Obsession: The Hollow Universe

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Obsession: The Hollow Universe Page 16

by Shayne McClendon

  That they considered a home so far from their reach told me they were getting better at allowing me to be an adult.

  “The first visit, we’ll all go together and explore it.” I told them with hard hugs. “Thank you.”

  From my team, I received two nickel-plated 9mms and a set of small throwing daggers with intricate designs.

  Si said, “After the baby arrives, we train.”

  Excited to learn the art of throwing knives, I smiled and nodded. Another box held a new charm bracelet.

  The first one Hyde gave me was lost and never recovered. The locket with a photo of Preston, an intricate horse, and my college charm were duplicated from before the attack.

  There were new charms that dangled from the platinum. I touched the tiny Empire State Building, a dancing couple, a jeweled K, and fountain pen while blinking back tears.

  “I-it’s beautiful. So beautiful.”

  Padme knelt to attach it to my wrist where it glittered cheerfully. “You never took it off so it was odd for it to be missing. Another piece returned to its proper place.”

  I nodded through tears.

  After hours of food and conversation, I was exhausted. Bianca, Fiaaz, and Si hugged me tightly before heading to their own rooms. Padme and the Hydes escorted me into mine.

  In my bedroom, I found another gift. An intricately carved mahogany chest. The words Katherine Elliana Fields were engraved and embossed on the glossy surface.

  The chest was breathtaking.

  Opening the top, I removed a card bearing Hyde’s masculine script. “For Katie. Fill this hope chest with the amazing moments waiting in your future. Merry Christmas! J&J Hyde.”

  I stared at it for a long time, absently running my fingertips over the design. Jonas and Jordan gave me a hope chest for my daughter. Something intentionally infused with happiness and positive thoughts.

  For her future.

  I set it beside my bed so it was the first and last thing I saw every day. From my nightstand, I removed the first ultrasound pictures and the antique baby rattle Vera gave me.

  Lined with cedar, it held a satin lavender cachet. Smiling, I set Katie’s first memories inside it and closed the lid.

  Leaving my hand on the warm wood, I said aloud, “Thank you…both of you…very much. It’s perfect. I wouldn’t have thought of a hope chest.”

  “You’re welcome, Ellie.”

  “Merry Christmas, Ellie.”

  My door clicked softly shut. I didn’t even have the courage to face them.

  I wanted things to be easy between us again. To watch movies together and laugh over observations of other people.

  To be able to look them in the eye again without blushing. An accomplishment that took me more than a year when Hyde first came to work for me.

  Most people would envy the world in which I lived. I never took the charmed life I was born into for granted.

  However, I envied the ease of everyday people all over the world who could talk without blushing, express emotion without shaking, and go after what they wanted without fear.

  In so many ways, mine was a life of ease.

  In others, I felt frozen.

  * * *

  After the first of the year, my nightmares worsened without explanation. I was glad that I didn’t recall most of the details but hated the nausea, the fear, I felt when my team helped pull me from it.

  Exhausted, I attempted to go back to sleep but soon knew it was a lost cause yet again.

  Sighing, I threw back my covers and sat up.

  Carefully making my bed, I took my time showering and getting dressed for the day.

  I sat quietly to meditate for fifteen minutes. I found it helped to shake off the last of the nightmares.

  Orange juice and a snack sounded like just the thing.

  Opening my door, I tripped over a sleeping Hyde. Seven months pregnant and something of a klutz on the best of days, I would have hit the floor without his quick reflexes.

  Strong arms caught my weight and settled me on my feet. He stood and put his hands on my shoulders.

  “Are you alright, Ellie?” His voice was raspy from sleep. Looking down, I noted the blanket, pillow, and two pistols on the floor outside my door.

  “Yes. I…why are you sleeping on the floor, Hyde?”

  “I’m Jordan, Ellie. I have a small scar here on my jaw.”

  I stared at it in a mix of confusion and happiness that I had a way to tell them apart. His voice was like warm whiskey and it always had the same effect on me. Butterflies in my stomach and heat everywhere.

  “Thank you.” I swallowed hard. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

  “We trade off every night.”

  I tilted my head in confusion. “But…why?”

  “Your nights are getting worse. Padme needs help to wake you and it’s easier if we’re already here.”

  His words flowed over me and I realized he wore sleep pants and no shirt. I stared at the bullet wounds that were puckered scars now. One in his upper pec, another along his side.

  Terrified to ask, I whispered, “Where else were you shot? M-mom said you were shot three times.”

  Bending, he separated golden blonde hair to show me a jagged scar along his scalp above his ear.

  “That was close. You could have died.”

  “You could have died as well…but you didn’t.” He straightened and gave me a gentle smile. “Don’t worry about us, Ellie. Let us worry about you.” I considered the words. “Can I get you something?”

  “I w-was going to get some orange juice. Would you like some?” He nodded and followed me into the kitchen. “I feel terrible that I’m keeping everyone up all hours of the night.”

  “You have no reason to apologize.”

  “I’ll be able to take the sleeping pills again soon. If I get a n-nanny in. I-I mean…never mind.”

  I turned from the fridge and Jonas stood on the other side of the door. I was so startled I dropped the jug and he caught it.

  “I was coming around to get glasses. I didn’t mean to scare you, Ellie.” I couldn’t reach the glasses anymore. My extended belly robbed me of several inches of height.

  He lined them up on the counter and I poured juice. Jordan watched me from the other side of the bar as he pulled a fresh t-shirt over his head.

  “Are you hungry, Ellie?”

  “A little.”

  “You barely touched your dinner last night. How about a croissant and some apple slices with honey?”

  Before I could answer, Jonas washed and dried an apple, tossed it to Jordan, who sliced it rapidly while his brother grabbed a ramekin and filled it partially with the raw honey I loved. He took a croissant from the cake plate and set it on the side.

  When they put the plate in front of me, I realized it was exactly what I needed.

  “Where would you like to eat?” Jonas asked quietly.

  “The solarium.” I picked up my glass and plate and headed for the room that received the most morning sun.

  A Hyde brother walked on either side of me through the French doors to the glass room that glowed. The greenery of the potted plants kept it from being too glaring.

  We sat around one of the small tables and the silence drew out between us as I ate my apples. They watched me intently.

  Jonas said quietly, “We haven’t really talked in months. How are you doing?”

  “Good.” I cleared my throat. “Trying to stay busy.”

  Tilting his head, Jordan asked, “Have you adjusted to there being two of us?” I shrugged lightly. “I’m sorry we waited so long to tell you.”

  Considering my words, I admitted, “I understand why you didn’t. It’s a secret weapon. Also, a secret weakness.”

  “You’re right on both counts.” Jonas paused. “We still should have told you. We discussed it a thousand times.”

  “W-why didn’t you?”

  “It was hard for you in the beginning.” I knew what Jonas meant and blushed. “You’re a gen
tle yet deceptively strong person, Ellie. Someone new and different to us.”

  “Confident in many things that leave other people shaking yet strangely uncertain in your own skin.” Jordan’s mouth lifted in a smile. “We didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  I thought about how long it took me to adjust initially to my new bodyguard and could see why they’d be nervous about sharing their secret with me.

  Sitting back, I took a deep breath. “I understand.”

  “Do you?” I nodded and watched them exhale slowly. Jonas told me, “I want you to know something, Ellie. In the years we’ve been in your service, we’ve always been linked. A necessary habit we adapted in the field.”

  I blinked. “Listening devices?” They nodded and I mulled over what they were telling me. “Y-you had to know what the other said or did to maintain continuity.”

  They nodded again.

  Jordan explained, “One of us at your side, the other with eyes on you at all times.”

  Realization hit me and I held my breath. Barely audible, I said, “Both of you were with me the entire time.”

  Instantly, a wounded part of me righted itself.

  No matter which twin was talking to me, guarding me at my side, or dancing with me, the other was there as well.

  Year after year, the twins spent their waking hours with me, whether they stood at my side or not.

  “Unless you were traveling, sometimes even then, we changed places daily. At first, it was splitting the workload.” I stared into Jonas’s eyes. “Then it was about having equal time with you.”

  Sitting back, he drank his juice and rolled the glass between his large palms. The movement was hypnotic.

  I met his eyes. I didn’t know what to say.

  “More on all of this after you have time to process.” With a gentle expression, Jordan asked, “Why do you censor what you say about Katie in front of us, Ellie?”

  “I-I don’t know what you mean.” They didn’t respond to my denial but even I knew it was weak. “I don’t censor…”

  “You can do better than that, Ellie,” Jonas said before looking past me to the entrance of the solarium. “Think on it,” he added under his breath.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Padme said behind me.

  Thank goodness my assistant chose that moment to join us.

  The question was one I didn’t want to answer. I wasn’t even sure I could answer it.

  How could I explain the shame I felt? The nervousness about keeping the baby conceived during a rape Jonas witnessed? My residual guilt for being the cause of their injuries?

  Padme was cheerful and energetic. “Ellie, how are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’m g-good. What’s on my agenda today?”

  I let her claim my attention and eventually we all moved inside to dress and get ready for our day.

  Over the next month I avoided alone time with Hyde. I couldn’t trust myself around either of my bodyguards.

  They were my personal weakness.

  Now I knew every cherished memory I replayed often in my own mind involved both Hyde brothers. For the first time, I perceived them separately as well as together.

  I also thought a lot about my conversation with Natalia on a night that felt like another lifetime ago.

  The word ménage drifted through my mind and wouldn’t shake loose. My heart didn’t care that I was pregnant, it didn’t give a damn that two men were involved.

  I wanted them, Jonas and Jordan, for my own.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  February 2015

  During a rare trip to Dallas to meet with corporate lawyers about a charity I wanted to assume, we were waylaid in the underground parking garage by a member of the media.

  Jonas moved to step in front of me but I placed my hand on his forearm and whispered, “It’s alright.”

  “Miss Fields! May I ask you a few questions?”

  Beside me, Jordan ordered gruffly, “Put your hands against the side of the vehicle.”

  Looking terrified, the reporter obeyed instantly and my bodyguards gave him a pat down that was almost a deep cavity search. They went through everything in his wallet and gear bag before removing his shoes and belt.

  “Oh, god,” he murmured as his jeans started to slip over his slender hips. Jordan returned his belt. “Thanks.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Tom Brady.” He held up his press pass that looked homemade. “No one ever believes it but that’s my name.”

  Padme held out a fingerprint machine. “Put your thumb there. You don’t check out, you don’t get one word with Miss Fields.”

  Ten minutes later, my team returned Tom’s possessions and nodded to me that he was clean.

  Padme whispered, “You don’t have to do this, Ellie.”

  Meeting the eyes of the reporter, I said gently, “How did you gain access to our secured garage?”

  The man blushed brightly. “Through the lobby. I joined a group headed to lunch.”

  “Good to know.” I tilted my head. “You’ve been waiting here a long time. How did you know I’d be here?”

  He was too thin, about my height, with extremely pale skin and dark hair and eyes. He answered, “I didn’t. I’ve been here every day for weeks.” As if just noticing my belly, he asked loudly, “Are you p-pregnant?”

  Jonas cuffed him lightly on the back of the head. “Watch it.”

  I held up my palm. “Tell me why you’re here, Mr. Brady.”

  “I came to, I wanted to…ugh.” A look of frustration entered his expression. “Sorry, I’m nervous.” He inhaled deeply a few times and I thought he was murmuring affirmations. “This is my first story.”

  “For what outlet?” He looked confused. “Who assigned me as a story?”

  “Oh, no one.” Now I was confused. “I’m writing a story. For myself. Well, my readers. About you.”

  “In what capacity, little man?” Padme leaned close to him with her teeth bared.

  “Oh geez. Can I, is it okay if I start over?” I nodded and he wiped nervous sweat off his brow. “You’re even younger than I remember.”

  I frowned. “We’ve met?”

  He nodded shyly and a bright blush spread up his neck and face. “I’m Tom Brady,” he said cheerfully. “Wait, I told you that already. I bet you meet thousands of kids every year. Geez, you’re a dummy, Tom.”

  The Hydes stared at him as if he had two heads. I could tell they were losing patience.

  Jonas barked, “Kid, what the hell are you doing here?”

  He swallowed hard. “I aged out of foster care when I graduated high school last year.”

  “You were in foster care?” He nodded. “I tell you what, Tom. If you promise to be on your best behavior, you can sit with one of my bodyguards while I have a scheduled meeting. It could be a couple of hours.”

  “I don’t mind. I’ve spent about forty hours a week down here for the last month hoping to see you, Miss Fields. I can wait.”


  We walked together to my floor and Jordan cleared my corner office while Padme ran a scan for bugs. I gestured to the small seating area on the opposite side of the office from my desk.

  He immediately sat and folded his hands in his lap.

  “Padme, will you have one of the admins bring Tom a drink and something to eat? I didn’t see any food in his bag.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Miss Fields.”

  “You’re not to leave this room, Tom. Wait here with Jonas until I return. The bathroom is through that door but say something before you get up. My security doesn’t like surprises. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can hold it.”

  Looking at him strangely, I motioned to Jonas who joined me across the room.

  “Be careful with him. I think he frightens easily. Make sure he eats and goes to the bathroom. I’ll wrap up the meeting as fast as I can so we can get to the bottom of this.”

  He nodded and told
Padme, “Dig deep if you have the chance. I can’t figure out what he wants. He’s so young.”

  “I’ll be back.” With a wave at Tom, I left with Jordan and Padme. “How odd.”

  My meeting with the lawyers took almost three hours and I was exhausted but exhilarated by the time I shook hands with the two men and one woman who kept our corporations running behind the scenes.

  In the elevator, Padme grinned. “You did it. You’ve been wanting access to that shady bunch’s list for two years.”

  “The charity was using those poor people as a front. Now they’ll get the help they need.”

  Entering my office, Hyde stood and Tom sat perched on the edge of the couch where they were when I left.

  “Everything okay?” I asked carefully.

  “He hasn’t moved. I tried to get him to eat, use the restroom, anything…he refused to take advantage of your kindness.”

  Turning to Padme, I murmured, “Order food. I need to eat and I’m certain he does.” She nodded and walked away on her phone.

  Walking across the room, I used the restroom and washed up before returning to the main room and taking a seat opposite the unusual Tom Brady.

  “Before we talk, I need you to use the restroom and drink that bottle of water, Tom. I won’t have a conversation until you do that for me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He stood and Jonas opened the door. A couple of minutes later, he took his seat again and chugged the bottle of water fast. “Thank you.”

  “Tell me why you’re here, Tom.”

  Jordan stood at attention behind my chair and Jonas held a similar position behind the young man.

  He cleared his throat several times. “I get nervous talking to people in person.”

  “It’s alright. Take your time.”

  Glancing at Jonas, he asked, “Can I get my file?”

  My bodyguard nodded and Tom pulled a manila folder from his bag. We watched as he pulled out photos of a dozen women and placed them on the coffee table between us along with what looked like stills from traffic cameras.

  “When I was ten, you gave a speech at the home where I lived in California. I didn’t realize you were so young and that you were with your parents. You were only sixteen then. I thought you were older because you’re so smart.”


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