Bucked: A Steamy Bull Rider Sports Romance

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Bucked: A Steamy Bull Rider Sports Romance Page 12

by Jess Bentley

  “Nah, they ain’t,” Ricky says with an air of maturity. “Kanen probably does have a girlfriend.”

  I try again to sit up but my ribs hurt too much and I end up lying back, trying not to show my pain to the little ones.

  “Are you okay, Kanen?” asks Joe, ever perceptive. “You don’t look so good.”

  “Maybe we should go, guys,” says Ricky. “Give him some time to rest.”

  Damien hugs me again, a little too hard for physical comfort, but just right for my heart.

  “Bye Kanen. Get well soon!” Ricky yells, trying to hurry the little ones out.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Damien says, pulling a card out of a plastic bag. “We made this for you,” he smiles, and puts it in my hand and then runs out after the others.

  Kanen, get well soon, it reads, and there’s a picture of what I can only assume is me riding the bull. On the inside, I’m on the ground with X’s for eyes. Thanks kids. I laugh, and cringe at the pain in my ribs. But it’s worth it. A bright spot in what’s become a very dark world.



  Lacey’s in shock. “Are you serious? What an asshole. So he fucks you over, and then maybe tries to kill Kanen?” She shakes her head as she drives.

  “Or just hurt him,” I say. “I don’t know what got into this guy, but he sure does hate us. I mean, he hates me because I spilled a beer on him. That’s not exactly a reason to get someone deported. But he hates Kanen because of who he is.”

  “Yeah, wow.”

  “I really don’t know what to do. And after I heard those cowboys yelling about all the women who’d be happy to sit on Kanen’s lap, so to speak, it’s hard to be sure about anything.”

  “Cowboys are dogs, generally.” Lacey nods to herself. “They have this honor thing, but it only applies to some aspects of their lives. Not necessarily to anything else.”

  “What are those things?”

  “They have an honor thing with the women they love, but the women they don’t love are fair game.”

  “Yeah.” I don’t know. I’m not sure which one I am. “I mean, he said he loved me, but who knows?”

  “Hold up!” she turns to me. “He said he loved you?”

  “Well, yeah. A few times.”

  “Was he in his right mind?”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Was he in possession of his faculties,” she says. “But either way, if says he loves you...”

  “It was after he fell off the bull, and probably hopped up on some crazy painkillers, so who knows,” I say. “Probably didn’t mean anything.”

  “Hmm. Still,” she says. Her eyes are calculating. “It’s not a bad sign. Definitely not a bad sign.” She pulls off the road. “Do you want an ice cream? We should celebrate!”

  “Celebrate what? Getting deported? Having the guy you’re seeing in the hospital?”

  “Love,” she says. “Wait, did you say you loved him back?”

  I blush. “Yeah.”

  “Wow.” She’s excited now. “You’re in love with a cowboy! This is so exciting!”

  “We’ll see, I mean, who knows how it will turn out!”

  We get out of the car and head over to the ice cream stand on the side of the road. She orders mint chip, and I get chocolate.

  “Sure, we can’t know, but we can be happy for the moment, can’t we?” She hands me the treat, and then clinks mine like a glass. “Cheers, Chastity! To love!”

  After a good night’s sleep, a shower, and a decent meal, I’m ready to go back to the hospital. I grab the letter on my way out, and shove it in my purse. If Kanen is feeling better, we’ll talk about it, and if not, I’ll just try to figure out what I should do as I sit with him. I don’t want to leave Texas. I like it here, and I want to see where all this goes. But I shouldn’t have started working if I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to do so, and I don’t want to mess with the border control. It’s so strange to be a Canadian in the US. Everyone treats you like you’re one of them, until they don’t—and that means you’re out on your rear. Plus, if they deport me, I won’t be allowed back in, maybe for ten years. And then I’ll never see Kanen again.

  Ugh. But I need to just get back to him, and see him. See if he’s “in his right mind” as Lacey would say. See if he still thinks he loves me or whether that was just some kind of drug-induced illusion.

  “Chastity!” Kanen holds out his arms when he sees me. “To what do I owe this honor?” His smile is infectious. He must be feeling better.

  “You’re awake!” I smile. Seeing him makes me feel shy. He’s been bathed, and shaved, and he’s looking like himself again, his few wounds just adding to his tough demeanor.

  “Sure am. I’m a new man,” he grins. “And happy to see my woman.”

  I go over and hug him, but I’m a little torn about giving him a kiss, so I turn my head away.

  “What’s going on, babe?” he asks.

  “Oh nothing,” I lie. I don’t want to trouble him. “When are you getting out of here? You look like you’re feeling better.”

  “Yeah, a bit. Not a hundred percent though, but I am alive, and that’s what counts. On the mend!”


  He grabs my hand, and winces.

  “Still in pain?” I ask.

  “Better since seeing you,” he says. “But yeah, I get a twinge every now and then.”

  “When are they going to let you out of here?”

  “Should be later today, or tomorrow if they don’t give me the go-ahead.”

  “That soon?” I ask.

  “I guess so.”

  “Will you be okay?”

  He touches my face. “I guess I was hoping someone would want to look after me a bit,” he says, winking.

  “I’d be happy to,” I say, but I can feel the flash of doubt go across my face. I turn my head so he doesn’t see.

  “Well there, Canada, you don’t have to if it doesn’t suit you,” he grins. “You know I can always hire someone. But it would be nice to have you around.”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  “Well what is wrong?” He looks puzzled. “There’s been something off since you walked in here.”

  “Kanen,” I say. “I don’t quite know how to tell you this, but...” I pull the letter out of my purse and hand it to him. He scans it slowly.

  “What? They’re fixing to kick you out?” He looks at me and back at the document. “Why?”

  “That job I had, I guess it wasn’t exactly legal for me to do, and the guy I spilled beer on has a friend in the government.” I wipe a tear of frustration and anger from my eye. “It seems like he really has it out for—”

  “Us,” Kanen finishes. His eyes darken. “Yeah, I wasn’t going to trouble you with it, but what’s happened here is a direct result of that gentleman’s dealings.” He says gentleman in the tone usually reserved for “asshole.”

  “I suspected as much.” I look in his eyes, a little scared at the depth of emotion I see. “I saw him at the rodeo, Kanen. The night this happened.”

  “Well don’t you worry, Chastity,” he says. “We’ll get through this. I’ve gotten through worse.” I bet he has. We’re both quiet. Darkness has fallen on this hospital room. “Goddamn it, me being in this hospital.” Kanen drops my hand as his dark eyebrows knit together.

  It’s not long that we’re sitting there when some kids run in and then stop suddenly.

  “Oh, sorry,” the tallest one says.

  “That’s okay,” I say. “Did you want to visit Kanen?”

  “Yes!” says the smallest. “We’re here to see the Wrecker.” He looks at me suspiciously. “Who are you?”

  The oldest one elbows him in the side. “Shh!” he commands. “Do you want some privacy?”

  “You’re all welcome here, fellas,” Kanen says. “Chastity, let me introduce you to Ricky, Damien, and Joe.”

  They stand up straight at Ricky’s prompt.

ood day, ma’am,” he says. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you,” the others echo in varying degrees of sincerity.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say.

  “Are you Kanen’s girlfriend?” the little one blurts out.

  I look at Kanen, horrified.

  “Um, how do you guys know him?” I ask.

  “These are boys from the center that I run.”

  “You didn’t tell her about us?” asks the middle one.

  “Why, I was just about to,” Kanen says smoothly. “They’re wonderful kids, and I’d do anything for them.”

  The little one runs and hugs Kanen, who catches him in one strong arm. Kanen’s mood has lifted, at least for now.



  That fucker is messing with the wrong guy. What a complete and utter... prick. Playing with my career is one thing, but trying to deprive me of Chastity is something I won’t stand for. The anger is rising in my chest like an inferno. It’s so tempting to use anything I can muster to force him to his knees, but my brain is telling me to do things right. I almost see Jack’s face in my mind, urging me to take it easy, don’t be a hero, that the system works. But what I want to do is ruin him.

  In any case this fucker’s not the only man who has friends in high places, and I won’t hesitate to bring in any favors that might be owed me.

  I have the money to make this right, if I need to. But there’s one thing that I know will make it possible for Chastity to stay in the country: getting married. Once I get out of this hospital bed I am going to do two things: call Jack, in Philly, and look into getting a ring. After spending every night with Chastity, I know that I don’t ever want to stop making love to her. Over and over again.

  He’s fucking with the wrong man.

  The only question is whether I fight above board, or underground. But there is no question about this: I’m going to win.

  I have to call Jack.

  “Law office.”

  “I need to speak with Jack,” I say to the most fake-sounding receptionist I’ve ever heard. When he comes on the line, I don’t waste time with preamble. “Jack. Kanen. I need your help.”

  “Sure, man. What’s up? You in trouble?”

  “Not exactly. I need to know if you can sort out an immigration issue.”

  “Why are you concerned about immigration?”

  “Remember the dark-haired girl I bought a drink for when you were in town?”

  “Sure do.”

  “Well she’s from Canada. And she did a bit of work down here. One training shift, and one half-shift before quitting, as far as I can tell. I’m not sure she’ll even get paid. And now they’re threatening to kick her out of the country.”

  “I see. And this is your concern because...?”

  “Never mind that, Jack, I just gotta know. Can you get us out of this?”

  “Hard to say, Kanen,” he says. “You know I would do anything for you, always have… But when it comes to the law, it’s not like I can change it. If there’s a legal route to saving your ass, or the dark-haired girl’s butt, I’m your man.” He pauses. “But in the meantime, or if there isn’t, don’t do anything stupid.”

  I guess Jack knows me.

  “You know I’ve grown up. I won’t,” I say, but the dark smile in my voice gives me away.

  “At least without talking to me first,” he hedges. “You know you’re doing good things in the world, and I don’t want that stopped because of some dumb impulse move.”

  “Yeah, I hear you,” I say.

  “E-mail me everything you can about the case and I’ll look into it ASAP.”

  “You’re the best, man,” I tell him. Just as I’m about to hang up I hear his voice.


  “What is it?”

  “Did you almost get killed on your last ride?”



  “I know, but this immigration thing is more important. I’m going to ask you about that too. They’re wrapped up together.”

  “How so? Did the dark-haired girl try to kill you?” he asks.

  “No way, man, and her name is Chastity.”

  “Got it. Send me Chastity’s stuff. Everything you’ve got.”

  Jack laughs and wipes his nose. “Did you see Mr. Bonner’s face?”

  “Damn straight I did.” I grin. “Fuckin’ teacher doesn’t even know what hit him.”

  He gets serious for a second. “He better not find out, either. I have geography with him tomorrow, and I can’t get a bad mark, Kent.”

  “Don’t worry, man,” I laugh, and take another drag of the stolen cigarette. “If anyone tells, I’ll beat them up, simple as that. Everyone knows that!” I squint my eyes trying to look cool. “They won’t mess with us.” I pause. “And remember, call me Kanen now.”

  He smiles apologetically and hands me the bottle of whiskey we bought with the ID and money we stole from the teacher’s car. “Sorry, Kanen. It’s taking me a while to get used to. You wanna do the honors? Open it up?”

  “Damn straight I do.” I crack the seal on the cheap whiskey and drink a swig before handing it back to him. He drinks some and coughs.

  “Smoo-oo-ooth,” he grunts, and we both start laughing. We lean against the wall.

  “Who you asking to prom?” he says. “Andie?”

  “No fucking way. She’s a bitch.” I turn away and squint again so he doesn’t see the hurt in my eye. “Had her pegged wrong.”

  “Police chief’s daughter is not the worst choice.”

  “Then you should ask her out.” I grind my cigarette out forcefully.

  He looks dreamy for a second before he shakes his head. “Nah. She’d never go for me. You’re more her type.”

  “Fuck her.”

  “One day, I’m going to have a lot of money Ken—- I mean, Kanen.”

  Yeah, and one day, I’m going to have to get a job at McDonald’s or start selling drugs to survive, I think, but don’t say.

  “Yeah, I know,” I say. I flex my arm, watching my new tattoo move with my muscles.

  “I’m not as cool as you, or as good-looking, so I can’t rely on who I am.”

  “Whatever,” I say. “You’ll be fine. Who are you going to ask?”

  “Well if you’re not going to ask her,” he begins.



  “Look man, I told you. She’s a bitch. But if you want to date a bitch, that’s your choice.”

  “I guess I want to date her,” he says. “She’s so pretty and all.”

  So did I, I think. I harden myself to the pain. She’s not what you thought she was, I tell myself. Don’t even try anymore.

  Chastity comes up the stairs, and stands in the doorway.

  “Kanen, is everything going to be okay?” she says. “I don’t want to go back.”

  “Come here, baby.”

  She snuggles into bed with me, and I lean down and kiss her sweet lips. Neither of us wants the kiss to end, and as one pulls away a little, the other catches the kiss again. We go from soft touches, to nibbles and bites, and then our tongues are touching, dancing, teasing.

  She climbs on top of me, her beautiful breasts bouncing and swaying as she moves. “Is this okay? Nothing hurts?” she asks.

  I move my hips with her, grinding my cock underneath her, and feel it come to life, quick and hard. She moans. “Kanen you feel so good…”

  “Don’t stop baby,” I tell her. She’s an angel, Chastity. Her body is strong and gorgeous. I catch one of her breasts in my hand, and squeeze the tip as she throws her head back. I love the shape and weight of her breasts, the pride of her nipples. “You’re so gorgeous.”

  She blushes. “You are.”

  I growl and sit up, despite the pain it brings me. I want to be closer to her, to hold her, to lick her. To make her come.

  Her face is above mine, her breasts near my mouth, so I pull her shirt over her he
ad and bury myself in them. I knead them as I kiss one and then the other, surprising her with nibbles and licks. Her clit pushes against me and I decide I want more.

  “Take off your pants,” I growl. “Let me see all of you.” She giggles and obliges, her little thong all that remains between us. I remedy that right away. “Come here.”

  I lie back and pull her forward until she’s sitting on my face, her perfect pussy locked in a kiss. My tongue circles and swirls around her clit as I clutch her ass. I earn her squeals. Licking and sucking her delicate folds, I pull her closer and move her away in time with her thrusting. She reaches back and clutches my stiff cock as I lick her, taking her clit in my mouth and sucking until she shivers. Her whole body is beautiful, perfume, musk, liquid heat.

  She comes on my mouth, and I can feel the convulsions of her pussy as she cries out, but I keep going, running my tongue all over her and lapping up her sweetness. I’m holding her ass tight, and feeling her quiver.

  “I need to feel you inside me,” she says. “I want to be close to you.”

  My heart takes a leap, and I let her shimmy and squirm down to my hard cock, and she lowers herself down again, easing herself onto me. She’s wrapped around my cock and grinding, and the strands of hair around her face are wet with sweat as she whirls her hips around and around. I’ve never seen a woman look so beautiful as she does.

  I can’t lose her. I need to keep her around no matter what. I shift my hips up and down as she rides my cock, and when it’s time I shoot inside her, coating her with jet after jet of pearly seed. She comes again, this time on my cock, each contraction mimicking my own until we’re both panting with pleasure. She collapses off me and snuggles her face in my shoulder.

  “I love you,” I tell her.

  “I love you more,” she says.



  I sit in Kanen’s kitchen, drinking coffee, just trying to find a moment of peace. This is turning out to be a crazy time. First my feet getting burned, then him getting a concussion, bruised rib, and leg injury, and me possibly being thrown out of the country. I’m glad I’m feeling better and can take care of him for a while. At least until I get kicked out.


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