Obsession: The Hollow Universe

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Obsession: The Hollow Universe Page 2

by Shayne McClendon

  Afraid to risk losing another child, they resigned themselves to a life of childlessness and threw themselves into their businesses and charities.

  I was such a surprise, she was five months along before Mom’s doctor considered giving her a pregnancy test. Everyone thought she was going through early menopause.

  As the sole heir to the positively massive fortunes they hold individually and as a couple, highly protective doesn’t begin to cover their concern for me.

  The world sees my mother as a pocket Venus but she’s really a petite Amazon warrior. Barely five-two with blonde hair and violet eyes, she’s continually underestimated.

  In comparison, my father towers over her at six-one. With deep brown hair and green eyes, leanly muscled and fit, he looks as if he could take up a weapon to defend me.

  They’re determined to live forever so I’m always protected. I also hope they’ll live forever but I wish they didn’t always have to worry about protecting me.

  I’m a physical blend of my parents. Five-five with mahogany brown hair that tends to gain blonde highlights during the summer. My eyes are a darker violet than my mother’s.

  Though I’ve always been athletic like Dad, the way I deal with others is like Mom.

  I like the description of coltish my parents’ friends used to describe me. Built for speed and endurance, stronger than I look, with a love of running and a hint of wildness.

  It fits me.

  Wanting to attend college in another state resulted in a battle of epic proportions that wore me out the entire summer before I embarked on my first sojourn outside their line of sight.

  I was in the second semester of my freshman year when I realized the man I’d noticed watching me was an additional bodyguard they hired.

  It became obvious when a group of men waylaid me on my daily jog around the campus.

  I’m trained in self-defense. Since I could walk, the panicked discussions between my parents ensured I’m able to assist in my own protection.

  However, no matter how well-trained I am, the sheer number of large males intent on making the rich little virgin play nice would have overwhelmed me eventually.

  I tried to reason with them. Their mistake was in coming at me one at a time. Idiots. That never works in Kung Fu movies. I ended up taking out three with blows to throat, knee, and balls but they tired of waiting.

  As one tackled me painfully to the ground, a man landed in their midst, sweaty from his jog not far behind me. He wore running shoes and basketball shorts.

  Despite the situation, I found myself stunned by the site of his bare chest, lean muscles, and body movements as he took down the rest of my attackers.

  He’d been magnificent to watch.

  Only when all seven were cuffed with zip ties pulled from an ankle pouch did he call campus security. They arrived and took my statement without seeming all that concerned.

  He guided me gently but firmly to my dorm room and I wasn’t surprised that the team I’d taken when I left Texas seemed lost and overwhelmed at the top of the trail.

  I recognized several people I’d interacted with in the past weeks dealing with my staff and knew they belonged with the man beside me. In my room, he made a call and kept me away from windows and doors.

  With nothing better to do, I studied his physique. Outstanding. It was the word that played through my mind as he worked to reassure my father over the phone. Well-defined muscle covered in beautiful golden skin enthralled me.

  His voice was like honey and though I couldn’t place his accent, it caused a shiver up my spine.

  I knew I’d never tire of staring at him or listening to him. He didn’t leave my side until my parents arrived hours later.

  I was glad.

  A few days later, my parents escorted me to the luxury high rise my father purchased the summer before not far from my campus and handed me the keys to the six-bedroom, four-bath penthouse equipped with everything one could need or want.

  Stepping from the dedicated elevator, my new protection detail stood waiting to meet me.

  Unlike the other men and women assigned to me over the years, they wore casual clothes. Mostly jeans and t-shirts.

  My eyes met those of the man who’d saved me and it was the first time he allowed it. His eyes were a lovely blue-green. I swallowed hard as my face blushed hot.

  “Ellie, this is Hyde. He’ll be your personal bodyguard. He and the rest of his team will live here with you.”

  “H-hello. Officially,” I managed.

  “Hello, Ellie.”

  He smiled and for the first time in a long time, I felt my age. Living with me, going everywhere with me.

  That wouldn’t be distracting at all.

  My dad made introductions, unaware of the instant visceral reaction I had to the man who led them.

  “This is Fiaaz. He’ll be your driver.”

  I recognized him from a couple of interactions on campus. He was really lean and elegant with a beautiful face, dark hair, and pale green eyes. I nodded shyly.

  “Si will be your personal chef.”

  I grinned. A few weeks before, he’d started serving me personally in the school café. Only a couple of inches taller than me, nothing was wasted on his frame. Sparkling black eyes matched his smile.

  “Your new housekeeper is Bianca.”

  Her body told me she’d use the in-home gym more than I ever would. She looked like a model from Northern Europe. Very tall, lean, and stunning. Blonde hair and ice blue eyes completed a lovely package.

  I smiled. “You’ve been around the dorm the last weeks.

  “Some bugs and cameras. All sorted.” Her voice was flavored with a lyrical South African accent.

  “Naturally, we brought Padme to maintain her function as your personal assistant. We thought a familiar face would help you feel more comfortable in a new place with a new team.”

  I was happy to see Padme again. She was with me through high school. I pretended not to know she was as proficient with guns as she was with technology.

  Her prominent almond-shaped brown eyes and glossy black hair were nothing compared to her ability to look elegant in any situation.

  Mom told me happily, “Ellie, this is your team. The men and women assigned to your protection exclusively. No more cycling unfamiliar faces through your life all the time. You can get to know them. Won’t that be nice?”

  Nodding, I took a deep breath. “I’m sure hanging out with a teenager is going to provide levels of adventure previously unimagined.”

  Feeling strangely stressed, I took in the men and women who were still and quiet as they watched me.

  “Thanks for being here. I’ll try not to be any trouble. You’re obviously good at what you do but your lives are about to get really boring.”

  I rubbed my palm over my heart and said quietly, “I just wanted to go to college like a normal person. I should’ve stayed in Texas.” Shaking my head, I dropped my hand. “You didn’t have to do all this, Dad. I’ll go home if you want.”

  “No, Ellie.” Dad held my shoulder and lifted my face. He was always gentle with me. “You were right to want to spread your wings. It was wrong of us to fight you. We can’t keep you locked away on the estate.”

  He stroked my hair back and kissed my forehead. “Resisting the knowledge that you’re an adult now doesn’t make it any less true. Let us keep you safe. That’s all I ask.”

  “This is fine. This is good. Thank you.”

  “It’s going to be so much fun, Ellie,” Mom said.

  I rubbed my temples. “Your optimism is kind of daunting, Mom.” Turning to the men and women watching me, I said, “I’m glad no one’s wearing tactical gear or suits. It’ll make it easier to pretend I was the underdog picked to lure the awkward nerd demographic to some reality show.”

  “Ellie!” My mom looked horrified.

  “Trust me, it’s better.”

  “Elliana Fields! You are not an awkward nerd.”

  “I love
that you can’t see it. Look.”

  I went to stand in front of my team and turned to face my parents. Padme and Si were the closest to me in height but all of them were at least ten years older with incredible good looks and an air of capability.

  Shrugging, I told her, “It’s all good, Mom. We’ll blend a little better. Walking into poles and stuff while I’m reading probably won’t change.”

  To Padme, I said, “Do you need to brief me on my new schedule?” She nodded. “Give me an hour and everyone feel free to relax.”

  I gestured for my parents to show me around. “Let’s check out my new room. This place is lovely. I like what you did with the light and color.”

  Rattling on without listening to my questions or the answers, I let them show me to my bedroom. It had an office space to one side.

  When we were alone, Mom asked, “Are you alright?”

  “A little tired but everything is great. Don’t worry.”

  Dad offered, “Let us take you to dinner…”

  “I can’t get any further behind. Let’s do dinner tomorrow.”

  The moment Mom and Dad took their leave, I went over my itinerary with Padme and synchronized our calendars.

  I grabbed my laptop and went downstairs. Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the long balcony wall, I got to work.

  “Ellie?” Hyde’s voice made me swallow hard before I glanced up. “Do you have any questions?”

  Shaking my head, I told him, “I know the drill. I won’t leave alone and no one will show up. Just…do whatever it is you usually do.”

  He crouched beside me and it was disconcerting to have him so close. “I imagine you’ve seen a lot of staff in your life.”

  “Yes. I…new people every year.” His hair was gilded from the sun. I was completely flustered.

  For a long moment, he didn’t say anything. Simply watched me. He maintained incredible stillness.

  “We’re with you at least ten years.”

  Nothing could have shocked me more. I whispered, “Really?” He nodded and I glanced down at my notebook, tapping my pen against it.

  “That will be different. Padme has been with me for four years. That’s the longest other than my martial arts instructor. H-he died when I was a sophomore in high school.” I swallowed hard. “He trained me from age three.”

  “That explains your skills.”

  I met his eyes, taken aback by the compliment. “He wasn’t with me all the time. I trained with him twice a week.”

  The smile he gave me was slow. “We’ll be spending quite a bit more time together than that. I’ll let you get back to work but let me know if you need anything.”

  I nodded with a blush and watched him stand. “Hyde?” He paused. “Where are you from? I can’t place your accent.”

  Tilting his head, he replied, “Originally Australia. I haven’t thought about it for a decade.”

  “You must have traveled a lot. Now that I know, I can hear it.” I cleared my throat. “Thanks. I get a paragraph about everyone but it’s all about skills.” Shrugging, I added, “I don’t care so much about that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t skilled and everything. I was…curious.”

  “Feel free to ask me anything, Ellie.” He smiled. “I’ll leave you to it. I didn’t mean to distract you.”

  Then he was gone and I found myself staring out over the city without seeing it. I wondered where my parents found the people they hired.

  As with everyone who came before my current team, I was given a single paragraph and told they checked out. As if their criminal background or level of training were all I’d find interesting.

  Australia. It explained why Hyde looked like he’d just come in from riding the waves.

  Ten years with the same staff never seemed possible. I felt such relief, I couldn’t have explained it if asked. I got back to work and tried not to dwell on my new bodyguard.

  Padme touched my shoulder after several hours. I was surprised to realize the sun had set. I blinked dazedly.

  “You need to eat, Ellie. Are you at a stopping place?”

  I nodded and shoved everything into my laptop bag. She led the way to the dining area. A single place was set at one end of a table that sat ten.

  I whispered, “Five other people living here but eating alone anyway. Okay.”

  “We thought you’d want privacy, Ellie.” My assistant frowned.

  “Yeah. I don’t have enough of that. It’s fine. Thanks.” I picked up the plate. “I’ll just, I’ll work in my room. I need to finish this essay anyway.”


  “I’ll see you later. Tell Si thanks for making dinner.” I walked to my room and closed the door quietly.

  I managed to eat some of the food but waited a long time to take the plate to the kitchen. I didn’t want to run into anyone. Dumping the uneaten food, I washed my plate, took a bottle of water from the fridge, and returned to my room.

  After wrapping up my homework and a long shower, I turned in for the night. It took me forever to fall asleep.

  * * *

  The next morning, Padme knocked on my bedroom door and murmured, “Are you awake, Ellie?”


  “Breakfast is ready when you are.”

  With a sigh, I met her in the hall and followed her downstairs.

  Turning the corner to the dining room, I was shocked that every member of my staff was present. The table was filled with food and a place was set for each of us.

  They felt sorry for me. I knew that but I didn’t care. I was stupidly grateful for the company.

  Loneliness was my constant companion.

  Taking a seat, I greeted each person softly and they returned it. After filling a plate, I ate quietly.

  Unless one of them spoke to me directly, I was happy to listen to them, to watch them interact. Each of their tones and accents were so different. They were at ease with one another and within ten minutes, I knew I’d like them as people.

  It was my first day living with my dedicated security team.

  Their leader was the source of an outrageously inappropriate crush on my part that started the day I first noticed him.

  This new arrangement should be interesting.

  Chapter Two

  May 2009

  Settling into a routine with five highly-trained mercenaries was easier than one might imagine.

  I maintained a heavy course load in hopes of achieving my dual masters in political science and social work within four years.

  The moment Mom and Dad agreed to let me attend the college I wanted, I was determined to make it as quick and painless as possible for them.

  Academics came easily to me and I gave the credit for that to my smart parents who hired multi-lingual nannies and other staff always willing to make learning a game for me.

  Fluent in Spanish and French, I utilized language in the work I did for my parents. I’d held a formal position within the umbrella organization since I was sixteen and it wasn’t done for appearances. I knew the corporate workings inside and out but my strength was the charity division.

  Since I was very young, being part of the efforts with those less fortunate gave me an insight I might have missed otherwise.

  I was glad for the knowledge.

  Working with children has always been a special joy of mine. When my official freshman year came to an end, I was excited to get back to it full-time.

  My team shut down the penthouse for the summer and we traveled together to my childhood home in northeast Texas.

  Elysian Fields was a captivating estate.

  Designed to mimic the multi-winged homes made famous during Regency England, it wrapped around a central courtyard that was part garden, part driveway.

  Soft ivory stone gave it a castle feel and the wide stone balconies on every floor lent a welcoming air.

  I was shocked but pleased to learn my parents had commissioned a large guest house almost a mile from the main house for my
personal use.

  It wasn’t easy for them to grant me such freedom and I loved that they went to such lengths to compromise.

  Having Hyde’s bedroom right outside mine was a new form of torture. I came to see it as a good kind of pain.

  If I couldn’t sleep due to a thought racing around in my brain, I’d head downstairs and enjoy the media room my parents were thoughtful enough to include in the house plans.

  Often, Hyde ended up startling the shit out of me by appearing at the end of the couch. The conversations that followed on such nights were always similar.

  “Are you alright, Ellie?”

  “Yes. I couldn’t sleep. You don’t have to stay up. The guys secured the downstairs.”

  “Are you going to watch a movie?” I always nodded because while I might not watch television, I was a movie junkie. Then he’d come around and take a seat at the opposite end of the sectional. “I’ll watch with you.”

  “I don’t want to keep you up, Hyde. You can’t work around the clock because my brain doesn’t shut up.”

  He’d smile, place his weapon on the cushion beside him, and say, “What are we watching?”

  Sometimes I’d fall asleep and wake up to him crouched beside me, pulling a blanket over my body. Knowing he’d return to the other end of the couch always made me pretend to go right back to sleep rather than go upstairs.

  I’m a silly woman-child.

  For the most part, I settled smoothly into my life on the estate. Riding, swimming, and the charity work I loved filled many hours and my team could relax a bit more on the secured grounds. I loved that they laughed more and teased each other.

  Si offered to teach me to cook and I blushed as I told him, “I’ve never cooked anything.”

  “I can change that. It’s relaxing to prepare food. I think you’ll enjoy how it makes you feel.”

  With a smile, I told him, “I’d like that.”

  The man was beyond patient as he explained basic terms other people probably knew by the age of ten. He was right that I enjoyed the learning that was so different from what I was used to trying to master.


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