The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance Page 54

by Michelle Love

Her hand moves over mine. “It has. So you feel like sleeping yet?”

  “I should be exhausted but the fact you’re in my bed has me anything but that.” I run my hand down her neck then move it behind it and grip it as I pull her up to meet my kiss.

  My tongue moves over her bottom lip and I take it between my teeth. Delivering a sweet bite and relishing the way her moan comes from so deep inside her.

  Her hands move over my back as she pulls my body to hers. One of her legs wraps around me and strokes the back of my leg as she arches up to me.

  The way her nipples get erect and hard and rub against my chest lets me know she’s getting all wet for me. I move my leg between her thighs and can already feel the heat radiating from her for me.

  I move my mouth to her ear and bite her sweet plump earlobe. “You want me, Baby?”

  Her nails rake over my back as she grinds against my leg. “I do.”

  Grabbing a handful of my hair, she pulls my head back and her eyes are full of lust and desire. I smile at her. “More, then?”

  She nods and pulls my face to hers. “Fuck me, Channing. Fuck me until I can’t walk.”

  My cock goes even harder with her words. I move my body over hers and press my throbbing cock into her tight, wet, hot pussy.

  I watch her mouth form an, ‘O’ as I enter her and she moans with the feeling. Her body comes up to meet mine, and she moves her legs to wrap around me, holding me to her.

  I love her with everything in me. I want her with me forever. I can’t stand the thought of leaving this bed.

  With a roll of my body, I move into her deep and slow. Her hands move over my back then land on my arms. She grips my biceps and a slight smile moves over her mouth.

  She is so beautiful and I know I don’t deserve such a sweet angel like she is, but I will never let her go.

  To look at her is torture so I press my lips to her long and elegant neck and kiss her there while I make slow thrusts into her, igniting moans and making her body quiver.

  The slow strokes I’m making are making her want more as she grinds her body to mine with each thrust. “You like it, Baby?”

  “Umhm,” she says with a sweet hum. “Harder, Baby.”

  I smile and move faster and harder. “Like that?”

  Small wisps of air come out of her mouth with each hard stroke. “Yeah, like that.” Her pussy is so wet it’s amazing. “Yeah, Baby. Fuck me hard. Make me scream.”

  And just like, that she’s drawn the animal out in me and I pound into her then grab a handful of her hair and pull it hard. Her hands move over my back and I take them into my hands and pull them over her head.

  As I hold her down I say, “Don’t come until I give you permission.”

  “Oh, damn it, Baby. I don’t know if I…”

  I bite her neck hard then hold both her slim wrists in one hand and smack the side of her ass with the other. “Do as I say or I’ll have to spank that sweet ass of yours.”

  Pulling my face back to look at her I see her eyes wide. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Want to find out?” I smack the side of her ass again. “Cum before I tell you that you can and you will.”

  She bites her lip and looks at me trying to judge if I’m serious or not. Then she releases her lip. “K.”

  “Good girl,” I say and let her have it.

  I slam my dick into her hot cunt until her body is shaking and I can feel her pussy tight as hell around my dick. The sounds she’s making let me know she’s doing all she can to hold it back.

  “Channing! Channing! Please!” her pleas come to me as her body shakes with the need to release.

  “Not yet!” I smack her again and she bucks.


  I slam into her ten more times and feel the slightest tug of her cunt trying to hold back the orgasm that is about to rock her body in a way she has never known.


  The sound she lets out is amazing and makes my ears tingle with the sweet sound. Her body falls apart and the heat she had going on inside her turns up about fifty degrees with her climax.

  “Channing! Channing! Oh, God!”

  That’s what I’m talking about!

  I let myself be drawn in by the way her body’s trying to get mine to join her in the abyss of pleasure. My cock jerks and the threads of semen spill into her sweet center.

  I can’t think. Everything is centered around how she makes me feel. So fucking awesome and complete. It all feels so right.

  My body falls on top of hers and I release her wrists. Her hands move all over me and she peppers my neck with little kisses. “That was amazing, Channing! Amazing! Damn it!” her words are breathy and raspy.

  “Glad you liked it, Baby,” I mumble against her skin.

  Now the exhaustion is overtaking me and I’m about to pass out for the first time in three nights. I move half my body off hers and lay my arm over her chest.

  It rises and falls with each harsh breath she takes. My leg traps hers under it and I feel like I have her safe in clutches and call fall asleep with the knowledge she is mine.

  Forever, she is mine!

  Chapter 7


  Who says breaking up is all bad?

  Sure, for three days I thought I was going to die. But then the make-up came and the make-up sex is still going on.

  A whole week has passed and Channing hasn’t let me sleep an entire night yet. And it must show on our faces as we’ve had many raised eyebrows when we come into the office together.

  Channing said it’s saving gas so we ride together. He said there was so much work to do that I took a room in his house instead of the apartment. He has a quick answer for everything it seems.

  And when his father called and asked him if he’d hired me back he told him he did and that he didn’t believe him about anything. Channing also asked him what he did with Jana’s things.

  Morgan told him he kept them all in a room in his estate. He also asked Channing if he missed Jana at all. To which he replied, no.

  This ignited a confrontation about the woman and her missing situation. Morgan accused Channing of murdering Jana because of an affair he was having with me.

  Ludicrous, I know!

  So now I’m waiting for Channing to get off the phone with his father who keeps screaming about calling the cops.

  “Morgan, that’s insane. We’ll both pass a lie detector test if you do that. We were not having an affair.” Channing taps a pen on the top of his Mahogany desktop.

  “You are now, though.” His father’s words hang in the air like a dark cloud.

  Channing’s eyes dart to mine and he frowns. If given a lie detector, and that question is asked, we are failing it for sure.

  “No, we are not,” Channing tells him. “Why can’t you let this go and just leave me the fuck alone. You have all her things and that’s what you asked for. So just stop bothering me.”

  “How can you not be upset about your wife’s disappearance, Channing?” his father yells over the phone.

  “I will not discuss her with you! I won’t do it. What she did with you was a thing I couldn’t get over. I should’ve let you have her ass then. I thought I was punishing you both somehow by not letting her go. I was wrong. So fucking wrong!” He puts the phone down and turns it on speaker.

  Channing’s hands are shaking as they run through his dark hair. His eye is twitching, and this is like torture to him. My heart aches that his own father could put him through this.

  “I have a deal for you, son,” comes his father’s suddenly calm and cool voice. “Give me the million you owe me. Then give me half of what’s in your bank accounts, Jana’s half of the money you made while you were married to her. Then we’ll call it even and I’ll get out of your life forever. Don’t and I’ll go to the authorities with this information about you and this other woman.”

  “What’s her name, Morgan?” Channing drums his fingers on his desk.

  “How should I kn
ow?” he says, “I know she’s a brunette with big tits and an ass to match. By the way, son, Jana was much more beautiful. What a step backward for you.”

  My jaw drops and I stomp my foot and my hands close into fists. Channing shakes his head as he looks at me. Then he says, “You should know her name, you said she came to your home and told you we were together after all. And now I am done. I’m not doing this with you. There will be no money given to you, ever. I have done nothing wrong and I will not be blackmailed by you.”

  “She was hurt by what you did, Channing.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asks.

  “Jana,” his father says. “The way you told her what she and I had, had to end. She thought it was because you loved her and wanted to have a life with her. It hurt her when she found out it was only to stop us from having a happy life.”

  “For a woman who was hurt, she acted like it made no difference to her. She never tried once to make me love her again. Not that what I had for her was real love, anyway.” Channing looks at me. “I didn’t even know what love was back then.”

  “So you admit you had no love for her. Yet you took her from me and me from her, anyway. And you feel like you owe me nothing. You killed her, Channing. Whether you tossed her off that little boat or not. You took her out when you knew there were small craft advisories and you got drunk and didn’t control the boat and she fell overboard. You killed her no matter which way it happened. Accident or not. You did it.” His father stops talking as he suddenly starts sobbing.

  My eyes go big and I shrug my shoulders. The man is a loon. And uses every source known to man to manipulate Channing. It’s really disgusting.

  I whisper to Channing, “You should hang up.”

  He nods. “I don’t have time for your mind games. Bye.” He swipes his finger over the screen, ending the call. “That was awful.”

  He pulls me to sit on his lap and runs his fingers through my hair. I run my hands over his shoulders, trying to loosen them up. “We need to come up with a plan, Channing. Just in case the authorities are told about us.”

  His eyes are stormy blue right now and his emotions run all through them. The man has him feeling so torn and guilty over what has happened to his wife.

  “How come I feel nothing about her passing, Beth? Am I a monster?” He looks away from me.

  I take his face in my hands and make him look back at me. “You are no monster. Think back to the wine and how you’ve maintained it felt as if you were drugged. Maybe she did put something in it.”

  He nods. “I think she did.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  His head shakes letting me know he has no idea but then it stops and he looks at me. “Do you think maybe her plan was for me to fall overboard or her push me off after I passed out? Only it backfired on her.”

  “Did she know how to sail the boat?” I get up and go to grab a cup of coffee.

  “Get me one too,” he says. “The same way you take yours, please. And she did know how to sail. She had me teach her before we were married. When we were dating.”

  “I suppose if what you say about how you two were living and how desolate your marriage was, she was trying to get out of it and move on. But you said you had a prenuptial agreement, right?” I stir in two packets of sugar into my coffee and look back at him.

  “We did.” I place the coffee I made him on the desk in front of him and he picks it up and blows the steam into billowing trails over the tall cup. “If we were to divorce she would get what she came in with. Nothing. If I were to die, though. Well, my will left everything to her. My mother had been my beneficiary before I was married. But Jana made sure I had that changed only a month after we married.”

  I sit on the chair on the opposite side of his desk and set my coffee down on it. “You never told me, Channing. When you caught your father and her having the affair, did she ask you for a divorce then?”

  The way his hair moves when he shakes his head draws my attention to the wavy dark locks. “No, she actually is the one who asked me to give her a chance to make it up to me. But she never really did make it up to me. I asked her to stay with me in my bedroom and she told me it was because I snore so badly that she slept in the other room.”

  “You don’t snore at all,” I say as I shake my head. “And this is really more than I want to know, but I have to ask. What about sex, Channing? Did you two have sex after you found out about their affair?”

  His eyes dart up to mine. “This is really uncomfortable, Beth.”

  “I know, but these are things I need to know to help you figure things out.” I tap my fingernails on the desk. “So just tell me.”

  “I was into something with her. She’s the only one I ever did anything like that with. Never before and I don’t care to get into that ever again, Beth.” He fidgets in his chair then stands up and paces in front of the huge window with a gorgeous view of the beach.

  “Just tell me. Shit, now you have my brain going most likely in the wrong direction.” I get up and move in front of him so he has to stop the incessant pacing. He looks down at me and takes my shoulders in his hands.

  “There’s a room at the house where we had sex.” He lets me go and walks away.

  “Are you ashamed, Channing?” I follow him and he turns back.

  “Yes.” He goes to sit down and looks at me as his head is slightly lowered. He peers at me almost shyly from under his thick dark lashes. “It’s a thing she was into and I didn’t know that until we were married. Then she introduced me to how she liked to have sex.”

  I move to stand in front of him and take his chin in my hand. “Don’t worry, Channing. I won’t judge you. I promise.”

  “Bet you will.” His eyes move to the side so he isn’t looking at me.

  “Trust me, Channing.” I ease down onto his lap and press my forehead to his. “You can trust me, Baby.”

  “The room is on the second floor. The only room that isn’t used for storage. It has a few things in there we used. I need to get rid of those things. Bad memories they bring me all the way around.” His hands move over my back.

  “What kinds of things?” I move my hands over his muscled arms.

  “Things she had me string her up with.” His breathing stops. I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. “I didn’t want to do those things to her. I didn’t want to hurt her, but she made me. She made me lash her with the whips. She made me take the chains and slap them over her ass. She wanted it and that was all that would make her orgasm.”

  “Oh, well, that’s not so taboo anymore, Channing. BDSM is kind of common. Not that big of a deal.” I kiss his cheek. “As long as all are consenting to it. Sounds like you were if you went through with it.”

  “Is it bad that sometimes it did feel good to do that to her?” He pulls back and looks at me. “And the first time, after I learned about their affair, I really went ape shit on her.”

  “I don’t think that’s good.” I smile. “But, I get why you would.”

  His lips quirk up to one side. “She actually told me to vent my anger on her body. After I whipped her until she was begging me to stop, I took her in such a dominating and in my opinion, ugly, fashion.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure I don’t want to know those details. But just know that’s perfectly human. And how many times did this happen once you two had agreed not to divorce?”

  “The first week, every day. I had so much anger and resentment. And the odd thing was she wanted me to do it. To beat her into submission. To make her pay for her transgressions. To make her be a better woman and wife.” He looks at me. “But it didn’t help. It didn’t make me feel better. Just the opposite, I felt worse. I felt bad about how her body was bruised and had red whelps where the whips and chains had hit her.”

  My heart is aching for him and I wrap my arms around him. “I’m so sorry that happened. That’s terrible. You should have divorced her and ended it all before that happened. But it happened and yo
u can’t take back anything you’ve done.”

  “After that week of what I look back and think of as torture for us both, we just stayed away from one another. The last night I did it, I fell apart. It was me who was crying. It was me who curled up in a ball in my bed, alone and begged God to forgive me.” I pull back and see the tears threating him.

  “She asked for it, Baby. Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t bring it up, right?” I search his eyes and find them so full of sadness.

  “No, I didn’t bring it up. But I did lay into her flesh to try to ease my pain and that’s wrong. That’s completely wrong.” His head shakes as he looks down. “If anyone ever does that to anyone I love. Well, I think I’d want to kill them.”

  “What a complex life you two had,” I mutter. “I can see why you have no real feelings about her death. You must’ve had to shut down your feelings and emotions about her at all to be able to do that to her.”

  His sigh rings out in the large office. “I never ever made love to her. I only fucked her. I only hurt her. And only because that’s the way she wanted it.”

  “Sounds like she didn’t love you, Channing. You were a prize, not a love. She got the gorgeous younger man. Wealth. Things she would’ve never had otherwise. So this thing she had with your father. Do you know how that was?”

  “When I found them. It was raining, and I had called and called her when I came home from work and she wasn’t there. Then one of the secretaries called me and told me she saw my wife’s car pulling into a huge mansion just outside Miami.” He looks away as a haze covers his eyes.

  “It turned out to be your father’s home?”

  His head moves so slightly it’s almost not moving at all. “It was, and I pulled up and found both of their cars there. I found the front door unlocked. I had never been there before. I didn’t even know he lived there. But I knew his car, and it was his. The license plates had his last name on them.”

  “I assume you found them in bed together.” I run my hands over his tight shoulders.

  “The door to the bedroom was open. I stopped just to the side and leaned back against the wall as I heard them. They were talking soft and sweet to each other. No harsh words, no sounds of slapping of flesh. No hardness at all. The things she told me were the only things that got her off.”


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