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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 64

by Michelle Love

  His small dogs jump up to take their places on each side of him and the alpha sits on his lap. He pets her as he eyes me.

  With a smile, Beth asks, “Do you breed them?”

  A shake of his head has the overhead light reflecting off his very shiny head and I squint as it sends the light right into my eyes.

  “I don’t breed them. These were my late sister’s. She died last year, and I took them in. I’ve never been an animal guy. But I couldn’t let anything happen to these little beauties. And now they have me wrapped around their little fingers, or tails, or whatever you’d say about a dog.” His large body and tough demeanor are lost with the little dogs who look at him with adoration in their brown eyes.

  “Should I play you the recording, Stan?” I ask.

  “Lance gave me a copy and I have to say the woman is a real bitch. That said, she never admits to faking the pregnancy, or the attempted murder. So there’s that. I watched the Sally Show with her interview and have to say that she comes off as a liar to me. I’ve had many liars on my show and know the tells a lot of people have when they’re lying.”

  A tall thin man comes into the living room with some drinks on a tray. “Lemonade?” he asks.

  Stan accepts the one the man hands him and takes a long drink then says, “Beth, Channing, please have some. This is Mark, my butler. He makes this from the lemon tree in the backyard. He’s a genius with lemons. See if you can figure out what his secret ingredient is.”

  We both take the drinks he offers us and I take a long drink as does Beth. Her mouth puckers a bit and then she smiles. “You use honey instead of sugar!”

  Mark nods. “Anything else?”

  She takes another drink and looks at him then snaps her fingers. “Ginger!”

  His stoic face breaks into a wide smile. “You are right. Would you like to try my cookies? I just pulled them out of the oven and I used something very different in them and would love to see if you could guess the secret ingredient. Come with me to the kitchen.”

  Beth looks at me. “Would you mind?”

  I shake my head. “No, go on. Have a ball.”

  Stan smiles at Beth as she leaves the room with his butler and I have an odd feeling the man is more than just his butler. Then he looks back at me.

  His brow furrows. “Channing, why drag her through this ugly mess?”

  “She wants to be with me. I know it sounds very selfish, but I need her. I’ve never had anyone in my corner before. Not my mother or grandparents, no one. She’s the first person who I know has my back. It’s terrible timing, but I can’t put her to the side and deal with this on my own. It’s so dark without her around me.” I take another drink and feel pretty vulnerable.

  “She’s so young,” he says then runs his hand over the dog’s back. “How much younger is she than you are?”

  “Thirteen years,” I say and feel kind of crappy saying it out loud.

  “Thirteen years,” he says with a glimmer in his light blue eyes. “And please answer me truthfully, Channing. Are you practicing any of that BDSM stuff with her?”

  I shake my head. “No, Sir. That’s not our cup of tea. It never was mine. I know what Jana’s said, but she was the one who bought that stuff. And she’s the one who told me to hit her with those whips and chains until she said the safe word. She claimed that was the only way she could orgasm.”

  “Did that work for her?” he asks then sips his lemonade.

  “She acted like it did. To be truthful, she could’ve been acting. I really have no idea. I don’t know if it’s her age, her lack of estrogen, or what the hell it is, but the woman never got wet inside. The times we had intercourse we had to use lubricants.” I tap my finger on the top of my leg. “I’m sorry. I don’t like talking about that kind of thing. I’m having a very hard time figuring out why I even dated her much less married her.”

  “I bet you are.” He looks at me as if he can see right through me. “Channing, I can hook you up to a lie detector test and ask you all the right questions. It can prove you’re telling the truth or lying. And I’d like to get your wife and your father on the show as well. What do you think about that?”

  “All of us? Together?” I tap my finger to my temple. “It sounds like a nightmare to be honest.”

  He nods. “Yes, I’m sure it does. But if I can get all of you to take the lie detector tests and ask the right questions then we can get to the very bottom of this mess and all will know the truth. This will be behind you if you’re telling the truth. If you aren’t, you can start dealing with the consequences of your actions and life can go on.”

  “You make an excellent case. But that’s a whole lot of drama. I’ll need to think on it. And talk to Beth.”

  He holds his hand up, stopping me. “I’d like you to make this decision on your own. She’s a kid, Channing. If you get on that stage and the world finds out you’re a liar, then that will weigh on her for her whole life. You know, she’ll be the one who talked you into doing something that got you thrown into prison.”

  “I’m not lying so that’s a non-issue,” I say as I look him in the eyes.

  He smiles at me. “Oh, Channing there has yet to be one of the people who I’ve found lying that didn’t say those exact words to me. Please, make the decision on your own. And if you want Beth to come, we’ll be keeping her in one of the green rooms while the show is going on. I don’t want controversy over the test results if Jana can claim Beth’s presence had her unnerved.”

  I nod. “Deal. I’ll think on this and when should I let you know.”

  “As soon as you decide. I can line the show up for the following day. And just so you know. I’m going to contact Jana and Morgan and start getting them on board. You can participate or not. It’s up to you, but I don’t have to tell you if they’re onboard and you’re not, you’ll look a bit guilty.”

  Beth and Mark come back into the room. Beth has a cookie in her hand and hands it to me. “Taste this. You’ll never guess what he put in it.”

  Mark hands one to Stan who takes a bite and rolls his eyes. “Mmm. Mark, you’ve outdone yourself again.”

  I take a bite and find it a bit spicy. “Jalapenos?”

  She nods. “And chocolate chips. It’s great, isn’t it?”

  I nod and give Mark a wink. “Can’t go wrong with either of those ingredients can you, Mark?”

  “I don’t think you can go wrong with them.” He takes a bite of the cookie he’s holding and closes his eyes with the flavor.

  Taking Beth’s hand, I get up. “We should get going. I have a lot to think about.”

  “That you do, Channing.” Stan gets up and the dogs trail after him as he and Mark walk us to the door. He claps me on the back. “And I don’t know if you know this or not, but I’m a cop. I’m a Miami police officer and whoever is caught lying on my show goes directly to jail. And the judges in this town may not be able to use lie detector tests in their decisions but every single one of the scum bags I sent to jail has been convicted of their crimes.”

  Beth’s dark eyebrows go way up on her forehead. “Wow! I didn’t know that.”

  Then Stan smiles. “I’m sure Channing has nothing to worry about. As long as he’s innocent.”

  Beth nods. “And he is.”

  Stan looks at her and frowns. “Beth, I have a niece your age. And I’ve found she can find faith in just about anyone. It’s not a very safe way to be. But at your young age, it’s common.” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “Keep your wits about you. You’re in the presence of a man whose wife has accused him of throwing her overboard in the deep ocean. Being alone with him is a mistake until he’s proven himself innocent.”

  Beth smiles as I frown and her sweet voice tells him, “I’m sure your job has had you involved with people who have done horrible things. I’m sure that’s why you’re so cynical. And I appreciate your words, Stan. I do. But I have faith in this man. I’m not making a mistake and I know it.”

  My heart nearly ex
plodes with love for her. She has my back every single time. I put my arm around her and say, “I’ll talk to you soon, Stan.”

  “Please do, Channing. Bye now.”

  Not sure if this guy is going to be really helpful or not!

  Chapter 4


  Large raindrops hit the small windshield of the Lamborghini as we drive back to the hotel. Channing looks tense again but I’m not about to ease it the way I did before in this car.

  “It’s going to be fine. I think it’s a great idea to go on his show, Channing,” I say as I run my fingers over the back of his hand as he rests it on the gearshift between us.

  “I’ve never taken a lie detector test, Beth. What if I have some weird thing that makes my heart speed up and sweat and breathe fast for no real reason except I’m nervous? What if it says I’m lying and I’m not?” He wipes his sweating forehead with the back of his hand.

  I take a handkerchief out of the glove box and wipe his hand and his face. “Don’t worry. There’s no need to be nervous. It’s not like you haven’t been on television. You’re on it all the time with your team when there are hockey games.”

  “It’s the whole idea of being there with Jana and Morgan. And I can’t have you by my side.” He looks at me and drags his knuckles across my cheek. “I need you with me, Baby.”

  Neediness is not a thing I like to see in him. “Channing, I’m with you at all times. Maybe not in body, but in your heart, I am there. People can’t always be physically around one another and they have to store their presence in their heart for those times. When you’re sitting there, taking that test just close your eyes and pretend I’m sitting right next to you, holding your hand.”

  “You may be years younger than I am but you’re eons older mentally than me. I can try that. I have to do something, don’t I?” His blue-green eyes droop at the outer edges and I feel so damn sorry for him.

  If I could take this all away, I would. That damn woman and his damn father are horrible people who deserve to be found out for the liars and manipulators they are.

  I turn up the radio to take his mind elsewhere. One of his favorite songs is on one of the local stations and I turn it up loud and sing along with it. He joins me and the atmosphere lightens up.

  We laugh when the song is over and the DJ comes on. “Breaking news this afternoon. Doctor Susan Little verified today that Jana Michaels was pregnant. She told the media she would’ve come out with the information sooner but that Jana came to her under another name. It wasn’t until she recognized her on the Sally Show that she knew the woman’s true identity.”

  I look over at Channing. “Maybe she was pregnant, Channing.”

  He shakes his head as he turns off the radio. “Not by me, she wasn’t.”

  “But the doctor said.” I watch as his eye begins to twitch.

  “She was your wife. You did have sex with her. And if she was six months pregnant like she said then it was yours, Channing.” My heart aches for him. Then I wonder why she’d keep that a secret. “Channing, would you have been mad if she’d told you she was pregnant?”

  “Fuck yes! I would’ve been devastated. I knew our marriage was never going to work out. I was punishing her by keeping her in the marriage but eventually, I would’ve divorced her. A kid would’ve been a real problem for me. She could take me to the cleaners if she had a kid to hold over my head.” He looks at me with bloodshot eyes.

  I think they look like that because he feels like crying. And if I wasn’t here then maybe he would be. Maybe he’d be crying over the son he lost.

  “Channing, is there a chance that she did drug you on the boat that day and she did tell you about the baby. Maybe thinking that drugging you would make you more docile when she told you. Thinking that out there on the ocean might help you be more calm and accepting?” I touch his shoulder. “Is there a chance that all occurred and in your drugged state you did get angry and toss her overboard?” A chill runs through me. “Anyone would understand, Channing. Just think hard. Try hard to recall it all.”

  He shakes his head as the rain starts to fall hard and we pull into the parking garage of the hotel. “That would not explain why Morgan borrowed a boat and took it out that day too.”

  My mind is cluttered with the facts and the absence of so many things. She was pregnant. Most likely with Channing’s baby. And so damned afraid of him she didn’t tell him for six months.

  “Channing, we need to get the receipts for that BDSM shit in that room. I want to know who really bought that stuff and when,” I say as I get out of the car.

  He gets out and comes after me. I fly back as he grabs my arm. “Beth! What the fuck! Now I have to prove myself to you too? I thought you had my back?”

  “I do. I want some physical proof that what you’ve said is true. Jana has some and you have none. So produce some, Channing.” I pull my arm out of his tight grip. “And don’t yank me around.”

  He stands there as I walk away. Then shouts, “I didn’t try to kill her, Beth.”

  I keep walking not knowing what the hell to think. “Stop shouting things like that, Channing. It looks bad.”

  What if he did do it and I’m an idiot?

  Chapter 5


  The elevator ride up to the penthouse hotel room is deadly silent. Beth can’t seem to look at me.

  “I can’t produce receipts for that stuff right now and you know it. The house is tented if you will recall.” I step off the elevator and into the living room where I find a bottle of Scotch and pour myself a drink.

  “What credit card was used? I can get the information from the credit card company.” She picks up a glass and pours herself a drink. Then sits on the sofa and finally she looks at me after she’s taken a sip.

  “I didn’t buy that stuff. I’m sure it was one of the credit cards I cut up when I found out about her and Morgan.”

  “That’s convenient,” she says with a frown.

  I take my cell phone out of my pocket as thunder fills the room, making the room tremble. “I’m taking the test.”

  I dial the number Stan Wilcox gave me and his butler, Mark, answers, “Stanly Wilcox residence.”

  “Hey, Mark. This is Channing Michaels. Can you tell Stan I will do his show and take his tests as soon as he wants me to?” I look at Beth. “I didn’t do it and I’m ready to end this shit now.”

  “I will do that, Channing. He’ll get back to you soon.”

  I end the call and glare at Beth. “And since you don’t believe me I don’t even want you there at the station. You can wait here to see if you’re in love with a liar or not.”

  “Fine!” She gets up and leaves the room, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

  My hands are shaking as I take the phone and call Jana.

  I have to know.

  “Channing! What the hell do you want?” Jana answers the phone.

  “I want to know if it was true.”

  “The baby?” she asks with a sigh. “I told you it was.”

  “But why didn’t you tell me before?” I ask then take a drink of the Scotch.

  I can hear ice clinking against a glass and know she’s drinking something hard herself. “I knew you’d be mad.”

  “Were you planning on using him to get my money?” My heart kind of clenches in my chest.

  “I knew that’s how you’d look at it. It wasn’t planned. It just happened. One of those times when you were punishing me for my affair with Morgan is when it happened. You made sure you came inside me many times if you will recall. You were marking me as yours, I suppose. Well, you succeeded, Channing. Only when you tossed me off that boat after I told you I was pregnant, you didn’t want me to be yours any longer.”

  “That’s a lie, Jana. I didn’t throw you off that boat. I know for a fact Morgan had a boat out there. Why would he if you two didn’t have this planned?” I ask as I fall onto the sofa.

  “The fact is he was worried about me. He and I had tal
ked, and I told him I was pregnant. He wanted to start our affair back up that’s why we were talking. It was him who said you’d not be happy about a baby. With me anyway. And he was right. He was worried when I told him how I was going to tell you. And the truth is I did put something in the wine to chill you out. A Xanax is what I used to try to make sure you were calm before I told you the news.”

  “And then you jumped overboard and swam to his boat, didn’t you?” I ask then take another swig.

  “No, Channing. Then I told you we were having a son, and you called me a liar and picked me up and tossed me over just as the storm hit and you left the sails up so you could get away from me before I could swim back to the boat. That’s what happened. The story about the other fishermen was a lie as your father did find me. I was afraid of you, Channing.”

  “I didn’t do that. I know I didn’t. I’m going on the Stan Wilcox Show and I’m taking a lie detector test. If I did that to you and a baby, then I deserve any punishment my peers see fit. Because that is a true crime.”

  She sighs, “He called us today too. We’ve agreed to go. You will see, it was all you, Channing.”

  “See you on the show then, bye.” I end the call and hold the cold glass to my forehead.

  My mind is blank. I feel numb.

  Did I really have a son and lost him because I threw that bitch overboard?

  Chapter 6


  The bedroom door opens slowly and Channing comes in with his head hanging low. A bottle of Scotch in one hand and a glass full of it in the other tells me he’s in an awful state.

  I suppose I need to try to raise him out of this funk he’s gotten himself into. Though I am upset with him about this baby thing, I feel sorry for him at the same time.

  He places the bottle on the nightstand by his side of the bed and starts to walk to the bathroom. I have a book in my hands I’m not really reading so I place it on my lap. “Channing?”


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