Office Hate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

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Office Hate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance Page 5

by Rachel Van Dyken

  “And he likes it when…” I cleared my throat. “When you hum.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” She drew back and stared, eyebrows raised.

  “Humming.” I coughed. “He seems to respond to it well.”

  “Totally curious.” She crossed her arms, making her breasts pop up in a fabulous sight of cleavage, distracting the shit out of me. “What did you hum?”

  “Star Wars.”

  “And how did that go again?”

  “I’m not humming.”

  “I really think you should.”


  “Little G’s getting distressed.” She pointed. “Come on, one little bar…I don’t want to let him down.”

  “We speak of this never.” I jabbed a finger in her direction and earned a megawatt smile from her as she leaned in like I was going to whisper hum.

  I cleared my throat and then started humming the Star Wars theme, and sure enough, Little G bobbed his head from his position between her breasts and seemed to smile at me.

  Weirdest lizard ever.

  “Aw, you like that little buddy,” She patted his head with one finger.

  I stopped humming. “Any creature would be happy as shit sitting between two Double D’s and listening to Star Wars, just saying, all men are the same, apparently even across species.”

  Olivia shot me an amused glare. “So you’re saying you’re jealous of a gecko?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  Her eyelashes lowered like she was embarrassed, and then she very carefully pulled Little G out from her top and held him on the palm of her hand. “I’ll wake you up if I need anything. The couch’s comfortable, you know.”

  Damn, I was hard.

  “Yeah,” I croaked. “And it looks like it’s wide enough for someone to spoon so, bonus points for that.”

  What the hell was coming out of my mouth right now?

  “Right, and we promised to test everything.” She agreed, standing and putting Little G back into his carrier, then closing the lid.

  I stared at the spot she’d just vacated.

  It looked inviting.


  And clearly, I was insane because I barely stopped myself from diving into the couch in an effort to feel the fleeting warmth of her body against the blanket.

  “Mark?” She came up behind me.

  I jumped a foot and turned. “Yeah?”

  “You can go to sleep now.”

  “Hah, right, sleep, like that’s going to happen…” I forced myself to walk slowly over to the couch and sat, grabbed the blanket then lay down, realizing that it really was big enough for two. “C’mere.”

  “Why?” She crossed her arms.

  “Just do it.”

  With a huff, she made her way over. When she was close enough, I grabbed her by the wrist and tugged her into the couch, wrapping my body around her and settling in to cuddle.

  Something I rarely did with anyone.

  “What’s happening right now?” she whispered.

  “I’m testing the couch.”

  She wiggled her ass a bit, leaning back into my arms. “Right, then…”

  She moved again.

  I groaned. “What’s happening right now?”

  “I’m testing the self-control of the other intern…” I could feel her smile. “You know, if you break first, I get the job.”

  “So you’ve decided you can’t get it on your own, ergo, you’re going to stroke my dick until I pass out, then tie me to the couch and show up by yourself, showing Max that you’re more punctual?”

  “Good story.” She moved again.

  I braced an arm around her, my teeth nipping her ear. “I’d stop if I were you before I actually decide to tug down those leggings.”

  A whimper escaped her lips.

  She kept moving.

  And I kept wondering why I needed so much self-control in the first place? I mean, we were alone, and technically we needed to test the, uh, durability of all things in the apartments, right?

  “I mean, we don’t want to fail a test,” she whispered.

  “I hate failure,” I agreed.

  She sighed. “Is it weird that the gecko is watching us from the living room table?”

  “Super weird,” I said. “It’s like he’s making eye contact.”

  “I wonder if this is like porn to him?” she asked.

  “The more you stare, the more he stares. It’s like he froze and— what the hell are you talking about? Do you watch lizards fuck and get your rocks off?” I laughed, and then I couldn’t stop as she squirmed against me.

  I held her close as tears slid down my cheeks.

  “Damn it, Mark! Now I’m thinking about lizard sex!”

  She elbowed me dangerously close to my dick and tried to scramble away.

  I grabbed her again and pressed a kiss to her neck. “I think I like hating you.”

  “Feeling’s mutual— And… now my erection’s gone because Little G just winked. I swear he winked at us.” She scrambled back. “You think there’s a mic or a tiny camera or something in his cage?”

  We both froze.

  Little G stared at us as if saying, “you’ll never know.”

  “At least turn his cage around,” I suggested.

  She leaned in, his mouth opened.

  I sighed. “He’s hungry again, demolished a few of those Zoo Med snacks that came in the bedazzled bag.”

  “The instructions said to feed him a worm.” Olivia looked over her shoulder at me. “He has snacks?”

  “He’s the most spoiled gecko on the planet, so yes, numerous snacks, lots of variety, quite interesting. I left the worms for you. Don’t worry, though, I Googled all the snacks just in case that was part of the test, and now, even though I’m thinking about taking off all your clothes and putting duct tape over your mouth… you know, just in case I make you scream too loud, and someone thinks I’m murdering you in here… I need to sleep and get ready for our first test or game or whatever it is tomorrow, fucking Emory games.”

  Slowly she sat up then turned to me. Her hair was so pretty as it kissed her breasts; her lips looked almost swollen. “Try not to have any wet dreams while I’m walking around.”

  “Yes, how embarrassing…almost as embarrassing as falling asleep on someone’s…oh wait a second!” I snapped my fingers.”

  She smacked me in the chest then shoved me down against the couch again, straddling me with her gorgeous tan legs.

  I gripped her hips and ground her body down on mine; even through the blanket I could feel her heat.

  Her lips parted as her head fell back, exposing her neck, her body moving over mine in urgency.

  I didn’t plan on dry humping her on my boss’s couch, just like I didn’t plan on putting a leash on a gecko. Maybe the best moments are the ones that surprise you.

  Maybe the best moments are spontaneous, with a girl you hate but can’t get enough of and want more and more despite how annoying she was.

  What was happening to me?

  She bit down on her lip and let out a little sob collapsing against me while I was still hard as a rock. “You bastard.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Another smack on the chest and then. “Did the gecko see?”


  “If he has to go to therapy, you’re paying,” she grumbled.

  I rubbed her back in small circles, then whispered, “Worth it.”

  Within minutes she was snoring.

  And Little G looked like he needed another walk.

  With a curse, I slowly disentangled our bodies, laid her on the couch, and pulled the blanket over her, then went to grab a snack for Little G. I dropped it in his cage and whispered, “No telling Max.”

  And I swear on all that’s holy, that damn lizard, nodded his head.

  Chapter Eight


  “Welcome!” Max was wearing a mint grin suit with a white V-neck shirt underneath as he spread hi
s arms wide from his office. “To the Emory Games!”

  “Do we applaud?” I whispered under my breath to Mark.

  He shot me a wink. “You applaud for his announcement and not your orgasm? I’m disappointed, Olivia.”

  I felt my cheeks heat. Damn it! How was I supposed to hate a guy that not only semi-forced me to ride out an orgasm but actually let me have an extra hour of sleep before taking care of the damn gecko!

  “I trust Little G did well with you both?” Max nodded toward the small cage on the table.

  “He was an absolute joy, sir.” Mark cleared his throat.

  I snorted. The little shit really was afraid of the fridge; every time he saw his reflection, he ran, and I had to run after him at five a.m. Exhausted, I ran into a chair twice and scraped my knee on the table in an effort to stop the stupid gecko not to hide under the couch…again.

  If this was like having kids, then, well, no more sex for me!

  Not that I had unprotected sex on the regular, but still man, I was so tired.

  I swayed on my feet a bit.

  “…and then you’ll be expected to answer the trivia questions in order to gain enough points for the day. Remember, at the end of the internship, you’ll need at least five hundred points. You’ll have daily competitions, and of course, you’re not only competing against each other but yourselves.”

  “He’s crazy,” Mark said under his breath, smile still plastered on his face.

  “Yup,” I agreed.

  “So please, each of you, take a buzzer and your position as we commence with our first Emory Games event!’

  “If he says Emory Games one more time…” I muttered.

  Mark rubbed my back.

  I almost leaned into him.

  And then I jerked away.


  I needed this job.

  Get it together, Olivia! One orgasm, and you’re ready to take a nap on his shoulder? No. Be cold. Ruthless. Be you!

  Feeling a bit better, I stood behind my little table, quickly sucked down some of the Emory Energy Drink that was provided, and reached for my buzzer.

  “And for the first question—”

  “Wait.” I held up one hand. “Why are we getting filmed?”

  “I like watching myself.” He shrugged. “And according to Little G—”

  “OKAY, THANKS!” I yelled.

  Max just laughed. “All right, first question. What’s my favorite color?”

  The hell?

  Mark buzzed. “Blue.”

  “Correct!” Max grinned.

  “That was a guess!” I shot Mark a glare.

  “And a good one at that,” Max agreed.

  I chugged more of the energy drink. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “What reality show was I on when—”

  We both buzzed at the same time and yelled. “Love Island!”

  “Correct, both of you are awarded ten points!”

  I stuck my tongue out at Mark and waited, my finger hovering over the red button.

  “Name everyone from the show Friends…”

  I buzzed and answered, “Rachel, Ross, Joey, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and bonus points, Ben was the son, and Marcelle was the monkey.”

  Max looked so touched that I thought he would start crying as he dropped his cue card and slow clapped. “Thank you for being inclusive to all animals.”

  “Of course!” I grinned.

  Mark flipped me off under his table.

  Was it wrong that I clenched my thighs and imagined him flipping me off while I rode him? Was that weird? Damn it! He was messing with my head, my edge, my game!

  “Next question.” Max cleared his throat. “How many shell companies does Emory Enterprises have?”

  Mark buzzed immediately. “Zero, you would never do something so beneath you.”

  “I hope,” Max said, nodding, “that one day, I have a son just like you.”

  Mark’s dimples seemed to deepen, damn him. How had I not noticed how effing hot they were?

  “Last question!” Max announced. “At this point, you’re behind by ten points, Olivia. If you get this question correct, you tie for the day.”

  I had to get it right.

  Had to.

  “How many licks does it take to get to the bottom of the Tootsie—”

  “Commercial has three before the owl crunches down, but it’s inevitable!” I shouted.

  Alarms sounded.

  “TIE BREAKER”! Max seemed positively giddy. “Bring in the box!”

  “The box?” I repeated as someone who seemed to be more of a PA for some reality show with his headphone and mic appeared, rolling in a giant black box with a black blanket over it and a hole on either side. “What’s this?”

  “Step forward.” Max was having the time of his life, crazy billionaire bastard; how was this real life? I kept looking for hidden cameras because this was anything but an internship, right?

  Thinking I was too sleep-deprived and probably going crazy, I focused in again while Mark stared at the box like he was studying it.

  “As you can see,” Max said, “there is a hole on either side of this hidden box. Each of you will reach in and feel whatever object is inside this box; the longer your hand stays inside, the more points you acquire, whoever can hold their hand in there the longest, wins.”

  “Seems easy.” Mark shrugged.

  “Oh, also…” Max snickered. “It…” He smiled. “Is alive.”

  “Alive?” we yelled in unison.

  “Alive,” he confirmed. “But don’t worry. You’ve signed all the documents, and we have an ambulance just over there.” He legit pointed to the corner where an ambulance was camped out as if one of us were going to die.

  What the ever-loving hell kind of internship was this?

  We had signed NDAs, which meant previous interns did too, which meant when I googled, all I got was Max Emory, genius in hiring professionals.


  Sweat started sliding down my back as my hand hovered near the dark hole. Mark eyed me, then the box, then me again, then blurted, “Is it a fucking snake?”

  “Can’t say.” Max shrugged. “This final part of the Games begins in three…two…one.”

  We both shoved our hands in.

  It was cold, eerily cold.

  Mark’s face was pale.

  And then something fuzzy touched my hand. I jerked back only to realize that if I left the stupid box, I would lose. So I stared straight ahead at Mark as a bead of sweat slid down his forehead. He looked ready to pass out.

  I didn’t move my hand.

  I didn’t even breathe.

  But there was definitely something alive, rubbing up on me, and it didn’t feel like a kitty cat.

  Oh shit! SPIDER SPIDER SPIDER! Mark must have noticed my panic because I started to shake.

  “Hey, hey.” Mark shook his head. “Power through, you’ve got this, we’ve got this, okay?”

  I shook my head. “No,” I whimpered. “I think it’s a tarantula.”

  “Oh hell no.” He uttered a vulgar curse then bit down on his lower lip. “Do they bite?”

  “Yes.” Max felt the need to say. “Not poisonous but painful as hell, ah good we’re twenty seconds in! Well done! This is probably a new record! DUSTIN, DUSTIN, is this a record?”

  Dustin came running.

  Max sighed. “Why did you cut your hair?”

  “Because you said it offended you when it was in my eyes.” His lower lip trembled. “But I can get extensions.”

  “So disappointing.” Max sighed. “Find out if this is a new record and go feed Hades; he’s sad.”

  “He’s…back at home.”

  “So drive home.” Max looked heavenward. “I swear some people— oh look, you’re past a minute. Good job, guys!”

  I was shaking at this point.

  Mark was sweating.

  Slowly I reached my hand around the fuzzy thing in an attempt to grab Mark’s fingers, hoping he’d understa
nd what I was doing.

  This needed to stop.

  I slowly nodded my head, locking eyes with him, then tapped against his palm, three, two one.

  He frowned, and then, a thank God expression appeared.

  He tapped against my hand, three, two, one, we both pulled our hands out at the exact same time.

  And weirdly, Max just smiled. “Well done, another tie.”

  I was ready to pass out when Max pulled the black sheet off the box and opened it up. When I looked in, I wanted to scream.

  Two fuzzy rats greeted us with bright red eyes. “See? They only bite sometimes, don’t you Stuart one and Stuart two?”

  “Is there…” Mark was on his knees on the ground. “…a reason for this?”

  “Yes.” Max grinned. “Actually, there is. But since you’ve signed so many documents, I’ll have to wait a bit longer until I reveal the method to my madness. Now, back to the apartments. Mark, you and Olivia are currently tied.”

  I collapsed back against the ground. “What the hell is this?”

  Mark crawled over to me. “Actual Hell and Max is Satan.”

  “But once you get hired, the pay is so good,” I whined.

  “So good.” He swore. “But do all interns have to go through this? And why are there always cameras?”

  “No idea.” I turned to him. “But at least he took the gecko.”

  “Words I never thought I’d hear a person utter,” he grumbled and stood. “Come on, let’s go shower.”

  “But not together,” I added.

  “No,” he said quickly, and then his arm was wrapped around me, his palm, pressed against my lower back in a possessiveness I realized I didn’t just want…but suddenly needed.

  Confessional 1


  “Do I feel guilty?” I laughed. “Hell no, this is business, not personal. I’m the only one in the world who can match an employee up with their perfect job in less than three months. Are the series of tests difficult? Yes. Are they terrifying? At times. But it shows us how they work as a team, how they work as individuals, the tests from the Emory Games are the world’s number one not talked about source for businesses to find senior-level candidates without having to ever interview at all.” I grinned. “So no, at the end of the day, they’ll be getting their dream jobs, so I don’t feel guilty. Science has proven over and over again, for example, that taking care of a pet as if it was an infant shows your dedication and love toward what you do. On top of that, we saw today that they chose teamwork over points and stopped the box game at the same time. Everything…” I paused for the dramatics. “…is a test. But in the end. Worth it for our two shining candidates.”


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