his beautifully sculpted lines both jealousy inducing and tempting. I want to make a comment about his body, a snarky one, but I know he could easily make a meal out of it with his wit. I never thought I’d meet a boy who could outwit me; it’s a novel feeling, considering I never expected it to be from someone like him.

  I twist my lips at the thought, finding his adorable bedhead the unsuspecting part. Trying to distract myself, I lift my hand up to run my fingers through his thick, short hair. It softens his intense gaze as his eyes flicker closed, absorbing the sensation of my nails against his scalp.

  I whisper in the thick air of his bedroom, “Tell me something about yourself.”

  I pull my hand away from his hair as his eyes open to lock with mine.

  “You always ask me that. I don’t know what there’s to know.”

  I roll my eyes as I sit up, mirroring him as I perch my head on my hand while my other holds the thin sheet over my bare chest. I notice that our legs are still tangled around each other.

  “If you hate it when I tell you I worry what you think of me when I cry, let me make it clear that I hate it when you make it seem like getting to know you is pointless. I can’t continue what I’m doing with you unless I know you; it won’t feel right.”

  Blake chuckles, finding humor where I can’t seem to, and that is when I assume the girls he gets involved with must not take the time to ask these questions.

  His wry smile makes an appearance. “What’re we doing, Skyler? I mean really, you’re being bad, sure, but are we going to keep doing this?” He lifts his hand up, bops me on the nose, and then pokes himself in his chest for emphasis. “If we can figure that out, I’ll tell you more about me.”

  I find it funny that he’s the one propositioning me with this question, because I’m sure I should be the one asking.

  “I guess I don’t really know how this works.”

  He laughs again as he rubs at his lips, and my brows furrow in response.

  “You tell me to speak my mind, but here you are laughing at me because I’ve never had sex outside of a serious relationship. That’s mean. We should stop this before it starts, Blake. I—”

  More deep laughter escapes him. “Whoa, Skye, chill out, will you? It’s simple. We just need to make boundaries so that there are no blurred lines. Simply, is this something you want?”

  That question throws me. I’m overwhelmed and even embarrassed by my inexperie

  “Want what?” I ask, confused.

  “If we’re putting it out there for what it is, I’m asking: Do you want access to this?” He dramatically waves his hand over the length of his body, and regardless of my recent tryst, his words and gestures make me blush crimson.

  I’m silent, my modesty not allowing me to utter the truth.

  He purses his lips, and that dimple I keep forgetting about magically appears, making his charming demeanor even more inviting.

  “I want you, if it’s easier hearing me say it first. I’d like access to you whenever I want, in both convenient and even inconvenient heated moments. It’ll be fun.”

  I close my eyes now, too embarrassed by the topic, but I can’t ignore the lull of that tingle creeping below my waist.

  “Are you serious?” My voice is soft again.


  My eyes open and I’m leery, but as I look at him again, I can’t help the reflexive action of swiping my tongue over my bottom lip before speaking. “Have you ever been in a purely sexual relationship like this?”

  “No, not really. Most sexual encounters tend to be a one-time thing, but you’re looking for the same thing as me—something noncommittal and fun. With our compatibility, I think it could be kind of genius.”

  I want to laugh; this is too strange to be discussed. Sexual compatibility? I guess I can’t argue. The thought makes me want to hide my reddening face.

  “Genius is not the word I would use. Some people would call this stupid.”

  He huffs. “We are two consenting adults, allowed to do whatever we want. Who cares about other people? No one has to know.”

  His eyes are intense as they dissect every one of my reactions.

  Maybe he really does want this.

  My morality has officially given up on the topic. It makes it almost harder to come to a decision.

  With this newfound sense of moral freedom, or a lack of moral code, I speak. “We obviously won’t be able to tell anyone.”

  The corner of Blake’s mouth twitches. I lift my hand up as a distraction, drawing little imaginary circles over his toned chest, my eyes following the trail of my fingertips rather than the jade-green tractor beam.


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