The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance Page 68

by Michelle Love

  “Is it?” He does it again and then his hands are all over me, tickling the crap out of me.

  I laugh until I nearly wet myself then shout, “Goldfish! Goldfish!”

  He keeps tickling me and says, “That was last week. What’s the new one?”

  “Shit!” I shriek.

  “Nope, that’s not it either,” he says as he laughs and keeps tickling me.

  I search my memory as I can barely think then it comes to me. “Banana nut muffins!”

  He stops and looks down at me as he breathes heavily. “Yep!”

  I catch my breath and shake my finger at him. “This island may be a bit too much for me.”

  He laughs and grabs me up and tosses me over his shoulder again. “If you can’t keep up with an old man then I feel sorry for you, Bethy. Now off to my happy shower. I hope you have a few tricks up your sleeve.”

  I do now. A little backdoor action it seems my caveman has coming his way.

  Let’s see how he likes surprises!

  Chapter 13


  “But Daddy doesn’t like to eat cereal out of his nine hundred dollar shoes, Little Channing. So please never fill them with cereal and milk again. Okay, Buddy?” I ask our three-year-old who looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

  “K, Daddy. I was just tryin’ to make you breakfast.” He sniffles and wipes his nose with the back of his hand.

  I take a paper towel off the roll and wipe his hand then his nose. “You don’t have to cry, Buddy. Just never do that again. That’s all.” I scoop him up and take him out to the beach where his very pregnant mother is lying on a chair near the water’s edge.

  We spend a lot of time alone on this island. Just us three. It’s like a little paradise away from all things.

  “Mommy!” he screams, and I put him down so he can run to her.

  “Watch Mommy’s tummy, Buddy,” I shout out after him.

  “I know.” He runs until he gets to her then he tattles on me. “Mommy, Daddy yelled at me for making him breakfast.”

  Beth sits up and turns around and pulls her dark shades down to peer over them at me. “Why on Earth would you do such a thing?”

  “Yelling is a strong word for what I did. When he took me to see the breakfast he had made for me, in my Armani shoes, mind you, I very nicely and in a soft voice told him never to do that again. He poured cereal and milk into them both.”

  She stifles a laugh by putting her hand over her mouth. “He did not do that!”

  “Uh huh, I did.” the small boy says as he nods his little round head. “On account of Daddy loves those shoes, and I wanted Daddy to love his breakfast I made him all by myself.”

  Beth pulls him onto what’s left of her lap and cuddles him. “Oh, Baby. Maybe if you use a bowl next time that would be better.”

  “Maybe,” he says. “Maybe I could scramble some eggs in a bowl for him. Maybe tomorrow.” His eyes light up and he jumps off her lap and starts running through the edge of the water until a small wave comes and he runs away from it like it’s a tsunami, shrieking in terror as he goes.

  “What great ideas that kid of yours has, Beth.” I sit in the lounge chair next to hers and take her hand and swing it between us.

  “My kid? Hmm.” She lies back and looks relaxed.

  “Today’s the last day out here for a while. This evening I’m taking you both into Miami. I’ve rented a place near the hospital,” I tell her as I lie back and look at the clouds moving overhead.

  “I think that’s all too much, Channing. We can stay at the house on the Keys until I go into labor.” She looks over at me and smiles. “Always so worried.”

  “You’re about to have triplets, Beth. Yeah, I’m worried.”

  She shakes her head. “Lots of women have three or even more babies at one time. They’ll come when they’re ready and I see no need to be so close to the hospital.”

  “Well, I do. Since I’ve already rented it I expect no backtalk from you about it. We’re leaving tonight and that’s that!” I tap her hand to end my sentence and she turns to me and pulls her shades down again.

  “Back talk, Channing?” She pushes the sunglasses back up and looks away from me. “I got your backtalk.”

  “You know you’re only getting away with that because you’re pregnant, right?” I pull on her hand. “Otherwise, I’d have you on the ground and the tickle torture would be on like Donkey Kong.”

  “In my current condition, I’d pee all over you if you tried that.” She snickers to herself.

  “Yeah, like I said, if you weren’t pregnant, you sassy thing you. And I’m not in any hurry to have pee and other bodily fluids all over me. With three of the little gremlins, we both will be saturated in them all too soon.”

  “The smell of baby poop, spit up, and that awful sweet smelling pee they make is too close. I can’t believe you managed to put three of these wiggly, kicking ninja babies into my stomach, Channing. Honestly, who does such a thing to someone they claim to love?” She giggles a little.

  “A monster,” I tell her then move to sit next to her and run my hand over her very large stomach. “A monster who loves you very much and my little ninja babies too.”

  Little Channing runs by and shouts, “And me too, Daddy. You love me too. Don’t forget that!” He runs back to the water and splashes a bit before running off again.

  “And my big boy, Channing too, I love very much,” I say then look at Beth. “That kid hears everything.”

  She nods. “You know that! I whispered a curse word after slamming my finger in one of the kitchen drawers yesterday and he totally called me on it. Little profanity cop!”

  I laugh and lean over to kiss her sweet lips. “I can’t wait to get these babies out so you and I can have a little Mommy, Daddy time. It’s been a while.”

  “Yeah, whales don’t mate that often I bet.” She runs her hands over her ample stomach.

  “Don’t call yourself a whale. I like to think of you as temporarily expanded.” I take her hands off her stomach and run them around my neck. “Hold on.”

  “Do not attempt to pick me up, Channing Michaels! If you were to drop me…”

  Without hesitation, I stand up with her in my arms and give her a smile. “See, light as a feather still with three kids inside you.” I place a kiss on the tip of her nose and carry her into the bungalow as she rests her head on my shoulder.

  “I love you, Channing.”

  “I love you too, Beth.”

  Chapter 14


  “Hurry!” I shout as I run in front of Channing.

  “You’re going too fast, Beth. Slow down!”

  But I can’t slow down. I have to get there. I have to make it before the sun sets.

  “I have to see it, Channing. It’s a tradition!”

  The trees are thick and stop me from seeing the sky. It all started five years ago when Channing and I took the trip through the water to go to a club on the Keys on his thirty-seventh birthday.

  Today he turned forty-two, and the light is about to fade and I’ve yet to see the thing we seem to see every single year on this day.

  “Honey, it’s not important,” he says as he tries to catch up to me.

  “It is, though. I feel it’s a sign or something and if we don’t see it one year then this peaceful and happy life we have will end.” I run even faster as fear creeps up inside me.

  Then his hand is on my wrist and he pulls me to a stop. He turns me around and wraps his arms around me. “Baby, that’s silly.”

  He holds me tight and rocks me. “Channing, please. I need to see if it’s there. Let me go. We’re so close to the tree line.”

  “Fine,” he says then lets me go.

  I run the rest of the way as he follows me but walks. And as I break through the edge of the trees the sky opens up and there it is. Just like it has been since that first birthday of his we celebrated together.

  “It’s here! Channing! Come see!”

; He makes his way out to me just as the last rays are in the sky to reflect off it. “There’s our rainbow, Baby,” he says as he takes my hand.

  “Another good year.” I nearly cry with relief.

  He pulls me into his arms. “Beth, that rainbow has nothing to do with how happy our life is. It’s up to us to make it that way. Not any rainbow.”

  “It’s just something that’s happened every year, Channing. It’s amazing. And every year we spend it on our island and it’s just magical. Like the day I first laid eyes on you. Magic surrounds us and I think it’s real. As real as it gets.”

  He picks me up and starts carrying me to our bungalow which has expanded with the three daughters we had a couple of years ago.

  Three little girls in their terrible two’s had us leaving the kids all behind this year. It’s taking both our mothers to watch what they call our pack of kids.

  Channing and I try hard to get as much time as we can to ourselves, but it’s not easy with four kids. Three of them being little lunatics with teeth.

  Those girls must’ve been kicking and punching each other in the womb because that seems to be all we do is break up little fights between them. I thought they were ninjas turns out they were just trying to kill one another.

  As Channing carries me up the stairs to our bungalow I point out a large crab who seems to want to join us for the evening. It brandishes it’s one large claw and snaps it at us.

  Channing laughs and gives it a little kick, sending it off the porch and it scurries away to find another place to sleep the night away.

  He doesn’t put me down until we get to our large bed. The ceiling fan rotates overhead and I look at it as he lies me down.

  His fingers move quickly undoing the buttons of my shirt. “No, I’ll change into my nightgown, Channing.”

  I try to get up but he stops me. “No, you won’t. I’m not letting you hide behind a nightgown any longer, Beth. I know you have stretch marks.”

  “They’re ugly!” I hiss and try to get away. But he holds me down and keeps taking my shirt off.

  “They’re beautiful and make a statement like a badge of honor. You carried three babies in there at one time. Be proud of those scars, Baby.” He pulls the shirt off and I move my hands to cover the ugly brown marks that cover my belly.

  Then he unhooks my bra and sets my breasts free and I try to cover them as well. “No! Damn, Channing! You know I hate how they look now.”

  “I know I’m tired of you acting like you look like some kind of a hunchback with leprosy. You’re beautiful, Beth. And I want to worship that body that’s made me happy for six years now.” His hands move over my body and down to my panties.

  He rips them off me and growls. I whimper. “Channing, I’m fat. I’m not nearly the girl you married.”

  “No, you aren’t. You’re the woman I am married to, Beth. You’re the woman I am going to grow old with. You’re the woman who has given me more than I could’ve ever asked for. You used your body to bring our children into this world, I could never think it was ugly. It bears the marks of your struggle to bring life into this world, Baby. It’s gorgeous. And I will always only think that.”

  He pulls his clothes off and climbs onto the bed with me. His lips touch my breast. It sags some and has more stretch marks. The nipple is much larger than it was before I nursed the triplets for six months.

  I’ve gone to bed in a sports bra and nightgown since I had the girls. Channing and I have made love many times but not without those things covering me.

  I feel vulnerable and nervous. There is just no way he can think I’m attractive. I gained a lot of weight with the triplets and only lost half of it. I’m thirty pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant with them.

  My belly is jiggly and my ass is too. My thighs are thick and I feel heavy. I want to go back to that body so badly but can’t seem to.

  “Baby,” Channing groans. “My, God, I’ve missed these.” His mouth kisses and sucks at one as his hand caresses and squeezes the other.

  Shame is stopping me from enjoying it. I hold my mouth closed as he peruses my boobs. He acts like he’s really enjoying them. But it has to be an act he’s putting on to make me feel better.

  He pulls his mouth away and looks at me as I lie here like a beached whale for him to inspect. His perfect pecs are still hard and his six pack is still there. His muscled arms still as perfect as they day I met him.

  I see the glisten of a tear in his eye and know he has to be so disappointed in what I’ve become. It escapes and flows down his tanned cheek. He looks back into my eyes. “Baby, I’ve missed this. I’ve missed seeing you like this. Now if you could get back that gleam in your eyes everything will be okay. I’m going to show you this entire weekend how much I love you and your body.”

  His hand touches my stomach and I flinch. “Channing…”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t. Don’t ask me to stop because I won’t. I’m not stopping until I touch every single part of you. I’m not stopping until I make you believe that you are a gorgeous woman and I am lucky to have you by my side and damn lucky to have you in my bed.”

  His lips touch my stomach as his hand moves between my legs. He pushes them apart and runs his fingers over my clit and down my slit and into me.

  I haven’t let him put his fingers inside me since I had the babies. I felt like it was all torn up by them and didn’t want him to feel the scars and dents they left.

  I love my daughters but they really did a number on my body. And I have kept it as closed up as I could while still letting my husband have all the sex he wanted.

  It was just that some of me was off limits. His mouth moves further down and when his lips touch my sex he moans. “Damn it I have missed doing this.”

  I hold the pillow behind my head as I am so afraid he’s going to hate the way I feel now.

  He moves my legs until my knees are bent then he goes to town on me. The fear fades as the sensations bring me back to how good this man can make me feel inside.

  Heat starts to invade my insides. His tongue licks my clit over and over until I’m shaking. “Channing!” I climax and his mouth moves to taste me.

  He eagerly laps up the juices I’ve released. His fingers grip my thick thighs and he runs his hands to my ass and pulls me up so he can get his tongue deeper inside me.

  Hot kisses he trails back up me as he climbs up my body. His eyes are lust-filled. “I’m about to fuck you so hard, Beth.”

  I go all tingly. “Channing…”

  His mouth is on mine before I can say another word and his dick slams into me. I wrap my legs around him, holding him to me as he makes deep hard thrusts.

  He wants me. I can feel the need in his body. He really wants me.

  His mouth leaves mine, and he looks at me. “I love you, Beth.”

  A tear falls down my cheek and he kisses it. “I love you too.”

  He pulls out of me and flips me around to my hands and knees like I don’t weigh a thing. Then he yanks me back by my hips and slams into me as he holds the sides of my ass.

  My now pretty good sized ass.

  One hand holds me steady as the other caresses my ass cheeks. “Oh, Baby, your ass is so gorgeous. So plump and round.” I feel his teeth grazing over the flesh of my ass and I moan as it feels so good.

  “You like that?” he asks and I feel his teeth and lips move with his words.

  “Yes,” I hiss.

  He gives it a good bite and I yelp but only because it makes me jerk inside.

  He leans over me and takes my tits in his hands as he pumps into me. His words are warm on my ear. “Your tits are fucking delicious, Baby.” He licks the side of my neck.

  My body is on fire. He’s making me hotter than I’ve felt in a long time. His cock is filling me up and he bites my neck then whispers, “I’m going to fuck you all night long.”

  And I lose it. My body goes crazy with the orgasm. It’s hard, and it’s lasting a long time. I try to be qu
iet but want to scream with the sweet release.

  Channing moves back up and grabs me by my hips and slams hard into me. “Yes, Baby! Give it to me! Give it all to me! Scream for me, Baby!”

  The orgasm is going on and getting more intense. I’ve had to be so quiet. Afraid of waking the babies.

  No sound comes from me as I hold it all in. Then his hand slaps my ass. “Scream my name, damn it!”

  “Channing,” I say kind of softly.

  Another slap, harder this time. “Damn it, Beth! Scream it!”

  “Channing!” I say a little louder and find another slap on my ass. “Channing!”

  “Again,” he shouts as he pounds into me.

  “Channing!” I shout as my body shakes with the intensity. I put my face in the pillow and shriek with the desire. The complete desire I have for him and how he’s making my body feel sexy and wanted, even needed again.

  He jerks his cock out of me and flips me over and slams back into me. His face is sweaty as he looks at me. “I want to hear you say that you’re beautiful, Beth.”

  “Channing,” I whisper and turn my head.

  He grabs my face and makes me look at him. “Fucking say it, Beth.”

  His eyes are dark as he moves into me hard. “I’m beautiful.”

  He kisses me hard and wraps his tongue around mine. Then stops the kiss and looks at me again. “I want to hear you say you’re sexy.”

  I smile. “You are sexy.”

  He smacks the side of my ass. “Want another, Sassy. And the safe-word is cunt.”

  He knows I hate saying that word. I wince and say, “I’m sexy.”

  “Louder,” he shouts.

  “I’m sexy!” I buck under him and wrap my arms around him. “Make me come again, you sexy man!”

  “I plan on it.” He takes one tit in his mouth as he continues to pummel my body like it hasn’t had in nearly three years.

  It aches but in the best way. And if I can walk tomorrow I’ll be surprised. But tonight I’m going to give into this man. This wonderful husband I have.

  His dick goes really stiff then he says with his deep voice, “Come!”

  Just like old times, my body does what he’s told it to. This time, I shriek with the sweet release and I can feel the orgasm throughout my entire body as we throb all over one another.


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