Mail Order Bride: Westward Dance

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Mail Order Bride: Westward Dance Page 11

by Linda Bridey

  He glanced at Maddie and saw she was smiling as she watched her parents. When Geoff and Maureen stopped, Maddie applauded. “Bravo!”

  Geoff spun Maureen around and bowed as Maureen dipped into a curtsy.

  “Your turn,” Maureen said to Seth.

  He let out a coarse laugh. “You’re kidding I hope. There’s no way I’m ever going to be able to do that. I’m too big and clumsy.”

  “Nonsense, laddie,” Geoff said. “You’re no bigger than me and I learned. It’ll help improve your agility and your ability to grip your horse. It’ll also help your balance so you can throw a lasso accurately again.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. Now, Maddie, move into position,” Maureen directed.

  Maddie showed Seth where to place his hands. Maureen said, “Chin up, Seth. Right arm up a little. Don’t let it dangle like a limp flower.”

  Seth couldn’t believe how much time it took just to get him ready to dance. Maureen and Geoff took things slowly as they lead by example as Maddie also gave him instruction. Seth was terrified of stepping on Maddie, but he needn’t have worried. She was quick enough to get out of the way when he got too close. He worked hard, but didn’t feel like he was gaining any ground.

  “Stop,” Geoff said. “I know what’s wrong. We can keep telling Seth to lead, but he doesn’t know what it feels like to be led. I think I know how to fix that.”

  “You do? Thanks, because I feel like I’m drowning here,” Seth said. “I gotta get rid of this thing.” Seth opened his suit jacket and slid out of it. He threw it to the side not caring if it got wrinkled.

  The next thing he knew, Geoff had him in his arms. “Um, Geoff, I like you and all, but I’m not you’re type and you ain’t mine.” Seth said.

  “Quite right,” Geoff said. “But for now, we’re going to pretend. You’re Maddie now and I’m me. I think if you see the dancing from the woman’s perspective, it will help you to know what you should do. Put your left hand on my shoulder and take my left hand with your right.”

  Seth couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he would do anything to get back to being able to rope and ride. He thumped hand down on Geoff’s shoulder and slapped his hand into Geoffrey’s. “Now what?”

  Geoff tightened his hand around Seth’s and put his arm around the middle of Seth’s back. “Close your eyes and just follow me.”

  “I’m going to fall,” Seth said.

  “Not if you trust me,” Geoff said. “Do you trust me?”

  “If I didn’t, would I be letting you hold me like I was a woman?” Seth said.

  “Good. Now close your eyes.”

  Seth did as he was told and moved as he felt Geoff put pressure on his back to do so. He began to go with the flow as the movements began to follow a certain order. It was like going from a walk to a trot and all the way up to a gallop. They made their way slowly around the floor, Geoffrey talking and pushing and pulling until he felt Seth’s resistance fade.

  He heard Maureen and Maddie snicker and gave them a sharp look even as he smiled. He didn’t want to break Seth’s concentration now that it was going so nicely.

  They went on for a little while longer before Seth tapped Geoff’s shoulder and said, “Ok. I’ve had it. My leg can’t take anymore.”

  Geoff brought them to a stop and Seth opened his eyes. He felt a little dizzy and blinked a couple of times. “How’d I do?” he asked.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two men dance together so beautifully,” Maureen said.

  She and Maddie dissolved into fits of laughter.

  “Yeah, I’m sure that must be something to see,” Seth said.

  “Seth, you did just fine. Did you feel what was happening?” Geoff asked.

  Seth nodded. “Uh huh.”

  “That’s what the lady’s part is like. Tomorrow, I’ll have you lead,” Geoff said.

  Seth was sweating and too tired to resist. “Ok. That’s fine. I need a drink. And I gotta go to the bathroom. All that twirling made me have to pee. Then I need to eat. In that order,” he said and began leaving the room. “A sandwich sounds good. I wonder what Cook’s got for desert,” he said to no one and kept on going.

  As he disappeared through the doorway, Maureen said, “I think all the twirling did something more than make him have to pee.”

  Geoff laughed and grabbed her and spun her into dancing position. “Poor fellow. You’ve got you your work cut out for you with your cowboy, Maddie.”

  Maddie said, “You’re absolutely right, Papa. But it’s going to be so much fun.”

  She went after Seth to make sure he was all right.

  Three weeks later, Seth was doing quite well with the dancing and had graduated to dancing with Maddie after the first couple of days. He’d worked hard so he didn’t have to keep dancing with Geoff. It was Maddie he wanted in his arms not her father. He never would have believed it, but dancing was hard work and it was working to strengthen his leg. There were other exercises he was required to do, but he spent more time dancing than doing them.

  Maddie was happy to see Seth healing so well, but also knew it meant that their time together was drawing to a close. He would be well and ready to get back to his way of life. Where did that leave her besides in Pittsburgh with a broken heart? Seth was her saving grace. When she hadn’t cared about living or dying, his letter had been a lifeline, a way out of the darkness that had overshadowed her life.

  She hated to think what would have become of her if he hadn’t written to her. Maddie knew that she’d still be locked in her world of misery or dead. He’d shown her that there were still things to live for like family and love. Seth had brought laughter and passion back into her life and she was terrified that those things would leave when he did.

  It kept her up at night and one night when she couldn’t sleep she’d thought about how much she’d rather be with her cowboy right down the hall. Maureen had insisted that he move upstairs once his leg was doing well enough. Seth had agreed to be polite, but he’d gotten used to his room and didn’t see the need to change now. Maddie had given up trying to sleep and surprised Seth by knocking on his door. They’d spent most of the night talking and laughing quietly before she was sleepy enough to go to bed.

  Maddie still had nightmares sometimes and one night it was especially bad. She woke up, gasping for air and fighting off Theo’s iron grip on her throat. Her room was empty but it felt like Theo was lurking somewhere, waiting to attack her again. She couldn’t stay there another minute. Gathering her courage, Maddie leaped out of the bed and ran to the door. She flung it open and ran down the hall to Seth’s room and knocked on the door.

  Seth didn’t answer right away and she knocked again. When he did open it, she ran inside leaving Seth to look at her with wonder. He scanned the hallway to make sure no one had seen her come in and then shut the door. No sooner did he turn around than Maddie hugged him tight around his waist.

  He could feel her shaking and put his arms around her. “Maddie, what’s wrong?”

  Maddie pressed her eyes shut and just held on, needing the comfort and safety he provided just by being near her.

  “Darlin’, you’re scaring me. What happened?” Seth asked as he gently took her arms and peeled her away from him.

  Tears rolled down her face and her eyes were wild with fear. “N-n-nightmare. So real,” she said.

  Seth understood and brought her back into his embrace. “Shhh. You’re safe, Maddie. No one’s going to hurt you. Come over here.”

  He drew her over to the huge bed and sat her down. Sitting down next to her, he put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. He grew angrier with every tremor of her body and he knew that if he ever ran across this Theo he would kill him.

  Maddie clutched at Seth when he moved away from her. Seth took her hands in his and said, “I’ll be right back. I’m just gonna go get you something to help calm you down. I’ll be back right quick, I promise.”

  Maddie closed
her eyes for a moment and then nodded.

  Seth didn’t waste time putting a shirt on or changing pants. He ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs as fast as his leg would let him. He sped across the foyer into Geoff’s office to the cabinet where Geoff kept his scotch. Quickly he opened it and got out the decanter and a glass. Running back up the long staircase proved to be harder than coming down, but Seth pushed himself despite the pain it caused.

  When he entered the room, Maddie was sitting on the side of his bed shivering and Seth wanted nothing more than to ease her pain. “Maddie,” he said softly. He didn’t want to scare her.

  Maddie heard the voice that she’d come to love and opened her eyes. Seth gave her a small smile and she tried to return it. She watched him pour a little of the whiskey into the glass and hold it out to her.

  “C’mon, it’ll help calm your nerves,” Seth said.

  Maddie tried to take the glass but her hands were shaking too badly to handle it. Seth helped her take a few sips and then put the glass on the nightstand. He pulled down the bedclothes and laid Maddie down on her side and covered her up. She grabbed his hand when he stepped away.

  “It’s ok, darlin’. I’m not leaving you,” Seth assured her.

  Maddie forced her hand to release his and he walked around to the other side of the bed and finished pulling the covers up over her. Then he lay down on top of them and curled his body around hers. Maddie was comforted by his warmth and his bulk. She knew that no one would dare harm her with Seth there.

  She hated nights like this, when she was weak and needy and couldn’t get the terror under control on her own. Maddie felt Seth brush her hair back from her face and kiss her cheek. For a moment she thought she was hearing things but then realized that he was singing. She didn’t know the song but it was something about the moon and the wind blowing across the prairie. His voice was deep, resonant and enjoyable to listen to she discovered.

  It was also comforting and the trembling in her body began to abate as she concentrated on his voice instead of the images that flashed in her mind. The scotch began to relax her along with Seth’s singing and after a little while she drifted into slumber.

  Seth kept singing even though he was pretty sure she was asleep just to make sure. Seeing the crippling fear in Maddie’s eyes and feeling it in her shaking body made him understand just how badly that animal had hurt her and he wanted to always protect her from any type of harm. There was only one way he knew of to do that and he hoped that Dean had done what he’d asked him to do.

  After checking to make sure Maddie was asleep, Seth stopped singing and laid his head down on the pillow next to Maddie’s. His leg didn’t like the position in which he lay, but he wasn’t going to risk waking her to shift positions. Seth lay awake throughout the night, keeping watch against the demons that still haunted Maddie.

  Chapter Twelve

  Early the next morning Seth heard stirrings in the hallway outside of his room and didn’t want Maddie woke up so he got up without disturbing her and cracked open his door a little ways. He saw Geoff heading for the staircase and stepped out into the hall and called to him softly.

  Geoff stopped and turned. His eyebrows shot up when he saw Seth’s state of undress. Seth tiptoed over to Geoff.

  “Mornin’” Seth said.

  “Good morning. Is there a reason you’re parading around half naked?” Geoff said.

  “Yes. Maddie had a nightmare last night and came to my room.” Seth saw fire flash in Geoff’s eyes and held up a hand. “It ain’t like that. It must have been a real doozey because I couldn’t get her calmed down right away. It was like it was still happening. I was afraid to leave her alone and truthfully, she didn’t want me to. I gave her a little of your scotch and sang her to sleep. She’s still sleeping and I don’t want her to be woken up. I wanted you to know what was going on in case someone sees her come out of my room later and says something to you or Maureen.”

  Geoff tempered his protective anger as Seth talked. He’d seen Maddie after one of her nightmares and he had spent some nights sitting in the chair in Maddie’s room so she could sleep. Seth was genuinely shaken up by the experience and Geoff could relate.

  “I would have slept on the floor, but she would hardly let me out of her reach,” Seth told him. “Sir, on my honor, I slept on top of the covers and nothing happened. I respect Maddie too much and I would never take advantage of her when she was so scared. I also respect you and Maureen too much to do anything like that in your home.”

  Geoff searched Seth’s face for any sign of dishonesty but found none. He nodded and swallowed. “Thank you for taking such good care of her, Seth. You’re a good man and a gentleman.”

  “You’re welcome. Will you explain it to Maureen for me? And maybe not say anything to Maddie? I don’t want her to be embarrassed,” Seth said.

  “I think you’re right.” Geoff gave Seth a questioning glance and asked, “You sing?”

  Seth answered, “Yeah. Any cowboy worth his salt sings to calm the herd down at night. I play a mean fiddle, too.”

  Geoff smiled. “I’d like to hear you play sometime.”

  “Ok, but don’t expect me to play an Irish jig because I don’t know any,” Seth said.

  Geoff pointed at Seth’s room. “Get back in there before someone sees you.”

  “Aye, sir,” Seth said and did as Geoff told him.

  Maddie woke in stages, stretching and yawning. She came up through the last layer of sleep and opened her eyes. She sat up suddenly when she realized that she wasn’t in her own room. She turned as she heard movement behind her. Seth smiled at her from where he stood by the widow. The light caught his blond hair and it looked like he had a halo. The memory of the night before came back to her and Maddie thought he must indeed be an angel who had come to her when she’d needed him most.

  “Good morning, good lookin’,” he drawled.

  Her mouth curved in a smile. “Good morning, handsome. What time is it?”

  He looked out the window and then said, “Around seven, I’d guess.”

  Maddie threw the covers off and stood up. “I have to get back to my room. The servants will be around soon. I don’t want them to see me, or Mama or Papa for that matter. That would be a disaster.”

  Seth nodded as he came around the bed. “Yeah. You’d best get going even though I want you to stay.”

  Maddie stopped. “Thank you for last night, Seth. I appreciate what you did and for being a gentleman.”

  Seth bowed his head and kissed her cheek. “You’re welcome, Maddie. Off with ye now, my pretty lass,” he said.

  “How does someone with a southern accent pull off a very convincing Irish brogue?” she said.

  He didn’t answer, just motioned towards the door. Maddie made sure no one was around before flying down the hall to her room.

  A few days later after breakfast, Seth announced that he had business downtown and asked if he could borrow a horse.

  “My driver will take you anywhere you want to go, Seth,” Geoff said.

  “I know, but I want to try riding. I think I’m ready and besides, what I have to do is private,” Seth said.

  “Very well. Tell Jerry to saddle Rogue for you,” Geoff said.

  Seth wiped his mouth and stood. “I’ll tell him that’s the horse I want, but I can saddle him myself.”

  “All right,” Geoff responded. He wondered what was bothering Seth.

  Seth gave Maddie a kiss on the cheek without thinking and said, “I’ll be back soon, darlin’.”

  She watched him leave and then turned back to find her parents staring after him and then turn their gazes on her. She raised her chin. She was not going to apologize for Seth’s show of affection. It warmed her down to her toes and told her that he didn’t care who knew about them now. “So Mama, shall we go shopping today?”

  Maureen regarded her daughter for a few moments and then smiled a little. “Yes, Madelyn, we shall and we shall also have a little cha
t about what just happened.”

  Maddie’s stomach tightened but she just smiled.

  Geoff laid his paper down and rose from the table. “Well, it seems that you two have much to discuss. I’ll leave you to it. I have a meeting anyway,” he said and quickly left the room.

  “Coward!” Maureen called after him.

  Seth couldn’t believe how good it felt to have a horse between his legs again. Rogue was a big white stallion with plenty of fire. He hadn’t taken a liking to Seth at first and had even tried to bite Seth. Used to dealing with spirited horses, Seth had soon calmed him and the horse had allowed him to saddle him and mount. Seth didn’t care for the English saddle and bridle, but riding was riding. He didn’t have English riding boots, so he had to wear his cowboy boots with his suit, but that didn’t bother Seth.

  He’d gotten directions to the post office from an old man he’d met not far from the O’Connor residence and headed that way. He admired the buildings and other horses as they rode and he was mindful to keep Rogue in line. Upon reaching the post office, Seth dismounted and tied Rogue to one of the posts in front of it.

  Inside he asked a clerk if a letter had come to general delivery for him. Dean had come through for him and had sent him the money he’d requested. He went to the bank next and cashed the check from his brother. At first the clerk hadn’t been willing to cash it, but all Seth had to do was use Geoff’s name and his wish had magically been granted. He couldn’t believe how much power the man had in such a big city.

  The money carefully stowed in his suit jacket, Seth started out on his last errand.

  That afternoon, one of the servants brought a note to Maddie. It was from Seth requesting that she meet him in the ballroom that evening for dinner. She was surprised and delighted by the request and she wondered what Seth was up to. She began planning what she would wear. Claire offered to help her and the sisters had fun day together.

  Seth didn’t know whether he should sit or stand as he waited for Maddie. His nerves were stretched taut and he wasn’t sure he was going to be able eat. He’d never been as scared as he was right then. He walked around the perimeter of the room like an anxious horse following a paddock fence before he went back to the center of the room.


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