Vampire Apocalypse #2 Cataylst

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Vampire Apocalypse #2 Cataylst Page 10

by H. M. Ward

  Reggie pressed the drop of blood to his tongue and closed his eyes. When he swallowed, a serene expression passed over his face. The only trace that the blood was hard to consume was the repeated bobbing of his adam’s apple as he swallowed again and again. Potent blood was like trying to swallow kerosene. Even so, Reggie’s expression lingered until he opened his eyes. Looking at Kahli, he said, “I think not. You’ll do what I want, when I want, or I start removing body parts, starting with those pretty eyes.” Twirling the golden rod between his fingers, Reggie smirked at Kahli, curious, “What could you possibly want to know about Will that’s worth such an offer?”

  Kahli felt like he wouldn’t tell her anything, but she had to try. She’d swallowed enough of Will’s blood to know he was alive. His pain was shooting through her body like she was the one trapped beneath the rubble. “What is he to you?”

  A slow smile snaked across Reggie’s angular face, “Infatuated with the boy, are we?”

  “No,” Kahli retorted, brows pinching together like she was disgusted. “I just want to know why everyone seems to own a piece of him.”


  “Yeah. You, the Queen, the King. None of you appear to get along, and yet, he seems loyal to all three of you. How could that be?”

  Reginald sat back on a dated couch. It was the color of rust with tufted velvet and cream colored fringe around the skirt. It looked too dense, like it would be really hard and uncomfortable to sit on. He spread his arms over the back of the sofa and looked at her for a moment, before saying, “It must seem strange to you, but it’s not. Will’s previous owner owed too many people, too many things. Will was sold to me and I gifted him to my sister. He feeds me information.

  “As for the King, I have no idea what relationship they had, if any. The King keeps to himself. He’s as good as dead now, anyway. My sister was on the warpath last night. A very pleasant maid had the misfortune of losing her head right in front of me. Her blood nearly splattered on my shoes.” He sounded more upset about his attire than about the heads rolling at the palace. Continuing, he glanced up at Kahli, “No doubt, Sophie painted the entire palace black with vampire blood last night. She’ll destroy the King.” Reggie’s eyes drifted down and lingered on her neck, before returning to her face, “Nice patch job, by the way. I assume Will fed you vamp blood to heal that wound so fast? I can taste it, a little bit. You’re not pure anymore. More like 97 proof.” He laughed at his joke, comparing her to wine, and chuckled quietly like he was exceptionally funny.

  As he spoke, Kahli’s heart constricted. Will was completely alone. All this time, he had no one. Kahli ignored Reggie’s last remark, “Will’s a slave?”

  “That’s what the runes say,” he smiled, knowing it hurt her to hear those words.

  Kahli shook her head and looked down. Will, she thought hoping he could hear her, but there was nothing. No reply. The bond was too weak and she wasn’t his. “He’s a slave, as long as he has the runes? He has to have a master?”

  “Once a slave, always a slave, but you really needn’t pity him, Kahli. Will’s had a good life.” He watched her, knowing that saying his name like that, showing that he thought the guy was as good as dead would rattle her. “I would have thought he was dead by now, but you know he’s alive, don’t you?” Kahli’s eyes remained on the floor of the cage. She didn’t want him to see, but if she didn’t look up, Reggie would know for certain. As she lifted her face, he said, “Did he claim you? Foolish boy. If he did, he’ll die soon enough anyway, and then it will be as it was before.”

  “The King will find me,” Kahli blurted out. “He drank from me. I can feel him. He’s looking for me.”

  “Let him come. If my sister doesn’t kill him, I will.” Reggie said it with utter confidence, like he knew what he signed up for. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Kahli shook her head, “No, you won’t. Don’t you get it? You and your sister were played. The King isn’t weak. He ripped open my neck with his fangs. FANGS, Reggie. He’s got them. He drank from me. You and your sister can tolerate a drop of my blood, but he swallowed an entire mouthful. He’s coming for me. I can feel it. And, given a choice between the two of you, I’d rather be with you.”

  Reggie’s arms fell to his sides as he leaned forward. His black eyes locked onto hers, drinking in her words. Finally, he said, “That can’t be.” Shock lined his face. He didn’t blink as he looked at her, and considered whether or not she was telling the truth. Kahli could see it in his eyes.

  “You better believe it. He drank from two of my roommates that night as well. The King isn’t what you think. He won’t go quietly into the night. He started this and he’ll end it by taking me away from you.” Kahli rose as she spoke and moved to the bars. Clutching them in her hands, she watched Reggie, speaking with urgency, “You can’t let him. You can’t just sit here and act like the King’s not a threat, because he is. Do something.”

  Reggie leaned forward with a frown on his face, his eyes drifting from hers. His mind was wandering. “What else can the King do?” he asked, lifting his gaze to hers. “Did he compel you?”

  Kahli’s stomach twisted remembering it. “Yes,” she said softly, averting her gaze. She could feel it, the King’s thrall, the way his voice snaked inside her mind and claimed her, making her body move and her mind weaken to his will.

  “And he knew your true name?”

  Shaking her head, Kahli replied, “No, he didn’t need it.”

  “This is bad,” Reggie said, fretting. Getting to his feet, he started pacing and stopped talking. It was then that Kahli leaned back, knowing that she just set something in motion. She just didn’t know what.


  Sophia smoothed her skirt after she returned to her dais dressed in the most regal outfit she owned—a blood-red, silk gown that flowed to the floor and billowed around her ankles when she walked. Rubies lined her pale throat, strung tightly together on cords of gold. A golden crown sat above her brow with the matching scepter clutched in her right hand. After all the years she reigned as Queen, someone finally challenged her. Sophia grasped the scepter harder thinking about it. For decades she’d felt alone, abandoned. Being the Queen meant that she was above everyone else in every way possible. While she enjoyed the power, she did not enjoy the loneliness. When those feelings were stirred up in the past, she would laugh at herself and banish them to whatever corner of her mind they crept out from.

  Breathing deeply, Sophia glanced around the throne room. It was her favorite place in the palace. It was the place her usurper—her darling husband—would come to find her, and she’d be ready. Being alone all these years made her stronger. Sophia no longer relied on anyone for anything.

  Let him come, she thought.

  The guards were loyal to her. Everyone was, and there was a simple reason for it—a vampire’s loyalty could be bought with blood. The masses were near starving. Any promise of blood was more than most could hope for. Sophia’s guard went through the lands surrounding the palace and bribed every Tracker and stray vampire they could find, but offering vials of blood was not enough, not by far. Sophia knew that she had to offer them something worth fighting for, worth dying for, and she did.

  Each region that supplied the Queen with vampires to fight the King would be given one of the Queen’s humans. That meant fresh blood, not vials of half coagulated blood that were difficult to digest. The bottled blood was thick, and the potency diminished by the time it was consumed. The offer of fresh blood was too great to refuse. The vampires quickly agreed to protect the Queen, and were assigned to their posts.

  Sophia didn’t like being forced to forfeit her own stock, but it was necessary. She wasn’t sure how many opposed her in addition to the King, or when they were coming. If they found Kahli before she did... Sophia’s slender shoulders cringed at the thought. That wild girl was more trouble than she was worth. No, that wasn’t true. That wild girl was power beyond comprehension. Kahli’s blood would
ensure her sovereignty, and protect her power. She just had to find the girl first.

  Irritated, Sophia straightened her shoulders, which extended her neck, and twisting her head to the side. The Queen’s dark hair shifted against her pale skin. The style was elegant enough. She had a maid pin her long, inky hair and pile it into spiraling curls on the top of her head. A few stray curls cascaded down her back. The effect was striking, powerful. Everything about Sophia screamed of power and she intended to keep it that way.

  A servant, a lowly vampire with onion-sheer skin, entered the doorway and bowed low to the floor. Sophia let her remain like that longer than she should have, before saying, “Rise. Enter.” The servant walked quickly toward the Queen. She was wearing a white microfiber suit, ready to fight outside if needed. Sophia found the girl’s stride annoying. The vampire walked like she was a child, nearly skipping like these were happy times. If Sophia didn’t need every vampire she could find, she would have plunged the scepter into the perky girl’s heart. “Report,” Sophia snapped.

  The servant bowed low again and rose, avoiding the Queen’s eyes, she said, “The Pairings have been announced and the humans have not protested in any way. They talk and chatter, but nothing more.”

  “Very good. And what of the Pairing Rooms? Have they been properly supplied? We only have one opportunity to do this. If they’re missing anything, we won’t have another chance.” Sophia’s voice trailed off as she glanced past the maid and out the door beyond. Brows pinched together she said, “The siege will begin by morning. I can feel it.” Sophia’s gaze drifted back to the woman. The maid had no sense. She continued to smile as Sophia spoke. Anger surged through Sophia. Her eyes were fixated on the side of the vampire girl’s face. Sophia’s nails clutched the arms of her throne to keep from bounding down the stairs and strangling the girl.

  The maid nodded, “Yes, Your Majesty. The rooms have ample supplies. Instructions have been left with the males about how to proceed if the females protest. It was made clear how to procreate with an unwilling female, without bruising or wounding her. Penalties for bruises, abrasions, and other wounds were also posted.” As the vampire spoke, she clasped her hands tightly in front of her. Her slender body was stiff, rigid with fear. The smile finally fell off her face.

  “And the females that remain, were they given instructions as well?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. They were told to comply. Failure to do so will result in binding. Women who inflict injuries upon themselves to get out of the Pairing will not be sent to the infirmary. They will be denied medical attention until they cooperate. The women were all informed.”

  Sophia’s lips pulled back into a snake-like smile, revealing pearly white eye-teeth. They ached for blood. This made her very happy. It’d been centuries since her fangs worked properly. Since she began drinking Kahli’s blood, Sophia could feel them coming back to life. It was like part of Sophia awakened and she didn’t intend on losing it. “News of the wild girl or William?”

  The servant lowered her gaze and shook her head. “Nothing yet, but they are hurrying, Queen Sophia.” Glancing up, she added quickly, “The new Trackers vowed to find her before nightfall. She will be safely in your court by twilight. They assured me of this and made it clear that I was to tell you, they will not return until the girl is in hand.”

  Sophia breathed in deeply, letting the words rang in her ears. The movement filled her bodice, pressing her chest firmly against the low neckline of her gown. The jewels at her throat rose slightly until she exhaled. Sophia stared straight ahead, her spine perfectly straight. The Trackers would find Kahli and then she’d never let the girl out of her sight. As for William, she had plans for him.

  “Very good,” Sophia finally said. The servant looked up when silence filled the room. The Queen’s eyes narrowed on the girl’s face. “After the Pairing, we will keep the fertile females. The rest will be handed over to the Trackers on my word. Separate them from each other, but do not tell them a thing. Do you understand?” The girl nodded. “Good. We will keep the strongest here to sustain the palace staff and the Regent. The rest are to be given to each Section that pledged loyalty when I deem it is time.” Sophia paused, her lips pressed together into a thin line before she spoke again, “And, Chastity…”

  The servant looked shocked that the Queen knew her name. “Yes, your Majesty?”

  “If we do not survive the night, if I am assassinated by my foolish husband,” Sophia spoke calmly as her lips twisted into a thin smile, “I want you and your staff to slaughter every last human in the palace. All of them, do you understand? No one survives.”

  Chastity nodded, “It will be done as you wish, my Queen.”

  Sophia smiled.


  Will heard the blast, but was so taken with Kahli that the change didn’t register. He thought the burning runes under his skin were from her touch. Too late, he realized the true reason for the runes burning—Reggie was near.

  When the rock exploded, Will tried to shield Kahli, but they were torn apart from the blast. She was launched toward the opening. Before she was out of reach, Will shoved Kahli past the falling ceiling. Then, he was blasted backwards across the room. Will watched Kahli fall. The ceiling above them cracked open and debris rained down. Large sheets of ice and rock fell swiftly, crashing into the floor with a deafening CRACK. The table where they’d been sitting was flattened. The metal chair legs snapped like toothpicks and went flying across the room like shrapnel. The final blast sent down more of the ceiling, trapping Will under a massive stone of jagged concrete. Frozen earth continued to cave in from above, burying Will alive.

  Then it fell silent. His heart raced, echoing in his ears. The boulder pinned him to the floor. Before he had a chance to call out to her, Kahli screamed. Will’s heart felt like it would explode as it banged into his ribs. Holding his hands to the rock, Will tried to squirm out from beneath the stone. Kahli’s blood made him stronger, otherwise he wouldn’t have had a chance. Pressing his hands against the side of the massive piece of concrete, Will pushed. It rocked slightly. Will worked frantically, trying to get to Kahli before they were gone, before she was taken by Reggie.

  After what happened, he doubted the Regent would allow Kahli to live. Will rocked the stone until he moved it just enough to pull free. Will stood swiftly, his hands floating up to his sides. Snowflakes floated through the air, pure white, until they slipped lazily into the shadows. Before he could take a step, the ground beneath Will pitched sharply. He blinked, trying to stop the sensation from overwhelming him. When he looked down at his leg, it was covered in blood. Blinking again, Will held his hands to his head, pressing against his temples and closing his eyes, but it didn’t help. The room spun wildly and brought him to his knees. Will roared as he fell, trying to fight what was happening to him. The crack to his head, the wound on his leg, they both crippled him when Kahli needed him the most. Falling to his hands, Will looked up in time to see Kahli pulled over the ledge, screaming. Reggie restrained her and dragged Kahli away. Before Will could blink again, the world faded to black.


  When Will awoke, he heard something familiar. Warm breath washed across his face, followed by a rank scent that could only mean one thing. Wolves. Will’s eyes shot open to see a white wolf hovering over him. The animal’s black lips were pulled back into a snarl, but she didn’t attack. Will moved slowly, pulling his body away from the animal.

  “Easy,” he said in soothing tones. “Easy, girl.”

  The wolf stared at him with amber eyes, its head cocking to the side slightly. Will’s pulse roared in his ears. Slowly, he pushed away from the mouth filled with fangs. Will watched the wolf, wondering if Kahli felt the same way about his fangs. His stomach sank when he thought of her. He was supposed to protect Kahli, keep her safe. Will cursed, and pushed up slowly. His leg and head had healed on their own, but the blood must have attracted the wolf.

  Glancing at the remains of the safe house, Will
saw the silver foil packets scattered across the ground. One packet was right next to his foot. He bent slowly, reaching for it. The wolf’s hackles raised, her fur blowing in the wind. Will didn’t have time to deal with this, and he had no weapon to kill the animal. Like all wolves, this one was hungry. Will’s fingers brushed against the packet. He tore it open and tossed it to the wolf. Her jaws snapped at the foil as it fell in front of her. Growling from deep within her throat, the wolf looked at Will like she was ready to jump on his chest and rip open his throat, but the scent of the packet distracted her. The beast blinked like it was confused, and then lowered her head, sniffing the packet. Will didn’t move. He waited until her nose was inside the foil, her long pink tongue licking out the contents with vigor. The wolf didn’t notice him slip away.


  “What are you going to wear?” someone asked Alice, but the girl just stared into space. Giggles broke out around her. Alice stood and walked away. Before Cassie could go after her, Brianna asked her the same thing, “What about you, Cassie? What are you going to wear tonight?”


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