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Unpredictable Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 5)

Page 16

by Anna Blakely

  “I’ve been reading over Jordan Wright’s file. It’s crazy how much we have in common. Hell.” He huffed out a breath. “I could’ve been him.”

  Pulling out a chair, Brynnon sat beside him. “What do you mean?”

  “We were close in age, and he was an only child. His mom died from lung cancer shortly after he graduated from high school.” His eyes met hers. “I can’t tell you the number of times I traveled over bridges just like that one while in Afghanistan or some other middle-eastern country. Something like that could've just as easily happened to me and my team.”

  Sensing he wasn’t finished purging, Brynnon remained quiet and let him finish out his darkened thoughts. When Grant looked back down at Jordan Wright’s service photo, his face filled with heartbreaking affliction.

  “I’ve seen a lot of friends and teammates die. I accepted that part of the job a long time ago. We all did.” He swallowed hard, his eyes still focusing on Jordan’s picture. “But sitting here and reading through his file, I just keep thinking, why didn’t he get to come home? He was the all-American guy. Good son, great soldier...married with a baby on the way. So why did I make it out, but he didn’t? It just doesn’t make any sense. The guy barely had a chance to live.”

  Oh, Grant. Reaching over, Brynnon covered his tight fist with her hand. “I can’t answer that. I wish I could, but the truth is it was just his time. And you...” She paused. “You do have a chance to live.”

  Grant looked up at her but didn’t say anything, so she kept going.

  “Sure, you and Jordan have a lot in common, but the difference is you did make it out alive. And, I know you may not agree, but I truly believe there’s a reason you didn’t die over there.”

  He stood abruptly, his chair squeaked against her wooden floors. As he walked over to the sink, Grant gripped his hands around its edge and locked his elbows. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I don’t believe in all that shit.” He turned his head toward her. “Not anymore.”

  “Well, I do.” She stood and went to him. “I know there’s a reason you’re still here.”

  He turned and leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “First introductions aside, you’ve known me less than a week. Don’t really think you’re qualified to make that sort of judgment about me.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” She shook her head. “I see more than you think, Grant. I’ve seen the friendship you have with Derek. The way you risked yourself for me. First when the scaffolding fell and again today.”

  He opened his mouth, but she put a hand up to stop him. Moving in even closer, Brynnon left only a few inches between them when she wrapped her fingers around one of his sinewy forearms.

  “I would’ve died today had you not been there to push me out of the way. Now, I’m not arrogant enough to think the reason you survived your overseas tours and all your black ops missions was simply so you could save me. But, like it or not, there are people in this world who need you.” One corner of her mouth rose. “I just happen to be one of them.”

  Emotion flared behind his guarded eyes and Grant raised his hand to brush some hair from her face. Appearing bewildered, he tucked the wayward curls behind her ear before closing his eyes and leaning toward her.

  At first, Brynnon was sure he was going to kiss her again. Instead, he rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “What am I going to do with you?”

  With her heart threatening to leap from her chest, she teased, “Pretty sure I could think of a few things.”

  Grant’s hot breath hit her chin as he released a silent laugh. Lifting his head, he let one corner of his delectable mouth raise. “Don’t tempt me, Princess.”

  God, it would be so easy. All she’d have to do would be to raise up on her tiptoes and take what she wanted. Brynnon had a feeling this time he wouldn’t be so quick to hit the brakes.

  He’s hurting.

  Damn. That nagging little voice was right. As surprising as it seemed, the gentle giant was in a vulnerable state. If and when the time came to take things further, she sure as hell didn’t want to be something he regretted.

  Ignoring the reasons that brought her down here in the first place, Brynnon took a step back. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she forced a smile.

  “I guess we should probably try to get some sleep. Can’t very well show up at tomorrow’s ball with bags under our eyes.”

  A flicker of disappointment flashed across his chiseled face but was gone as quickly as it had appeared. “Right,” he cleared his throat. “The ball.”

  Brynnon chuckled. “Don’t worry, tough guy. You just have to stand there and look pretty. Shouldn’t be too hard for a guy like you.” With a pat on his solid chest, she turned to leave the room but stopped when Grant reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Taken off guard, she spun her head back toward him. “What—”

  “You never did answer my question.”

  Brynnon wracked her brain, trying to remember what he’d asked her. “What question?”

  With her hand still in his, Grant took a step toward her. “Are. You. Okay?”

  “Oh.” She laughed nervously. “Of course. I’m fine.” Brynnon tried moving again, but he kept her in place.

  “Really?” He looked back at her expectantly. “I just spilled my guts like a pansy, and you’re gonna pull the whole ‘I’m fine’ routine?”

  She scoffed. “Sharing your thoughts and emotions does not make you a pansy.”

  Grant locked eyes with hers. “So why won’t you tell me what really brought you down here?”

  Damn. She walked right into that one.

  Drawing in a shaky breath, Brynnon let it out slowly before admitting, “I keep seeing that car. Every time I close my eyes, it’s there. And you’re there, and...”

  She looked away, taking another deep breath to gain control over her sudden rush of emotions. “I see how close it came to hitting you because I was so freaked out by those damn pictures, I didn’t realize what was happening.” Brynnon brought her gaze back up to his. “I don’t think Wright’s daughter will try anything else, but what if she does?”

  “I’ll stop her. Just like I did today.”

  Brynnon shook her head. “I don’t want you getting hurt because of me, Grant. When I think about what could’ve happened to you had that car been going just a little faster, or if you’d jumped out of the way a second later...” Her voice cracked, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

  “Hey,” he rumbled softly, pulling her into his warm embrace. Grant tucked her head beneath his chin and held her closely. “I’m okay, sweetheart. We’re both okay.”

  When she nodded, her cheek brushed back and forth against his shirt, stirring up even more of his woodsy, masculine scent.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  The declaration was so solid. Definite. And Brynnon knew he meant every word.

  She pulled back so she could look up at him. “Just promise you won’t put yourself in harm’s way for me.”

  He gave her another crooked grin, having no idea how those sent her heart racing. “That’s kinda my job.”

  “I don’t care,” she argued, stepping out of his embrace. Crossing her arms in front of herself, she lifted her chin and stared him down. “I don’t want you risking yourself for me.”

  “Not your choice, Bryn.”

  She exhaled loudly. “God, you are so stubborn.”

  Grant barked out a laugh. “You’re one to talk.”

  Brynnon wanted to respond, to come back with some sort of witty comment, but she was too busy trying to catch her breath. Both sides of his lips were curved, the broad smile lighting up his entire face.

  God, he’s beautiful.

  Mistaking her silence to mean she was still upset, Grant’s smile slowly vanished, and he walked slowly toward her. “Come on,” he ordered, taking her hand in his.

  Before she could explain, he began walking them both out
of the kitchen. With a flick of his wrist, he reached up and flipped the light switch off, carefully leading her upstairs.

  “Um, Grant? W-why are you taking me to my bedroom?”

  “Just relax,” he uttered quietly, reading her mind. “It’s not about that.”

  Not sure if she should be disappointed or relieved, Brynnon continued to follow the confusing man. Once they were in her room, he walked over to her side of the bed and turned to face her.

  “Lay down.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You need sleep, right?”

  “Yes...” she let the word hang there.

  “Then lay. Down.”

  Still unsure of what his plan was, Brynnon did as she was told and crawled into bed. She had to bite her cheek to keep from smiling when the gruff man reached down and pulled the covers over her body, tucking her in as if she were a small child.

  He’s taking care of me.

  Even more surprising was when, instead of leaving, he walked around the foot of the bed and crawled in beside her.

  Propping herself up on an elbow, she looked over her shoulder at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry. My clothes are staying on.”

  Without warning, he reached across her waist and pulled her back to his front. As promised, his shirt and jeans were still on, but Brynnon still felt guilty. She didn’t want him feeling forced into an uncomfortable situation simply because he was trying to help her get to sleep.

  Facing away from him again, she rested her head on her pillow and tried one last time to give him an out.

  “Seriously, Grant. this is above and beyond your required duties, and you’re under no obligation to—”

  “Does this bother you?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not at all. Actually, it’s nice. I”

  He gave her a little squeeze. “Then I’m right where I want to be.”

  His protective embrace helped ease her anxiety about today’s close call. However, there was something else still rolling through her mind.



  “I think Jessica was telling the truth.”


  “I don’t think she meant to kill me today, but...” She shifted onto her back and looked over at him. “What if she was lying? What if she tries something like that again?”

  The moonlight reflected off his eyes as his thumb brushed lazily against her side. “If she does, my team will stop her.”

  She nodded, her hair making a swishing sound as it brushed against her pillow. “I know you will.”

  Brynnon turned back onto her side and settled herself against him. With her arm resting on his, she waited a beat before whispering his name.



  “Thank you.”

  He gave her a little squeeze and whispered back, “You’re welcome.”


  Chapter 12

  Using the small mirror on the wall by Brynnon’s front door, Grant checked to make sure his bow tie was straight. It was the fifth time he’d done so in as many minutes.

  He didn’t know why the hell he felt so nervous. This charity ball wasn’t any different than the other ones he’d worked when assigned to her father. Of course, his having spent last night cuddled up to the man’s daughter may be why he felt so different this time.

  It’s different because you’re going with her. Everything’s different with her.

  His subconscious was right. Pacing the condo’s small living room, Grant thought about last night. It was all he’d thought about the entire fucking day.

  Once they’d gotten settled, Brynnon had fallen asleep quickly. He, however, had not.

  Instead, he’d laid there, watching her sleep as he relished in how right it felt to hold her in his arms. To press his body against hers for the sole purpose of helping her feel safe. Protected.

  It was the first time in years he’d gone to bed with a woman for reasons other than a quick one-off. Yet, even just lying next to Brynnon—fully dressed and all—Grant had found himself content. Something he hadn’t been in a long fucking time.

  And it was all thanks to her.

  Grant was never much of a talker or one to share his feelings and all that shit. Except with his mom. He always felt safe with her, because he knew she would never judge him. Once she was gone, he just...shut down.

  After joining the Navy, he stayed focused on what he needed to do to get the job done. Since then, he’d kept everything close to the vest. Never talked with anyone about his thoughts or feelings in regard to surviving his time overseas when so many others hadn’t. Not his fellow SEALS. Not even Jake or the other members of R.I.S.C.’s Alpha Team.

  So why he’d opened up the way he had last night, Grant had no fucking idea. When she first came downstairs, he could tell she was worried about something. But rather than asking him for support and guidance, she’d given it to him instead.

  Talking to Brynnon had been so damn effortless, too. She just sat there quietly, listening as he told her what he was feeling. And the words she’d said to him once he was finished had been running through his mind the whole damn day.

  Like it or not, there are people in this world who need you. I just happen to be one of them.

  Hearing her say she needed him triggered something somewhere deep inside. Grant began to break open as Brynnon’s comforting words brought him more peace and solace than he’d felt since his mom’s untimely death.

  Even though she’d been talking about his ability to protect her, Grant still couldn’t shake the feeling that Brynnon meant so much more. And damn, if he wasn’t starting to think he needed her, too.

  Lying beside her last night, holding her against him while she slept had been both heaven and pure fucking torture wrapped into one. He’d spent the entire night hard as a goddamn jeans. The second dawn snuck in through the curtains, he carefully slipped out of bed and came back down here, heading straight for the shower.

  Before Brynnon, that had always worked to take the edge off for a while. But even after jerking off this morning to thoughts of her, he’d still walked around all damn day, half-hard and needing more.

  You need her.

  Shaking those thoughts away, Grant checked his watch and walked back over to the mirror. He’d just started messing with his tie again when the reflection of something red caught his eye.

  His lungs suddenly ceased to work, and Grant froze where he stood, having spotted the most beautiful vision he’d ever seen. Still staring at her through the mirror, he watched as Brynnon slowly began making her way down the staircase. She was halfway to the bottom when he turned, taking in the full view.

  Her hair was pulled up into a mound of soft curls, a few wisps of hair framing her face. Rather than caking on her makeup like so many of the women he’d seen at similar events, she’d applied just enough to highlight her natural beauty. Simple diamond studs and a matching bracelet added a little sparkle.

  She had some sort of matching wrap hanging over one of her forearms, that same hand carrying a small purse in the same color. But the dress... Holy fuck.

  It literally left him breathless.

  The bright red was a magnificent compliment to her creamy skin tone and auburn hair. Its low-cut halter top was sexy as sin, showcasing her perky breasts but still what he would consider acceptable.

  The body of the dress hugged her ribcage and small waist with perfection, and the long, ball gown-style skirt flared out from her narrow hips, falling gracefully to the floor. Even Brynnon’s delicate, bare shoulders caught his attention. And since when had a woman’s shoulders ever caused his dick to stand up and take notice?

  The answer was they hadn’t. Only this woman had ever affected him this way. In torn jeans and a t-shirt, Brynnon Cantrell was more than just attractive as hell. Wearing this dress? The woman was a sinful temptation.

  One Grant knew he wouldn’t be able t
o resist much longer.

  By the time she sauntered over to where he stood, Grant was finally able to put his tongue back into his mouth. Still, even after swallowing twice and clearing his throat, all he managed to say was, “Wow.”

  Her smile reached all the way to her eyes, making the masterpiece complete. “Thank you.” Her eyes traveled up and down his body slowly. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  The two stood there a few seconds longer, taking in each other’s beauty. Grant damn near reached out for her, but thankfully—or unfortunately—Coop chose that minute to send him a text asking what was taking so long.

  Senator Cantrell had called a little bit ago saying he wouldn’t be attending tonight’s event. Apparently, there was some sort of political emergency meeting, but the man was sending Coop to pick them up, instead.

  When Grant questioned him about not having Coop with him at the meeting, Brynnon’s dad explained this sort of meeting would last well into the night. He wanted Coop at the ball, too, as added protection for Brynnon. Just in case.

  The sound of an impatient car horn blared and Brynnon smirked. “I take it Coop’s getting antsy?”

  Grant grunted. “Yeah. I guess we should probably get going.”

  With an outstretched arm, Brynnon said, “Lead the way.”

  The second their feet hit the sidewalk, Coop exited the stretch limo. He walked around the back of the car to the rear passenger door. With a loud whistle, shook his head and smiled.

  “Damn. You clean up real nice.”

  “Bite me,” Grant growled.

  Suffering from the worst case of blue balls he’d ever had, Grant also had to worry about concealing his raging hard-on and his out-of-control emotions. He sure as shit was not in the mood to be teased.

  Coop opened the door for Brynnon with a crooked grin. “I was talking about her, asshole.”

  Giggling, Brynnon patted Coop on the chest. “Hey, Coop. Good to see you again.”

  “Good to see you, too, Brynnon.”

  Still scowling, Grant waited until she’d slid inside, and his teammate shut the door before making his way to the other side. Coop smacked his arm as he passed on his way to the front of the car.


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