Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Redeeming Violet (Kindle Worlds)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Redeeming Violet (Kindle Worlds) Page 13

by Riley Edwards

  “I’ll go with him,” I offered.

  As much as I didn’t want to leave Violet, I knew she’d be protected and I’d like the pleasure of putting Ortega down.

  “Eric will head down with you. Jasmin and Linc and Leo and Olivia can rotate shifts watching Violet,” Zane said.

  Violet’s hand had tightened on mine and her body had gone stiff.

  “You’ll be safe,” I assured her.

  “I…um… don’t think it’s a good idea if Leo and Olivia come here. I’m not Leo’s favorite person,” she stammered.

  “Leo would never let anything happen to you,” I told her.

  “His bark is louder than his bite,” Jasmin added.

  “Why does everyone keep telling me that?” she huffed in annoyance. “I’ve read his service file; that’s not true.”

  I briefly wondered if she’d read my file as well and if she had what she thought of me. My time in the service and as a private mercenary wasn’t exactly squeaky clean. If she was able to find information on our government contracts, she’d know the places we’d been and the targets we’d taken out. I was proud of the work we did. None of us had ever taken a life that hadn’t needed to be taken, but on paper I’m sure my number of kills looked bad.

  “You only have to worry about Leo if you’re an unfriendly.” Zane’s cocky grin was back, and his brow had lifted. “Are you an unfriendly Loose Lips or have we learned our lesson about working with terrorists?”

  Before I had a chance to tell Zane to shut his mouth, a low sound vibrated from Declan.

  “Not sure I like your tone, Lewis,” he said.

  “Oh good, were back to the dick measuring,” Eric chuckled. “Maybe I can get some refreshments before you pull your cocks out.”

  “If Zane’s dick comes out I might gag,” Jasmin laughed. “Listen Declan, your sister fucked up. I think she understands now just how badly. We’ve kept her safe this far, and we will continue to do so. Zane is…well…Zane. He’s gonna get his digs in where he can. If he didn’t know she meant something to Jaxon and really believed she’d committed crimes against the country for any sort of gain, he wouldn’t be calling her anything. Her ass would be locked in a hole never to be heard from again. You can trust and believe that. The fact that Zane himself has called in favors to make sure at the end of this your sister comes out not only alive but clean says a lot. One thing Zane hates is owing markers. So, before you get all growly and big brother, you are three minutes older, right?” She stopped and waited for Declan to nod. “That’s what I thought. So, all big brother, you might wanna check your shit and realize we’re on her side and be happy he’s calling her Loose Lips and not some of the more colorful names he had for her at the beginning.”

  What the fuck did Jasmin say? Zane had called in favors and now owed a marker for Violet. Holy fuck. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to thank him or if I was pissed I was so out of the loop being locked down here. When Violet relaxed her hand in mine, I remembered I’d rather be locked in the basement with her.

  “We gotta plan. Wheels up oh-six-hundred. I’ll make the arrangements. Declan, Violet can’t leave here – we can give you the building for a few hours so the two of you can get to know each other, but I’d feel better if Jaxon stays here,” Zane offered.

  “Yeah. I’d like that, if it’s alright with Jaxon and Violet.”

  Jaxon and Violet.

  Fuck, but I liked the sound of that - too much. After Declan left, Violet and I had to talk. It was time to shit or get off the pot. I couldn’t take the uncertainty of where her head was at. I also needed to rectify her notion that what we’d shared was meaningless to me.

  “I’d like that,” Violet answered.

  Eric, Zane, and Jasmin stood, and Zane spoke again, “I’ll take Jasmin and Eric back with me, and leave the Suburban here for you. You have a place to stay?” He was looking at Declan.

  “Hadn’t thought of it. I’ll grab a hotel or pitch a tent out back somewhere. I’m good,” he answered.

  “When you’re done here stop by the office. You can stay at my penthouse tonight, and we can go over the SITREPS to make sure you’re up to speed. I don’t need you getting dead on my watch. The fucking CIA might bill me for losing one of their assets. And while we’re on the topic of spooks, you really need to find a new employer. The whole goddamned agency is FUBAR.”

  “You offering me a job?” Declan chuckled. “The fuckers haven’t given me my two percent cost of living increase yet.”

  “You come back alive - I might need another janitor.” Zane tossed Declan a set of keys and placed a phone on the table in front of him. “It’s secure and everyone’s numbers are programmed in. Call me on my cell when you’re on your way to the office - I’ll have to go down to meet you.”

  “’Preciate it. See you in a few.” Declan stood and offered Zane his hand. “For everything.”

  Everyone said their goodbyes, but before Jasmin exited she turned back and looked at Violet. “Thanks. And don’t forget to put the ointment on that powder burn or it will scar.”

  “Damn, thanks for reminding me. I’ll have Jax put it on later.”

  The door closed, and Declan turned to me. “Powder burn?”

  Violet’s eyes widened like a five-year-old who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. After she relayed the story of what happened in South Sudan, and me correcting her when she tried to downplay what had actually happened, Declan shook his head and I admired his restraint not to scold her for not following orders and putting herself in danger.

  It took awhile for the awkwardness to wear off, but when it did it was a sight to behold. Violet blossomed; she was animated and happy, telling Declan about growing up, high school, college, her time in the FBI with the Behavior Analysis Unit. She laughed at his stories, cried at some. All in all, they were both happy to finally have come together.

  The trouble came when Declan asked her to explain how Timothy Clark had approached her and the months that followed. She shrunk into herself and tears formed in her eyes. She’d convinced herself this was where her brother would reject her, possibly rebuke her, and not want to be in her life. I didn’t need her to tell me she was feeling all of those things; her body language told the story. She’d reached under the table and fumbled in my lap until her hand found mine and she held on to me as a life line. It might’ve made me a dick, but it felt so fucking good to have her look to me for strength.

  When she was done with her story, she looked up at Declan and with tear-filled eyes she waited for his censure.

  “Motherfuckers!” Violet startled when Declan slammed his fist on the table. “I’m so fucking sorry, sis. He’s going to pay for every minute of worry you’ve felt.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I promise you, every minute you’ve stressed and worried, his ass is going to pay,” he told her.

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Oh, I’m fucking furious. They used you, threatened you, exploited your loyalty to me and the others. Goddamn right I’m mad.”

  I decided then I liked Declan Crenshaw. He was the type of man I’d want to know.

  “At me?” she whispered.

  Declan leaned back in his chair, balancing it on the two back legs. He contemplated his answer and I braced, fearing his next statement would erase my previous thoughts about liking him. He brought the chair forward on all four legs and placed his forearms on the table.

  “No, I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the situation. I’m pissed that because of me you were put in the situation you were in and currently are. It fucking kills me that I wasn’t there for you and you had to shoulder the burden by yourself. But Violet, never do that shit again. When I volunteered for long-term cover, I knew what I was agreeing to. I’m willing to give my life for my assignment. All of us are. That being said, none of us want to go out because some fuckwit was able to release our identities. But, that’s part of the game. You have to pay to play.”

  “I don’t u
nderstand why the CIA would send you back to Latin America if people knew you there. They’d recognize you. That’s stupid,” she said.

  “My assignment wasn’t to conceal I’d been a soldier. I know the area, I know the players, they know me. My cover was as a defector. If anyone looked, they’d find I’d faked my death to leave the Marines. Same as Ortega. He once was in the Bolivian Army. He was cut loose when his superior found him smuggling drugs. After that, his loyalty was easy to buy. I fashioned my cover after what he’d done. It worked. I was able to infiltrate the drug cartel using human drug mules.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry you were pulled away because of this,” she told him.

  “My cover was burned anyway. Ortega knows I’m still working with the government.”

  My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was Zane.

  “Yeah,” I greeted.

  “I need you to go out of ear shot of Violet,” he said.

  I excused myself from the conversation and made my way to the bedroom. Once the door was shut I brought the phone back up to my ear.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Ortega released six names. China, Columbia, Somalia, Malaysia, and Turkey.”

  “How bad?” I asked.

  “It ain’t pretty. China’s agent was found on the steps of the American Embassy, throat cut. Columbia was found gutted and packed full of heroine. Somalia was hung from an overpass. No word on Malaysia or Turkey yet. The CIA has dispatched their fast action teams and they are en route.”

  Jesus Christ.

  “That’s five, you said six,” I reminded him.

  “Declan’s name was released, too. Which brings us to a new problem. I think he should stay here with Violet and I’ll send Panther in as his replacement.”

  “I agree, but there’s not a snowballs chance in hell he’s staying behind. He already had a fire under his ass to find Ortega. When he hears about this, that fire will blaze into an inferno that not even you will extinguish.”

  “Fucking cluster fuck.”

  “Would you stand down?” I asked.

  “Fuck no.”

  “Then don’t disrespect him by suggesting he do so.”

  “I hate this shit. Enjoy your night with your woman. Out.”

  Zane hung up and I considered how I was going to play this. There was not a chance in hell I was going to tell Violet what had happened, which meant I couldn’t brief Declan without her getting suspicious and asking questions that would cause me to lie to her. I avoided lying whenever I could, but I wasn’t under the school of thought that withholding the truth was the same as a lie. When I walked back into the main area and saw Violet laughing at something Declan had said, it solidified my resolve to keep her in the dark. The last thing I wanted was to extinguish the light in her eyes. She needed this time with her brother, laughing and happy.

  “Everything alright?” she asked when I sat back down.

  “Yep.” I smiled. “So, Declan, tell us why your unit calls you Flower.” I quickly changed the subject and was satisfied when the man’s cheeks blushed.

  He told us the story behind the tattoo and just as I knew she would, Violet once again beamed. Leaving her tomorrow was going to be hell.

  A few hours later Declan was saying his goodbyes and I told Violet I was going to walk him through the security protocol and I’d be right back.

  Declan being a smart man turned to me once we reached the exterior door.

  “Update?” he asked.

  “Names are being released. I’ll let Zane give you a full brief. Three dead, two missing, and your name went public as well.”

  “Fuck! We knew it was a matter of time.”

  “Watch your six, brother.” He took my outstretched hand and gave it a firm shake.

  “Thanks for taking care of her.”

  “No need. It’s …complicated.”

  He barked out a laugh that held no humor. “I bet it is. I’d like to tell you to treat her right or I’ll beat your ass, which I will by the way, but…” He stopped a moment and cleared his throat. “Fucking kills me to say it, but I think you know her better than me. Fucked isn’t it?”

  “That it is. There’s plenty of time to get to know each other. Since I’ve met her, her only concern has been you and the other names. You would’ve been proud. She didn’t cower when Zane gave her shit. She spoke her mind to a big badass team guy. When she met with the POTUS she held her head high and refused to budge from what she knew to be right. I was so fucking proud of her. And then she had to face the woman that was kidnapped because of the intel she provided, and she stood tall. She saved Jasmin’s life and you saw her earlier - she was ready to do it again. Your sister is no wilting flower. She can handle herself. I’ll admit, when we met, I wasn’t real thrilled to be protecting a leak. I gotta tell you, I tried to fight it. I pushed everything I’d been feeling away. I had a shit ton of excuses as to why being with her wasn’t a good idea. I’m still not sure if it is. But I’m taking the shot.”

  “You don’t say…” He shook his head and smiled at his smartass comment. “I’ll let you get back to her. Later.”

  With a lift of his chin he made his way to the company SUV Zane left for him to use.

  I didn’t wait for him to pull away. I took the stairs two at a time and prepared for the talk Violet and I needed to have.

  “We need to talk.”

  I watched as the smile faded from her pretty face and her ass plopped back into the seat she’d been in earlier.

  Well fuck! That was not how I wanted to start this conversation.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was beginning to hate that statement. The last time he’d said that to me it had ended our sexy fun times. Not to mention, I was pretty much floating on cloud nine after getting to spend time with my brother. I didn’t want anything to spoil my mood.

  “Don’t tell me if it’s bad news,” I told him. His body stiffened before he caught himself and uncoiled his muscles.

  “It’s nothing bad. Well, I hope it isn’t. We need to talk about something you said the other day. It should’ve been addressed sooner, but I wasn’t sure what to say exactly.”

  “Okay,” I drew out the word now, uncertain I wanted him to continue.

  I’d enjoyed getting to know him, even if it was only on a friend level. I was now worried I’d said something to offend him.

  “You said you knew the score. I think I was clear that what we’d shared wasn’t meaningless to me, but we were interrupted before we could finish our conversation.”

  Damn, he was going there. I scrambled, trying to come up with something to say that wouldn’t make me sound like a fool, but was coming up short.



  “Look at me please.” He waited until I lifted my gaze from my fingernails and I met his eyes. Damn, he had sexy eyes. “You said you understood it was meaningless.” He said the last word like it left a bad taste in his mouth and he continued. “Is that how you feel? It didn’t mean anything to you?”

  Suddenly I found my manicure more interesting than looking at the disappointment Jaxon hadn’t tried to mask. I picked at my cuticles and weighed my options. I had been doing that a lot lately, picking the lesser of two evils because there was no right answer. I could lie and tell him it meant nothing and keep my heart and sanity intact, or I could tell the truth. The truth, however, would open myself up for heartache and rejection. He was waiting, and the longer the silence stretched between us, the more uncomfortable it became.

  “I see,” he said.

  Without looking up I corrected him. “You don’t see.” I took a breath and jumped. “I said those things because I thought that’s what I was supposed to say, and I didn’t want to hear you say them to me. So, I said it first.”

  “Why did you think that’s what you were supposed to say?” he asked.

  “Because I’d never had a one-night stand before or whatever that was.
I didn’t know what it was, I still don’t. When you said we needed to talk, I panicked and told you I knew what the score was.”

  “So… it wasn’t meaningless to you?” he asked slowly.

  He was going to make me say it. “No, it meant something.”

  “Thank fuck.”

  He crossed the distance that separated us and pulled my clasped hands apart and yanked me up to stand in front of him.

  “It meant something to me, too.”

  He lowered his lips to meet mine and he was exceedingly gentle. By the time he broke the kiss, my legs were wobbly.

  “Wow,” I breathed.

  “I leave tomorrow,” he told me.

  “I know.”

  “This is my life. Sometimes I have weeks to prepare; sometimes I only have hours.”


  “I can’t make you any promises. My life is too unpredictable. But just because I can’t doesn’t mean the time we have together is meaningless.”

  I was a little confused. I think I might’ve been in a kiss-induced fog.

  “I don’t understand,” I confessed.

  “Come on. Some things are better explained by showing rather than telling.”

  He tugged my hand and led us into the bedroom. Once inside, he went about showing me exactly what he’d wanted to explain. The first time he made love to me it was slow and gentle, and he showed how much our time together meant to him. He whispered tender words of encouragement, building a slow deep burn, and without warning we fell over the edge together. My heart fully engaged, and I knew I was in trouble.

  “Do you understand now?” he whispered and tucked me close.

  “I think so,” I answered.

  “You think?” he chuckled. “Oh baby, that’s not gonna work. I don’t want you to think. I want you to know. I want you to feel it deep. I want there to be no doubt tomorrow morning when I leave, you mean the world to me.”

  He stopped talking and rolled me to my back. He bypassed my lips in favor of my neck, placing open mouth kisses on the tender flesh. He moved lower to my collar bone, licking and sucking, then further down until he reached my breasts.


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