Fall in Love

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Fall in Love Page 55

by Anthology

  “I wish we’d known this before allowing Jackie to move there.”

  “Allowing?” Grif laughed. “You’re younger, but you should remember Jackie’s stubbornness. We never allowed her to do anything. She just did whatever she wanted and asked forgiveness later. The only one who could even attempt to curb her impulses was dad. After he died, she was a wildcat. That girl was a handful. And I loved her exactly as she was.” Grif had to fight the emotion that tempted to overcome him.

  “So what are we going to do?” Matt’s tone was deferential, but strong. He might be the youngest of the brothers, but he was by no means weak.

  He could be Alpha of the Redstone Clan as well as any of Grif’s brothers. They were all Alpha in nature and good men. It did Grif’s heart proud to know that his brothers suppressed their natural instincts somewhat to follow his lead, and that if something happened to him, the Clan would be in good hands.

  “Logan’s coming over. We need to tell him what’s happening in his territory.” Grif’s thoughts turned to the grim business at hand. “He’s offered his Pack’s help and I’ll gladly take it. They know this land better than anyone else. But I’m also going to tell him I’m calling in more specialized help.”

  “The Wraiths?” Matt named the group of former Special Operators who had gathered around Jesse Moore, a werewolf who lived reasonably close by. Members of the elite shifter team had come to help after the Redstone matriarch—their mother—had been murdered in Nevada.

  Grif nodded. “As many of them as will come. I don’t care what it costs. The local Pack is strong, but young, and Timmons has outrun every professional tracker we’ve put on him. I want to run him to ground here. I want this threat over with so we can all get on with our lives and end this once and for all.”

  “The locals may not go for it,” Matt warned.

  “Too bad.” Grif was in no mood for counterpoint, though he knew his little brother had a valid thought. “That’s part of why I asked Logan here. We need to lay out the case for him and get his agreement. I expect you to help with that. Of the three of us, you’re the one with the glibbest tongue. You could sell sand to the Arabs, mom always said. I need you to use that persuasive power on the werewolf Alpha.”

  “Done,” Matt was quick to answer. “Anything else I can do?”

  Grif clapped his little brother on the shoulder, glad of his support. “Yeah, go out and tell Steve to make the call. He and I already discussed military contingencies. Tell him to call Jesse Moore and see what kind of help he can organize and when. We need them ASAP. And while you do that, I’m going to talk to Belinda and then try to explain all this to Lindsey.” He headed for the stairs. “Call me when Logan gets here.”

  Grif went up to Belinda’s small room and found her there with Lindsey, sitting on the edge of her little twin bed. Belinda was in Lindsey’s arms, clinging and shaking with remembered fear. Lindsey looked up, patting the girl’s back and her eyes plead with him for a way to calm Belinda. He saw the true worry for his little sister in Lindsey’s eyes and once more thanked the Lady for giving him a mate with such a loving heart.

  Grif cleared his throat to announce his presence. It was a sign of how upset Belinda still was that she hadn’t heard him approach. He’d taught her how to best utilize her sharp shifter senses from a young age, but she was in an emotional state of turmoil and still just a kid. He’d cut her some slack for the moment.

  Belinda looked up and saw him. She moved away from Lindsey and tried to wipe her eyes and be brave and his heart broke a little more for the baby that had seen so much tragedy in her young life.

  Grif held out his arms and Belinda crumpled, her tears flowing as she launched herself into his arms. He held her and rocked her, letting her cry for the moment. There would be time enough later to put on her brave face. For right now, she needed the outlet and he needed to hold her and know that, at least for now, she was all right.

  He held her, sitting on the edge of the little bed, next to Lindsey, and let Belinda cry herself out. He’d done this all too often over the past few years. First when Jackie had died and then, just a few weeks ago, when Belinda had found their mother’s murdered body in the back garden.

  Poor little mite. She’d had a lot more death to deal with than any kitten should.

  When she stopped shivering, Grif drew away gradually, stroking her hair away from her face and smiling as best he could. They both knew the threat was real and Belinda had every right to be upset. He wouldn’t deny her those feelings. Her instincts were part of her and something that could only help.

  Her instincts had sent her running for the safety of Matt when Timmons had approached her earlier today. He wouldn’t fault that in a million years.

  “It’s going to be okay, munchkin. I promise,” he tried to soothe her with his words and gentle hands on her hair.

  “But he’s here! I saw him!” She was still understandably upset, but at least the crying seemed to be over.

  “I know, sweetie. But believe it or not, that’s a good thing. It means he wants a confrontation and believe me, he’s going to get it.” Grif allowed a hint of his determination to sound through his voice. He’d been Alpha long enough to know when his people—in this case, his little sister—needed his strength more than his gentle side. “You may not realize it, but I’ve had people hunting him all over the world. He fled after Jackie died and that, more than anything else, tells me he was as guilty as I always thought he was. He killed her.”

  Grif didn’t think he was telling the girl anything she hadn’t already figured out for herself, though he heard Lindsey’s little gasp. Shifter life was, by necessity, more brutal than human life. Lindsey would have to get used to that, and now was as good a time as any to start.

  Belinda straightened away from him and dried her last tear. “You’re going to make him pay for what he did.”

  Her strong tone in that little voice took him by surprise. Damn, he was proud of her. This might be the moment he’d witnessed the first stirrings of the Alpha he hoped lived within his little sister. She was young, but she’d always been strong. Maybe she was finding her backbone again, after all the hits she’d taken this past year or two.

  Grif smiled at her, showing his teeth. “Justice may not have been swift in his case, but he cannot escape it.”

  “Good.” That seemed to put an end to her tears as Belinda bounced back even more quickly than he would have believed.

  She stood up and went to the little window in her small room and looked out from an oblique angle, not allowing herself to be seen from below. That was another move that surprised him. She was learning stealth. He and his brothers had showed her these things before, but she hadn’t really been using them, except in games. Now, she was starting to act like a true shifter—still little, but more adult in her ways with every day.

  “I’ll stay inside as long as I have to if it means you’ll get him, Grif,” Belinda surprised him yet again by stating as she looked out the window covertly.

  He felt his heart swell with both pride and love for his brave little sister – the only female left in his immediate family. He hadn’t been a good enough protector of his older sister and their mother, but he’d give his life before he let anything happen to this brave little girl.

  And now that he had Lindsey by his side… Nothing and no one would stop him from protecting his family. He’d done what he could before, but even he had to admit Jackie had been an adult and they’d all thought she’d been happily mated. Nobody really could have known that her so-called mate would turn on her.

  The death of their mother was an act of insanity perpetrated by not one, but two evil mages who had used their magical skills to foul the trail and made it all but impossible to detect their presence. It had taken Slade—a mythical snowcat shifter—to track them. Even then, he was no match for the pair on his own. It had taken all the skills of a powerful priestess and the cunning of the Redstone Clan to bring them both to heel and serve justice. />
  Nobody blamed Grif for his mother’s murder. Nobody, but himself.

  There might have been something he could have done to protect her. He didn’t know what, but something. Something he’d missed. Or overlooked.

  He felt the same way, deep down, over Jackie’s death. The guilt he carried over both deaths ate at his soul.

  But he wouldn’t let that stop him from protecting what was left of his family—and his new mate—as best he could. In fact, it only made him extra diligent. He wouldn’t lose any more people to Timmons. Never again.

  Either Timmons would die…or Grif would die trying to kill him. It was as simple as that.

  If a sacrifice needed to be made to bring Timmons to justice, Grif was fully prepared to make it. He didn’t want to leave his new mate alone, but this had been going on too long to back down now. He loved Lindsey enough to do anything to be certain Timmons couldn’t harm her, or the rest of his family, ever again.

  “You have to go,” Belinda’s voice came to him, pulling him from his grim thoughts. “The werewolf Alpha is here. Steve is walking him in right now. I’ll be okay now, Grif. You go do what you need to do to keep us all safe.”

  Belinda turned to him and gave him a quick hug around the waist before turning away, going to the little desk with its pink accessories over in one corner. She turned on her little light and began writing in a little pink notebook, seemingly at peace.

  Grif was dumbfounded by the change in her mood. His baby sister was growing up. He looked over at Lindsey and his heart was warmed by her smile. She stood and joined him, and they both walked out of the small room together leaving the girl at her desk.

  “Do you really think she’s okay?” Grif asked as soon as they were out of earshot of Belinda’s room.

  “If she’s not now, she will be. That’s one strong little girl.”

  Grif liked the admiration and affection in Lindsey’s voice. It was good that his females liked each other. He hoped Lindsey would find the same affection for other members of his extended family and Clan once she began to settle into her new role as his mate. One day, depending on what the Clan thought of her, she might even step into the rather large shoes his mother had left behind as matriarch of the Clan. Only time would tell, but Grif thought if anyone could fill that role, it would be Lindsey with her big heart and daring soul.

  Grif put his arm around Lindsey’s shoulders and tugged her close to his side. She looked up at him as they paused near the top of the stairs.

  “I’m sorry all this is happening now, but I have to end this chase with Timmons. Whatever happens, I have to keep you and Belinda safe and finish this mess with my former brother-in-law. He has to be held accountable for what he’s done.”

  Lindsey gave him a little hug and looked up into his eyes. Her gaze with filled with understanding.

  “I see how this hurts you and terrorizes Belinda. I’ll help in whatever way I can to see justice served. I don’t want you all to suffer this way if there’s anything I can do.”

  “You’re doing it, just by being here, by my side, kitten. I’ve never understood the strength a mate can give to her man, just by being there. I’m learning. And I thank the Lady every day that She made you, just for me.” He dipped his head and gave her a quick kiss, wishing he had time for more, but he could already hear the downstairs door opening and Steve returning with the werewolf Alpha.

  Lindsey reached up and held him there for just a moment, looking deep into his eyes. “I won’t pretend to understand your world yet, Grif, but if there’s anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I really do want to help.”

  Oh yeah, this was his mate. She was as fierce, in her way, as his mother had been, though Lindsey had only been a shapeshifter for a few days. She had the spirit of the Alpha female down pat. She would be a fierce protector and he had to respect that.

  “Okay, kitten. We’re partners now. For good times and bad. I’ll do my best to remember that.”

  “That’s all I ask.” She let him go and they walked down the stairs to greet the werewolf.

  It was more than a little embarrassing at first to be around Logan—and Steve—after what had happened the last time she’d seen the werewolf Alpha, but the men’s casual attitude and Grif’s reassuring arm around her shoulders went a long way toward setting her at ease as she sat at his side on the couch. The others were arrayed around the living room and they were all focused on the battle plan they were formulating.

  They’d exchanged quick greetings, then all sat down. Matt had told Logan about seeing their ex-brother-in-law in town and Steve had laid out what they knew about Timmons from both years ago and recent reports. He’d also given Logan a small plastic bag that held what looked like an old bandana that apparently held Timmons’s scent.

  Lindsey was curious about whether her newly sharpened sense of smell would be able to let her track someone by scent, but she’d ask Grif about it later, when they had time. Right now, she was doing her best to sit back and listen. Drawing attention to herself wasn’t on her agenda for the evening.

  This hunt was clearly the men’s purview. They’d been shifters all their lives and knew what they were capable of. By comparison, she was the rankest novice. She wanted to know what was happening, but she knew her contribution—at least to this phase of the operation—would be necessarily limited.

  After Logan had been brought up to speed and had asked some questions of his own, Grif finally spoke up. He seemed reluctant at first. She felt the tension in him when he removed his arm from around her shoulders and sat forward on the couch, steepling his hands before speaking his piece. Lindsey wondered what he had up his sleeve and why he was so hesitant to tell Logan about whatever it was.

  “Alpha, there’s something else you need to know,” Grif began. Everyone stilled and looked to the Redstone Clan leader. “While I want and need the help of your Pack on this—if for no other reason than to keep them out of harm’s way—I also called in a few other resources. Catching Timmons is too important to leave any stone unturned and he’s already proved he can outrun the best trackers money can buy. I hired a team of specialists to aid in running him to ground.”

  “Who did you call?” Logan’s eyes narrowed, but he was reacting more calmly than the others appeared to expect.

  “Have you heard about the group of ex-Spec Ops shifters gathered around a former colleague of mine and Steve’s?” Grif seemed to be dancing around identifying exactly who he’d contacted. Lindsey figured such information was on a need-to-know basis and unless Logan already knew about the team of shifter warriors, Grif would be circumspect in what he revealed about them. Interesting.

  “Jesse Moore’s crew?” Logan asked, his tension easing visibly. “Hell, if you hadn’t already called them, I was going to suggest it.”

  “You know Jesse?” Grif asked cautiously and with just a hint of surprise.

  “I’ve known all the Moores since I was just a pup. My mother was from their Pack. I still have family there and we have friendly relations between the two Packs. Theirs is a lot bigger than mine, of course, but we get together a few times a year so the youngsters can make friends and look for potential mates.”

  “Thank heaven,” Grif muttered with real feeling. “I was worried you’d take exception to my hiring them. This is your territory and you’ve been very indulgent since the little matter of Lindsey was resolved.” Grif reached for her hand and clasped it warmly. “I know I’m a visitor here, regardless of how big my Clan is out west. I didn’t want to step on your toes.”

  “No harm done,” Logan assured them. “Jesse’s guys will probably check in with my security team as a matter of course. They know these woods pretty well. I let them run maneuvers through my territory when they want to sharpen their skills and they’ve taught my guys a thing or two. The folks who make up my security team were either regular Army or Marines back in the day. Not Special Operators. Though they are pretty sharp. Still, Jesse’s guys are even sharper.
And younger.”

  “All right then. Steve called them in right after I called you. What’s the ETA?” Grif looked to Steve for the information.

  “Boots on the ground in about an hour. I figure they’ll send someone to liaise with Logan, and everyone else will probably convene around our cabin. They’ll take up guard positions in the woods and send one or two men in to strategize with us.”

  “Guard posts are good for now, but I’m going to want to go on the offensive. Timmons has been left loose too long as it is. I want him caught and dealt with once and for all.”

  “Sanction?” Logan asked with a grave expression and though the phrasing was odd, Lindsey had a sinking feeling she knew what he was asking. They were discussing whether or not they were going to kill Timmons.

  Lindsey’s stomach clenched. Here it was. The stark reminder that these guys were not entirely human. They were predators who occasionally dressed up in human form. But the heart of the beast was still there. The cold-blooded killer lurked in their hearts. Lindsey wasn’t sure just how to deal with that aspect of her new friends.

  “I want to hear what he has to say first. The evidence is there. Gathered too late to do anything useful with it – except present it to the Lords and get their ruling in absentia. They’ve already given me leave to deal with it as I will – up to and including the ultimate sanction.” Grif’s eyes went cold. “I’ve wanted that bastard dead so bad I could taste it, but the saner side of me wants to hear what he has to say first. If we can take him alive, then fine. If not, nobody’s going to get in trouble for killing him while in pursuit.”


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