Leaving Sharpstone

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Leaving Sharpstone Page 23

by Marion Leavens

  "Move it." It was barely a whisper in her ear.

  Reluctantly, she moved on across the room aware every moment of the knife pressed against her neck. Step by step the door loomed closer. Her eyes sought Jim's, silently pleading for help, but he was helpless to do anything other than remain alert and watch for an opportunity to move in and rescue this woman, who was in such mortal danger. Emily knew that both men were ready to spring into action. “I have to do something to him. What do I have to lose?" she thought, "I'm as good as dead anyway." Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry as she tried to think of something she could do. Suddenly an idea occurred to her.

  "This is it," she decided and with a loud, "No", she stomped backward onto the top of his foot with all her weight. He shrieked with pain and surprise and for a moment loosened his arm from around her throat. Before he had a chance to recover his hold on her, she dropped to the floor and rolled away from him. The two policemen sprang into action. In a matter of seconds, the three men were in a pile on the floor, Jim Walsh’s knee on the wrist of the hand that held the fishing knife. He pulled the knife from Eric’s hand and forced his arms behind his back where Morgan put handcuffs on him. They pulled him upright and only then was Jim able to turn his attention to Emily. He gently pulled her to her feet and looked carefully into her ashen face. She was trembling uncontrollably as he took her into his arms and held her until the trembling began to ease. "It’s all right,” he assured her. “You’re safe. That was a smart move, Emily. You did good."

  "I was so scared."

  "It's all over now."

  A sneering voice sounded from across the room. "How sweet. But you can't put me in jail, you haven't got any proof. It's just her word against mine and I’m telling you right now that she’s lying."

  She stepped back and turned to face him, “Wrong.” She turned towards the basement stairs. "There’s a tape."

  "Move it, you're coming with us." Morgan grabbed Eric by the upper arm and pushed him toward the open basement door.

  In the furnace room, she located the recorder and the hidden tape and played them back for the two police officers to hear. The voices came out clear enough for them all to hear Eric explain why he had blown up the house in Toronto. She switched tapes, and they listened to his shouts and the sounds of his fists hitting her, then of him dragging her out of the furnace room. The tape ended and silence filled the room, broken by the click as Emily shut the machine off.

  Jim jerked Eric around to face him, "Well, buddy, looks like you're busted. Now, I want you to listen real good. I want to be really sure that this is done one hundred percent by the book. You lousy jerk, I am arresting you for the attempted murder of Emily Thompson and her sons Kyle Thompson and Danny Thompson. Are you listening carefully? It is my duty to inform you that you have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay...

  Chapter 27

  Eric was safely locked in a cell at the Edmonton jail waiting for the paperwork to be done to expedite his transfer to Ontario, when Jim and Emily boarded the plane that would take them back to Toronto. People couldn’t help but stare, for the woman moving slowly through the airport had a face battered so badly that she would be unrecognizable to even her closest friends and family. Jim noticed the stares and moved closer to her in an attempt to protect her from embarrassment. He slipped an arm around her and placed his hand on her back and was

  rewarded by feeling her body relax somewhat as the tension she was experiencing lessened. Together they found their seats and he attempted to make her as comfortable as possible. They settled back in their seats to await take-off and she turned to him and struggled to speak, “Thank you - for...calling the hospital.”

  “I’m just glad the news was good. I know that he’s not out of the woods yet but they did say there was some improvement. I have a feeling if he’s anything like his mother, he’ll make it. You’re a brave woman.”

  “No, I’m scared.”

  “You don’t need to be scared. Eric won’t hurt you again.”

  She shook her head, “No, my face – what will my boys think.”

  A look of understanding crossed his face. “I’ll call from the airport when we land and prepare them. Emily, this is just temporary. You know that don’t you?”

  A tear slowly ran down her stitched and swollen face. “I’ll have scars.”

  He took her hand in his and turned to face her. “I want to tell you something. It’s important to me that you hear me out for this comes from my heart. Perhaps we went through enough together today that I feel I can say this. For whatever reason, here goes. From the moment I first met you, I thought there was something different about you, for you tugged at my heart in some special way I hadn’t experienced before. I think you are a beautiful girl, but more than that you have wonderful, expressive eyes that a person could get lost in, and once the swelling is gone they will be back. I have never seen your smile but you have wonderful full lips that I would expect would make for a dazzling smile. I want to be there when things are better in your life and I can have the chance to see that smile. I’m betting that it will be worth waiting for. You may have a few scars, but I think they will fade and be barely noticeable in time. But you know, they are ‘battle scars’ and you earned them. I can’t believe the bravery you showed going after that man who hurt your son. I feel proud. I may not have the right to be proud of you, yet I am. Not many people would have done what you did. You knew what he could do and yet you went after him anyway. If you are left with any scars, you should wear them with pride. You are quite some woman. I’d like to spend a lot of time getting to know you better. Do you think you could put up with an old cop hanging around?”

  Had her eyes not been hidden behind the swelling, he would have seen the sense of wonder in them as she peered at him through the slits that had been left her. He did see the nod and the hint of smile she gave him, and he raised her hand to his lips and kissed the palm gently. She placed her hand on his cheek and caressed it before returning the hand to her lap. Jim settled back in his seat and slipped his arm around her shoulders drawing her towards him. As the plane took off, she laid her head on his shoulder and enjoyed these moments of relaxation

  before they would have to return to earth and the worries that awaited her in Toronto.

  Even though conversation was almost impossible due to Emily’s jaw being wired shut, they felt, as they left the plane at the end of their journey, that they had come to know one another better and that the problems ahead would be faced by them together. True to his word, Jim phoned ahead and warned Emily’s family of the injuries she had suffered, and then together they got a cab and headed for the hospital.

  Despite the warning, the sight of Emily came as a terrible shock to her family. Pete immediately blamed himself for allowing her to go to Edmonton. It took reassurances from both Emily and Jim that there was nothing he could have done to stop her. The children had seen her bruised and swollen before and although this was the worst they had seen, they were saddened but not shocked by the sight of their mother. Kyle, by this point, had begun to drift in and out of consciousness and the doctors were reasonably optimistic that he would live, although his recovery would not be fast or easy.

  Because of the difficulty Emily had trying to speak, it was left to Jim to tell the family all about the taped confession that she had obtained and about the vicious attack that had resulted in Eric’s arrest. He also told them that he planned to be on the scene from then on and that he cared deeply for this woman who had come into his life in such terrible circumstances. Pete shook his hand warmly, for he liked this burly man and he was pleased that his daughter could have a chance at a normal life. The boys seemed wary and Jim realized that he might have a big job ahead. Not only would he need to prove to them that he wouldn’t hurt their mother but he would also need to show them that an important part of being a man was being gentle with the people around you. This could not be accomplished overnight, but would take a long, long
time. “But,” he thought, “I have plenty of time. Perhaps I can stretch this job out so that it will last for at least forty or fifty years.”

  Epilogue - one year later

  The screen door slammed for what must have been the tenth time and Scott’s voice sounded once again, “Mom, is he here yet?”

  Emily put the lid back on the pot of potatoes and laid the fork she had been using to test them on the counter before answering. She tried to keep the impatience from her voice, “No, Scott. I’ve already told you that I’ll let you know as soon as he gets here.”

  “All right. But, gosh, I wish he’d hurry.”

  Once again the screen door slammed behind the young boy who this time ran out onto the back porch and cleared the three steps to the ground in one jump.

  Emily turned back to the supper she was cooking and turned down the heat under the vegetables before going into the dining room to make one last check of the table and the seven place settings there. She was happy with the new set of china that she had chosen and with the bright dining room that held the old table she had brought with her from Alberta a year and a half earlier. Even after more than six months in this new house, built on the lot where her father’s house had once stood, she marveled at the newness of it all. It contained as much as they were able to salvage from the home that had so suddenly been destroyed on that beautiful balmy evening when so much had changed in their lives. They now had a two story, five-bedroom house, with an in-law suite on the side for Pete and Bandit. A slight shadow passed over her face as she thought of the fifth bedroom, which had been a family room in the architect’s plan of the house. Instead it had become Kyle’s bedroom, with room for him to manipulate his wheelchair and room for the exercise equipment that was needed for him to strengthen the leg that had been saved but which was almost useless to him. She was proud of the hard work he did with the physiotherapist and with her, faithfully doing the required exercises. Slowly, she was able to see improvement in the strength of the leg and she held great hope that someday he would walk again.

  She looked out the big bay window, hoping that Jim would arrive soon, for the dinner was ready and by the sound of things, so were the children. They were very excited, for tonight; there was a real feel of celebration in the air. Eric’s trial had ended more than three weeks ago, and two days ago, he had been sentenced to fifteen years to life. Five years minimum for each of them; Kyle, Danny and her. Now, that part of her life was ‘the past’ and it was time to move on and concentrate fully on whatever the future might hold for them.

  The big house in Alberta that had once been their home, had been sold. Eric’s half of the proceeds had gone for legal fees, and her half, added to the insurance money, had provided them with this beautiful large home. Rita had packed Eric’s personal items as well as a few of the things that were important to him, and had sold the remainder at auction. The money from this had also gone to his lawyer. She had also looked after the sale of the house, for Emily had no desire to ever see it again. She still felt some degree of guilt for having left her son at the hospital while she went after Eric. It had been a foolhardy thing to do and yet she was glad that she had done it. As a result of having finally stood up to him she felt that she would never have to fear him again. Justice had been done, to the best of man’s ability to do it, despite the fact that nothing could ever make up to Kyle for the pain he had endured, both physical and emotional. She had struggled with him over his inability to walk and cried with him this spring as baseball teams were formed and the children in the neighborhood began to prepare for the season ahead. Pete spent hours in the yard tossing the ball to him, while he caught with the glove that Sam had, true to his promise, found in the rubble at the back of the house after a search that had lasted for days.

  Just then, she heard the crunch of tires in the driveway and looked out to see Jim’s Suburban come to a stop. Her heart soared and she marveled that just the sight of him always had this effect on her. She crossed to the front door and opened it to welcome him.

  He wrapped her in his arms and was about to kiss her when the back door burst open and Scott’s voice again rang out, “I heard his truck. Is he here?”

  “This has been going on for the last hour. What have you characters got up your sleeves?”

  Jim laughed, “Nothing! Eh, pal?”

  “Yeah, right, Jim. Nothing.”

  “O.K.” She stepped away from Jim. “I know when you guys are ganging up on me. Call your brothers in to get washed up for supper. I’ll dip it up.”

  “I’ll get your father.” He reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder as he walked past. “Oh, by the way,” he turned back. “Dessert will be along in a while. I didn’t have time to pick it up, so I’m having it delivered.”

  “That’s fine.”

  After dinner, the family worked together to clear the table and load the dishwasher. Emily put dessert dishes and forks on the table in anticipation of the dessert that would soon be arriving, and then the family moved into the living room to wait. As often happened, Pete and Jim sat near one another and began a conversation about the days events. A camaraderie had developed between them that added a great deal to the elderly man’s life and they spent many enjoyable hours together, for although Pete had separate living quarters, he ate dinner at night with the family and spent a good portion of each evening with them.

  Emily was puzzled that, if anything, the sense of excitement in the house was increasing as the evening progressed. The children, especially Scott, seemed to have a hard time sitting still. Finally she could stand the suspense no longer, “O.K. you guys. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” Scott was quick to answer.

  “There is something going on here. I don’t know what but you are sure making me curious.”

  Jim smiled, “What do you say, fellas? Should we let her in on the secret?”

  “Yes, you should. Don’t do this to me. What is going on?”

  Jim got up, “Be right back,” he said.

  He was. In moments, he was back, holding the crutches that Kyle had been struggling with for the last few months. “Now, Emily and you, too, Pete, close your eyes. The boys and I have been working on a surprise for you two.”

  The boys scurried into position and Scott said, “All right, you can look now.”

  Kyle was standing across the room, balanced on the crutches. He began to make his way toward his mother and grandfather, and then stopped. Sam and Scott stepped up and took the crutches from him and with Jim behind him, prepared to catch him should he fall, he took one faltering step and then another. Emily held her breath in awe as she watched the miracle that was happening here, this magic night. She and Pete stood together and held out their arms to the brave little boy who was slowly making his way to them. He fell into their arms and Emily found that she couldn’t stop the tears of joy that coursed down her cheeks. “Oh, Kyle. It’s so good to see you walk again. Nothing on earth can top this.”

  Scott brought the wheelchair over and Kyle lowered himself back into it. He explained how he and Jim had planned this surprise and how they had worked on it for weeks. She looked around for Jim and found him sitting across the room watching with a contented smile, the scene before him. Their eyes met and a look of pure love passed between them.

  After a ten minute rest, the process was repeated and he again took a few halting steps, to the joy and amazement of the whole family. What celebration filled the house! Everyone was still talking excitedly about Kyle’s triumph, when the doorbell rang and Emily suddenly remembered the dessert that they had been waiting for. “Can you get that, Sam?”

  Jim spoke up. “I wish you would get it, Emily.”

  She was surprised at the request but agreed and opened the door to greet four men dressed in matching uniforms, the first one carrying a cake box. They began to sing the Carpenter’s hit song, ‘I’m on the Top of the World’, as they filed into the house and handed the cake box to Emily. Jim came up and slipped hi
s arm around her as Pete and the children gathered around. The song ended and the men, smiling and waving went out the door, leaving Emily almost speechless but happy. What a wonderful man she had found. She looked at him with love shining in her eyes.

  “Thank you, Jim, that was wonderful.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, how about a piece of cake?”

  He took the box from her and carried it to the table, then opened it and removed the cake. “There, you can cut it.” He moved away and Emily stared with joy and wonder at the cake that sat there on the table. Written in icing across the top were the words, ‘Will you marry me?’ and in the center nestled amidst the petals of a yellow rose was a beautiful diamond engagement ring. She turned to him and saw the nervous, hopeful look on his face and realized that he was not completely sure of her answer and her heart melted. She wanted to say ‘yes’ and to reassure him of her love for him, but before she gave her answer she knew that she had to be sure of her family. She was answering for them as well as for herself, for she was now a package deal. Danny, she knew would be thrilled to have Jim living here. He had no memory of any other man in their lives but Jim and, of course, Pete, and he loved them both completely. Pete had hinted before that he would welcome Jim into the family. The ones that she needed to be concerned about were the three older boys. They were old enough to remember the bad years and to understand that marriage doesn’t always mean joy and happiness and she didn’t want to force them to accept another man into their lives if they weren’t ready. She looked at Scott and couldn’t help but notice the longing on his face that was very easy to read. He, too, loved Jim and he wanted a father desperately. There wouldn’t be any opposition from him. Kyle, too, she realized, trusted Jim and would also be happy with him in the family. The only impediment would be Sam. Unlike his brothers, his face was unreadable and as she studied it to try to figure out what he was thinking, she remembered the times this child had cared for her, after she had received beatings at the hands of his father, and the anger that had developed in him. He was the one most affected by the violence in the home and she wanted to be sure that she did nothing to disrupt the healing that had been taking place in his heart. Could he accept Jim into their lives on a permanent basis? He met his mother’s eyes with a puzzled expression, not sure why she was looking at him so intently. Suddenly, he sensed why she was hesitating and shook his head, “Well, I guess she’s in no hurry to get married, Jim. Do you want me to introduce you to my cute science teacher? She’s single.” Amidst a burst of laughter from everyone in the room she turned to Jim, “I guess you don’t need any cute science teacher. If you’re foolish enough to take on this whole crew, I won’t be the one to stop you.” With glowing eyes, she walked into his arms. “I can’t imagine anything I want more than to marry you.”


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