Venus in Love

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Venus in Love Page 4

by Tina Michele

  “Wow, it’s nearly eleven o’clock. I had no idea. You must be exhausted.” Until that moment, Morgan didn’t even realize that she was exhausted. But now the day’s events were catching up to her.

  “No worries. I was enjoying myself immensely. But I guess I am rather beat. I should be going.”

  Morgan led Lee through the mostly deserted museum, save for a few lingering staffers, like herself. She was taking Lee to the main entrance where she was sure Lee wouldn’t have any trouble finding transportation to her hotel.

  Lee stopped her. “Actually, if you can let me out through the North exit, the walk to my flat is much shorter.”

  Morgan was surprised that Lee had a flat in the First Androissement, as it was one of the more costly areas of Paris. When they reached the exit, Morgan motioned to the guard for an extra moment before opening the door.

  “Well, this is good night. I hope that you had a wonderful tour of our museum, Mademoiselle Lee.” Morgan held out her hand for a friendly farewell, and Lee took it with both of her own.

  “Mademoiselle Morgan, would you like to meet me for dinner tomorrow evening?”

  Morgan was excited at both the prospect of a date and the idea that Lee would be remaining in Paris, at least through tomorrow. “I would love to.”

  They made arrangements to meet at the Pyramid at six o’clock the following day, and Morgan watched spellbound as Lee kissed her hand and then quickly disappeared into the cool Paris night.

  Chapter Five

  Morgan stood near the bronze replica of Bernini’s sculpture of Louis XIV and studied Pei’s Grand Pyramid. It was such a fascinating structure of glass and steel. Although many opposed its construction, the monument had come to be both a beloved Parisian treasure and the world-renowned face of the Louvre. Morgan liked it the most at night when the amber rays of the surrounding courtyard lamps refracted through the crystal panes.

  Morgan watched the crowds of people meander through the plaza. As she waited, she gladly snapped photographs for families wanting their pictures in front of the famous landmark. She also talked briefly with an American newlywed couple on their month-long European honeymoon. Paris was the most romantic city in the world and a special place for couples of every age. Morgan had been in the city over a year, and the only romance she had experienced was the affair she had with the masterpieces within the walls of the palace. That was, until now. Just thinking of Lee made her stomach flutter in a way she was wholly unfamiliar with.

  Morgan’s breath caught as a crowd of people magically dispersed and a dangerously sexy Lee moved toward her. Lee was breathtaking in low-slung black slacks, a perfectly matched button-down with the sleeves rolled loosely but neatly up her forearms. Her hair was smooth and tamed in a style that framed the angular face like an exquisite de Lempicka. Her eyes darkened as she starred into Morgan’s with heated intention. Lee slid to a graceful stop inches from Morgan and casually hooked her thumbs into her front pockets. If the seductive eyes weren’t enough to melt Morgan’s reserve and heat her skin, the smile that Lee greeted her with sent Morgan up in flames. Morgan flushed. She could feel the searing heat burning low in her belly. Lee was positively striking. She was a beauty Morgan knew every artist would try to, but never truly, re-create.

  When Lee held out her hand, Morgan was almost afraid to touch it for fear of combusting. Yet she eagerly risked the burns and slid her hand into the soft, firm one being offered to her. She watched in frozen silence as Lee brought Morgan’s hand up to her mouth. Morgan felt the soft breath on her skin before Lee’s velvet lips brushed over her fingers and kissed them. The sensual contact shot through Morgan’s body, fueling the firestorm that was growing more impossible to contain. Morgan wasn’t opposed to kissing on the first date, but if Lee kept it up, Morgan wasn’t certain she would be able to convince herself to stop there.


  Lee had watched Morgan from across the courtyard. She admired the way she easily interacted with everyone around her, taking their pictures, greeting their children, and helping with directions. She studied Morgan for several minutes brazenly, free from the possibility of being seen. From where she stood, Lee could see the Kelly green dress that clung to her figure, and she knew that the color matched and emphasized Morgan’s eyes. Lee forced herself not to run across the piazza and mow down the unsuspecting crowd that formed between them. Instead, she walked slowly toward Morgan, and the mass of people seemed to disappear around them when their eyes met.

  Lee was mesmerized by the way Morgan looked at her. She stared straight at her, but Lee didn’t know if Morgan could even see through the glaring lust in those eyes. Lee felt both exposed and aroused. She wondered if Morgan knew how she was affecting her.

  When she reached Morgan, she hooked her thumbs into her pockets to resist the urge to pull her into her arms. Lee was even more enchanted once she was close enough to see how delicately Morgan’s curls of hair tumbled loosely over the magnificent green dress. The dress she was now certain perfectly matched her eyes. Lee followed the flush of pink that was making its way from Morgan’s slender neck down her chest that was exposed by the deep V-neck of the dress. Lee’s mouth felt as dry as a desert, and she wasn’t sure she could have spoken even if she’d had the words. When Lee saw the delicate smile breaking across Morgan’s face, she didn’t resist a large smile in response. She relaxed almost instantly.

  “You look…exquisite.”

  Morgan blushed. “I wasn’t exactly sure what you had in mind. I hope this is okay,” Morgan said, motioning to her ensemble.

  “You are…it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. Shall we?”

  Lee never released Morgan’s hand after their greeting. A hand which felt far too comfortable held in her own. Lee led her toward the turnabout, which was empty except for a MINI Cooper and a black Town Car, complete with suited chauffer waiting at the rear passenger door.

  Lee felt herself being pulled to a stop, and she looked over to a wide-eyed Morgan.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Morgan looked around, as if searching for someone. She looked back at Lee. “Is that for us?”

  Lee giggled at Morgan’s innocent inquiry. “Yes. It’s more comfortable than a cab. Come on. It’ll be fine.”

  When they reached the vehicle, the driver opened the door, and Lee allowed Morgan to slide into the seat. Once Lee was seated and the chauffer closed the door, she looked over at Morgan who was obviously trying desperately not to appear nonplussed by the limousine.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? We can always take a cab or the metro if you’re uncomfortable with this. I just thought—”

  Morgan cut her off mid-sentence. “No! I mean, it’s wonderful. Just…unexpected, is all.”

  “Great. I’m already exceeding your expectations.”

  “No kidding,” Morgan mumbled.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”


  Morgan watched out the window as they drove north along the Seine. She really did love Paris, and she had been able to visit most of its famous and memorable places. Although she couldn’t remember a time that she had found someplace as enchanting as she did at this moment. Morgan could see the glowing boats on the river filled with passengers enjoying dinner, wine-tasting cruises, or evening sightseeing boat tours.

  At the same time, they announced, “Notre Dame de Paris.”

  They looked at each other and laughed at the coincidence. Morgan felt the tension of the evening disappear.

  “Have you been to La Tour d’Argent?” Lee asked as the car slowed to a stop in front of a tall, ornate building overlooking the river.

  “No. Although the prestige of an internship at the Ecole de Louvre is priceless, the salary certainly doesn’t allow for such—” Morgan shot a surprised look at Lee then out the window and up at the building. “Is that where we are?”

  Even though Morgan was dressed well enough for the restaurant, she was suddenly very self-con

  Morgan fidgeted nervously and Lee grabbed her hand. As she squeezed it gently, Lee said, “Morgan, you look beautiful. Relax.”

  Morgan’s stomach somersaulted at the way Lee spoke to her. She became more aware of Lee’s closeness than the appropriateness of her attire. When Lee released her hand, she felt a swift sting of loss. Before she could wish for one more touch, Lee was standing at her door holding out her hand to guide Morgan out of the vehicle. Neither of them made an attempt to release the other as they made their way into the building.


  During dinner, Lee listened intently as Morgan told stories of her childhood on a dairy farm and how she came to be, what Lee considered, a very gifted and educated art historian. Lee could hardly get enough of everything that was Morgan.

  “So how’d you go from a ‘small town farm girl,’ as you say, into someone in one of the most prestigious art education programs in the world?” Lee knew a lot of people in the art scene and such a drastic societal leap was surely not an easy one.

  “Well. I don’t know, really. Ever since I could remember I was infatuated with art and everything about it. I would spend hours in the library or bookstores scouring through giant picture books of galleries and artwork. It was so different and beautiful in comparison to how I was raised. We didn’t have a lot. I mean, my family, all of us, worked day and night to keep the farm running. I can’t even count the number of times I headed off to school smelling like grain feed and cow shi—Uh. Cattle.”

  Lee laughed . “Cow shit, huh?”

  Morgan laughed. “Yeah, exactly.”

  “So art was what? Your escape?”

  “Not so much an escape. I wouldn’t have changed anything about my life, then or now. It was more of a…I don’t know, need to succeed? To show everyone, my peers, my teachers, that I was more than just a farmhand.”

  “Well, you’ve most certainly succeeded.”

  “Almost. Being in Paris is very much like being back in high school. I’m not sure if you know this, but an American working in the Louvre is like, well, like you stepping into a pen of dairy bulls.”

  Lee laughed at Morgan. “What?” The analogy was completely lost on Lee.

  Morgan smiled. “Dairy bulls are mean. Some say the meanest of them all. If you step into a bullpen with one you better be able to run faster than it can.”

  “Ahh. Parisians are mean.”

  “No! What I meant is…um. It’s just that no matter how hard you try to act like a bull; you will never be a bull.”

  “So, do you want to be part of the herd, so to speak?”

  “No. I want to start my own herd. I want to be better. I want to show everyone that I deserve what I’ve spent my whole life trying to achieve.”

  Lee was stunned into silence. She not only understood what Morgan said but she felt the passion with which she said it. Lee paid the bill and they made their way outside.

  “I would really like to continue our evening, unless you need to be getting home,” Lee said.

  “No, I don’t have anywhere I need to be at this moment, except right here.” Morgan grinned. “What did you have in mind?” Morgan blushed at her unintended double entendre.

  Lee cleared her throat at the unexpected rush of heat that seared through her body. The thought of having her way with Morgan made Lee’s legs weak.

  “Well, I was thinking we could go back toward the museum and have a latte. Then maybe just…wander around a bit?” Lee thought about those couples she watched from her window of the flat on her first night in town.

  “That would be lovely. Plus, it’s near my apartment, so I could walk home.”

  “We’re neighbors? Excellent!” Lee winked. “After you, mademoiselle,” Lee said as she helped Morgan into the waiting car.

  Morgan suggested a quaint little café near the museum, where they each ordered a latte to go. Nearby was a small park that was frequented by frolicking children and dogs during the day and by courting couples at night. At the center of the park was a large, tiered fountain that spilled shimmering water into a round pool. A few couples were seated at the edge of the water, amorously kissing and embracing. There were a few others scattered under the surrounding trees, enjoying each other far more than they were the scenery.

  Morgan fidgeted with her drink. “Would you like to sit for a moment or keep walking?”

  Lee looked around at the other couples and observed the romantic mood the park had. “I think this is a perfect place to enjoy dessert.”

  Morgan stared and Lee watched the reflections of the moonlight on the water dance across her strikingly beautiful face.

  “I couldn’t agree more.”


  They found a place near a large tree and sat side-by-side in the grass. Morgan curled her legs under herself and leaned toward Lee who was sitting so close that their shoulders touched. Lee didn’t resist the urge to stroke the loose tendrils of Morgan’s hair that fell between them. Just as Lee had always imagined, it felt like spun silk running through her fingers. The curls stretched and sprung back into place perfectly as if they were never touched.

  “Mmm, that must be the best feeling in the world.” The way Morgan purred the words caused butterflies to set flight in her belly.

  Lee stopped, frozen in mid-stroke. She brought her hand to her lap. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never really had long hair, and my mother wasn’t really the doting, hair-stroking type.” Her mother loved her, Lee had no doubt in the world. It was just that being raised in society never really leant itself to one-on-one, quality time with her mother.

  “Oh, mine was, well, is. That may be one of the biggest things I’ve missed while being here.”

  “Your mother, or having your hair touched?” Lee smiled. She missed her mother too, and for the first time, felt a twinge of regret at having left her mother to once again flee responsibility.

  Morgan acknowledged the friendly tease with a smile. “Both actually. You don’t have to stop, but be warned, I may lie down in your lap if you continue.”

  “Well now, we wouldn’t want that…would we?” Lee clasped her hands and ringed them unconsciously in her lap. She was no longer thinking about her mother. Instead, she was thinking about Morgan and imagining her laying her head in her lap. The thought warmed her entire body.

  Morgan tugged on Lee’s shirtsleeve. “I was kidding.”

  “Oh no, I’m okay. I was just thinking about how I’ve wanted to touch your hair so many times, and it feels better than I ever imagined.” Even in the moonlight, Lee’s blush was visible. “And I can’t believe I just said that…out loud.” Lee felt something twist in her chest.

  “How many times could you have possibly thought about it in just two days?”

  Lee cleared the knot in her throat. “Uh, try the last five years.” Lee was losing control of herself, and it was making her both exhilarated and anxious at the same time.

  Morgan looked at Lee, clearly confused.

  “I watched you every day, in every class we ever had together.” Lee pulled up her knees and wrapped her arms around them.

  The shock was clear in Morgan’s face. “I…I…you did? Why didn’t you…how did I not know?”

  “Yes. I watched the way your eyes sparkled and your face lit up whenever a professor discussed a painting or sculpture. You never had eyes for anything except for the lesson being presented. The first time you ever looked at me was the day my—was the day I sat next to you in the back of the auditorium. You…” Lee closed her eyes, remembering how she held her breath and prayed that nothing would break the spell between them.

  Recognition hit and Morgan whispered, “I remember that. You were late. Again.”

  “You huffed at me…You remember that?” It was Lee’s turn for shock.

  Morgan smiled guiltily. “Yes. And with your frequent tardiness and in-class nap sessions, I’m surprised that you made it as far as you did.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t exactly put forth my best—wait, wh

  “I figured you dropped out or got expelled. I never saw you again after that day,” Morgan said matter-of-factly.

  Lee felt a small and swift twinge of hurt rise before it quickly subsided. “Huh, I guess one would think that. But it’s not exactly true.” Lee couldn’t hide her upset.

  “Tell me.”

  Lee sighed at Morgan’s apologetic request. It always comes back to this. Like a Band-Aid. Just tell her. “My father. He died that day. I got the call after class and I left to take…to tend to things.”

  “Oh God, Lee. I’m so sorry. I didn’t…God, I’m such an asshole.”

  Lee didn’t want Morgan to feel like an asshole for assuming Lee was just another spoiled kid riding status through college. It was partly true. “No. No, you’re not. Who knows? My grades weren’t terrible. And I had been warned plenty about my…how did you say…frequent tardiness and in-class nap sessions.” Lee smiled to try to ease some of the tension that was building between them.

  “I’m still sorry for assuming.” Morgan rested her hand on Lee’s.

  “If you’re ready, I’d really like to walk you home.” Lee didn’t want the night to end. She was feeling more alive than she had in a long time, but she needed to regain control before fear and reality outweighed the magic of the evening.

  “I would like that very much.” Morgan ran her thumb over Lee’s fingers.

  They walked hand in hand from the park to Morgan’s flat. They stood on the sidewalk in front of the building. Lee didn’t want to offer the first good night. It was Morgan who finally gave in. “I had a wonderful time. It was almost perfect.”

  Lee’s eyes widened. She couldn’t have dreamt up a more perfect evening and hadn’t in all the years that Morgan had invaded her dreams. “Almost?”

  Morgan leaned into Lee and draped her arms around Lee’s shoulders. Morgan’s eyes darkened as she slowly inched her lips toward Lee’s slowly parting ones. She brushed her lips ever so slightly over Lee’s then paused. Before Morgan had the chance to pull away, Lee wrapped her into a tight embrace and claimed her mouth with a passionate and ravenous kiss.


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