The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance Page 51

by Michelle Love

  “Wow! You didn’t even let it die. I’m impressed,” I say as she drives it smoothly and not too fast.

  “Yeah, I had a stick for my first car. I loved it.” She changes gears as we move down the street. “So, how’s it been going?” She looks at me for a second then back at the road. “Prada, Beth? Damn!”

  I run my hand over the scarlet top I have on. “Yeah, the boss man bought me all new clothes. He has definite ideas about how I have to look in order to be seen with his gorgeous ass.”

  “You look amazing. I barely recognized you. If you ever quit or get fired do you get to keep the clothes?” She glances my way again as she pulls into the small coffee shop we both love.

  “We’ve never discussed that. I don’t want to think about not having this job. I love it more than I knew I would.” I’m talking about the man as well.

  “How are things with Mr. Perfect?” She parks and runs her hands over the steering wheel and sighs.

  We get out of the car and I bump her shoulder with mine as we go through the door of the coffee shop at the same time. “Mr. Perfect is far from perfect, but he is fascinating.”

  The barista behind the bar knows what we want and after giving us a nod and looking me up and down twice, she gets to making our coffees. We take a couple of the chairs by the window and sit down to wait.

  Michelle’s eyes keep roaming out to the car. It’s clear she adores it. “And the apartment. I mean, you said it was nice but is it gorgeous like everything else?”

  “It is. Nothing is average. Everything he has is above average. Fantastic and amazing.” I realize I’m gushing and stop. “You know, normal rich people things.”

  The barista, Carmen, clears her throat and we see our coffees are done and go up to get them. Michelle looks at me with a sly smile. “Your treat, right?”

  “I did invite you, so yes.” I pull out a hundred-dollar bill as that’s all I have on me. “Here you go, Carmen. And keep the change.”

  Some Cuban phrase rolls off her tongue as she makes a bunch of gestures with her hands. Then she looks at me. “Thank you!”

  “Sure.” We walk back to the table as Michelle looks at me with a smile.

  “So, lots of money with this job then?”

  I blow the surface of the steaming cup. “I get paid every week and have yet to spend a dime of my own money until just now. It felt good too.”

  “You can spend your money on me whenever you want, moneybags.” Michelle takes a sip from the hot cup of strong coffee and shakes her head. “You’re moving up in the world, Stattler.”

  “For however long this lasts,” I say, getting a little of that melancholy I’ve been getting from time to time.

  A crease forms between her dark brows. “This thing has a shelf-life? Like, Mr. Perfect, only keeps nice, young chicks as his assistant or what?”

  “No, his last one was an old married woman. It’s not that at all. It’s just that everything is going so perfect. Mostly anyway. I know there has to be an end to all the good. You know what I’m saying?” As I glance out the window I see the black Cadillac cruising through the parking lot.

  I wave as the hooded person glances casually inside the coffee shop.

  “Friend of yours?” Michelle asks as she looks at the person driving too. “And what’s up with the hoodie?”

  “Not a friend. But definitely a person who wants to know about Channing’s whereabouts. That car has been around us a lot lately.” I watch it pull back out of the parking lot and head back the way it came. “Bet I find that car in the parking lot when I go back to pick Channing up.”

  “Channing, huh? Pretty informal for a man of his stature.” She takes another little sip.

  “He’s not a formal kind of man. He’s very down to Earth and laid back. Easy to get along with.”

  Her hand touches mine as I hold the Styrofoam cup and gaze out the window. “Easy to look at.” Her smile makes me smile.

  With a laugh, I say, “Sure, that too.”

  “So?” she asks as her eyes bore into my soul. “Spill it.”

  “Nothing to spill, nosey.” I take a sip and look at my cell phone to see what time it is. She’s getting personal and I’m not one who knows how to hold out very long under pressure from a friend who knows me as well as I know myself.

  “I suppose with his wife’s missing status he can’t have a girlfriend. That would be looked at as very, very wrong, wouldn’t it?” She makes a little giggle afterward then kicks me under the table.

  The girl knows me too well!

  I roll my eyes. “It would!”

  The person in the car has my mind moving as I try to think who would want to know Channing’s whereabouts. Then Michelle says, “The man in the car is most likely a reporter who wants to get the scoop on the two of you. Catch you two kissing or hugging or something. So he can break the news that Channing isn’t mourning his lost at sea wife after all.”

  “That won’t happen. So he… Wait, how do you know it was a he?” I ask as I look at her with what I know is a confused expression.

  “His sharply pointed nose with a wide tip, of course.” She looks at me with an expression which says a silent, ‘like, duh, Beth!’

  “Okay, so with your help, I’ve figured out it’s a man. That’s something. Hurry and finish the coffee. I have to go pick Channing up. He’ll be done soon.”

  “Where’d you drop him off at?” She looks over the rim of the coffee cup at me.

  I shake my head. “Nope. Not going to give you that information. That’s his private information and I am very loyal to my employer.”

  Only half her mouth moves into a smile. “Speaking of which. I have a date on Saturday night with a real hottie from my advanced calculations class. He asked if I could find a date for his roomie. He feels bad about leaving him alone for the evening. We’re going to some club downtown. Come with?”

  I guess a little too quickly I shake my head as it has her laughing. “No, I…”

  She interrupts me, “Busy?”

  “Well, yes and no. I mean, I like to stay available at all times for Channing. You never know when he’ll need me. He does pay me to stay available for him.” I get up to throw my empty cup away as Michelle follows me.

  She tosses her empty cup in the trash at the same time I do. “I’m sure we won’t be leaving until around eleven. Surely Channing will be in bed by then and you could come for a couple of hours, at least.”

  “He likes me well rested. I have to be in bed by ten and up at six each morning. And he doesn’t like me to drink in excess, you know. He likes my mind sharp.” I walk out of the coffee shop with a wave to Carmen. “Thanks, Carmen. It was delicious as always.”

  “Thank you, Beth!” She waves back at me with a wide smile.

  As we walk out to the car, Michelle takes the place behind the steering wheel again. “He certainly has you on a tight schedule and every damn day of the week.”

  I slip into the passenger seat and look over at her. “I like it this way.”

  “Do you get any time off? Or are you his slave twenty-four-seven?” She starts the car up and takes off. “I mean even if you two are seeing each other.”

  “Which we are not, Michelle!”

  She glances at me. “Which you are not. But even if you were, you should be able to spend time with your friends.”

  “And if we were, I would be able to. But we aren’t and what you’re talking about isn’t spending time with friends. It’s going out on a date with a guy, Michelle. So your point it moot.” I look out the window and watch the signs pass by a little too quickly as she hauls ass down the street.

  “Moot? Who the fuck even says that word, Bethy!”

  “You know what I mean.”

  She pulls into the dorm’s parking lot and we get out and give each other a hug then she kisses my cheek. “Don’t forget where you come from, girly.”

  “I won’t.” I kiss her cheek and let her go. “But I am moving forward. Don’t worry, you won
’t be left behind. Make good grades so I can get you a job with the firm.”

  She salutes me like an idiot. “Will do, boss.”

  With a smile, I get back into the driver’s seat and go get Channing. Who I hope has had some real break-through about his repressed emotions.

  Funny how his emotions with me are anything but that.

  As I pull back into the parking lot, I see the black Cadillac, but no one is in it. I slow down as I pull in front of it and take a picture with my cell phone of the plates. Maybe I can somehow get them run and find out who this belongs to.

  Just as I park, Channing comes out, and he has a frown on his face. Not what I was hoping to see.

  He gets in the car. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  I pull away without saying a word. After a couple of minutes, I have to ask, “What the hell happened in there?”

  “The session went okay. No real insight into why I’m feeling nothing. But to be honest, I wasn’t real talkative either. It wasn’t that. It was the fact my father just happened to be in the front lobby as I got off the elevator.” His hands knot in his lap.

  “What did he say to have you so upset?” I glance at him and move my hand to run over his leg.

  “He asked who the pretty brunette was that I’ve been seen all over town with.” He gives me a sideways glance.

  “That’s easy,” I say. “Didn’t you tell him I’m your assistant? No big deal.”

  “I did and do you know what the man said to me, Beth?” He turns and looks at me.

  I shake my head. “Of course not, Channing.”

  “It would make me feel a hell of a lot better if you told me what he said to me, Beth.” He gestures to a grocery store parking lot. “Pull in here, please.”

  His tone is one I’ve never heard before. It sounds the way an employer would talk to their errant employee. But I am anything but errant and I’m not a mere employee.

  I park the car and look at him. “What’s wrong with you, Channing? You aren’t acting like yourself at all.”

  “What made you apply for the job, Beth?” His face is frozen. No emotion, just all business.

  “Money. I needed money and was looking for a job. I found the ad on a bulletin board outside one of my classes.” My brows come together as I frown and look at him.

  “Why my job, Beth?” His lips are forming one tight-ass line.

  “It was a great job. Why wouldn’t I apply for it? And am I not doing awesome at it?” I ask as I have no idea what his problem is.

  “You are. You are really great. You seem to be great at everything. You certainly know how to suck a dick.” His mouth falls open a bit and his tongue pushes at his cheek.

  “What the fuck, Channing!” I fight the urge to slap him. “Just spit it out. What did your father say to you?”

  “First, let me get this out of the way.” His hands move back and forth between us. “This, this thing we had. It was obviously fake on your part and it’s over on mine.”

  My heart stops beating. “Channing…” I can’t breathe.

  My hands grip the steering wheel as I try hard to take in air. His voice is firm and hard as he says, “My father told me all about you, Beth. How you managed to seduce your way into the job. Then you told him about us. You told him about spending the night at my beach house. You told him how all of Jana’s things were still there. And he wants them given to him, seeing how I have moved on and must’ve never loved, Jana.”

  I shake my head. “No, Channing. I didn’t…”

  “He told me you would deny it. He told me you told him you would deny it. He’s trying to protect me. For the first time in his life, he’s trying to be a father to me.” He takes his cell phone out of his pocket. “I’m calling you a cab. It will take you to the apartment. Get your personal things you went there with and not a damn thing else.”

  Tears are flowing like rivers down my cheeks. “Channing, I swear to you…”

  He can’t even look at me as he says, “Get the fuck out. You’re fired!”

  To be continued…

  Dangerous Waters

  A Billionaire Romance Mystery Thriller Series

  Book 2


  By Michelle Love


  Anger. Passion. Revelations.

  Beth is taking the break-up hard and finds herself being pulled back into life by Michelle, much against her will.

  Channing is having trouble sleeping and after a phone call in the middle of the night finds himself in a Miami night club.

  Seems Beth is in need of being rescued.

  After arguing over Channing’s quick reaction to his father’s words, the two find themselves having a hard time keeping their hands off one another.

  Beth later finds Channing making what she considers bad decisions.

  Will the time ever be right for Beth and Channing to have the out in the open relationship Channing desperately wants? And will a discovery make that possible? Or will it bring the couple more trouble than they ever thought possible?

  Chapter 1


  Total devastation!

  I’ve never known complete and total devastation but I do now.

  My heart aches. My body is numb without his touch and my mind is beyond messed up.

  How could he just fire me and break up with me with only his father’s words?

  As I lie in the small bed of the dorm room I share with my roommate, Michelle, I look up at the ceiling through swollen eyes. At the moment no tears are flowing but that can change in the blink of an eye.

  The door opens and Michelle comes in. “I have the cure for everything, ice cream, Beth. Come on, sit up and I’ll spoon feed you the miracle cure.”

  “I don’t…” and I’m crying again.

  It’s been three nights. Three nights without his strong arms holding me as I fall asleep. Three long nights without his kisses. He would stay with me every night until I fell asleep then he’d leave.

  But each morning at eight a.m. sharp, I’d see him again. We’d kiss behind his locked office door and he’d tell me how much he missed me and how one day this would all be behind us and we could see each other like normal people.

  And I believed him. I believed it would all be right one day. I believed everything would all work out and in the end we would get married and have a family.

  How wrong I was!

  My body is pulled up to a sitting position by Michelle and pillows are propped behind my head. A wet cloth is run over my face. It burns as the salty tears have left their mark on my face.

  Angry red lines run down my cheeks as the rivers of tears have chapped them. Michelle holds the cool cloth to my face as I sniffle and try to stop crying.

  Her brown eyes are droopy at the sides as she looks at me. “You should let me go rip him a new one, Bethy.”

  I shake my head. “No! What good would that even do? Even if he apologized to me at this point, it wouldn’t help. In an instant, he changed. In an instant, he took the word of a man who has been out to get him from day one instead of mine. In an instant, he sent me away.”

  “Yeah! That’s why he needs ripped a new one!” She gets up and gets some kind of face cream out of the bathroom. Then comes back and rubs it on my cheeks. “Three days of this is enough, Beth.”

  “Easier said than done, Michelle.” I look at the small carton of vanilla ice cream then away. I haven’t eaten since that day.

  My stomach hurts far too much to eat. She takes a spoonful and holds it to my lips. “Open up!”

  I shake my head and press my lips together, tightly. She sighs and pulls the spoon away.

  “I can’t…” I say and the devil-girl shoves the spoon into my mouth.

  I have no choice but to swallow it down. “Good, right?”

  Its smooth and creamy. It is good, but it hits my stomach like a brick. “Michelle, you don’t…” Wham! She shoves another spoonful in.

  “Just shut up and eat
this, Bethy. You’ll feel better before you know it. And tonight we’re double dating. I told my date he could bring his roommate along tonight. You’re going to mingle. You don’t have to do a thing with the guy if you don’t want to. But I am making you go out.” Another spoonful of ice cream is shoved into my mouth.

  I glare at her. “I look like shit! I’m not going!” More ice cream and a glare from her comes my way.

  After shoving the food into my mouth, she says, “You are going! I’ll drag you out of this little room in what you’re wearing. Incidentally, when did you plan on changing those clothes? You’ve had the same shorts and T-shirt on since you got here, three days ago!”

  I look down and pull the shirt up to smell it. It stinks. I look up at her. “I kind of planned on dying in them so what’s the use of changing.”

  Her eyes roll. “Dying is not a thing a young, gorgeous girl, like yourself, does over a man. I’m starting the shower for you. You can use my body wash to scrub the three-day funk off of your body. Eat the ice cream up. You shower then I’ll do your hair and make-up and pick out something nice for you to wear. Then we’re going to get some dinner and then it will be time for our dates.”

  Though I have no want to do a thing but continue to lie in this bed and weep, I will do as she says. The girl is as stubborn as they come and I know she won’t rest until I’m back up on my feet.

  But I so don’t want to be…

  Chapter 2


  The days have been long and hard and the nights have been pure hell. I have no idea why Beth would go to my father and tell him we’re seeing each other.

  It makes no sense. And the fact the man came over here with a fucking U-Haul truck to get Jana’s things was a real kick in the ass.

  I was just about to let my godson’s mother, Ann, have them all. I did draw the line at the car, though. I did manage to keep that out of his clutches. It’s safely in Ann’s name now and in her garage.

  I think Arturo is happy up there, somewhere, with the present I gave his wife. She was driving around a beat-up old Chevy. Though extremely prideful, she was very appreciative of the black BMW. I know she’ll treat it a hell of a lot better than my wife ever did.


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