The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance Page 63

by Michelle Love

  I get up and say, “Your threats are so old, Jana. Soon the world will know about how you’ve set me up. You know damn well I didn’t try to kill you. And if you had any idea about how to use a computer then you’d know many people are questioning the whole pregnancy thing. Your ridiculous six months into a pregnancy and not a hint of a baby-bump has skeptics blazing through social media with the picture of our last outing. By the way, who was your doctor?”

  “None of your fucking business, Channing!” Her cheeks are red with rage and the effects of the alcohol.

  “How’s that? This was my supposed baby, Jana.” I glare at her. “Just admit your lies and this can all go away a whole lot quicker than if you continue with your story of me trying to kill you. I know you drugged the wine and I know Morgan was out there on one of his neighbor’s boats. Two things you’ve failed to mention when doing your little shows for the press.”

  “How do you know about Morgan borrowing a boat?” Her bottom lip trembles a bit.

  “His neighbor is a big fan of my hockey team and he told me. You see, I do have a bit of clout in this town. You may have turned many against me with your lies, but I still have some people in my corner.” I turn to walk away.

  “Your own family is against you, Channing,” she says, stopping me.

  I turn back. “And why are you calling my mother? You never wanted hardly a thing to do with my family but suddenly you call her about everything. Odd, I think.”

  Her head cocks to the right. “She deserves to know what a piece of shit she raised!”

  Mine cocks to the left. “Me, a piece of shit? Well, just so you know. She and my grandparents have caught onto your real agenda with the phone call you made to her this morning. They want me to give the money to you to give back to Morgan only because they see it as evil money and never wanted me to accept anything from that family. They don’t have your back, Jana. They just have their ideas about the money. It’s nothing more than that.”

  I turn to leave again as she shrieks, “Channing, I’m not going to play around with you! Give me the damn money or you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison! I swear I can make it happen!”

  My feet keep taking me towards the door. The waitress runs up to me. “Sir, the bill?”

  “Oh, sorry. How much was the water I had?” I ask as I pull out my wallet.

  “Free, but um, we don’t do split tickets, sir. Sorry.” She looks very apologetic.

  “Well then, my free water is part of her ticket. Go ask her to pay you. I hope you have a nice day. Bye now.” I walk out of the glass door feeling a lot better about everything with the recording of all Jana’s admissions and threats.

  Even from outside I can hear Jana screaming as the waitress must be telling her she has to pay the bill. “Who does this to their wife? I ask you, who does this sort of horrible thing to his very own wife?”

  A husband who has been taken to new depths of deceit that’s what kind of husband does that!

  Chapter 13


  Lance and I wait for Channing to make his way to the van where Lance made the recording. “Do you think that’ll be enough to get the media off his back, Lance?”

  “The media is a fickle bitch, Beth. One never knows. But at least we have some great stuff on here about how it looks like Channing was set up long ago by those two.”

  Channing pushes the van door open and Lance high fives him. “Did I get some good stuff do you think?” Channing asks us as he climbs inside and closes the door behind him.

  I nod and wrap my arms around his neck then kiss his cheek. “I think you did, Baby!”

  Channing takes a seat on one of the captain’s chairs and holds me on his lap. “I can’t thank you enough, Lance. The use of this equipment may have helped me to finally regain my social status and my freedom. In more ways than one.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask him.

  “It means that if there are apparent means for a divorce such as she married me on the pretense of taking my money, then the divorce can be granted much faster.” He smiles and his lips touch mine. “That means you and I can get married sooner than I thought we could. And that makes me very happy.”

  My heart races as things seem to be coming together better than I could’ve ever imagined.

  Can things really be looking up after all this time?

  Lance moves up to the driver’s seat and heads away from the restaurant. Out of the side window we see Jana coming out of the restaurant and going to the black Cadillac of Morgan’s.

  “She sure is walking fast, Channing. You seemed to have pissed her off good,” I tell him as I move to the other seat and put my safety belt on.

  “Leaving her with the check was the cherry on top of the shit pie I served her skinny ass,” he says with a laugh.

  Reaching out across the aisle to take my hand his eyes sparkle even more than I’ve seen them do before. “Channing, don’t get your hopes up too high. Lance was explaining to me how the media is a fickle bitch. Even though we all think this is some good stuff, someone could put a different spin on it. Someone like that Sally bitch with her own talk show who seems to be on Jana’s side.

  Lance looks over his shoulder at us as he stops at a red light. “Yeah, about that. Channing I know a guy with his own talk show and he’d like to talk to you when you have some time.”

  “I don’t know about that. Those people can be ruthless,” Channing answers with a frown.

  Lance laughs then takes off as the light turns green. “Don’t I know it! But maybe he can be ruthlessly on your side, Channing. You should just talk to him and see what you think. What could it hurt?”

  Channing looks at me for my opinion but I have no idea if going to another talk show host will help or hurt him. So I don’t say a word.

  “Set it up, Lance. I’ll do it,” Channing says with a smile. “You’re right. What could it hurt?”

  I can’t help but think, what can it help? I know what it could hurt, after all. The man I’ve come to love more than I knew possible. And now my heart is aching and my nerves have gone wild as I think about losing him to prison.

  What will I do if things don’t go the right way?

  To be continued…

  Dangerous Waters

  A Billionaire Romance Mystery Thriller Series

  Book 4


  By Michelle Love


  Revenge. Desire. Justice.

  Channing and Beth think the recording he managed to get when he and Jana talked will set Channing free.

  After letting Detective Radisson listen to it, though, it becomes clear she admitted no guilt. Channing is still on the hot seat.

  Channing’s new BFF, Lance, has something up his sleeve which he thinks will get Channing off the hook for good.

  Enter hard hitting talk show host, Stan Wilcox. He doesn’t go on she said - he said. He goes on lie detector tests.

  But his demeanor has Channing and Beth on edge as he’s straightforward about what will happen if the lie detector test is failed by Channing. Stan is also a cop and his main agenda with his talk show is to get scum off the streets.

  Will the truth finally be set free? And where will that leave Jana and Morgan or Channing and Beth? Or will Channing decide the Stan Wilcox show is not for him? Can there really be a happy ending for Beth and Channing? Grab a drink and a comfy chair to read the final conclusion of Channing and Beth’s story!

  Chapter 1


  Raindrops pelt the window of the hotel penthouse. I turn to find Beth pulling on a blue silk robe. Her dark hair cascades over her shoulders as she pulls her hair up with her hands then lets it fall.

  Lance is getting the recording ready and will be here shortly to give it to me. Then Detective Radisson will come over and listen to it. I feel very optimistic about things now and make my way across the room to give the woman I truly love a good morning hug.

  “Did you sleep
well, Baby,” I ask as I wrap my arms around her.

  “It was a nice night all the way around, Channing. I slept like a baby.” Her arms go around my neck and her soft lips touch mine.

  My cock jerks and I have to remind it that Lance will be here any minute and this is not the time. But as her kiss goes deep I stop thinking at all and give into her.

  Scooping her up into my arms I walk back toward the bedroom but am stopped as the beeping sound of the private elevator which leads to the penthouse fills the living room.

  Putting her back on her feet, I pull my mouth away and look down at her. “Better go get dressed. That will be Lance and after his visit will be the detective’s.” I run my hand through her silky hair and sigh.

  She smiles and turns away from me. “I’ll be out as soon as I have myself presentable.”

  I smack her ass as she walks away, and she turns and gives me a little glare and I laugh at her. “Watch that look, wench. Or you’ll taste my whip.”

  She laughs and closes the bedroom door behind her. But I hear her say, “Yes, Master Michaels.”

  Running my hands over my black slacks, I take a look in the mirror and button one of the top buttons of my white button-up Beth must’ve managed to get undone.

  I make my way to the elevator and smile at Lance as the doors open. “Good morning, Lance.”

  “Good morning to you. I have the recording ready for you and I think you’ve got something here,” he tells me as he comes inside and hands me the little device he put the recording on.

  “I hope so. I can’t wait to get this monkey off my back. That woman was manipulating things from the very beginning and I can’t wait to get her out of my life for good.” I pour a cup of coffee from the pot on top of the minibar and hand it to him. Then make one for myself.

  We sit on the sofa and I can see out the large window the rain has stopped. A bird flies by and makes me smile for no real reason. I’m just so damn happy this is about to be over I guess.

  “You father, if you can even call him a father, is a real piece of work, Dude,” Lance says then takes a sip of the black coffee. He makes a face then puts it down. “Not my thing, Man. Yuk!”

  “Beth has me hooked on it. I do like it better with some cream and sugar but they didn’t seem to have any. We usually get our coffee from some coffee place,” I say then take a sip of the bitter liquid.

  “She’s been good for you, Channing. I mean, I know I didn’t know you, before her. But I did see you a lot at the games. I’ve went to every one of them since you bought the team and made them fantastic. And when you were with your wife, you looked vacant most times. And now you don’t have that look about you at all. It’s kind of like Jana was poisoning you.” Lance shifts in his seat. “Do you feel any different?”

  I nod. “I do, but I’m not sure why that is. I mean Jana and I led such different lives I don’t know how she would be able to poison me. She sure as hell never brought me anything to eat.”

  Lance narrows his eyes. “I saw her bringing you beer after beer at the games she did go to.”

  “She did ply me with alcohol. I suppose so she could keep me at bay. Not that I was all that into her sexually. I have wracked my brain to figure out why I even started dating her. Apart from my personal assistant setting us up one time, I don’t recall even asking Jana to go out with me again. She just always kind of showed up before I went out and I let her come along.” I tap my knee with my finger and try to think.

  “Sounds like she and your father were very conniving,” he says as the elevator beeps telling me the detective is on the way up.

  I nod and we get up to meet the man at the elevator. “Seems they were and still are.”

  Wearing the only clothes I’ve ever seen the man in, Khakis and a white shirt, Detective Radisson steps off the elevator with his hand extended. “Morning, gentlemen.”

  I shake his hand and introduce him to Lance. “This is Lance. He wired me and we got some good stuff straight from Jana’s mouth.”

  He looks at the coffee cup in my hand and gives a nod. “Any more of that?”

  I smile and go get him a cup and hand it to him as we all sit down and I place the device on the table and turn it on. “Here you go, Detective.”

  He sits back and listens while I think about where I’m going to take Beth on our honeymoon.

  Perhaps Spain…

  Chapter 2


  “What do you mean he said she didn’t admit to anything on the recording?” I ask Channing who just keeps running his hand over his face.

  “That’s what Radisson said. It wasn’t useful. She didn’t admit to a thing that concerned the crime of tossing her overboard. I thought she said plenty, but he didn’t agree. What the fuck am I going to do?” He gets off the edge of the bed and begins pacing.

  Moving in front of him, I take his hands and pull him back to the bed and make him sit down. “You look like you’re about to have a stroke, Channing. I’m going to calm you down. This worrying isn’t going to solve a thing. You need to relax.” I pull my hair back and wrap a band around it to hold it back.

  “What are you doing?” he asks as he looks at me with confusion.

  “My, you are out of sorts,” I say with a laugh and unbutton his slacks.

  Reaching in, I pull out his happy stick and run my hands up and down it. He frowns. “I hate to tell you this, but I’m not in the mood.”

  I smile and place my lips on the tip then run my tongue over it and his hands go back on the bed as he lets out a moan. “You sure?”

  “Damn, Baby. Your mouth is magic,” he groans out as I run my mouth over his cock which is already beginning to go rock solid in my grip.

  Taking him to a much happier place than he was in, I wrap my hands around his thick dick and run them up and down along with my mouth. He can’t seem to stop moaning and groaning as I go up and down his long length.

  “You’re the best, Beth. The absolute best thing to ever happen to me.” His hands move to rub my shoulders.

  With one hand, I reach down to take his balls in it and massage them, making him moan some more and his hands grip my shoulders. “Yeah, Baby!”

  Moving faster, I suck a bit every time I come up his shaft and I can feel his body growing tense. His fingers sink into my flesh as the first bit of come oozes out of the tip and I run my tongue over the top.

  It sends him into a string of curse words as he shoots his hot, thick juices down my throat. He ends with, “Baby, I fucking love you.”

  I pull my mouth away and he pulls me up and looks into my eyes. “I love you too, Channing.”

  With a sweet kiss on my cheek, he pulls the band from my hair and runs his hands through it. “You are going to make a fantastic wife.”

  I give him a crooked smile. “If you keep saying things like that, I’m going to start taking you seriously.”

  His forehead presses against mine as he pulls me close. “I am serious. I can’t wait for this to be over. All I can think about is you and me and forever.”

  My heart skips a beat. “You have a lot on your plate right now. We can leave that kind of talk on the wayside for now. Let’s think about what we can do next to get this mess settled and behind you.”

  “Lance wants me to go talk to this talk show guy. He says he’s intense but that he can help me. His name is Stan Wilcox. His show is on during the day. Since I never watch television during the day I have no idea who he is.” He tucks himself back into his dark slacks as I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

  “I’ve seen his show. He’s kind of a meanie.”

  Channing comes up behind me as I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and looks at me through the mirror. “Is he mean to his guests?”

  “If they’re guilty he is.” I place the brush in my mouth and watch him go a little pale.

  “The things I’ve done, Beth. I know they’re already out there but it’s so damn hard facing people when I have to talk about what I’ve done to
her.” He runs his hands through his dark hair and looks at his reflection.

  I spit and rinse and wipe my mouth then turn to take him by his wide shoulders and make him look at me. “She asked you to. And I overheard you and Lance talking and I’m beginning to think she was regularly drugging you. She definitely was making you drink a lot more than you normally do.”

  He nods and looks at his reflection again. “I have acted so off since I met her. I thought it must be because she was older and was getting me out of boyhood and into manhood. But now, I really don’t know. It was all a ploy to get my money. But would my father really rather see me dead than reaping the benefits of the million dollars his father gave me?”

  I run my arm around his waist and lean my head on his chest. “Try not to think about all that and let’s go talk to the talk show guy. He is a hard-ass, but he’s a fair man and the fact is he can help.”

  He nods and takes his phone out of his pocket. With a swipe of his finger, he’s calling Lance and setting up the meeting. And we’re on our way to the car before I know it.

  I hope this man can help him…

  Chapter 3


  An invitation to visit with Stan Wilcox at his modest home in Miami has Beth and I walking into a normal, single-story, brick home on the edge of town.

  His three dainty Pomeranians all with different colored bows in their thick manes of hair follow the tall and muscular man down the entry hall and into a living room filled with antiques.

  I grip Beth’s hand and whisper, “No, missus?”

  The man who seems to shave his head on purpose turns back and gives me a smile. “This might surprise you but I’m not married, Channing.”

  I shake my head. “None of my business, Sir.”

  The hallway ends and the living room begins. Stan gestures for us to sit down on a sofa. He takes a large chair near the end of the large piece of leather covered furniture. “No, it is not.”


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