by Anthology
It wasn’t perfect, but at least the image gave me something to hold on to. A way to do this without feeling like I was sinking deeper into the pit even while I was struggling to climb out.
“So can we move on?” he asked, sounding particularly pissy.
“Sure. So, uh, why are you here?”
“The way you walked out, pet. I was worried. Wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay.”
“Make sure I hadn’t decided to back off? Decided not to do this thing anymore?”
“Did you?”
I shook my head, my thoughts from the night swirling inside me. “I’m good,” I said. “Or I’m as good as I can get, I guess.” I looked at him straight on. “At any rate, I’m down with the job. Warts and all.”
“Glad to hear it, kid. Let’s get you back to Zane. Get you training.”
I thought with longing of a nice, warm bed and knew that wasn’t going to happen. And, actually, I was okay with that. Because the thought of smashing down some demons was equally appealing, and it got more so as I thought of it. Thought of the strength that would fill me and the darkness that would ooze through me. I told myself I didn’t want it, but in the deep, secret part of myself, I liked that it was there. That darkness gave me the strength to kill and the wherewithal to win. And, dammit, I wanted to win.
I got my chance soon enough. Zane was waiting for us when we arrived at his basement, and he put me in the ring without preamble. Before I knew it, I was jabbing the heel of my hand up toward a demon’s nasal orifice. It growled and snarled, greenish snotlike stuff dripping from its eye sockets as it lunged for me, apparently pissed off that I’d gotten in more than my fair share of whacks and still remained relatively unscathed. Relatively being the operative word.
I was alive. I was well. And I wanted to stay that way.
My blade was tight in my hand just where it was supposed to be, and I pounced, dodging around the demon’s outstretched limbs to grasp it around the torso with one arm even as I sliced its throat with the other.
I drew in a deep breath and leaped back as it shook with death throes, a surge of power filling me even as life spilled out of it. A surge so rich and liquid it was almost sexual, the rush of blood through my body almost orgasmic. I let it ripple through me, soaking it in, letting it fill me. Letting it please me.
But whatever pleasure I’d drawn from the kill evaporated when I looked down at my body and saw that I was completely covered in a thin layer of green slime.
I bit back a gag. Nasty price to pay for a rush of power and strength.
I got a rag and started cleaning myself up, my body still humming from the kill. “Next,” I demanded with an easy grin, but before Zane had time to lure my next victim into the cage, I doubled over, clutching my arm in pain.
“My arm,” I managed, as Clarence jogged over from where he’d been watching on the sideline. “Oh, shit, my arm.”
I thrust it out in front of me, certain a million fire-tipped needles were embedded in my flesh. Instead, I saw that the Aztec-like symbol had come to life, the strange pattern now seeming to dance upon my flesh. “Holy shit.”
“About time,” Clarence said, his voice full of eager anticipation.
“You didn’t tell me it was going to hurt so much,” I raged.
“Blood,” Clarence said, moving toward me with his knife. “It eases the pain.”
The pain was so great that I barely noticed when he sliced my arm, then smeared the blood over the symbol. He was right; the pain lessened almost immediately, and I sighed with relief, and with trepidation. How many times was I going to have to experience that before this adventure was over?
Clarence turned to Zane, his expression serious. “Make her ready. Quickly.”
Zane nodded, then cocked his head. “This way,” he said, moving like a panther across the training room, his native sensuality clinging to him like early-morning dew. A sensuality I’d absorbed but had not yet learned to control.
He stopped in front of a gray, industrial-style cabinet, then turned to me, his gaze both warm and demanding. “It is unfortunate that you are undertaking this mission before dark, ma fleur. In the middle of the night, you can get away with carrying much more than mere blades.”
He glanced at my thigh and the blade that was holstered there. The blade that had killed him, actually. A state of affairs about which he held no grudge.
“I thought I had to kill with the blade.”
He grinned. “And I thought you wanted weapons that would slow the beasts down.”
He reached for the two steel handles that protruded from the cabinet, turned them, then pulled the doors open with a flourish. The inside gleamed like a Gothic slasher movie gone bad. Crossbows, mace, daggers, and halberds, along with your standard switchblades, swords, and scary-looking hunting knives.
I whistled through my teeth, then pulled my hand back when I realized I was reaching out to snag a weapon without invitation.
Zane noticed, too. “You are eager, n’est-ce pas? Bien. The more primed you are, the more focused you will be.”
“This stuff’s for me?”
“Eventually.” He grabbed a simple switchblade from the middle shelf. “As I said, these weapons are for the night.”
“So whether or not I’m sliced down because I’m under-armed depends on the time of day I go hunting? Gates of hell, remember? Nasty, evil demons, right? So forgive me for being dense, but I’m thinking that going out with a broadsword in broad daylight is a much better plan. Trust me,” I said, thinking of the demons in the alley. “The other guys aren’t going to hold back on weaponry.”
“I assure you, this blade is serious enough.”
He pressed the switch and the blade zinged out, the steel glinting in the harsh light provided by the single, bare bulb that burned above the cabinet.
He held it out for me, and I took it. My fingers brushed his palm as I did, and with that minimal touch, my body burst into an electric overload of sensual awareness.
I snatched my hand away, afraid to let it grow.
I looked up, not on purpose, but as if my eyes were drawn to his face. His eyes, dark and knowing, watched me impassively. But his mouth curved, ever so slightly, in the faintest hint of a smile.
“It is good, I think, ma fleur.”
“What is?”
“The connection.” His thumb absently brushed his chest, the movement seemingly unthinking, but I knew better. He moved a step closer, and I caught the musky scent even as the beads of sweat on his smooth scalp and forearms glistened. “Who knows what will happen if we let it grow, eh, ma chérie?”
I stepped backward with a regretful shake of my head. Zane cocked his, examining me with thoughtful eyes. “Interesting.”
“That I would say no to a man of your great charms?”
“Mais, oui. And also, that there is another. I am correct, am I not? Who is he? This man who stays your hand? A remnant of your life before? Or a new fascination?”
I forced myself not to look guiltily in Clarence’s direction. If either of them learned that Deacon was the object of my interest . . .
I forced my thoughts back to the moment. “The only thing I’m fascinated with right now is that blade.” I nodded at the knife. “And I don’t think that my libido is relevant to this mission. Do you?”
“Touché.” He held out his hand. “Give me your palm.”
I hesitated, realizing what he intended to do. The knife at my thigh belonged to me. This switchblade, however, had yet to be marked.
“You hesitate now?” he asked, amusement in his voice. “I can see the demons already quivering with fear.”
I sneered at him and stuck out my hand. “Shut up and cut me, already.”
The blade sliced through my palm, and I bit back a wince, not wanting to show pain. Not wanting to react at all.
He wiped off the blade, then retracted it and slapped the weapon into my hand. I flinched
against the sting of it on my cut palm. But the truth of it was that the wound was already starting to mend. By the time I approached my quarry, I would be fully healed.
“All right,” I said, after taking a deep breath for courage. “Where do I go now?”
“Now, chérie, you go change.”
“Huh?” asked, but Clarence stepped up in response, pressing a bundle of black cloth into my arms.
I eyed them both curiously, then unwrapped the bundle. A black jumpsuit and a matching black hood, with slits for eyes, nose, and mouth. “It’s what all the fashionable demonic assassins are wearing this year.”
“Indeed,” Zane said.
“And if I’m running around like this, why can’t I carry more weapons? This is hardly going to be inconspicuous.”
“You can peel the hood off after the attack,” he said reasonably. “And then you will look like nothing more than a beautiful woman in a skintight suit.”
He pointed to the shower area. “Go.”
I went, and when I came back, I felt like I should perform a series of complicated martial arts movements. Or at the very least, creep silently around the room, ninja-style.
Zane, however, wasn’t amused. Just the opposite, and I could see the desire that my rather formfitting outfit sparked in his eyes.
“You were right about skintight,” I said.
“Now,” Clarence said, “there is no more time to be wasted.”
“Where am I going?” I asked. “My arm tells where the Box is, right? So where do I go now? The symbols are a map? Can you read them?”
“Pull back your sleeve,” he said, as Zane stepped back, his gaze fixed on the two of us.
I did and found myself looking once again at that strange, pulsating symbol now burned into my arm. If there was a location carved in there, I sure as hell didn’t see it.
Clarence took my left hand in his. “Cover it,” he said. “Cover it with your other hand.”
I almost asked why, then decided that I’d find out soon enough. I pressed my palm over the symbol and felt an immediate, uncomfortable tug at my navel, so hard and so quick that I couldn’t even scream. Instead, I was being yanked through space, Zane’s basement melting away to be replaced by blackness. Terrifying, swirling blackness, filled with low moans and winds and a million creepy electrical sensations that crawled over my body, making me writhe and squirm and open my mouth in a soundless scream.
And then there was nothing. Just blackness that seemed to curl around me like a blanket. I couldn’t see anything, so I had no perspective, but even so, I somehow knew that I was moving fast, faster than was possible in the real world. I was hurtling through space, through dimensions, through time itself, and the thought both scared and fascinated me, and I felt myself tightening my hand, remarkably relieved to find that I was still clutching Clarence’s fingers.
This was the bridge, I realized. And he was my way back.
Before I had time to think about where I might be going, I saw my destination. A street, and a row of houses, and it was like I was a bird, high above the world. Only then the bird started falling, falling, falling, and the ground was rushing up toward me. I was going to crash. I knew it I could practically feel the impact even before it happened, and I braced, fear clutching me, as the ground came closer, closer, closer, and then—
It was over.
I was on a patch of dirt in a trashy yard, and I was breathing hard, and Clarence wasn’t holding my hand anymore, and when I looked up at the sky, I saw a strange, swirling mist, like a whirlpool consuming itself. And then it was gone.
The portal, through which I’d traveled. A portal, I thought, that had opened in my own body.
I stood up slowly and brushed myself off, and as I did, I realized I was smiling.
Now, this, I thought, is cool.
The yard belonged to a run-down shack of a town house with chain link surrounding a front yard that consisted of dirt, aluminum beer cans, and cinder blocks. Charming.
I stood still for a moment, trying to get my bearings, then realized I was standing in a pool of light coming from a strategically aimed porch light on the house I was targeting. Nothing like killing the element of surprise five seconds into the game.
I knew enough to move out of the light, but despite repeated Law & Order viewings, I had a less-than-honed sense of how to infiltrate a building that housed the target of an assassination. I doubted that a frontal assault in full view of street traffic made sense, though, and so I crept around to the back. I kept a knife in each hand, ready to flail and stab like my life depended on it. Which, of course, it did.
I entered low, proud of myself for remembering that little tidbit, and was almost disappointed to realize there was no one there trying to halt my progress, no one pressed in beside the refrigerator holding a gun aimed at my chest. I had a clear path through the moldering kitchen, and with the scent of rotting milk filling my nostrils, I eased through a dusty dining room, finally emerging at a wide-open foyer dominated by a staircase that must have once been a stunning focal point, but now stood forlorn and sagging.
I edged toward it, taking the first step carefully in case the wood beneath my feet crumbled. It seemed solid enough, and thus encouraged, I continued to climb. The balustrade shook under my hand, and I inched to the side, letting go of the rail as I climbed steadily upward, the tip of my knife scraping the plaster on the wall with a sound that resembled mouse claws on concrete.
I tugged the blade back, holding it close to my waist, afraid the mouse claws had given me away. I stopped, frozen on the stairs, listening for any sound, any hint of motion from above. I was met only with silence. Reassured, I recommenced my climb, this time with only the soft pad of my shoes against the stair tread to telegraph my presence.
The floorboards creaked as I hit the landing, and I tensed, certain that this time, I would be found out. But no light illuminated the darkness of the upper level, no face emerged from the shadow, no footfalls echoed in the stillness. It was so quiet that I was beginning to wonder if the magic map on my arm had delivered me to the wrong house.
I took the rooms one at a time, a knife in each hand, the penlight I’d tucked in my back pocket now wedged under my watchband so that both hands were free to cling like grim death to my weapons. The floor was empty, and from all evidence, no one had visited these rooms in months, possibly years.
I jammed the point of one of the knives into the balcony rail, then peered over it into the living room below. Barren, except for a few pieces of furniture covered with drop cloths. A shaft of light cut across the room, streaming in from the window overlooking the front porch and revealing a warped wooden floor covered with a perfectly smooth layer of dust marred only by a set of footprints leading from the back of the house toward the stairs I’d just ascended.
Curious and encouraged, I inched back toward the stairs, then shined the light down into the abyss. Sure enough, another set of footprints mirrored my own, continuing forward upon reaching the landing instead of turning as I had. With the beam narrowed, I followed the feet, then frowned as they walked up to a wall. Dead end.
What the . . . ?
I splayed the light on the papered wall, focusing on the seams, then trailed the beam down to the floor. Years of wear had smushed the central strip of the carpet that covered the landing. The edges, however, remained in good condition. Everywhere, that is, except for the spot where the footprints ended. There, the fibers were well-worn, as if a constant flood of visitors had pressed their bodies flat against the wall and stood there. Just stood there doing nothing.
Not damn likely.
I leaned forward, pressing my fingertips to the wallpaper seams, searching for a latch to operate the door. Another room back there, or perhaps another staircase. But whatever it was, it led to my mark. And I knew I couldn’t leave without finding the Caller. Finding him, killing him, and destroying the Box.
I can’t say that I’ve ever searched for a hidden room before, but after some delicate probing, I found the telltale indentation. I pressed the soft spot, and damned if the latch didn’t click and the entire panel swing inward on greased hinges.
The small room that was revealed lacked the abandoned-junk miasma of the public areas. Both sparsely furnished and spotlessly clean, this section of the house screamed out with utilitarian function. What it didn’t have—at least not that I could see—was an occupant.
Having already been through the drill once, I found the next hidden door with significantly less trouble. This one led to a winding staircase that circled up to the attic before opening onto yet another landing. This time—finally—I saw signs of life. A shadow moving within, but without any urgency. Good. With any luck, that meant my demon hadn’t heard me coming.
The stairs were metal, and I moved at a snail’s pace, fearful of causing a creak that would shatter the silence.
Somehow, I made it up without announcing myself to the world. I slowed as I approached the landing, then eased my eyes over the edge, peering up at the room while holding my breath.
Considering my lack of skill with regard to stealth approaches, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my tack worked, and I was even more pleased to see that I wasn’t facing multiple occupants. The single demon stood at an angle to me, facing something in the corner of the room at about my nine o’clock. I could see the side of his face, angular and deceptively human. A familiar knot tightened in my gut, and I reminded myself that the beast was vile. More than that, he was working to end the world.
As I watched, the creature turned his focus to the fireplace behind him and to the left. It was the mantel that attracted him—glowing with inlaid gold and gemstones, and marked with etchings that seemed like some sort of bastardization of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The thing clearly had some intense ceremonial value, but though it might be ancient and powerful, it held no sway with me.