Venus in Love

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Venus in Love Page 8

by Tina Michele

  Chapter Twelve

  “So that’s it? You’re not going to scold me for making such a rash and unprofessional decision?” Lee asked her mother from across the table. Clara Dencourt was the epitome of elegance and composure. Lee liked the way her mother looked without the weight of the world pressing down on her. It had been a long time since she’d seen the traces of tranquility in her mother’s eyes. That made Lee happy, and it allowed her a brief moment to accept that maybe she wasn’t doing so badly with everything after all.

  “Well, of course not. Simply because I don’t believe it was either of those things. Certainly, it is a rather unorthodox approach. However, your instincts are far more tuned in than you may think or even understand. You know the gallery. You know your father’s vision. You most certainly know what’s best for the gallery, and although you may think otherwise, you have never made a rash decision in your entire life.” Lee couldn’t help but disagree with her mother on the last point. She had made plenty of irrational decisions before she pulled in the reins on her life and stepped into her father’s shoes. “Why are you even here asking me what I think?”

  She wanted to hear her mother say that everything was going to work out fine, and tell her that she was making the right decision. But in typical Clara Dencourt fashion, her response was encouraging, yet ambiguous. So why was she there? Her mother had made it clear, to both Lee and the board, that all decisions about the future of the gallery would be handled through Lee, as the director of the Dencourt. Lee knew that her mother didn’t want to see Lee fail and take everything her father had built down with her. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel like her mom had thrown her into the deep end of a pool full of sharks.

  Plus, Lee was almost sure that her mother would think otherwise if she had known the history of her relationship with the new curator. Lee was already receiving plenty of backlash over her own appointment, so she had no doubt that her decision to hire Morgan would increase that exponentially just by its nature. There was no reason to make that worse by adding Lee’s feelings into the mix, whatever they were. Lee knew she wouldn’t get anything more substantial from her. “Well, I can only hope you’re right, Mother. I also hope that I don’t screw it up. I’ll leave her CV with you just in case you’re interested.” Lee knew things were going to be rocky, and part of her wanted to do what she had always done and run. She’d escaped many things that way, from committed relationships to family responsibilities. But for some reason, the ominous sense of failure that accompanied those careless and selfish decisions was nowhere to be found. Lee used that weak contentment as the affirmation she was looking for. It made her breathe easier, albeit only slightly.


  Morgan got up extra early on Monday morning. She was filled with healthy doses of excitement and anxiety. She made a cup of coffee and forced herself to sit at the table to drink it. She knew if she didn’t, she would already be dressed and ready to head out the door. The problem was that it was only 6:00 a.m. Alex didn’t start work until 8:30 a.m., and Morgan wasn’t interested in standing at the front door for hours waiting for her to arrive. Morgan decided that 8:30 was a reasonable time to get there on her first day.

  At 6:45, Morgan gave up and allowed herself to begin getting ready. She fiddled with different hairstyles, trying to determine the look she was going for. Morgan was always fairly inventive with her hair. Her selected style always seemed to set the tone for the day, and her moods and attitude were most often displayed with her hair. Today, she opted for a tight low ponytail with smooth curls falling down her back. She was feeling smooth and confident with a little bit of artistic freedom. Morgan chose the classic black skirt suit with a lavender shell underneath. She tossed around the idea of stockings, but ultimately her hate for them won out, and she chose bare legs. A pair of matte black pumps and a set of simple silver beads completed her ensemble. Morgan didn’t mind wearing business attire as long as she could add a little flare every now and then.

  By the time she was finished getting dressed and had gathered her things, it was 8:00. It wouldn’t have hurt to wait a few more minutes, but she simply couldn’t stall herself any longer. Morgan promised herself to walk slowly, but she had to leave the apartment or she would go crazy.


  As expected, Morgan got to the gallery at 8:30. She told herself that more comfortable shoes would be required for the walk in the future. She only stood at the front door for a minute before Alex appeared through the glass. Morgan smiled as Alex opened the doors and welcomed her in.

  “Welcome, Ms. Blake,” Alex said.

  “Good morning, Alex. Please call me Morgan. Ms. Blake makes me feel old.” Morgan certainly wasn’t old, but she wasn’t the bright-eyed beauty that was Alex.

  “No problem,” Alex said as she relocked the doors behind them.

  “So what’s on the agenda for today? I imagine I’ll have a meeting with Director Dencourt first thing this morning,” Morgan said as she followed Alex across the lobby to the elevators.

  “Actually, Le—Ms. Dencourt is out today. She’s expected back tomorrow,” Alex stated matter-of-factly.

  Morgan couldn’t hide her disappointment. “Oh, that is unfortunate. I was really hoping to meet with her and go over her expectations of me in this position.”

  “No worries, Morgan. She’ll be here tomorrow, and I have no doubt that your day will be consumed by a meeting with her. Actually, it’s probably a good thing that she’s not here today, as I imagine your first day will be filled with tours, introductions, acclimations, and of course, paperwork.” Alex flashed a smile over her shoulder as the elevator reached the third floor.

  “After you.” Alex motioned to Morgan to exit the elevator ahead of her.

  “I’m sure you’re right, Alex.”

  “Trust me. I’ll always keep you on track. Things run very smoothly with Ms. Dencourt being so…let’s use…organized.”

  As they headed toward Morgan’s new office, Alex explained that she had stocked Morgan’s office with all the supplies she would need.

  “If you need anything specific, let me know and I’ll get it for you. Go ahead and get settled in, and then I’ll give you the grand tour. Restrooms, stairwells, and hiding places included.” Alex laughed and left Morgan in her new office.

  “I look forward to it.” Morgan called after her. Morgan walked slowly around her new office. She stood at the large picture windows that looked out to the city. In the distance, she could see the Washington Monument rising over buildings. She smiled to herself at the strange nature of it all. She realized she was still holding on to her purse and briefcase as if she were waiting for the real occupant of the office to enter.

  Morgan crossed the room and sat at her desk. She looked through the drawers and then booted up her computer. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for but figured she would look around on the company’s intranet for anything she may find useful. She opened her e-mail, and to her surprise, she already had several messages and an appointment.

  Alex really was incredibly efficient. As Morgan scanned her messages, she noticed one in particular from Alex with a subject line reading “Welcome to the Dencourt.”

  Morgan expected a standard welcome message but instead she found a personalized message to her from the director.

  Ms. Blake,

  Let me be the first (besides Alex) to welcome you to the Dencourt Gallery. I would like to apologize for my absence today. There were some personal issues that required my immediate attention out of town. However, I intend on returning tomorrow and would like to schedule some time to meet with you then. I have great confidence in your abilities, and I believe that you are a great addition to the Dencourt Family. I look forward to the amazing and creative ideas that you will surely bring to the gallery.


  A.R. Dencourt

  Morgan was impressed that although the director was unable to be present on her first day, she still took the time to welcome her. It was a personal to
uch that surprised Morgan.

  Before beginning a reply, Morgan reread the e-mail. “I have great confidence in your abilities.” What exactly did Director Dencourt know of her abilities? However, the question of how was far more intriguing.

  Dear Director Dencourt,

  I would like to first thank you for this amazing opportunity to work for the famous Dencourt Gallery. It is truly an honor to have been selected for this position. I hope that I am able to meet your expectations and offer the new ideas that you are looking for. I look forward to meeting with you when you return tomorrow, and I am excited to hear your vision for the Dencourt and learn how I can help you achieve it.


  Morgan Blake

  Morgan heard a small knock at the door and looked up to see Alex waiting for permission to enter.

  “Hi, come in. I was just responding to the e-mail from Director Dencourt.”

  “Great, jumping right in I see. Are you ready for a busy day?” Alex asked as she held a mountain of paperwork in her arms.

  Morgan rose from her seat and met Alex in the doorway. “Absolutely!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Morgan got to work just around eight the next morning. Alex had given her a set of keys, so Morgan was now free to come and go as she needed. There was a full-time night guard, so she didn’t need to worry with any alarm codes except for the ones in and out of the vaults. She let herself into the lobby and made her way to the elevator. She was glad that Ms. Dencourt would be in today. During her daylong tour with Alex yesterday, she already had a few ideas.

  She was also glad that the director wasn’t around the previous day, since it gave her several uninterrupted hours to get her bearings and spend time one-on-one with her staff in each area. While many of employees greeted her with the same friendly demeanor, there was a sense of tension with several others. She had expected some level of resistance, but it didn’t make her feel any less bothered by it. She listened to their ideas and concerns and took page after page of notes, many of which she planned on sharing with the director today. Morgan headed to her office so that she could organize her documents and type up a few talking points for the meeting. When she got to the third floor, she was surprised to see Alex already at her desk.

  “Hey. Good morning, Alex,” Morgan said louder than expected.

  “Good morning, Miss—Morgan,” Alex replied in a much more subdued volume and motioned to the closed door to her right.

  Morgan realized that the director was in and already behind closed doors. “Is everything all right?”

  “Oh, yeah, she started early today since her Monday meetings were rescheduled to today. She’ll be in there most of the day.”

  “I see. Will she still have time to meet with me after lunch?”

  Alex looked at the schedule to confirm. “Yes, ma’am. You’ll have her undivided attention from one until three this afternoon.” Alex smiled at Morgan.

  “Excellent. I have several things to discuss with her and that gives me until one to organize my thoughts. I should get started.” Morgan excused herself and went to her office.

  As she passed by the side door of the director’s office, she heard the faint voices of conversation. Morgan was a little tempted to stop and listen for a moment but decided that being caught eavesdropping on her boss the first day wasn’t the way to make a good impression. Instead, she continued on to her office and settled into her work.


  Lee arrived at the office early for a couple of reasons. The first one was because she had a busy day of original and rescheduled meetings, and the second was in the office next door. She knew that today, Morgan was going to meet her, and she wasn’t sure that things would go well. Actually, she was almost certain that things were going to get rough. According to Alex, Morgan had jumped in with both feet the day before and had been working steadily in her office all morning. Lee was excited to see what plans Morgan already had, but more importantly, she was excited to simply see her. Lee stuck her head out of her office and asked Alex how things were going.

  “Uh…fine. Why?”

  “Has everyone gone to lunch?” As Lee asked the question, the elevator dinged, and Lee quickly stepped back into the office but kept Alex in her sight.

  Alex looked strangely at Lee and then to the elevator.

  Alex stood, “Mrs. Dencourt. Good afternoon, ma’am. I was not expecting you today. I’ll clear Lee’s calendar.” Alex grabbed the schedule.

  “Alex, sweetheart, no. I’ll only be a moment. Is she in?”

  Before Alex answered, Lee appeared in the doorway, clearly composed and with none of the awkwardness from moments before. “Mother, come in.” Lee had felt like her heart would pound out of her chest for hours already. She was nervous and jumpy and really should have bathed in an antiperspirant.

  After showing her mother inside the office, Lee asked Alex again, “Is everyone at lunch?”

  “Um…yes, ma’am, I believe so.”

  Lee hugged her mother. “Hello, Mother. What brings you here today?”

  “Tuesday brunch is at The Fourth Estate at the National Press Club with the Art Guild. You know, if they’re going to keep asking for money, I’m going to make them commute to me instead of the other way around.”

  “Certainly sounds reasonable. Would you like anything? Coffee? Tea?” Lee asked as her mother sat in one of the high-back guest chairs.

  “Tea sounds lovely, darling. Thank you”

  Lee opened the side door and stepped across the hall to the break room. It was more of a coffee nook with an espresso maker and refrigerator. She made two mugs of tea and crossed back to her office. She handed one of the steaming cups to her mother and stepped back to lean her hips on the edge of her desk.

  Lee continued the conversation that her mother began before the tea request. Lee sat listening and laughing at her mother’s rant. Her mother was hardly as tough-skinned as she wanted everyone to think, and although she talked a big game, she always did what was best for the majority involved and not just herself. As Lee continued to indulge her mother’s ranting, a movement to her right caught her attention, and Lee looked over at the door she had forgotten to close behind her.

  Lee lurched forward off her desk so quickly that the hot tea sloshed out of her mug and over her hand, but it wasn’t the burn that caused her to gasp. It was Morgan, and the glaring look she gave Lee from the doorway.


  Earlier, Morgan had gone down to the cafeteria for lunch. She needed a break. After Morgan ate her lunch, she politely conversed with a few employees who would actually acknowledge her. Several other staff members were huddled together at a table in the corner whispering and eyeing her snidely. It wasn’t anything that Morgan hadn’t experienced during her first few weeks at the Louvre, however this time it was different. She was the boss now. Although, she was sure that was exactly the problem.

  When she’d finished, she headed back to her office. She had hoped to run into the director prior to their scheduled afternoon meeting. Yet, when she returned the door to Ms. Dencourt’s office was still closed.

  Alex was on the phone but gave her a quick nod when she exited the elevator. Morgan smiled in response. She really liked Alex. As she made her way down the hallway, she heard conversation coming from an unexpectedly open door of the director’s office. Morgan thought this was a convenient opportunity to peek in and introduce herself.

  Before she reached the door, she recognized an eerily familiar voice. It couldn’t be. As she looked into the office, her stomach leapt into her throat. It was…it was her.

  Lee was leaning causally on the front of a large mahogany desk holding a coffee mug. Morgan stood frozen in the doorway pleading with her brain to make her feet move. What was she doing here? Lee was so comfortable and confident in the director’s office, it reminded her of when she had seen her coming out of Director Foillot’s office in Paris.

  Before she could slip unnoticed out of the doorway, Lee looked o
ver and straight into her eyes.


  “Morgan!” Lee called. But Morgan had freed herself from her paralysis and turned toward her office. “Morgan, wait!” Lee moved swiftly toward a retreating Morgan. Dammit, this was not the way it was supposed to happen.

  When Lee reached the hallway, Morgan was standing still, her back toward her. “Morgan, please. Let me explain. Please.” Morgan turned around. Looks of confusion and disbelief warred on her face. Lee moved closer to Morgan. “It’s good to see you. There’s a lot I need to say to you. Will you please come back to my office with me?”


  “Yes, my office. Please.” Lee nearly begged with the last word.

  Morgan merely nodded and followed Lee into the other room.


  Morgan followed Lee and stopped just inside the office where an older woman stood looking at each of them curiously.

  “Morgan Blake. This is Mrs. Clara Dencourt, my mother. Mother, this is Ms. Morgan Blake, the new head curator.” Mrs. Dencourt rose from her chair and held out her hand toward Morgan.

  Morgan lightly shook the gentle hand. It reminded her of Lee’s firm and equally gentle hand the first time they had officially met. She shook the memory from her mind. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Dencourt.”


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