The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance Page 39

by Michelle Love

  Anderson was fast asleep next to her, lying on his stomach, and snoring softly. He was naked from the waist up. Angela got out of bed and walked around. The first room she noticed, apart from the bedroom, was the kitchen. It was positively enormous. The entire condo had over eight separate rooms. Three of them were bedrooms, the rest were giant closets, living rooms, and lounge areas.

  There were three, extremely large flat-screen TV’s, and the sofas were of the finest Italian leather. She made her way back to the kitchen and opened up the freezer. She took out a tub of Ben & Jerry’s vanilla ice cream and walked over to one of the living rooms, sitting down, and picking up the remote. She watched TV for about an hour. Anderson was still asleep. She decided to go wake him up.

  She entered his bedroom, and then, pulling down his boxers, started to jerk off his erect cock. The cock hardened even further in her hands, till eventually, Anderson turned and woke up.

  “I dreamed that I was being jerked off by a beautiful goddess. And that dream was accurate,” said Anderson.

  Angela threw off her bra and panties and climbed on top of him. They began making out and as Anderson’s hands felt their way all over her body, Angela could feel herself getting wet again. But she didn’t want to have sex just then. She wanted Anderson to give her the complete tour.

  “I poked around your place,” she said. “It is quite lovely. Would you like to give me a more comprehensive tour?”

  Anderson threw on a robe and walked into his huge closet. He found a blue cotton robe for Angela and handed it to her. Anderson proceeded to give her a tour of the entire condo. He explained the purpose of all the different rooms, and drew her attention to the technology behind each room. Apparently there were voice commands that controlled things like dimming the lights, and setting the temperature of each particular room.

  “You are a wonder, my love,” said Angela. “Say, mom wants us to go bowling tonight. Are you still up for it?”

  “Sure am,” said Anderson, “but I need a few hours this afternoon to get some work done, so I will have to go into the office. You can have Pat drive you around to wherever you need in the meantime.”

  “Maybe I’ll go visit Maxine and Henry and surprise them. I should probably check to see how Maxine is doing anyway. To make sure that she is recovering fully.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Angela showered in one of Anderson’s lavish bathrooms. The shower itself was magnificent. The water pressure was very strong and the temperature controls were very subtle. Her shower was long and hot, and when she got out, her skin felt clean and moisturized (she had found some lotions in the shower to use).

  She got dressed in the clothes that she had worn the night before, and kissing Anderson goodbye, made her way down to the sidewalk. Anderson had called Pat, who was waiting out front. He was leaning against the limo, smoking a cigarette. When he spotted Angela he promptly put it out and opened the door for her.

  “Thank you, fine sir,” said Angela.

  She directed Pat to Maxine’s apartment. When she arrived, she buzzed up, and Maxine let her in. Angela could tell right away that Maxine was doing a lot better. It even looked as though she could start training again as quickly as possible.

  “Are you feeling all better then?” asked Angela.

  “A million times better! Thanks again for helping to take care of me. I spoke to my trainer on the phone yesterday, and we are going to start preparations for the next tournament. It is going to be held in Paris.”

  “That’s funny, Anderson is always talking about how they are expanding into France. They are going to be opening up a big office in Paris. Maybe the two of you could meet up there, or something.”

  “Maybe all of us could? If you could take time off work, it would be fun to see you over there. You should ask Frank. By the way, when do you start working for him?”

  “I have one more week at the firm and by Monday of the following week I will be at the office of the treasury.”

  “Sounds great. I am so proud of you, Angela.”

  “How is Henry doing? I know he had to take some time off work to take care of you but is his practice getting back up to speed?”

  “He had some subordinates take care of his projects while he was helping me. So I don’t think it was much of a big deal.”

  Angela and Maxine gabbed away for a few more hours. They talked about romance, news, their careers, and families. Angela mentioned how she was going bowling that evening with her mom, Ben, Rosalie, and Sam. She invited Maxine to go too but she couldn’t come, because she had a practice tennis session at the courts with her trainer. She needed to make up for lost time by training extra hard.

  Angela called her mom to see when they were meeting for bowling. Karen told her that she thought 6:00 pm would be a reasonable time. That was when Rosalie and Sam were planning on being there. Angela realized that she was going to have to get home if she was going to change into more comfortable clothes, as she was still wearing her evening-wear.

  Angela hugged and kissed Maxine, then left her apartment. Pat was gone, so she took a cab back home to her place. When she got out of the cab in front of her building, she ran into none other than Mark Stevenson.

  “Okay, this is getting creepy,” mused Angela. “I can’t believe I am bumping into you here again! Get over here!”

  Angela gave Mark a big, tight hug. Mark hugged back, his strong arms enveloping Angela’s curvy frame.

  “How are you, Angela? Are you busy?”

  “I have bowling in a few hours with my family but you can come up for a drink or a movie or something.”

  Mark nodded, and Angela took him by the hand and led him through the doors of her apartment building. When they got up to her room, Angela took off all her clothes.

  “You aren’t wasting any time, are you?” asked Mark.

  “I need to get changed for bowling, silly. Did you think I was going to wear a dress to the bowling alley?”

  “Why not, you’d attract every guy’s attention there.”

  “I don’t need to attract them. I have your attention. Don’t I?”

  Angela winked at Mark.

  “Make yourself at home. Lounge on the couch, I am just going to throw a few things on. There are beers and some cheese in the fridge which you can help yourself to. How’s business?”

  “We are working on some exciting deals. Commission this year is going to be juicy. I’ll probably clear well over six figures. And by ‘well over’, I mean at least two hundred to three hundred thousand. But I don’t like to talk about business. Let’s talk about how great your ass looks in those jeans.”

  Angela entered the living room wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a dark purple hoodie. She was happy that Mark noticed how good she looked in regular, casual clothes, in addition to fancy garments.

  “You think my ass looks great?” asked Angela rhetorically.

  “You are the best fuck I’ve ever had. Honest truth.”

  Angela smiled to herself. That was one other thing she could pride herself on doing well. She scooted over to Mark and sat on his lap. She picked up the remote and started changing channels.

  Mark’s hands began to wander. They slipped under her hoodie casually and cupped both breasts. They were exactly as heavy and as perfectly-shaped as he remembered. He kept them there for a while, squeezing and feeling their tenderness.

  Angela began to rub Mark’s penis through his pants. She loved the feel of his cock through his trousers. As she rubbed and tugged on it, it became ever harder. She undid his fly and let his cock fall loose. She continued to rub it for a while. Just as Mark was about to come, Angela fell to her knees, and placing her head on his lap, swallowed the full length of his shaft. Mark gripped the back of her head as he exploded into a monumental orgasm. There was so much cum, Angela didn’t know if she could bare swallowing it all. But somehow she managed. She thought it tasted good.

  She got up and sat down beside Mark on the couch. She loo
ked over at Mark, who had a rather sleepy disposition on his face. Angela let Mark lounge on the couch while she got up and did a few quick chores around the apartment. Her laundry needed to be folded and there were some dishes in the kitchen that needed to be sorted. It took about twenty minutes to finish up what she was doing, then she turned her attention to Mark.

  “I am going to have to kick you out, hun,” she said. “It’s bowling time.”

  “No worries. I’ve got to get back to my place and do some paperwork. All these deal deadlines are coming up pretty fast. It was great seeing you though. You look just as beautiful as you always do.”

  Angela kissed Mark goodbye, then got on her phone and called her mom. She told her that she was on her way and should get to the bowling alley in good time. When she got there, she found Rosalie and Sam who had already begun bowling and were halfway through their round. Rosalie was leading by a few points. When they saw Angela arrive, they put the game on pause and came over to give her a warm hug.

  “I guess mom and Ben haven’t arrived yet?” asked Angela.

  “Not just yet,” replied Rosalie. “We got here about an hour early so we have just been playing some games. You know, to warm up. I hope you don’t expect to kick our butts!”

  Angela laughed.

  “If you think I wouldn’t expect such a thing, then you don’t know me very well.”

  Sam laughed pretty hard, as did Rosalie, who punched her sister playfully in the arm.

  “Come on,” ventured Rosalie, “let’s add you to the game.”

  The three of them played for some time, until Karen and Ben arrived. Angela was very happy to meet Ben, who seemed like a great guy. As they bowled, Angela and Ben shared a special bond, as he told her a bunch of adventure stories from his exciting path. She concluded, as did Rosalie, that he was the perfect match for their deserving mother. Angela was also thrilled to see that he was a pretty good bowler. He came in first place in every round they played. After the fourth round, everyone became tired and decided to call it a day. They made their way to the restaurant that was in the bowling alley and ordered some soft drinks and fries.

  Just then, Anderson showed up, wearing a loose-fitting white cotton shirt, some slightly-baggy dark blue jeans, and some runners.

  To be continued….

  A Billion Dollar Arrangement

  “What She Feels”

  Book 4

  By Michelle Love

  Chapter One

  The Meeting

  Angela walked through the hall of her new office building. It was a gorgeous building; the carpets were brand-new and a deep gray color. The exterior of the building was covered in floor to ceiling windows that were kept spotless by the two window cleaners on staff.

  Her high heeled shoes were silent as she nonchalantly walked down the hall toward the conference room that was seldom used. The building had three conference rooms, each one grander and more lavishly decorated than the one before. She was going to the last conference room, the one that was outfitted with an oak table and ugly blue rolling computer chairs.

  Twenty minutes ago, Anderson had sent her a text message that said only “Conference room C-20 minutes. Don’t be late.” Anderson was a very close friend of Frank, her boss, and could sometimes get special permission around Angela’s office building.

  She reached the heavy mahogany door and wrapped her thin fingers around the cold handle. She took a moment and wondered what Anderson had planned for her and why he wanted to meet with her in the middle of their workday. She and Anderson were both very busy people, and it was difficult enough for them to get away and meet after work, let alone at 12:00 P.M. on a Thursday.

  She took a breath and swung the door open. Sitting across the table was Anderson. He was dressed in an exquisite navy blue suit, with a grey tie. Angela wasn’t sure that she had ever seen him look quite as handsome as he did in that moment. His eyes seemed to shimmer in the light that streamed in through the windows, giving an impression that he was up to something.

  “Hello, Angela.” Anderson spoke. His voice had a tone that Angela had never heard him use with her. It was sexy and raspy, yet dominant and demanding.

  “Hey, Anderson.” Angela responded, trying to contrast his serious tone with a light and playful tone.

  “Sit.” He said. Angela could tell that it was a command, not a question. She did as he asked, and took a seat across from him. The chair seemed rickety and moved underneath the weight of her body. It made her slightly nervous to be sitting across from Anderson on a chair that she didn’t trust. She imagined herself talking with him one moment, and the next sprawled out in a very unflattering way on the floor.

  “Do you know why I’ve brought you here?”

  “Not really, no.”

  “I would like to ask you a very serious question. This is not to be taken lightly, Angela.”

  “Okay, what is it?” Angela asked. Her heart sank into her stomach, but it seemed to light up at the same time. The question could be very good, or very bad. Anderson gave no clue with his facial expression. He was stoic and stared directly at Angela, making her feel that it was indeed a serious question.

  “Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow night?” Anderson said. His face instantly split into a wide grin, knowing that he had fooled Angela.

  “You jerk! You had me so worried. Of course I want to go to dinner with you. I’m thinking lobster.” Angela said. Her harsh words were lessened in effect by the giggles that were emanating from her throat. She loved Anderson’s sense of humor. Even though he was a multi-billionaire, he didn’t let that get to him; he acted just like any man would.

  “I could go for some lobster. That does sound nice. I’ll let you know where we are going later. Pat and I will pick you up at eight. Be ready, Angela. I don’t like to wait.” Anderson said. The last two sentences were ringed with the same dominant tone as before.

  She couldn’t deny the fact that Anderson taking control of her made her panties start to grow wet with her delicious juices. She had always had a thing for being submissive to a strong, powerful man, and Anderson fit that description perfectly.

  “Yes, sir!” Angela said in a joking tone.

  In response to her words, Anderson’s eyes fluttered to the back of his skull. He let out a sigh that hinted at his strong desire to have Angela.

  “Apparently he likes that.” Angela thought to herself. She would have to remember that.

  Without warning, Anderson rose from his chair. He pushed the chair away from him as he stood, sending it flying back into the wall behind him. A loud bang was audible throughout the room and possible the entire floor.

  He walked around the table to Angela. He walked with a purpose, taking long, powerful strides as he approached her. When he was close enough for Angela to see the detail on his expensive suit buttons, he stopped abruptly.

  “Get on your knees.” He said. Just as before, it was a command; it wasn’t a question.

  Angela obeyed and sank to her knees, thankful for the thick walls surrounding them, except for the windows that made up the back wall. She could hear the sound of his zipper descending, losing the fight against containing the hard rod of his excitement.

  He took a step closer, holding his throbbing cock in his hand. He entwined his hand in her long, thick, dark-colored hair and pulled her head closer to his manhood. She wrapped her soft voluptuous lips around him and sucked gently. Apparently that wasn’t enough for Anderson. He held her still as he rocked his hips in a gentle, rhythmic motion as he fucked her face.

  Angela loved sucking Anderson’s cock. She knew that she was starting to become his little whore, and she loved that fact. He had awoken a hidden sexuality that Angela hadn’t known she had. It was as if he had reached into her soul and awoken the woman waiting there.

  Anderson’s long, thick cock hit the back of her throat, making her gag slightly. Not to the point of wanting to vomit; it was a slightly uncomfortable feeling. Anderson withdrew his thick m
anhood from her mouth, and gently slapped her cheek with his tool.

  “That’s my good girl.” He cooed.

  Without giving her a chance to reply, he silenced her with his thick cock once more. Angela let her tongue graze along the underside of his cock as he pushed into her mouth and subsequently withdrew, only to slam into her again.

  Angela felt the hot squirt of his milky white juice squirt into her mouth without warning. It felt thick and warm with a slightly salty taste as it sat on her tongue. She swirled her tongue around, savoring the taste and texture before she let it fall down the back of her throat. She looked at Anderson and smiled.

  “Good girl. Get back to work, my little slut.” Anderson said as he stroked her cheek gently with his hand.

  Angela rose to her feet and felt the blood rush back into her legs. She glanced at her knees and saw the imprint of the carpet as red as lipstick on her knees. She knew that everyone in the office would know exactly what she had done in the conference room, and that fact turned her on even more. She kissed Anderson’s lips and walked out without saying a word. The heavy door closed with an audible thud.

  She walked back down the hallway, letting her hips sway with each step. The short flirty skirt of her royal blue dress swished against her thighs. The silky fabric felt wonderful as it grazed her soft skin. She saw her coworkers looking at her, but she didn’t care. She really liked Anderson, and was proud to be the one to give him a midday blowjob. She smiled and remembered the taste of his cum on her throat.

  Chapter Two

  The Game

  The vibrator buzzed in her pussy. There were two prongs: one in her tight pussy and one firmly placed against her clit. With every vibration, waves of pleasure radiated throughout her body.


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