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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 26

by Michelle Love

  Chapter 3


  Sitting next to the window, I look out at the city lights all around us on this lower level of the hotel. The view from my penthouse is by far much better than this. But this level offers something that one doesn’t. It feels more a part of the city instead of above it all.

  I’ve lived most of my life as a regular guy in this town. With my wealth, I’ve achieved a certain status. I should be able to use that status to end the threat against Elizabeth.

  What good is money if you can’t use it to make someone you love safe?

  Coming out of the bathroom, wearing a fluffy pale pink robe, Elizabeth still doesn’t look herself. Worry is lying right there underneath her beautiful surface. Her nightmare is still haunting her, that’s evident in her tight expression.

  A knock at the door tells me our dinner is here. “Just in time, my love,” I tell her as I get up and take her hand, leading her to the table. “And I’m going to feed you every bite of it. Don’t even try not to eat.”

  She nods and takes the seat I offer. Going to the door, I make sure to look out the peephole and find Tristan there with a service cart. I open the door and let him in.

  Elizabeth gasps as she sees how ornately he’s arranged the tray. A beautiful crystal vase of pink roses sits right in the middle of the sterling silver domes which cover our plates. Crystal glassware is ready to be filled with an expensive bottle of wine and I notice a carafe of most likely some kind of coffee for me is on the tray.

  “I have your order and took the liberty of adding a side of lobster sauce I thought you two might like to use on your veal parmesan. The carafe is filled with a hot mocha latte to help you stay alert, Mr. White,” Tristan says as he pulls the cart up next to the table and arranges the things on it.

  “Tristian, you are magnificent!” Elizabeth says as she sniffs the roses. “These are gorgeous. I can’t thank you enough. If I have to be holed up somewhere, The Plaza with you as our host, is the place to be.”

  “Thank you, Miss Cook. It’s a pleasure to serve you,” he says. Once he’s finished setting the table, he turns to me. “A quick word, sir?”

  I follow him as he goes back into the hallway, retrieving a luggage trolley with the garment bag on it. “Good, you brought it,” I say then sigh. “I’ll feel a thousand times better with this in here with us.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you will,” he says then gives me a serious look. “I was alerted by security as I came up here that two men and one woman, all wearing trench coats had come in through a back entrance some of the cleaning staff use. Now, we are on it and trying to find them as we speak. Don’t even attempt to answer the door. I am the only person who knows you are in here. I will call you instead of knocking. My advice to you is to keep things quiet in here.”

  “You will let me know when all three individuals have been caught, won’t you?” I ask as I feel prickly all over.

  “I will, sir. You do have bullets for those things in the bag, don’t you?” he asks.

  With a nod, I say, “I do. And don’t worry, I won’t shoot unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  He nods and the sound of the elevator stopping on our floor has him shooing me back into the room as he takes the luggage trolley and gets away from our door. I fall back into the room, garment bag of shotguns in my hand, and make sure the door is locked with both locks.

  “Good, you got them. Just knowing those things are here makes me feel better, Zane,” Elizabeth says then gestures for me to come sit with her.

  I place the bag on the bed then sit down and feel relief the food smells so wonderful she can’t wait to eat. She plows her fork into the middle of the long spaghetti noodles, twirling them around her fork.

  “This looks yummy,” I say as I do the same.

  “It does,” she says then pops the bite into her mouth. “Mmmm.”

  I do the same then pick up the lobster sauce and test a bit on the veal. “You have to try this. It’s exceptional, Elizabeth.”

  She nods and gestures for me to pour it on her plate as she takes another bite. “Sauce me, baby.”

  To see the food has brought her out of her worried mood, even if it’s only for a little while, makes me happier than I expected. Pouring the thick delicious white sauce with chunks of fresh lobster in it over the parmesan crusted veal has her licking her lips and rubbing her palms together. “There you are.”

  She smells the delightful aroma then takes her fork and cuts into the tender meat. Her eyes close as she puts the food into her mouth. “So good,” she moans.

  I laugh and pour some sauce over mine too and wish things could stay this simple and relaxed forever. And they could if it weren’t for that damn woman.

  We thoroughly enjoy the rest of our dinner then I catch her eyeing the dessert plate. “What do you suppose that is?” she asks as she picks up her dessert fork. “Wait, you ordered it. You know what it is.”

  “No,” I say as I shake my head. “I didn’t order any dessert. Let’s see what Tristan gave us.”

  She reaches over and pulls the small dome off and we both have to say, “Aww.”

  It’s a tiny cake, resembling a wedding cake with a tiny bride and groom on top of it. One word is written on the cake, ‘hint.’

  “Now is the right time to do this, I think,” I say then notice an even smaller silver domed lid next to the one she just opened. I take the lid off it and find the little black box that was in my top drawer of my nightstand.

  Elizabeth laughs. “Wow, subtle!”

  “The little cherub,” I say as I pick up the box and open it to see the sparkling solitaire diamond ring inside of it. “I showed him this just the other day. He knew right where to find it.” Getting down on one knee, I take Elizabeth’s hand and look up at her.

  Her eyes glisten with the tears she’s about to let loose. “Elizabeth Cook, my heart knew I loved you before my mind caught up to it.”

  “Mine too,” she says with a smile. “But, Zane, I don’t want you to do anything you’re feeling pushed into by Tristan. I think another time would be more appropriate.”

  Well, damn!

  Chapter 4


  “But I think this is a great time to do this,” Zane says just as a loud shout comes outside of our door.

  “Stop!” a man’s deep voice shouts. “You there. I said to stop!”

  One distant popping sound is heard and Zane stands up, taking my hand and pulling me to the other side of the bed. “On the ground,” he orders as we both fall to the floor, using the bed to shield us from any bullets that might penetrate the walls.

  The jovial spirit the delicious dinner gave me is quickly replaced with fear, worry, with a side of despair. I don’t recall ever feeling despair before. It’s an odd emotion that doesn’t settle well with me.

  “Hiding again, Zane. I hate this,” I whisper. Another popping sound is heard then three more come in rapid succession.

  Zane pulls his cell phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to see if Tristan knows what’s going on out there.”

  With one ring, Tristan answers his call. “Mr. White. You two stay put. One of the men has been found on the third floor near your room. The police are on their way.”

  “Okay,” Zane says. “Please update me when the man is captured. I want to talk to him before he’s taken away. I need the mafia to understand that was not me who took out the hit.”

  “I understand. I will let the officers know that,” Tristan says. “Goodbye, sir.”

  Looking at Zane, I begin to feel terrible. “I interrupted your proposal. Now I’m thinking that was rude of me. I’m sorry, Zane.”

  “Don’t be. Now is not the time for that. You’re right. I want to do that somewhere special and only have good memories to accompany that event in our lives. I’m not going anywhere. There will be another day to make that happen.”

  I hope he’s right!

  With no more shots or noise coming from the hallway it
has me wondering if the man has gotten away. “It’s awfully quiet out there.”

  “It is. He may have made it to the elevator or the stairs. These aren’t people who are new to this kind of thing. I’m sure they’re all quite practiced at this.”

  We’re both lying on our stomachs, facing the bed. He turns over and pulls me with him, sitting us both up and leaning back against the bed. I lean my head on his shoulder and whine, “I need to get out of this robe and put some real clothes on. If someone busts through that door, I’d like to feel more prepared than I am.”

  “First, no one is about to bust through that door. No one knows you’re in here. And very soon, I’m going to give you a massage to ease the tension you’re having. So don’t worry about being prepared for anything other than a good night’s rest, baby.”

  Taking a lock of my hair, he rubs it on his cheek as he gazes at me with reassuring eyes. How I wish it was possible for me to actually have a good night’s sleep. But there’s just no way.

  “I love you,” I tell him and run my hand around to cup the back of his head and pull his lips to mine.

  His kiss does more for me than any massage ever could. Our mouths tantalize each other and I find myself feeling light and carefree as our kiss goes a little bit deeper than I meant for it to.

  I find myself climbing onto his lap, facing him as I straddle him. He groans as I sit on his already swelling cock. I have on nothing underneath the robe but his pants are between us.

  His deft hands untie the belt of my robe and then they grab up my breasts as our kiss grows hotter. I’m grinding my body against the ever growing bulge in his pants and letting out little moans as my body begins to ache for more.

  Running my hands down his muscular arms, I find them at the waist of his pants and undo them, letting his erection escape the material that’s been keeping us apart. Up and down my hands go on him, making him harder still.

  His hands move from my tits to my waist. He lifts me up and brings me back down on his rock hard cock, making us both moan with the sensation. He fills me up completely.

  I place my hands on his shoulders, lifting myself up to stroke his massive piece of sheer perfection. Nothing but he and I are on my mind now. The worry has no place in what we’re doing.

  Up and down I go, stretching to accommodate him. His fingers press into the flesh of my ass as he lifts me, showing me the speed he desires. It’s faster than I was going, and the slaps of our flesh fill my ears.

  His breath is getting hotter in my mouth as our breathing gets harder. I suppose the position isn’t doing for him what he wants it to and he gets up without letting me go. Placing my ass on the bed, our mouths part as he pushes me by the shoulders to lie back on the bed as my legs dangle over the side.

  One hand rests on my stomach as he moves back and forth. The robe has fallen open. His eyes, which have gone dark with desire, rake over my body as he plunges into me.

  I close my eyes as his thumb moves over my clit, the sensation has me moaning loudly. “Shh, baby. We don’t want anyone to hear us,” he whispers with a husky voice.

  Being quiet when he makes me feel the way only he can, is hard. But I bite my lip to hold in the noises he makes me release with the way he works my body like an instrument only he’s managed to master.

  He slows his pace as his fingers go to work on my personal pleasure button, sending me into a hard orgasm. He eases himself in and out of me as my walls do their work on him.

  His groan is like music to my ears but I have to remind him. “Shh. No noise, remember?”

  When he opens his eyes, their glassy and he can only nod and grit his teeth. Then his hands are on my hips as he moves me up on the bed and gets on top of me. To go deeper, he lifts one of my legs up until my knee is even with my shoulder.

  I have to work hard not to let out a moan as he fills new places and sends my orgasm into overtime. His clothes are still on, only his cock is out and the sensations of running my hands over his muscled back, with a silky button down still on, has me feeling naughty as hell.

  Closing my eyes, I envision us in his office. The lights low, the sound of people buzzing in his reception area just a few feet away as he takes me like he owns me on top of his desk.

  Of course, the bed is much more comfortable than a wooden desk, but the heat is still there with my little fantasy. His breathing is getting harder in my ear then his teeth are on my neck.

  I want to scream with ecstasy so badly it’s nearly killing me to hold it in. Gripping his shoulders, I hold my mouth against one to stifle my reaction to what he’s doing to me then my body shudders with another orgasm.

  His bite gets harder as his heat fills me, his cock jerks wildly, making me arch up to him, wanting to get every bit of him I possibly can.

  As my body pulses, I think about the fact I am on a hit list. And with what this man can make me feel, the last thing I want to do is die.

  We have to stop them!

  Chapter 5


  It was a Tuesday in June when I watched that casket lower into the dark ground. I tossed a red rose on top of the shiny silver casket as it went to settle in the final resting place of the occupant.

  My father lay inside of that one and I recall how I felt at that time. I was sadder than I’d ever been. But somehow, if it were Elizabeth’s lifeless body in one and I had to toss a rose on top of it, I know that would be the saddest I’d ever be.

  If I lost her, I think she would take a giant part of me with her. Lying on the bed with my arm around her as she lies on my chest trying to catch her breath after having some mind blowing sex, I can’t help the feelings welling up inside of me.

  This woman didn’t creep into my heart and soul. She barreled in and took over without even trying to. Kissing the side of her now damp head, I whisper, “You are my heart, baby.”

  She sighs and finally her breathing gets even. “That’s beautiful, Zane. I love that. And I love you too. You hold my heart in your hands.”

  “Well, I’ll have to be extra careful with it then, won’t I?” I say with a light chuckle.

  “You will,” she says. “I feel as if I could fall asleep.”

  “You go right ahead. I’m not taking my clothes off anyway.” I kicked my shoes off some time or another when we first started getting frisky but everything else stayed on. With a kiss to her warm cheek, I whisper, “Good night. Only sweet dreams, you hear me?”

  She nods and kisses my chest near where her head is laying and I can tell she’s nearly asleep already. In no time, her little snores let me know she’s made it to la la land.

  My eyes are wide open as I listen to every little noise. It feels like I’m at war. A very elegant war in a very elegant place but war, none the less.

  My cell rings and I grab it off the nightstand to answer it before the sound wakes her up. I see it’s Tristan. “Hello, any news?”

  “Our cameras caught the two men leaving. The woman is still here somewhere. She may have changed into one of the staff’s uniforms. Do not answer that door for anyone but me. I’ll be up there in the morning to bring you breakfast and then you’ll be taken to the room on the ground floor where the press conference has been set up. That way you don’t have to leave the building.”

  “That sounds great. The thought of getting into a cab and leaving Elizabeth here, even under your watchful eye, is a thing I don’t want to do at all. Thank you for setting up the press conference here. You really are a Godsend.”

  “I’m merely doing my job, Mr. White. No need to go putting me on a pedal stool. The safety of our guests is of my utmost concern and always will be.”

  “You are more devoted than others in your position. I want to thank you for that. I will see you in the morning. But do call at any time if you catch the woman or anyone for that matter. Good night.” I end the call and place the phone back on the nightstand.

  The smell of Elizabeth’s freshly washed hair wafts past my nose and I breathe it in. I don’t r
ecall a time ever loving every little aspect of a person before. The tiniest of things has me feeling more than I knew was possible.

  With the woman still in the hotel, my ears are pricked for any sound at all. A drip of water falls from the faucet in the bathroom, attracting my attention. The sound of the air conditioner turning on has me looking at the vent in the ceiling right over the bed.

  I stare at it for a moment as my mind seems to be grasping at something. The vent is blowing cool air over our bodies and then I realize the vent is connected to other vents by a tunnel.

  She could be a woman who is small enough to fit inside the tunnels that connect all the vents.

  I pick up the phone and call Tristan. It rings until it goes to voice mail. “Tristan, I want to know the approximate size of the woman who came in. Please call me back.”

  The nagging thought of a small woman with a small caliber gun in her hand has me pulling the blanket to cover Elizabeth so she’s not easily seen and recognizable. Then there’s me to hide as well.

  Easing Elizabeth off me, I get up and go to get my jacket with the hood on it off the sofa. I put it back on and pull the hood over my head. It occurs to me, another thing I should do is close the two vents in the room.

  I’ll have to climb on top of the table to close one and I see the box with the ring sitting on top of it. Picking it up, I put it into my pocket for safe keeping. Then I climb up and close the vent.

  I have to get on the bed to close the one over it. I manage to achieve that goal without waking Elizabeth. I don’t know if the vent can be opened from the other side or not but at least I’m trying something.

  I settle back on the bed, pulling the blanket over me too. If she does manage to look in on us, I want to appear to be a normal couple, sleeping. Not a man, fully dressed, watching the damn air conditioning vents like a paranoid freak!

  Chapter 6


  The wind picks up as I walk along the shoreline in the dark of night. The lighthouse looms darkly on the hill above me. The moon’s light flows over the dark surface of the water. The trail it leaves makes it right to the edge where my bare toes are in the water.


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