A Risqué Engagement (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 2)

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A Risqué Engagement (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 2) Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I have no reason to lie to you, Bella. She was someone important. That was long ago. It’s been over between us for almost three years.” His hand found her chin. “I’m only seeing you.” He paused. “I only want you.”

  Corinne’s heart knocked. She believed him, and a rushing breath escaped her as if she’d been holding on to it. It was true, Corinne had seen a repeat of the episode with Nadine hinting at a reconnection with Xavier, and Corinne wanted to know if Nadine had a dog in this fight. Xavier cocked his head to the side, and he asked what she’d been thinking.

  “Do you believe me?”

  Corinne felt so many emotions at that moment she could hardly respond fast enough.

  “I need to know that you believe me, Bella Anima. It’s important for us in order to move forward.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I believe you.”

  A smile tugged at his lips, and he caressed her chin. Corinne couldn’t explain the jubilation that consumed her. It was like a happiness that she never knew existed. Xavier was the real deal, and she believed it now without a doubt.

  “Make love to me, Xavier.”

  His arm tightened around her waist at her request.


  “Don’t make me beg,” she said. She wiggled out of his embrace, and her feet backpedaled slowly, one behind the other. “I want you.” Her fingers skipped up her dress, and her hands reached behind her back to unclasp the three top buttons. “I need you.” Reaching below her hem, she lifted the featherweight gown over her head and let it fall off of her arms to the floor. “You said you usually don’t trust women,” she went on, “but you trust me, right?”

  Xavier completely froze, and his eyes went dark as night. His gaze outlined her frame, taking in the see-through white laced bra that teased him with the distention of her dark brown nipples. His eyes blazed down her skin to the thin-strapped panties that curved her hips and squeezed out her bodacious thighs. Corinne’s hands cruised across her breasts, and with a snap, the front clasp was undone.

  When Xavier took her, he did it quickly. Before Corinne had a chance to bat an eyelid, she was in Xavier’s arms. Her legs encircled his waist, and she tugged and snatched at his shirt. They succeeded in getting it over his head, but it jammed around his thick neck and toned biceps, refusing to be discarded, exposing his chiseled abs. Corinne’s fingers skipped down the ridges in his chest and dived down to his shorts. She scrambled to get them unfastened, but when she did, Xavier hauled her up and removed them from his toned hips effortlessly.

  She didn’t witness him remove the condom, but she saw him rip the gold package with his teeth. With one hand, he reached for her thong and snatched the string from her body. The material was disposed of with a quick yank, and the head of his dick skated across her heated cavern with a deliberately prolonged dig. Corinne trembled, and a moan escaped her lips.

  “Yes,” he said. “I trust you.” He shifted and rolled the magnum down his extended shaft. “But the question is, do you trust me, Bella?”

  Xavier’s voice was profound, and his mouth floated above Corinne’s ear with their chests compressed. His lips brushed her temples, distributing a kiss there so affectionate that it dissolved her further. He trailed to her lips and hovered there, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes,” she whispered against his mouth, burning for his undertaking.

  Desire built within them, and when Xavier entered Corinne, her back bowed, and her spine contracted at the force of his blunt entry.

  “Oh my God!”

  Corinne was consumed with each edge of his wide-reaching cock, and it spread her pussy inch by excruciating inch.

  “Aaaaaah…” she sang, her head falling back, and her mouth stuck on O.

  Her hands held a firm grip on his shoulders, her nails sinking into his skin. Xavier filled her fully, burying himself to the hilt. A blaze of heat spiral through Corinne’s body, and her intake of breath was so sharp she almost choked on it. She exhaled.

  “Oh… my God,” and her toes curled. Corinne didn’t know what she expected, but the thoroughness of his drilling, and slapping against her ass was mind-bending.

  He kissed the side of her face while his hips rocked in and out viciously. She held on to him as if letting him go would cause her to combust into a million tiny embers. The heat that covered their skin became a blanket of instant perspiration, and their breathing kicked into gear as did their bump and grind.

  “Xavier…” she purred. “Baby, oh my God.”

  Xavier’s strokes became forceful as his hips dipped and tunneled inside her womb. Slaps of diffusion from their connection penetrated the aircraft, and a thunderous sound, something like a growl trekked from Xavier’s lips.

  “Fuuuu-ck, girl!”

  His mouth discovered her neck, trailing down her shoulders as their rocking became hedonistic. He licked down her breasts and sucked in a nipple sharp and heavy, causing Corinne’s body to arch more into him. Concurrently, Xavier slammed into her bottom, holding her derriere while feasting on her breasts. Corinne screamed and held on for dear life while Xavier found pleasure in consuming her whole. They filled themselves with one another, completely immersed in their joining.

  “Oh my God… baaaaby!” she screamed, clutching his shoulders as he clenched her ass while thrusting so ferociously hard that a shockwave tore through her abdomen and caused her legs to spasm. “Aaaaaah!”

  Xavier stood on his feet with no barrier or furniture to bare the force of their endeavor. It was all them, grinding and bouncing against each other in a fervent ecstasy that shot them higher than any aircraft could.

  They embraced tightly and kissed each other so hard it hurt. With their hearts slamming together and their libidos at an all-time high, Xavier and Corinne disintegrated into one another, enthralled in their passionate coupling. Minutes turned into hours that they joined, switched positions, and flexed as if they were in a sexual yoga class. When they came, it was together. Corinne’s legs quaked, and she tightened her thighs, tossing her head back as a whale of a scream ripped through her existence.

  “I’m coming, baby, oh my God!”

  Now on top of her on the floor, Xavier sucked in her tongue and pounded her pussy with such strength she was sure he was trying to find a place of residence.

  “Come with me, Bella,” he said, biting down on her neck, his teeth piercing her flesh, causing her orgasm to squirt in intervals of cream.

  Her body jerked repetitively, and Corinne was speechless. Her mouth hung open, but no sound came out because it had been ripped from her being. Only choked air cut from her lungs as if she was gasping for oxygen.

  “Grrrrrrr fuuuuu-ck!” Xavier barked as he too shot a load of cum inside her. His lips fell to her ear, and their breathing labored as they both twitched, and their ears popped while they continued their release.

  “I… I…” Corinne said, trying to construct an intelligible sentence. “Oh, fuck it,” she said, passing out in his arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  His immediate response was of worry and his reaction was to check her pulse. It was beating as rapidly as his heart, and Xavier breathed a sigh of relief then realized she’d been beaten into uber submission. That was a first, he thought but didn’t deny that it gave him a real ego boost. As if he needed it. Removing himself from her sanctuary, Xavier lifted her and carried Corinne to the bedroom in the rear of the aircraft. Laying her down, he pulled the covers back and readjusted them both, deciding to lay with her for a minute before showering.

  That instant gratification had been worth the agonizing wait, but he wasn’t done with Corinne by far. He’d give her time to readjust then take her as frequently as she could stand it. The uninhibited way she’d given herself over to him, undressing and pleading with him to indulge in what they both wanted lit a fire so hot within him it was useless to fight it, and he was glad he didn’t.

  It wasn’t long before Xavier joined Corinne in dreamland. Together, they rested, spooned u
nderneath each other, sleeping like neither of them had slept in years. Their dreams were similar, with Xavier finding himself on bended knee, and Corinne seeing herself in a wedding gown so beautiful it brought tears to her parents’ eyes. She was the first one to wake from rest, and when she did, the warmth that surrounded her drew her closer than before. Her eyes fluttered, and they traveled up his sculpted chest and his thick throat. His natural scent cuddled her, holding Corinne hostage in the cove of his embrace.

  They were naked. It appeared that Xavier had finally gotten rid of the shirt that was jammed around his neck. His skin was silky smooth like a chocolate Milky Way. Her mind traveled to her dream, and the thoughts she’d entertained about being his wife. She understood completely the way Camilla felt. How often was it you found a man that wasn’t thrilled by the thought of meaningless sex? One who kept his priorities in line and respected women as if it was a true passion of his. Corinne couldn’t speak for all women, but there was the saying that the way a man treated his mother would be the ultimate way he would treat his woman.

  Corinne had yet to meet Xavier’s parents, but if he was a reflection of them, then she could rest assured that they’d done a fabulous job fashioning their son. Thinking about his parents made Corinne think about hers. She hadn’t spoken with Brenda and Daniel Thomas since last Saturday, and she was sure her father was waiting for her weekly call. Corinne shifted in an attempt to pull from Xavier’s embrace. She could sneak off to the bathroom and have a quick conversation with her parents then hopefully sneak back in bed and cuddle with Xavier until they arrived in Africa.

  However, when Corinne attempted another shift, Xavier’s arms tightened around her, and his snake of a dick pushed into her abdomen, causing immediate arousal to tread to her pussy. Oh shit. Her eyes fluttered to his face, but he was still sleeping soundly. Feeling carefree, Corinne placed her mouth against his throat and kissed his hot skin. Her leg lifted, and her thigh clamped around his waist. His eyes fluttered just as Corinne brought kisses to the corner of his mouth.

  He turned his face toward her just enough to settle his warm lips against hers. His eyes were mere slits, and his body brimmed with sexual awareness. Neither of them said a word as their lips mingled and their bodies tingled with new sensual chemistry. Corinne’s hands slid up his solid chest, and she lifted, suspended just slightly in the air as she rolled him onto his back.

  “Say you have another condom,” she purred against his lips.

  Xavier reached to the side and fumbled with a tray next to the bed that yielded another gold package. Corinne’s eyes twinkled with delight, and she removed the package from his hand as she ground slowly on top of his enlarged erection.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, watching Xavier watch her beneath the undertow of his dark gaze.

  “What are you doing to me, woman?” he asked, his voice holding an edgy depth. She continued to grind, coaxing her wetness all over his shaft with the condom still in her hand.

  She shuddered. “You feel so good,” she said. “So damn good.”

  Just the sheer friction from his hardness against her soft folds made them both shiver. The tantalizing tingles spread throughout their loins, seizing them both with a grand cover of heat. His hands reached for her waist and slid over her hips to grip her thighs.

  “I love this skin you’re in,” he murmured, his voice a dark drum. “So soft, sweet, and beautiful.”

  “Mmmm, and I love… she lifted then and slid down his body, kissing his rock-hard chest and taking her tongue over the ridges in his creation. When she was faced with his dick, Corinne moaned before she could get the head of his arousal on her tongue, knowing it would be a meal she would never forget.

  Her mouth wrapped around his flesh, and she opened her throat completely, taking in his inches like she’d been preparing for this moment her whole life.

  A sharp intake of breath cut from Xavier’s throat, and a wicked animalistic sound beat from the depths of his soul.

  “Mmmm,” Corinne said, completely turned on by the sweet taste of her cream mixed with the hardened length of his dick. She exercised her neck, sucking and slurping, bobbing and nodding on his cock with such intense satisfaction that she could feel her own orgasm gaining momentum.

  “Fuck!” Xavier yelled. He lifted to his elbows then with one hand reached for her head and slipped his fingers in her tresses, where he took control of her plight and fucked her mouth. “Damn it, girl!” he growled coated in a smoldering heat with each thrust of his hips and each plunge down her throat.

  He was out of control and had never come as quick from fellatio as he was about to come now. A deep detrimental sound trekked from his throat, and Xavier pulled her mouth off when he was at his wit’s end. It was no use. Corinne could tell he was coming, and she wanted it all so she fought against his bravado, groveling for his dick to finish her supper efficiently.

  “Corinne…” he barked, a single warning.

  “Mmmm,” Corinne moaned, taking him back into her mouth, and he ejaculated against the cavern of her throat.

  Xavier bit down on his teeth, locking his jaw as a spiral of conjoined nerves tingled his balls and shot to the head of his cock.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouted.

  “Mmhmm,” Corinne said, taking on every last drop he had to offer.

  His breath was bated and as if Corinne knew there was nothing left she sucked off his head, her lips smacking in a loud POP. She peered up at him and met his hungry gaze, and his lips were lifted, and his teeth bared like a wild animal.

  She should’ve expected his response, but she didn’t, and by the time she knew what was happening, it was too late to run. He scooped her up, and she was on her back in seconds of her next breath. His lips were on her neck, her chest, her breasts, sucking in an areola then devouring her full bosom.

  “Aaaah,” she sucked in a mountain of air, with her mouth open and her head thrown back. His hot mouth trailed down her flat bare belly, and his tongue licked around the outie of her navel. He traveled beneath and sank his nose into her pussy. Her fragrance sent his nerves into complete disarray, and his tongue peeled open her flesh and traveled down her labia to sink inside her core.

  “Oh my God!”

  Her eyes widened, and her mouth was stuck, and her thighs shook. Xavier’s tongue was limber, waving against the inside of her walls like he wanted a taste of her uterus.

  “What the fuck…” she groveled, torn apart by the waylay of his tongue fucking her pussy. He stayed there for so long Corinne’s body was in a constant state of shock, stiff and rigid, knowing his next move would be her undoing. And it was. When he removed his tongue, he punctured his way up her folds with it and like a wicked drill, pounded her clitoris so hard she came instantly.


  Her body seized, and her nerves unraveled. His entire mouth closed around her bud as he sucked, licked and pressurized his tongue against her sensitive flesh. The tingles that fled through her body kept her frozen and her toes curled so tight she was sure to catch a cramp at any second.

  “Xavier!” she screamed. “Pa- please!”

  A growl trekked from his throat. He was unrelenting, trying to eat her whole where there would be nothing left for anyone else. Her bottom fell out, and she came so hard that her body bounced in a temerarious tremble that shook her core and confused her mind.

  Xavier opened his mouth wider, running his tongue back down her pussy to catch every sweet juice she released. Another growl escaped him, and he burped then laughed a deep profound sound without breaking from her sliding eruption of cream. He never let up, and Corinne clamped his head between her legs and screamed and screamed and screamed.

  “Please!” she begged, needing to get away from him before she had a heart attack.

  When Xavier slurped her last drop, he lifted his feral gaze to her and licked his wet mouth.

  “That was the best damn meal I’ve ever had. How about you?”

  Before she could respond
, Corinne’s eyes rolled, and she passed out again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The smooth sounds of Prince’s “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” wrapped around the drum in Corinne’s ear. Her eyes fluttered open, and her mouth parted on a smile. It wasn’t the actual song, but Xavier’s deep humming voice that serenaded her with the lyrics. He was singing to her and trailing a finger down the outline of her ear, neck, and shoulders.

  “We’re here, Bella Anima. Zambia awaits.”

  Corinne stretched. Her limbs flexed like that of a cat but went right back limp when it was over.

  “I have on a shirt,” she pointed out.

  “You don’t remember putting it on?”

  “Hmmm, no. Did you help me?”



  “You shivered a few times after I got up.”

  “How do you know I shivered if you were gone?”

  Xavier was quiet for a moment then he smirked.

  “Because I’ve been watching you.”

  Corinne smiled. “Normally, that would creep me out, but no, it doesn’t.”

  Xavier laughed. “That puts me at ease. I like watching you sleep. You’re an angel.”

  Corinne smirked. “Then that would make you an angel, too. My guardian angel watching over me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Corinne’s smile held. “My body feels so light,” she said.

  Xavier chuckled. “That’s because you’ve been emptied, love.”

  Corinne had to agree.

  “I have a warm bubble bath waiting for you. There’s no rush. We’re here for three days, so take your time.”

  Corinne moaned and stretched again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t take off four. I know that’s what we originally planned.”

  “That’s not a problem. We will make these three days count.” He paused, and she removed her face from his neck and stared up at him.

  “What,” she asked, watching his eyes comb over her.


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