All the Way

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All the Way Page 11

by Ryan, Kendall

  Bailey puts up a hand, and I high-five it. “You deserve it,” she tells me. “More than anyone I know.”

  Just then, there’s a buzz in my purse. For a second, I hold my breath—did I put the toy in my purse? Wait, no. That’s my phone. Duh.

  I snag it out of my bag and do a mini victory dance when I see it’s a text from Owen.

  Hope you found my note. Come over tonight?

  I can’t make my fingers move fast enough across my screen.

  Loved the note. What time do you want me?

  With that, I put down the sweater I was eyeing and head straight for the lingerie section. It looks like my shopping list just changed to something with a lot less fabric.


  * * *

  Dessert First, Then Dinner


  This is it.

  Tonight’s the night.

  I’ve made plans to cook for Becca after hearing Justin say that he and Elise are going to be staying at her place tonight. So far, I’ve cleaned my bathroom, changed the sheets on my bed, bought condoms, showered, manscaped, and now I’m standing in the kitchen as nervous energy skates through my stomach.

  I can’t believe I’m actually nervous. I’m never nervous. Not even when we’re down by two goals and playing for the championship.

  And I should clarify—I’m not nervous about having her here, or cooking. I’m nervous because we’ll probably have sex for the first time tonight, and every part of me wants to make this perfect for Becca.

  A buzzing over my intercom an hour before I’m expecting her makes my brows pull together. Did she mix up the time?

  I hit the button and then pull open the door to find Teddy standing before me. I blink for a moment, confused about what he’s doing here, wondering if we made plans that I forgot about.

  “Hey. What you up to? Can I come in?” he asks, smirking.

  “Uh. Sure.” I take a step back, and he moves in past me. “What’s up?”

  He shrugs, pausing beside the kitchen island to lean one hip against it. “Not much. I’m bored and wanted to see if you wanted to go out and grab a drink tonight or something.”

  I stall, unsure how to answer.

  “Dude, what is going on with you lately?” he asks, his perceptive green eyes narrowed on mine. “You’ve been weird. Weirder than normal.”

  I let out an uneasy laugh. “I’m sorry. I know. It’s just that I have a girl coming over in an hour, and I’m going to be cooking her dinner, and . . .”

  His eyebrows shoot up. “What the actual fuck? You planned a date? Who’s the lucky lady?”

  Swallowing, I head to the counter and begin unloading the grocery bag filled with ingredients for tonight’s meal. “Jeez, don’t act so surprised,” I say rather than answer his question.

  “Okay, fine, don’t tell me. But you’ve gotta admit this isn’t like you. At all. You don’t clean up or cook or have a woman over for a date.”

  I finish unloading the bag and turn to face him. He’s right, but I don’t want to admit that right now. “I have time for one beer. You in, or what?”

  He laughs. “Distracting me with free alcohol. Nice tactic. And yes, I’ll have a beer.”

  I chuckle and retrieve two bottles of an IPA I know he likes from the fridge.

  “Justin with Elise tonight?” he asks, settling on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island and looking around.

  I twist off the cap of my beer and nod, leaning one hip against the counter. “Yep. They went to some art exhibit at the pier. Then they’re staying the night at Elise’s.”

  I know I’ve said too much because he grins at me again.

  “Which means you have the place all to yourself.”

  I nod and take another sip of my beer. His nosiness is probably just genuine interest, because like he pointed out earlier, I don’t exactly do this kind of thing often. Okay, I don’t do this kind of thing ever.

  Glancing at the clock, I see I have a good forty-five minutes before Becca is due, and I relax a little. It might even be a good thing that he stopped by—I could get some perspective on how tonight’s events should go.

  Even though Teddy is known as a bit of a player, I know he’s one of the good guys deep down. He was in a serious relationship when he first got traded to Seattle, and he never once cheated or did anything to jeopardize that. Even though some of the guys on the team made fun of him for it, he video-chatted with his girl after every game. Ultimately, it didn’t work out because she wasn’t willing to relocate to the West Coast, but he’s still got more relationship experience than I do.

  Working up my courage, I say, “Can I ask your opinion on something?”

  “Of course, man.”

  As I pick at the label on my bottle with my thumbnail, I consider how much to tell him. I don’t want him to know it’s Becca I’m expecting here later. I have no idea if she’s told anyone else about us, and until I know, I don’t want to betray her trust by running my mouth. Plus, I’m not the type to kiss and tell. It’s just not my style.

  “So . . . how would you approach sex for the first time with a girl who had something traumatic happen in her past?”

  He looks surprised for a second, and I wonder if he’s on to me. I pretty much spelled it out that it was Becca I was referring to.

  Fuck! Way to go, Parrish.

  I swallow. “I can’t say I’ve been in that position before,” he says, watching me closely.

  “That’s a good thing. But I’m just . . . wondering. If you had, how would you play it?”

  Teddy’s gaze narrows, and he looks down at his hands as he considers my question. “Uh, depends on the girl, I would think. You could probably go in a few different directions. But I would think she would probably just want to feel normal, know that she can trust you, and feel confident that if she says no, you’ll stop. Immediately.”

  I nod. That sounds like pretty good advice. “Yeah, the trust thing is good. What else?”

  He shrugs. “You’ll need to go slower than you usually would. Talk to her. Make sure she’s comfortable. Don’t just assume, especially if she’s quiet. Girls like to talk things over. Remember that.”

  “Right. Okay.”

  He takes another swallow of his beer, still thinking. “Just make it all about her. Make it fun, if you can.”

  He’s right. All day I’ve felt so serious, like this huge cloud of responsibility is hanging over my head. Tonight should be fun. There should be laughter and smiles, not just moans of pleasure.

  I nod, licking my lips. “I think I can do that.”

  Apparently out of advice, Teddy launches into a story about the team trainer and what an ass he’s been lately, and I finish my beer in a daze. All I can think about is Becca and making tonight perfect for her.

  He glances at the clock behind me. “You need me to get out of here yet?”

  Twenty minutes to go. “Yeah, actually. That cool?”

  He nods, rising to his feet, and polishes off his beer in one long swallow.

  “Sorry to kick you out.”

  “It’s cool. Have fun. I think I’ll hit one of the food trucks on my walk home.” Teddy lingers in the doorway for a second, watching me. “Good luck with everything tonight.”

  I smirk, rolling my eyes. “Thanks, man. It’s going to be fine, right?”

  “You’ve got this.” He nods. “See ya.”

  After he’s gone, I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth, then double-check my reflection in the mirror. Releasing a heavy sigh, I brush one hand over the facial hair on my jawline. I hope it’s not too scratchy for Becca.

  My hand freezes on my cheek. Christ, what’s wrong with me? These aren’t thoughts I’ve ever found myself wondering about before.

  Deciding to distract myself in the kitchen, I have four chicken breasts marinating in ginger and olive oil when my buzzer sounds again. I hit the button to let her inside and then wash my hands. By the time I open the door, Becca’s standing there with a smile so b
ig and bright, my knees feel a little weak.

  Damn, she’s pretty.

  Her hair is down tonight, instead of in one of her usual ponytails, and she’s wearing a fitted black top and jeans. She looks good enough to eat.

  “Right on time,” I say, leaning in to give her cheek a kiss.

  She enters around me and heads for the kitchen. “What’s all this?”

  Ingredients for the stir-fry I plan on cooking are scattered all over the counter, along with a bottle of white wine I wasn’t sure we’d open.

  “I figured I would feed you first.”

  Becca turns to face me, smiling. Then she lifts up on her toes to kiss me. “Before what?”

  I chuckle. “Before I rock your world.”

  She laughs, then rolls her eyes at my cheesy line.

  So far, so good. Tonight should be fun. Teddy was right about that.

  “What can I help with?” she asks, pushing up her sleeves.

  I tilt my head toward the rice maker at the far end of the counter. “You can start the rice, if you like.”

  She nods. “I can handle that.”

  I grab the cutting board and the mushrooms I washed earlier and begin slicing them.

  “Why didn’t I know you liked to cook?” she asks, squinting at me as she watches me use the chef’s knife.

  “Eh.” I tip my head. “I do like it, but takeout is just easier.”

  She nods. “That’s true. Especially with your appetite.” She looks around, her lips pursed. “If I were a measuring cup, where would I be?”

  I nod toward the cabinet above my head. “Up here. Can you reach?”

  After crossing the kitchen to stand directly in front of me, she raises up on her toes, sticking her round ass out as she bends forward.

  “Damn, sweetheart.” I growl low under my breath. “You’re going to make me chop off one of my fingers.”

  Becca chuckles and shoots me a sultry glance over her shoulder. “Then come here, big guy.” She bites her lip, watching me, waiting.

  Oh, two can play at that game, angel.

  She thinks she’s going to flirt and stick out her ass and bite her lip without revving my engine? Not possible.

  I step closer until my hips bump against her ass, pinning her to the counter. I’m sure she can feel me hardening beneath my jeans, but she doesn’t react, not just yet anyway. My hands span her hips, and I caress her perfect ass, giving it a light squeeze.

  “You like teasing me?” I ask, bringing my lips to the back of her neck.

  She only hesitates for a second. “I like affecting you like this,” she says, rocking her ass against my growing erection.

  I grunt. “Damn. You’re so fucking sexy.”

  She spins in my arms, and then we’re kissing. It’s hot and passionate and intense, her tongue matching mine for every stroke and hungry lick.

  Gripping her by the waist, I lift her onto the counter, and she wraps her thighs tightly around my hips. My hands are in her hair. Her tongue is in my mouth. Her warm center rubs against my length, and she makes a small, need-filled whimper.

  “Owen . . .” She moans, her head dropping back to expose her neck to my kisses. I kiss a hot line down her throat while her fingers tease down my chest, grasping my t-shirt.

  “Fuck it. Dinner can wait.” I lift her in my arms and carry her to my bedroom.

  Once Becca is squirming in the center of my bed, rubbing her sexy curves all over me, all that stuff about Teddy telling me to go slow flies out the fucking window. That’s just not possible with Becca. One taste, and I lose all control.

  She’s pinned beneath me with her hands twisted into my shirt and her legs clamped around my waist so she can rub herself against the hard ridge in my pants.

  Realizing she’s just as pent up as I am, I force myself to slow down and take a deep breath as I pull back. She watches me with wide blue eyes as I pop open the button on her jeans.

  “I want to touch you so bad. Is this okay?”

  She nods once, slowly, her eyes never leaving me. Then she lifts her ass off the bed, helping me as I tug down her jeans and panties until I can toss them over the side of the bed. My cock gives an eager jerk against my zipper as I take her in. I run my palm along her smooth thigh, and love watching the way her stomach jumps.

  “Can I take this off too?” I tug playfully at the hem of her shirt.

  “Only if you lose yours also.”

  I quickly tug my shirt off over my head, and her gaze tracks my movements, lingering on the wide expanse of my chest. I recall her words that night as I put her to bed in here to sleep off too much tequila . . . that she liked the hair on my chest. Her hands explore there now, ghosting over the muscles in my abs and touching the dusting of fine hair between my pec muscles. Her mouth lifts in a smile.

  “You can touch me all you want, angel. But first I have to get you naked.”

  She giggles and then sits up so I can remove her shirt and unclasp her bra.

  I’ve never spent so much time on foreplay in my entire life, but with Becca it just comes naturally. I want to explore every ticklish spot, every place that makes her sigh in pleasure. Thoroughly. And I do.

  I also know foreplay is super important with Becca to make sure she’s okay and that she truly wants this. It’ll give her time to say no and give me an indication if we should keep going. And so far? She’s clearly enjoying herself.

  We kiss and grind, touching each other until I’m about to lose my mind. And when I sense Becca can’t take it anymore either, I kiss my way down her soft belly and settle between her thighs. Then I pause and meet her eyes.

  “Are you good?”

  She watches me with hooded eyes and nods.

  It’s the reassurance I need. Taking my time, I lick and suck and nibble until she’s panting. I’m not sure what I imagined tonight would be like, but so far, this is exceeding all my expectations. A few seconds more, and Becca’s muscles tense. She rocks her hips against my mouth, coming with a soft gasp against my tongue. It’s fucking perfect.

  “God, Owen,” she says on a sigh. She pushes one hand into my hair as I kiss my way back up her body. “That was so good.”

  “I’m just getting started.” I press a kiss to her neck.

  Her sighs turn to soft pants as I kiss her breasts, pushing them together in my hands so I can tease her nipples with my tongue. But then she sits up and places one hand firmly on my chest, her body language changing in an instant.

  “Time out,” she says, panting.

  “Did you just call a time-out?” When she nods firmly, I realize that maybe things weren’t going as well as I thought. Sitting up on my heels, I brush a piece of her long hair behind her ear. “What’s up?”

  “Come here.” She pats the bed beside her, and I lie down next to her.

  Propping one hand behind my head, I inhale deeply, trying to cool myself down. We just pulled a one-eighty and I need a second here. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Maybe this is all going too fast?” she says, voice lifting.

  “Is that a question... or a statement?”

  She shrugs. “It’s just that I know where we’re headed, and suddenly it was like whoa, this is happening. Everything felt so very real.”

  “Hey,” I touch her cheek. “We’re not headed anywhere you’re not one-hundred percent on board with.”

  She nods once, looking down. “I know that. I’m sorry. I hate that I’m nervous. Hate that I can’t get out of my own head long enough to enjoy this.”

  “Don’t be. It’s really okay.”

  She cocks an eyebrow at me and then her gaze drifts south where she looks pointedly at my straining erection. “Are you sure about that? I’ve heard blue balls can be particularly painful.”

  I shift on the bed, giving her some space. “As much as I love the fact that you’re worried about my balls, one, I’ll live. And two if I need to, it’s nothing my right hand can’t take care of.”

  Her lips quirk up as she gazes at
me. “Would you ever let me watch you?”

  My heart rate accelerates. “Jerk off? I guess so. If you wanted to. But first tell me what’s on your mind. Seriously, the boys’ll be fine.”

  She swallows, and nods once, sitting up in the center of the bed. “I guess the other times we hooked up, it’s been at my place—I was the one calling the shots and setting the pace. I felt safe. Now I’m here, and this is just so much more than I’m used to.”

  My Adam’s apple bobs as I swallow. “I get that. I’m sorry if I came on too strong.”

  She shakes her head. “You didn’t.”

  I did. I’m the one who all but mauled her in the kitchen and then stripped her naked in my bed in under two minutes. Fuck. Way to go Parrish. I clear my throat, hesitating, because I have no idea what comes next. “Should we maybe hang out for a while? Eat dinner? Talk? Would that help?”

  Becca nods. “Yeah I think that might be a good idea.”

  We dress, and I say a silent prayer that the rest of the night isn’t going to end up awkward now.

  Back in the kitchen, everything is just how we left it—vegetables half-chopped, rice maker not even plugged in. We didn’t make it very far before heading to the bedroom.

  Totally my fault, and I’m trying hard not to feel like a complete ass.

  “Would you judge me if I suggest we break into that wine?” Becca asks as she surveys the countertops.

  I give her a curious look, trying to figure out if she’s serious. Based on her expression, I would say one hundred percent. “Of course not. Unless you’re planning to get completely drunk...” In that case sex would be off the table, but I wait for her to answer. That’s her decision to make. Not mine.

  She shakes her head. “Not drunk. Maybe just a little to relax me.”

  I nod. “Let’s both have a glass.” I grab a bottle opener and work on pulling out the cork while Becca locates two stemless wine glasses in the cabinet, and then sets them on the counter.

  I fill each glass about halfway and then she lifts one, clinking it against mine.

  “Cheers,” I say.


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