Vampire Apocalypse #2 Cataylst

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Vampire Apocalypse #2 Cataylst Page 2

by H. M. Ward

  Will nodded, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand, tracing small circles on her smooth skin. “You’re right. They aren’t. They’re more powerful, more binding. Marriage runes connect you to another person. They’re a promise. I assume you have another rune with his family’s crest?” Will turned over Kahli’s wrist, the wrist that had the Section 8 brand, and examined it. “Maybe it was here? Under this one?”

  “Maybe,” she confessed, her lips slowly pulling into a smile. That was exactly where it was. Her wrist rune could only be evoked by her betrothed’s blood. Until then, it would remain hidden. These were things that would have been part of the marriage ceremony, part of a life that was gone.

  Will smoothed his hand over her wrist, and returned her smile. “I always liked that ritual. It was romantic, professing love like that, being bound to another person—willingly.” When he said the last word, Kahli’s insides twisted. They were not willing linked. Continuing, he said, “Mine are different. They’re blood runes. There’s nothing willing about them. I guess that makes me more vamp, than human.” He smiled sadly. It was a difference between them, clearly marking that they were different.

  Kahli nodded, “I suppose so,” she said softly, staring at his smooth skin. Looking into his eyes, she asked, “How come I can see them? I mean, runes don’t just pop up like that.”

  “Because vampires mark runes in blood, and my blood is inside of you. You can evoke my runes and read them. They respond to you, treating you like an extension of me.” Will raised his hand to her cheek, and touched her soft skin gently with his thumb. The way he looked at her made Kahli’s heart pound harder. He smiled at her and dropped his hand to his side.

  Kahli’s voice shook slightly as she spoke, “What are these?” She pointed to the pale flesh on his upper chest, sliding her finger over the spot and awakening the runes. They burned under her touch. “These don’t look like any runes I’ve seen.” Will shivered as the runes appeared under Kahli’s finger, flashing bright orange, like flames.

  He smiled sadly at her, “Property runes. They identify who I belong to, which vampire clan I serve.”

  Kahli could feel the weight of something, some decision he made long ago, crushing him. As he looked into her eyes, she wished she could fix it and remove that pain, but she didn’t know what caused it.

  “Who do you belong to?” Their gazes met and held. She could feel longing burst through his body, but nothing else. No name. No sign that said THIS GUY BELONGS TO with a name tacked on the end.

  Will shook his head, “Can’t say. It’s forbidden.”

  She nodded slowly, wondering who owned him. Her guesses included the king, queen, and Reggie, but she wasn’t sure. “How can you be marked by more than one owner?”

  He smiled at her, “They can’t see the runes. As long as their wills don’t conflict, I can be branded by the entire Regent.” He cringed thinking about it. “Thankfully, I wasn’t that stupid, to let them all brand me. Not that I had much of a choice.” He saw the question in her eyes. Will sighed and pushed his hand through his hair and responded, “Stupid mistakes. I made too many of them. That’s all I can say, Kahli. I’d tell you, if I were able. Being able to talk to someone about it would be freeing.”

  Her throat tightened as she listened to him speak. He was a slave. For some reason, Kahli didn’t see it before, but she did now. Kahli knew what it felt like to be trapped. The vampires held her captive for a few weeks, but Will, he was enslaved for years.

  The way Will gazed at her made Kahli notice it, the sensation snaking through her stomach. It wasn’t hers. It was Will’s. When he looked at her, he saw hope. It filled him up and made him stronger. What hope could she possibly bring him? There was nothing she could do to save him. She couldn’t even save herself. If Will hadn’t followed her from the palace, she would have bled to death.

  Looking into his eyes, Kahli knew she’d fight for him, free him if she could figure out how. The way he looked at her made her uneasy. It was like Will wanted to kiss her—or more. The thing that scared her most wasn’t knowing that he was drawn to her, it was no longer being repulsed by his attraction. She had feelings for him. She felt it. Will was everything she would have wanted in a mate, but he was a vampire. His blood separated them. It always would.

  Looking down, Kahli stepped back. Will didn’t object. He turned to grab his shirt, pulling it onto his strong shoulders, followed by his coat.

  “So.” Kahli’s voice was firm. She looked up at Will, understanding him a little better, wishing she knew him more. “How much of this assassination have you planned?”


  Cassie paced nervously as she watched the three empty beds in her room. Each fluffy white bedspread sat untouched with every pillow still perfectly in place. Moonlight cut through the tall window panes, casting a soft glow on the vacant beds. Cassie’s fingers drifted across Kahli’s bedspread as she passed it.

  No one had returned, yet. They should have all been back. How long was dinner? In her dealings with the King, he was only after one thing, and when he got it, he tossed her out. She cringed and pushed away the memory. It’s just nerves, she told herself. There was no explanation for it, but Cassie felt like she was going to wretch. From the time they came in and summoned Kahli, something didn’t feel right. The last time she felt this way, something hideous happened. When the King was involved, they were always at risk. Add in this feeling and she was a nervous wreck, pacing and jumpy.

  Before it was too late to leave the maiden’s quarters, Cassie pushed through the doors. She managed to find Cole. He was wandering the hallways like he usually did. Cassie once asked him why he did it, but she didn’t get much of an answer. Cole appeared to have an agenda, but she didn’t really understand why. They were both trapped, bred to be in this place. Maybe acting like a spy made him feel like he had some control over his life. Besides, it was easier to pretend that he was Cassie’s sentry, always nearby waiting to help.

  “Hey,” Cole said, when he looked up and saw his sister walking toward him. He was still dressed in his dinner suit. The dark blue fabric was supple. It was perfectly tailored to his body, accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow waist. The Queen must have called for him. He only wore that suit when he was summoned by her. Guards were stationed at either end of the hall, getting ready to usher them back to their chambers for the evening. The Queen liked everything to be orderly, and being confined to quarters at night made certain that they weren’t doing anything naughty. Not that Cassie had anyone that she wanted to do anything naughty with.

  Hurrying, Cassie walked so fast that she was nearly running by the time she reached Cole. A guard snapped, “Slow down!”

  Panting, Cassie slowed just as she reached Cole. His expression pinched into concern as she raced toward him. Taking her by the elbow, he scolded, “We can’t draw attention to ourselves. Kahli’s already done enough of that. Ever since the Purging, the vamps won’t leave me alone.” They had found out he was stronger than they thought. Cole’s guise was ripped away, and it was Kahli’s fault. Before he had a chance to say more, Cassie cut him off.

  “The King took, Kahli. She’s been gone all night.” Eyes wide, she looked up at Cole hoping he’d know what to do. Normally, she didn’t panic like this, but something didn’t feel right. Cassie was more than worried about Kahli. Her stomach churned like she had eaten glass.

  Cole turned sharply and they started to walk back toward the maiden’s rooms. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, “When? I’ve been with the Queen and haven’t heard anything. What happened?”

  “Hours ago, before sunset. It’s dark now, Cole. She shouldn’t have been there that long. He invited Kahli to dinner and told her to dress up. She was nervous when she left. Something felt wrong, but she had to go. It’s the King. It’s not like we can say no thanks.”

  Cole held onto Cassie’s elbow and he walked silently as she filled him in. Cole didn’t say much, just nodding at the right times. He rarely
spoke, because they were always being watched. Eyes and ears where everywhere. Cole didn’t survive this long by acting like they weren’t under constant surveillance, and while he didn’t like how Kahli handled herself, he didn’t wish harm upon her, either.

  Taking a deep breath, he ran his fingers through his hair. It was the end of the day. Everyone should be exhausted, but Cole was not. He feigned his fatigue, slowing his pace to match his sister’s. Finally, he said, “Don’t worry about it for tonight. I’ll tell you what I know in the morning. If she comes back, send a message. Remember what they taught us?”

  Cassie bobbed her head, knowing exactly what he was referring to. Hands twisting, she looked up at him. “Yes, but that was before we came here.”

  Cole shook his head, “It doesn’t matter. It’s still true. Don’t assume anything until there’s blood. With our kind, with our anemia, there is always blood and lots of it when something goes wrong. Don’t freak out until then. It won’t help you and it won’t help Kahli. All right?”

  Nothing was all right, but what was she supposed to say? They turned a corner and walked down a hallway with floor to ceiling windows. All the drapes were pulled shut to seal in the heat. Even so, Cassie could still feel the frozen air wafting in and spilling under the thick curtains.

  Something Cole said came back to her. She didn’t know what he meant. Cole always spoke using as few words as possible. She glanced up at him, “What do you mean, they’re watching you?”

  Cole’s gaze cut to hers. He slipped his hands into his pockets, continuing to walk like nothing was wrong even though everything was falling apart. “Exactly that.”

  Cassie sighed, frustrated with him. For once, she wished he would just talk to her the way he used to. Coming to the palace was exciting at first. It meant a better life, but Cole never acted like that. Instead he seemed to shut down and was constantly anxious, like he was going to be attacked at any moment. There were more rules in the palace, more protection. But that didn’t help Kahli, she thought sadly. Maybe Cole’s been right all this time. Cassie rubbed her face and looked up at him. “Gonna tell me anything else about it?”

  “Not at the moment. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. I just don’t want more attention and running draws it. Although, Kahli shone a spotlight on us, so maybe it doesn’t matter.” Cole wanted to strangle Kahli. She was reckless. Her behavior would affect Cassie, and while Kahli was protective of his sister, she couldn’t protect Cassie from the vamps if she was dead.

  Cole turned toward his sister. Taking her elbow, he stopped her. “Hey, sorry I snapped. I’ve tried so hard to make sure that we survive. I’m not handling this very well. Kahli doesn’t mesh with my ideal situation.”

  Cassie arched an eyebrow at him. “Ideal situation? Are you nuts? The ideal situation was before the ice shelf snapped off and drown half the world. The ideal situation was before everything was covered in ice. Nothing is ideal, Cole, not anymore. We’re at the bottom of the food-chain, living in hell. And honestly, if it wasn’t for the vamps, we’d be dead by now. People can’t survive on their own out there. Not anymore.”

  Cole’s voice was soft, pensive. He looked straight at her, saying, “And yet Kahli did, from age seven, and she was alone. Makes you think, doesn’t it?”

  Cole didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t. The vamps were too close. They heard every word he said. He led Cassie back to her rooms and told her not to worry, that he’d look into Kahli’s whereabouts as well as the other girls who were missing. He gave Cassie a kiss on the head and shoved her through the door and told her to go back to her room.

  As he walked away, Cole wondered what happened to him. Since Kahli arrived, he’d gone from just another piece of vamp decor to socialite status, drawing attention and turning heads. No one looked at him the same way anymore. He was lucky to get a reprieve between feedings. The Regent would have tried to tap him tonight if the Queen hadn’t requested him. They noticed Cole, now. They watched him closer, and he didn’t like it. That made everything he worked for harder, but there was no way he was giving up now.


  Sophia sat on her throne admiring her reflection. A large mirror with white gold gilding sat directly in front of her dais. The warm silvery tones gleamed, reflecting an image that was ghostlike in appearance. Sophia grinned. It was the effects of the girl’s blood. She knew it. That shimmering likeness was a hollow display of her beauty. The reflection was fading and soon, with enough blood, would disappear entirely. It marked the restoration of her former power. Everything would return to the way it was. “Just like old times,” she said, pleased.

  “Yes, sister.” Reginald rolled his eyes. He sat slouched in his chair, next to her, head leaning sideways on his hand. “Exactly like old times. You sat in front of the mirror even when there was nothing to see.”

  Sophia’s eyes cut to her brother. Why she allowed him to return was a mystery. Fickle was how the Regent described her actions, but Sophia knew why she called him back. Reggie had a way of bringing out the worst in her, and she’d need that soon. Very soon.

  “Remind me why you’re still alive?” she said, sighing, like she was bored.

  “So you can rub my face in your returning power.” He straightened in his chair. “Power isn’t much fun without someone to flaunt in front of.” Bitterness filled his mouth. That girl should have been his. Instead of watching his vapid sister fading from that looking glass, it would have been his reflection that was nearly gone. Reggie tried to hide his jealousy, but he couldn’t completely mask it—which was why Sophia kept him around. They both knew it.

  “Ah, yes,” she grinned. “Flaunting is the perfect reason to spare your insignificant life.” After gazing at the glass for some time, she tilted her head. A dark ringlet fell over her shoulder. She touched it gently, twisting it between her fingers. “Reggie, dear. What did we do before?”

  He glanced up at her not following her meaning. “Pardon?” He straightened in his seat, leaning forward slightly and feigning interest.

  Sophia sighed. Why did he pretend to be a fool? She knew he was far from it. Sophia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Before, when we were powerful and had no reflection at did we dress? How did we know what we looked like? It was so long ago.”

  It was long ago, but Reginald recognized this as another snub from his sister. She remembered. “Servants. Slaves. Tell them to make you pretty. If they fail, kill them, and then choose another.” He uncrossed his legs and sat forward in his chair. “You act like it was so long ago that you can’t remember.”

  “I’m not sure I do remember everything,” she said, still primping, while she could make out her fading image in the mirror.

  “Come now, sister. Good blood should draw memories back, not exile them completely.” When Sophia didn’t answer he looked over at her. She continued to fuss with the curl, trying to drape it over her shoulder with the other cascading dark locks.

  Reggie wondered if she really couldn’t remember, if it wasn’t an act. As he watched his sister primp and fuss, he wondered why. Was there a reason she hadn’t obtained her former power? Was the girl too defiant to be fed from? Something was wrong with her, otherwise his sister would have devoured more blood by now. Those who don’t grab power while it’s within their grasp don’t live to see the sunrise, and yet, Sophia was sitting like she had all the time in the world. There was only one explanation for it in his mind—something was wrong with Kahli.

  A grin spread across Reggie’s lips, slowly stretching from one corner of his mouth to the other. He didn’t realize it, but now that he saw, he didn’t know how he missed it. “Tell me, how is her blood? Perhaps it’s not as pure as we thought? I mean, look at the mirror. Your face is still there when you should be reflectionless by now.”

  Sophia was always easy to goad. She stopped and turned toward him slowly. Reginald knew he plucked the right strings. “Be careful, brother. You do not want to fight me today.”

  “I have
no wish to fight with you, either,” Reginald said. Sophia’s eyes bore into him. If she could make him burst into flames, she would have. “I was merely pointing out that your prized-possession seems to be rather lackluster,” he pressed his hand to his chest, “which is dreadfully embarrassing with how she was flaunted at the All Hallow’s Eve party. Every Regent saw and heard you brag about her, the dirty wild thing.” He shivered as he thought about it. Kahli was disgusting, dripping with filth and savage beyond comprehension. She acted more like a beast, than a girl.

  Sophia’s gaze narrowed, her hands tightening their grip on the dais. “She is what I thought she was. What you told me she was—wild—pure. Do you think we should just tap her and drink goblets of her blood? Are you a fool? Do you know how potent pure blood is? What it does compared to the anemic spawn we’ve been breeding?” The only reason she offered this information was to prove she was right, that pure blood was hers and not his. That the blood was restoring her former power and he wouldn’t have a drop.


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