Wild Heart

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Wild Heart Page 18

by Lori Brighton

  His hand slipped down her skirts, pulling the material up until her legs were exposed, and she felt his desire flare, an aching need that curled through her core. When his hand slipped into her bloomers, teasing the soft curls at the junction of her thighs, she almost cried out. She wasn’t a complete imbecile, but this…this touching, this ache, this beautiful need…. She’d had no idea.

  His teeth teased her lips, nibbling until she opened her mouth for more. Eager to taste him, she slipped her tongue between his lips, bold and daring. His fingers slid lower to the place that begged to be touched. She whimpered and arched her back when his fingers finally found her folds. Slowly, his finger slipped into her heat. The ache in her pelvis grew, until it was burning, throbbing.

  “Ella,” he whispered against her mouth. “You feel so good, so hot, so wet.”

  His words brought heated embarrassment to her face, but she was too far gone to stop now. She only wanted the ache to end, only wanted…something.

  His lips nipped at her neck, the scruff on his face scratching her sensitive skin and intensifying the pleasure. She felt his pulse quicken, or was it hers? The ache in her body built, and her muscles tightened. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath…didn’t even care about breathing. She moved her hips against his hand, her fingers digging into his shoulders. His heat, her heat. His need, her need. The knowledge that he fought the desire to bury himself within her thrummed through her body. Muscles deep within tightened as tremors wracked her form.

  “Leo,” she cried out. Suddenly, her body seemed to explode into a million stars. The ache uncoiled, releasing wave upon wave of pleasure.

  Vaguely, she was aware of Leo kissing her shoulder. When he moved to her breast, the touch was too intense…too much too soon. Everything seemed magnified. Yet, she still felt the need to have more…to have him.

  Although she had little experience, she knew this wasn’t all. She squirmed underneath him. When his lips closed over her breast once more, she moaned and threw her head back. She felt his amusement and lifted her lashes. He was grinning with smug satisfaction as he settled his hard body over hers.

  What she could do with her abilities was nothing compared with what Leo could do. The man must be magical.

  Leo shifted, and the towel covering his lower body slipped away. His shaft pulsed against her lower belly. Ella gasped, arching her back.

  What would it be like to mate with him? To touch him? Boldly, she reached down and slipped her hand between their bodies. Her fingers wrapped around his erection, hard and velvety smooth. His passion flared like a lightning bolt through her soul. She sucked in a breath, his desire almost unbearable. He stiffened and jerked away from her, rolling to his side.

  Outside, thunder rumbled. Their eyes met. His jaw was clenched, and a fine sweat glistened on his forehead. “Are you curious, Ella?”

  She didn’t need to respond. Most likely he could see the lust, blatant in her eyes. He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. Before she had time to get her bearings, his lips found hers. Her legs fell apart, his hardness between her thighs. Slowly, she rubbed against him and took pleasure in the way he moaned.

  “Cazzarola.” His hands gripped her bottom, pulling her close, and the ache in her body blossomed once again.

  The soft musk of rain seeped in on a breeze, mixing with their scent. Perfect, everything was perfect, and she didn’t want it to end. Time no longer mattered. Propriety no longer mattered. Nothing mattered but Leo.

  Anxiety pierced the haze of passion. Suddenly, Leo’s body stiffened and his eyes opened.

  “What is it?” she whispered. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “I thought I heard…”

  A snap rent the air outside the folly. Leo set her aside and stood. Naked, he stalked across the small room and peered out the open doors.

  “Leo?” she whispered, slipping to her feet. She pulled the straps of her chemise into place and started toward him, her legs trembling.

  At the sound of her approach he turned. Naked, completely naked. She couldn’t help it, her gaze slipped down the length of his body. Except in paintings, she’d never seen a nude man, and she found herself fascinated.

  “We should return home,” he said.

  She jerked her gaze up to his face, but he wasn’t paying attention to her now. He moved passed her and started to dress. She felt his worry, his anger swirl through the air. She’d done something wrong, she knew it. Miserable, she pulled her clothing into place.

  Fully dressed, he went to the doors and peered out into the drizzle. “Leo, what is it?”

  He shook his head and smiled, a tight smile. “Nothing. The rain has let up, we should go.”

  She nodded, feeling strangely close to tears. She didn’t want to leave; she didn’t want to return. He took her hand as they made their way down the slick slope to the boat. A fine mist caressed her skin, bringing some relief from the heated torment deep inside her body. Leo helped her into the boat, and she huddled in the far corner, staring at the trees in the distance.

  Once again she’d let him touch her. Why? Why couldn’t she seem to stop herself from wanting him? Surely, she was going to hell. It had felt so right at the moment…so wonderfully good. Would she be able to stop him next time, or had she damned herself to a life of sin?

  Chapter 13

  “This way,” Leo said, releasing Ella’s cold fingers. “We’ll go in through the kitchens.”

  He couldn’t resist glancing down at her. She’d been silent the entire way back, and he wasn’t sure why. Really, she was still an innocent, so why did she look as if he’d just taken her virginity and left her pregnant with a bastard child? And what the hell was that twinge of guilt that made his gut churn? Merda, as if he needed to add more guilt onto his shoulders.

  Didn’t she understand that she deserved better than him? She deserved…hell, that vicar who’d been playing croquet and had been so infatuated with her. A man who could love her the way she needed. Not him…a beast who could barely hold a conversation in polite society.

  They slipped into the kitchen, the scent of herbs and spices lingering in the air. But the smell of food only made his stomach tighten all the more. The cook looked up from her pot but didn’t react when she saw them dripping all over her clean floor. Then again, the staff rarely reacted to his presence anymore. When he’d first arrived, you’d think he was out to terrorize them all, the way they would scatter when he came down the halls.

  He tugged Ella up the servants’ steps and hesitated at her door. She looked so bloody unsure, staring up at him with those wide, blue eyes. He couldn’t help but slide his finger down the side of her face. He wanted to do more. He wanted to carry her into the room, throw her onto the bed and show her how incredible it could be…to slip into her…to…

  “I should go,” she said, stepping back as if she sensed the animalistic need that pounded through his body.

  “Of course. Will I meet you downstairs?”

  Ella nodded. Without another word or backward glance, she stepped into her room and shut the door in his face.

  Leo rested his hands on her door, closing his eyes for the briefest of moments. What had he done? What could he have done differently? He stumbled back. The truth was he’d do nothing differently. He’d wanted her with a fierceness that could barely be contained. He swallowed hard and moved down the hall. And God’s truth, he’d do it again if given the chance. But if given the exact same circumstances, next time, would he still be the gentleman and not take her virginity?

  He pushed open his bedroom door.

  “Leo,” Akshay called out from a chair near the fireplace.

  “Decide to join our little gathering?” Leo asked, unbuttoning his wet shirt.

  Akshay’s tanned face split into a wide grin. “Cripes, no. Even if they’d allow my presence.”

  “They’d allow it,” Leo replied, tossing the garment to the bed.

  “Yes, but grudgingly. I suppose I could always e
ntertain them with my belly dancing and sword swallowing.”

  Leo didn’t respond to his friend’s jest, merely gazed out the windows, his thoughts remaining centered on Ella, her scent, the feel of her satiny skin…

  “What has you so enthralled?”

  “Nothing,” Leo mumbled.

  “Really? Nothing?”

  Leo turned to see Akshay grinning, his dark brows raised. When Leo didn’t respond to his questions, Akshay waved a hand through the air. “That’s not why I’m here. I think I may have found the artist, the man who made the necklace.”

  Leo pulled a fresh shirt from his wardrobe, forcing hope not to overtake his common sense. “And?”

  “He’s in London.”

  Relief flooded through him in a surge. Finally, they were getting somewhere. “You’ll leave now?”

  Akshay nodded, but his face grew serious. “You’re sure it was the necklace you remember?”

  “Positive. The god might be common enough, but not on the disc like that. I’d never forget it.” Leo tossed Ella’s necklace to his friend.

  “And the woman, you’re sure she isn’t involved?”

  Was he sure Ella was innocent? “Of course I’m not sure. How can I ever be sure of anyone? I learned that lesson long ago.” He sighed and raked his hand through his hair. “But she seems innocent enough. If her uncle was responsible, I don’t think she realizes.”

  Akshay nodded slowly. “Will she believe you, if he is one of the guilty party?”

  Leo frowned. “I doubt it. It’s obvious she holds the man in high esteem. But I don’t see the reason to tell her at this point.”

  Akshay remained silent, but Leo knew exactly what he was thinking. Proving the guilt of Ella’s uncle could mean the end of his and Ella’s relationship, whatever relationship they had.

  “What happened to you?” his friend asked.

  “Hell if I know,” Leo muttered, collapsing onto the chair next to Akshay’s. What had happened to him? Ella had happened, that’s what. Merda, why couldn’t he get her out of his head?

  “You don’t know how you got wet?” Akshay asked.

  “What?” He glanced down at his damp clothing. “Oh, caught in the rain.” Rain, damn it. How could he forget the folly? He leaned forward. “I think someone was watching us.”

  Akshay frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “We waited out the storm in the folly, and I had the distinct feeling someone watched us. Heard a branch snap.”

  “But you don’t know for sure?”

  Leo shook his head.

  Akshay slapped his hands on the arms of the chair. “I trust your instincts. Would you like me to watch your cousin?”

  “Yes, when you return. And I’ll find out if he was in the house when Ella and I were in the folly.”

  “And that’s it, then? You merely waited out the storm?” A sparkle of amusement lit his dark eyes.

  Leo sighed. “What are you implying?”

  That sparkle disappeared, and a seriousness entered Akshay’s gaze. “She’s not like the women we are used to, you know. She’s more naïve, innocent.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.”

  Akshay stood. “Be careful, my friend. You may think you are merely showing a woman the pleasures of the world, but she may be showing you her heart.”

  Leo released a wry laugh, one he didn’t feel. “You always did have a flair for the romantic, my friend.”

  “Just a warning.” Akshay slapped him on the back. “Well then, I’m off to London. Have fun at your little gathering.”

  In a clean and dry gray dress, Ella moved down the steps, her knees shaking with every step. Instinctively, her hand rested at her neck. How she wished to feel the cool comfort of her pendant. But it had disappeared, as everything she held dear seemed to. Had she left it in the folly or lost it on the way to her room?

  With a sigh, she realized she’d have to slip back out when the rain let up and search the area. The thought that she might have lost the necklace for good brought the sting of tears to her eyes. It was just an object and the piece of jewelry would appear eventually, she tried to reassure herself. For now, at least she had something other than Leo to think about.

  Outside, rain pattered against the walls, hard enough that windows had to be closed, preventing fresh air from entering. She took in a deep breath as she reached the foyer. No matter how many fresh flowers littered the tables, the house still smelled musky and stale. She tugged at her collar, wishing she could open a window or door…anything. Even better, escape outside, but Lord Roberts, bless his kind soul, had insisted she enjoy the festivities as well.

  “Glad you could join us.”

  The familiar male voice set her teeth on edge. She smoothed the grimace from her face and turned to face Henry.

  Years of training made her drop into a deep curtsy, even though the man didn’t deserve such show of manners. “I’m so thrilled to see you again, my lord.” Just as she couldn’t prevent the curtsy, she couldn’t keep the sarcasm from her voice.

  “I’m sure you are.” His smile was much too friendly.

  Instantly, her suspicion flared. Henry always seemed to appear whenever she happened to be alone. Why was that? Slowly, he walked around her, his gaze traveling up and down her form.

  Do not blush, Ella! Even as she thought the words, heat rose to her cheeks.

  He brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his dark green jacket. “We missed you back at the house. Wherever did you and my cousin disappear to?”

  “We took cover from the storm.”

  “I bet you did.”

  Blast it, if her face didn’t grow warmer.

  His smile widened. He was obviously amused by her discomfort. “I see. You were gone for some time, my dear. Really, I fear I should warn you it doesn’t bode well for your reputation. Whatever little reputation you may hold.” He paused behind her. She clenched her jaw and stared straight ahead. She could hear the murmur of voices coming from down the hall, and she prayed someone would appear to interrupt Henry’s amusement. She could walk away, she supposed, but would he cause even more of a scene if she did?

  “Unless,” he walked around to face her, “that is your pleasure.”

  Her mind buzzed in confusion. What did he mean? Whatever he was implying couldn’t be good.

  “I can certainly understand the appeal to a woman of your station. The money and gifts you think you would receive.”

  Her confusion grew, her brows drawing together.

  “Come,” he snapped, his smirk falling. “As if anyone would believe you innocent.” He stepped closer, his spicy scent too overwhelming. “Get a bastard from my cousin and that is all you will receive from this family.”

  Realization dawned like a bucket of ice water over her head.

  “Please, no protests.” He reached out, his fingers digging into her upper arms. “Really, the way you come to my cousin’s defense is sweet. But no one is going to believe your ruse, my dear.”

  He pushed her hard against the wall. Her back hit the plaster with a thud. Before Ella could react, his body pressed to hers, the scent of whiskey on his breath. With a smirk, he drew his finger over her collarbone.

  “Why would you want Leo when you can have a real man?”

  “Let her go,” Leo’s voice was a harsh command that sent shivers down Ella’s spine. Yet at the same time, her relief was mixed with worry. She knew without a doubt he would attack Henry if the man did not release her.

  “Leo, all is well,” she said softly.

  He didn’t bother to look at her. His eyes had taken on that amber glow that frightened her as much as it fascinated her. Blimey, she could sense his body tight, ready to pounce.

  “Or what?” Henry asked. “Will you turn into an animal like last time?” Henry’s grip on her arms tightened, and he jerked her up against him. Ella’s face heated. She didn’t think she could take much more humiliation.

  Leo’s hands curled into fists, and his anger pie
rced her mind like a dagger.

  “She’s using you, you idiot. Once they get with child, they think they can browbeat you for money.”

  “I said release her,” Leo growled.

  A woman and man appeared in the parlor doors. Ella closed her eyes. Blast it, her reputation was truly ruined now. Henry released his grip and pushed her into Leo’s arms. She should have felt safe there; instead Leo’s tense muscles only added to her unease. She stepped back, between the two men, as if she could prevent them from attacking each other.

  “You should know about bastards, cousin,” Henry’s voice was a soft whisper that reached only Ella and Leo’s ears. A few more people gathered at the door and the buzz of their whispers echoed down the hall. “Your mother was a whore who got herself pregnant with you before she married your father. You father was forced to marry that conniving—”

  Leo’s arm brushed past Ella, and she heard the sickening crack of bone, as his fist hit Henry’s nose. He jerked her aside as Henry fell back. Out of harm’s way, she spun around to see Leo stalking toward his cousin. Gasps of shock resounded from the group that was pouring into the hall.

  “Leo, what is the meaning of this?” Lord Roberts called out, pushing his way through the small crowd.

  Dear God, this time Leo wasn’t trying to frighten his cousin away; he truly wanted to murder the man.

  “Leo.” Ella rushed to his side and grasped onto his arm as if she could prevent him from hitting the man.

  Much to her surprise, Leo stilled.

  “You see,” Henry shouted, grasping his battered nose. “He’s an animal.”

  Leo stumbled back, his frantic gaze going to her as if he were just realizing the horror of what he’d done. She felt his shock, his anger mixing together and making her stomach clench. He was used to being in control, and for that split second, he’d been lost. Without a word to anyone, he turned and raced through the front door into the rain.

  He would have killed him. He knew without a doubt he would have killed Henry if Ella hadn’t stopped him. His cousin’s smirk flashed to mind…his taunting words. The way he’d touched Ella. He closed his eyes for the briefest moment, swallowing the bile that burned his throat. When he’d seen his cousin’s hands on Ella, he’d never experienced such raw anger. If he hadn’t been there, what would Henry have done to her? He shook the thought from his mind, unable to dwell on it for fear he’d get sick.


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