Venus in Love

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Venus in Love Page 13

by Tina Michele

  Chapter Nineteen

  Morgan and Alex pulled up to the valet at the restaurant and made their way inside. Alex had said two words at the most during their entire drive over. Thankfully, it was a short drive because the silence nearly drove Morgan nuts. As soon as they were seated, the waiter arrived to take their drink order.

  Alex ordered a glass of an Argentinean Malbec and Morgan selected a Chenin Blanc. When the waiter left, Morgan asked, “Now. What was going on with you today?”

  As Alex began to speak, the waiter returned with the glasses. She took a healthy sip and exhaled. “Okay. So, on my way in this morning I was talking to a couple people, and basically…I don’t know if it’s true. And even if it is, I don’t care, but they—”

  “Alex, out with it.” Alex’s nervous ramblings were giving Morgan’s stomach an anxious knot.

  “Okay. They said that you and Lee…well, that you two are, let’s just say, sleeping together.”

  The knot in Morgan’s stomach rose into her throat and threatened to choke her. “What? Who would…?” Morgan covered her mouth. “I…we are not.”

  “I don’t know who started it, but I do know that everyone is talking about it.” Alex gripped her glass with both hands. “It’s not a big deal, right? I mean, even if it was true, it’s not like that’s the reason Lee hired you. Idle gossip really.”

  Morgan swallowed down half of the glass before she spoke. “It is a really big deal, Alex. I’ve spent the last four months busting my ass to earn my place, and now with one stupid rumor it’s gone!”

  “It’s not gone, Morgan. Everyone sees that you deserve to be in this position. You’ve already proven that.”

  “I haven’t proven that, Alex. How have I proven that?” Morgan thought she was going to be sick. All those months avoiding Lee, keeping herself buried in her work, and forging relationships with her staff was crumbling beneath her because of a rumor. Not just a silly rumor, but the very one that she tried so hard to avoid. The one that had the ability to invalidate everything she had worked for. Morgan laughed unexpectedly, and Alex looked at her like she had lost her mind, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because I’ve been doing everything in my power to keep myself away from Lee just to avoid being known as, ‘the woman sleeping with the boss.’ And now everyone thinks I am and I actually haven’t.” Morgan downed the rest of the wine in her glass and waved for the waiter, who refilled their glasses.

  “So, you’re not mad?”

  “Of course I’m mad. But what’s the point? If anyone actually believed that I got the job based on my own merit this wouldn’t even be an issue, whether it’s true or not. So clearly, there are others issues with the staff beyond who I’m sleeping with. Or not, as it so happens.”

  “I guess that makes sense. So do you want to sleep with her?” Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Alex!” Of course she did. She’d thought of nothing else every time she was in the same room as Lee, but Alex didn’t need to know that. Although now, Morgan had no reason to deny it. “Maybe.”

  “Oh my gosh!”

  “Stop looking at me like that. It’s not going to happen. It’s a rumor and it’s going to stay that way. At least until I put an end to it first thing tomorrow.”


  “No.” Morgan shut her down. She didn’t need to encourage Alex or herself on the subject. Morgan drank the rest of her wine and the waiter reappeared with the bottle. “No, thank you. I need to get going.”

  “Me too.”

  “Plus, I need to go back to the office. I need to send out a mandatory meeting notice to my staff.”

  “Oh, can I be there? I want to see you get all…” Alex made a couple quick ninja-like gestures and Morgan laughed.



  Lee stood at the window and looked out over the cityscape. She hadn’t seen Morgan at all after the unpleasant termination of Lilly the day before. Initially, Lee spent hours in her office replaying Lilly’s final words about her father’s legacy. He had hired Lilly and trusted her completely with his legal affairs, although she couldn’t imagine even he would fault Lee for firing her. But now she was without an attorney at a critical juncture, and she was worried. She let her anxious mind drift to thoughts of a peaceful and beautiful Morgan.

  She imagined what they would talk about if they were together, alone in her office. Morgan loved art and her family and little things that made her laugh. Lee liked Morgan’s laugh and her smile. It made her smile just then to think about it. Would she be able to control herself alone in Morgan’s presence? She had so far, although they never were really alone for any significant amount of time. Lee tried to avoid that for the most part. But why?

  Lee sought her out in the galleries or stopped by her office just to ask how her day was going. But since the night in her office when Lee stopped what was happening between them, Morgan seemed to have turned off whatever feeling or need that was there. Lee had stopped it, and for good reason. Yet she hadn’t been able to dismiss the kiss or the feelings as easily as Morgan seemed to have.

  Lee knew why she ended it. She couldn’t risk the uncertainty that it would bring to her life. She was putting so much at stake just by hiring Morgan in the first place without adding sex to it. She had wanted her so badly for so very long—to kiss her, to touch her. The more Lee thought about it, the less she could logically rationalize her fears. She trusted herself and Morgan, but somewhere deep inside she still felt doubt. She believed in her vision, but what if she was wrong? Either way, Lee wanted Morgan with or without the risk to her gallery.

  “Uggghh!” Lee growled to an empty room. “She let you stop. She let you walk away. Maybe she doesn’t want you.” Lee continued to talk to herself and only managed to increase her frustration by doing so. She needed to go home, have a drink or ten to fade away the missed chances. Instead, Lee slumped down in the chair behind her desk and lowered her head into her hands.


  Alex pulled up to the front of the Dencourt and let Morgan out. Morgan thanked Alex for the ride and said good night. She was greeted by Peter, the night guard, and wondered if he was one of the people spreading the rumor about her and Lee. She realized that she might have to widen her net over the entire staff in order to quell the rumblings.

  When she got to the third floor, she headed toward her office. Morgan saw the light glowing from under Lee’s door. At first, she’d assumed the light was left on accidentally, but then she heard Lee’s deep, haunting voice. Her heart leapt to her throat. Morgan made her way silently toward the door. Was she alone or with someone? Morgan remembered the night she’d come with Lee back to her office. The memory gave her butterflies and quickened her heart. What if she was with someone else now? The butterflies turned to butter-flops. The thought nearly made her ill. She listened at the door hoping there was only one voice. “…let you walk away…” Morgan heard no one reply. After several moments of silence, she heard Lee again. “Maybe she doesn’t want you.”

  Doesn’t want who? Morgan? Morgan continued to listen but heard nothing more at all. She needed to go for fear that she would be caught in the dark with her ear to the door. On the other hand, she couldn’t move. She wanted to see Lee, even if she had nothing to say. Morgan wanted to see Lee’s face and just be near her if only for a moment. Maybe Morgan could tell her about the agreements. That was a perfect excuse. Before she knew it, her hand was on the knob and she was opening the door.


  Lee heard Morgan enter but didn’t look up. Morgan made her way slowly toward Lee who still hadn’t looked at her. Morgan reached out and touched Lee on the shoulder. “Hey, Lee? It’s Morgan…are you…”

  Lee looked up into Morgan’s eyes. Her intense gaze pierced through Morgan’s soul. There was a burning desire and need so intense she felt it burn through her body and settle low in her belly. Lee pushed back her chair and stood slowly, never once taking he
r eyes from Morgan. Morgan’s heart began to race. She was both excited and frightened. Lee stood in front of Morgan not speaking but searching. Morgan felt her ask even though she heard no question. Morgan responded by reaching out and taking Lee’s hand in hers. In an instant, Lee seized her, wrapping her arms wantonly around Morgan. Morgan melted into her.

  Morgan stared into Lee’s eyes and said, “Please?” Lee did not hesitate. She brushed her lips across Morgan’s. Lee lightly caressed Morgan’s bottom lip with her tongue before she kissed it tenderly. As Morgan parted her lips, she beckoned Lee for more. Lee lost all restraint and fervidly claimed Morgan’s mouth with her own. Without releasing Lee’s mouth, Morgan maneuvered them backward toward Lee’s desk. Lee pressed Morgan firmly between her firm body and the hard mahogany desk. Lee pressed her thigh between Morgan’s and lifted her knee to allow Morgan to grind against the pressure.

  Morgan released a deep, throaty moan that was barely muffled by Lee’s deep kisses. Lee grasped Morgan’s hips and deftly lifted Morgan onto the desk. She slid her hands down to Morgan’s hips, over her thighs, and between her legs. Lightly pressing, Lee opened Morgan’s legs and slipped between them. Morgan wrapped her legs around Lee’s hips and pulled her even closer. Lee could feel Morgan’s heat press against the seam of her zipper. The friction liquefied Lee’s center and she groaned. Lee grabbed Morgan’s shoulders and pushed her back so that Morgan rested back on her hands.

  The primal need in Morgan’s eyes surged through Lee’s entire body. Morgan began to sit up, but Lee stopped her. Lee raked her eyes from Morgan’s face down to her breasts then lower to her belly and finally to where their bodies joined. As Lee stared, Morgan began to unbutton her own shirt for Lee. Starting at the top button, she slowly made her way down, releasing each one and exposing the soft swells that heaved against the lace of her bra. Lee only watched as Morgan removed her shirt and dropped it to the floor. Lee slid a finger over the curve of exposed flesh and brushed her thumb over a hidden nipple, causing it to tighten instantly. Morgan grabbed Lee’s hand and slid it from where it rested on her breasts down the valley of soft skin and over her stomach, stopping at the top of Morgan’s skirt.

  “Dammit, Lee, please touch me.” Lee had been trying to maintain the power over herself. But the sound of Morgan’s need snapped her from her trance. Lee bowed her head and pulled down the fabric that covered a hard nipple and took it into her warm mouth. “Oh, yes.” Morgan moaned. It felt so good to taste Morgan. Morgan ran her hands through Lee’s hair and pressed herself deeper into Lee’s mouth. Lee slid her other hand down the fabric covering Morgan’s thigh. She reached the hem of the barrier between them and pushed the material up as she exposed the smooth skin beneath. Morgan raised her hips in offering. Lee stopped just shy of Morgan’s pulsing center. Lee was on fire. “Please?” Morgan begged. Lee quickly obliged. She flicked her finger across Morgan’s peak through her panties. Lee could feel that Morgan was more than ready.

  “I want to feel you, baby,” Lee said before she kissed Morgan.

  “I need you to feel me. Now.”

  With the confirmation, Lee pulled Morgan’s panties down to her knees, and Morgan’s head dropped back. Morgan leaned onto her elbows as Lee slipped her fingers through Morgan’s satin folds with one hand while the other cupped one of Morgan’s breasts and twisted a hard nipple between her fingers. Feeling Morgan’s excitement, Lee slid two fingers inside while her thumb circled her swollen and sensitive peak. Morgan rocked against Lee’s hand. In and out, Lee pulsed her hand between Morgan’s legs. Lee curled her fingers inside and stroked relentlessly. Lee felt Morgan begin to tighten around her fingers. She was close.

  “I’m so…please don’t stop. Oh God…” Morgan bucked against Lee’s hand as she thrust deeply in a rhythmic cadence that pulled every ounce of pleasure from Morgan until she contracted and cried out Lee’s name. It wasn’t a rumor any more.

  Chapter Twenty

  Lee held Morgan close. Lee didn’t want to let Morgan go but knew they couldn’t stay entangled awkwardly on the edge of her desk. Although at the moment Lee couldn’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be. She heard Morgan sigh.

  “Hey, are you okay?” she asked as she ran her hand through Morgan’s hair.

  Morgan cleared her throat.” Yes. I’m…. just fine.” She tilted her head back and looked into Lee’s eyes and smiled. “But I, uhh, I should get home.” Morgan shifted away to smooth her skirt back down. Lee let go and stepped back a little, burned. She didn’t know why that remark stung. It wasn’t rude. Maybe it wasn’t the words as much as it was hard to let Morgan out of her arms. When Morgan smiled at her and grabbed her hand, the sting disappeared.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” Lee asked.

  “Uhm…what time is it? Morgan looked at her watch. “It’s only eight thirty. I can walk.”

  “Are you sure? It’s no trouble. I’ll take you. Let me get my keys.”

  Morgan smiled. “Okay. I’d like that.”

  While Lee got her keys from her desk and turned off her computer, Morgan stood by the door straightening her disheveled hair and clothing. Lee looked up and watched. Morgan was so beautiful. She could stare at her for hours and never lose the overwhelming sense of wonder at her classic grace and beauty. “You are a goddess.”

  “What?” Morgan asked.

  “What, what?” Lee blinked out of her trance. “Oh. Nothing. You ready to go?”

  Morgan smiled and Lee melted. “Yes. I’m ready when you are.”

  As Lee passed Morgan to open the door, Morgan grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers together. Nothing had ever felt so right.


  Lee and Morgan made their way through the gallery to the parking garage. Everything seemed different to Morgan. She held Lee’s hand in hers and reached over and clutched Lee’s bicep with the other. When they got to the car, Lee held open the door for Morgan. She started to get in but stopped. “Wait,” she said.

  “Did you forget—?” Lee began to say before Morgan jumped up, wrapped her arms around Lee’s neck, and kissed her. Morgan’s heart was racing, and her knees were shaking so badly she didn’t know how she was still standing. But she had to taste her; she had to feel her arms wrapped around her. Lee pushed Morgan against the car and gave Morgan whatever she asked for. Morgan’s entire body was on fire, and if she didn’t stop, she was going to melt into a puddle in Lee’s arms. They kissed relentlessly for what seemed like hours, yet Morgan couldn’t get enough.

  Morgan wasn’t sure how long they’d been standing there wrapped in each other’s arms when they both heard a clang and quickly jumped away from each other. Morgan felt like they were two guilty teenagers when she saw someone exiting the stairwell. It was a night guardsman who didn’t seem as surprised to see them as they were of him. “Good evening, Ms. Dencourt, Ms. Blake. It’s nine o’clock. Time for rounds.” He tipped his ball cap at them, poorly attempting to hide his knowing smirk.

  “Right, Peter. Nine o’clock. I should get you home,” Lee said as she guided Morgan into the passenger seat.

  Lee made her way around the back of the car and looked at Peter who was checking the other doors. She gave him a “what the hell look,” and he laughed as he pointed to the security camera positioned with a perfect view of her parking spot. “Oh Jesus!” Lee laughed.

  Morgan saw Peter point to the camera and her stomach lurched. Now the rumor was caught on camera. She slapped her hands over her face as Lee got into the car, still giggling. “He saw everything, didn’t he?” Morgan asked through her hands.

  “Everything outside of my office, yes.” Lee laughed.

  “Well so much for that meeting tomorrow.” Morgan let out her own laugh.


  Before Morgan got out of the car, Lee cupped her face and pulled her in for a sweet kiss good night. Lee was both relieved and disappointed that Morgan didn’t invite her in. But she knew they both needed to absorb what happened between them this evening, and one thing
was certain, tomorrow was going to be different. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Lee said as both a statement and a question.

  “Yes, you will,” Morgan replied with certainty. Morgan leaned down and looked out the windshield toward the streetlights. Lee looked as well.

  “What is it?” Lee asked.

  “Just checking for cameras before I do this…” And Morgan kissed Lee sweetly at first and then deeply as she dug her fingers into Lee’s shoulders.

  “I could do that all night, but I should go. Yes. I’m going. Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lee sat stunned as she watched Morgan practically run from the car to her door. Lee couldn’t help but smile at how sexy Morgan was when she was flustered.

  As Lee drove home, she resisted the urge to turn around at every intersection on her way. She could wait to see Morgan the next day, but until then she’d have to be content to see her in her dreams, as she almost always did.


  “Pick up. Pick up.” Morgan paced around her living room urging her call to be answered. Her heart was racing, and she had to talk to someone or she would scream. She felt like a smitten teenager. The call went to voicemail so she hung up. “Nooo!”

  She set the phone down and cursed Freddy for not answering. She wandered to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She wasn’t hungry or thirsty, it just seemed like a comforting movement to distract her from the urge to run around the house in an elated panic. She stared into the freezer for an unknown number of minutes smiling blindly at the memories of the evening. When her phone rang, she screamed. “Ahhh!”

  She slammed the door closed and ran toward the table where she’d left her phone. When she turned the corner from the kitchen to the living room, she tripped over the leg of the end table and went headfirst in the direction she was running. Pain ripped through her skull and she fell to the floor. Her eye burned and her head pounded. “Oh!” Morgan grabbed her forehead just above her eye and felt nauseous when she pulled back a hand covered in blood. “Breathe, Morgan.” Her phone continued to ring. She managed to get to her knees and fumbled around the tabletop blindly for the phone. When she found it, she tapped the screen hoping to get it to pick up. “Hello? Hello? Lee? Mom? Hello?”


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