Mykal's Deadly Perambulation

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Mykal's Deadly Perambulation Page 13

by Dave Hazel

  “That may not be a bad idea,” Nordad said and stroked his long beard while thinking over the possibilities. The more he gave it thought the more he like the idea. Nordad added his other hand and began milking his beard and it seemed to have a calming effect on him.

  “Yeah, that is a pretty good idea William,” Mykal agreed. “Every once in a while you can hit one outta the park,” Mykal joked and gave a big wink to show he didn’t hold a grudge against William.

  “Thanks Myk. I appreciate you saying that,” William said for everyone to hear him, but he looked like it pained him to accept praise from Mykal.

  “I suggest we use that only as a last resort,” Leeno said.


  The men tried to get comfortable and relax. Some were able to sleep but those who slept had a fitful time of it. The minor chit chat slowed to a stop. Everyone started to think their own private thoughts and for most of the men their thoughts turned to back home, except for Boris. His home was to be in Towbar’s world for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t allow tortured thoughts of the real world to enter his mind. Where the real world was concerned, back home, family and friends and things back in the real world, none of it existed. As far as Boris was concerned, the real world didn’t exist and wasn’t real anymore. ‘I did this to myself. I have no one to blame but myself. I’m grateful I was allowed to come and it’s all because of Mykal and Towbar. I need to show Mykal I truly appreciate what he did to get me here,’ Boris thought. ‘After we get out of here I will really make it up to him.’


  None of the military men questioned themselves as to if signing up for Towbar One was a bad decision. Though their situation looked grim for the time being, the number one objective was to “adapt and overcome.” As professional warriors they wouldn’t allow attitudes of defeat to dominate their thinking. They knew there could be a way of escape, but they had to find it before time ran out.

  Thirty minutes had passed when one of the Army Rangers, Sergeant McPherson, broke the silence. “How do you think the Goblins would treat us if we did surrender to them?” McPherson asked a couple of the men lounging near him.

  “It won’t be good,” Marine Sergeant McTaggert answered. “They said they were planning to punish us.”

  “They said they would kill us swiftly if we gave ourselves over to them,” Blair reminded them.

  “Stop this talk now,” Lieutenant Finley said and jumped to his feet.

  Mykal looked at McPherson and started to feel bad for him. McPherson suddenly looked like a young child who was scared and tried to think of a way to get out of his troubling situation. Mykal looked at McPherson and all the younger men like Wickey, Hall and the others. He realized that these brave young men were the sons of people who awaited their return. They were the children of other people and though Mykal understood they were grown men, he felt bad for them and he felt guilty that all these men were here because of him.

  “Yes, let’s make this perfectly clear right now,” Captain Diaz said and stepped in the center beside Finley. “I want to put an end to this discussion before it takes a wrong turn. No one is going to surrender. I believe we are going to get out of this situation. We will,” Diaz said confidently. “So we must hold out for as long as we can.”

  Mykal joined Diaz and Finley and added his comment. “I want you men to look at it from this point of view. If anyone of you voluntarily gives yourself up,” he paused and looked for the best way to say what was in his mind. “How do you know that help, or rescue or the answer we need, won’t be revealed ten minutes later? Don’t give up. I don’t believe these lying little creeps will kill us quickly so it will be painless. If they don’t torture us to death, I believe they are gonna make us slaves for the rest of our lives. And if that’s the case I’m sure the abuse will last for as long as we live out our lives. We have to do like Captain Diaz says and hold out for as long as we can.”

  “Not to be pessimistic Sir, but what if we don’t find a way out?” A voice quietly asked.

  “Then we’ll fight to the death, like true Mah-Reens,” Gunnery Sergeant Ratner yelled out and he sounded like a Drill Instructor. “And we will take as many of those ugly little bastards with us as we can. We will never give up and will not think of such cowardly actions. If we die, we die on our terms! Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes Sir,” most of the crowd replied.

  “Ladies, I cannnn’t hearrrr youuuuu.”

  “Sir, yes Sir,” they replied in loud unison.

  “Ooh-rah, Ooh-rah, Oooh-Raaahhh!” the Marines shouted.

  “Hooah, hooah,” the Army soldiers shouted after the Marines. The entire group laughed and applauded which took the Elves, Nordad and his men by surprise.

  “That’s more like it. Remember who you are,” Ratner continued. “You are United States Marines! And others. Ooh-rah,” he barked and received several calls in return. “You are lean, mean, killing machines and it is an unfortunate thing to fall into the hands of a trapped Marine. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Ooh-rah. Ooh-rah,” a unified yell filled the room.

  “Those dumb little shits outside these doors think they have us trapped because they have us surrounded,” Ratner yelled while walking around the room with his hands placed on his hips. “In the famous words of one of our forefathers, General ‘Chesty’ Puller, ‘Now we can attack them from any side.’ I paraphrased that for you ladies. We don’t surrender. All they did, was buy themselves a one way ticket to ‘Hurtsville’ on the high speed locomotive called ‘Black N Blue Ass Kickin’ All The Way’. Have I made myself crystal clear to you ladies?” He yelled like a long time Drill Instructor.

  “Yes Sir. Ooh-rah. Ooh-rah,” the entire group chanted for the camaraderie and fun.

  Ratner stood and looked at some of the Army personnel. “Due to our present circumstances, to those not fortunate enough to wear my eagle, globe and anchor, you are hereby declared honorary Mah-Reens,” Ratner barked to the non-Marines. “And in my Corps, we kick ass and take names. We do not surrender! We do not give up. Do I make myself clear?” Ratner yelled and bore into McPherson.

  “Yes Sir, hooah, hooah,” McPherson shouted back. “I don’t know what I was thinking when I asked such a foolish question.”

  Another round of “Ooh-rah. Ooh-rah,” filled the room. Gunnery Sergeant Ratner fired the men up and renewed their hope. Even Nordad and his men joined in the choruses of “Ooh-rah, Ooh-rah.” The Elves looked amused and impressed by the sudden change in attitude. Lieutenant Finley and the rest of the Army personnel appeared to be okay with being called ‘honorary Mah-Reens’ by Ratner.

  Mykal nodded and smiled. He got fired up in the excitement with the rest of the men. Mykal knew he could escape if the situation became desperate. If they should be overrun he could use his magic ring to turn himself invisible and slip away when the Goblins wouldn’t be able to see him. The idea of being alone in the underground maze surrounded by the bulldog looking creatures terrified him. Mykal knew he couldn’t abandon his men. They would have to come up with a plan. Defeat was not an option.

  Mykal pulled away from the men to think. His thoughts were on his wife and sons and he wondered if he would ever see them again. He wondered about Ski and Diaz and their strong faith in God. If God really did exist, why would God allow them to go through this? If God was here in Towbar’s world why wouldn’t He get them out of this situation? Or maybe God couldn’t help because they were in Towbar’s world. He was tempted to bring it up with Captain Diaz to see if his thoughts were right but he didn’t want to get into a long drawn out religious discussion.

  Though Diaz had said several times that he felt confident “God would deliver them from this trial,” Mykal just couldn’t see how God could work this out. It just felt so frustrating, and seemed so impossible to get out of this bizarre situation. ‘Unless,’ Mykal paused in terror, ‘this is God’s way to punish me for my past sins. I’m gonna have to ask Diaz about this.’

Mykal’s thoughts drifted to the Pass and his friends there. He missed his friend Towbar. They had been separated for less than two weeks and it felt like an eternity. A smile formed when he tried to imagine the look on the giant’s face if he could show him the discoveries he made concerning magic. It made Mykal realize how much he valued Towbar’s friendship. The giant saved him from death and changed his life concerning magic.

  While thinking about Towbar something hit him inside his head. It jolted like an electrical shock at first. Physically, his body jerked slightly. He could hear Towbar’s voice inside his head. It sounded like the giant stood there beside him.

  “Mykal, my friend,” Towbar’s voice boomed with an excited laugh. “You are alive and I have found you. I have finally made contact with you, my dear friend.”

  “Towbar?” Mykal said aloud. He stood and looked at the ceiling. “Is that really you?” His tone sprang with a joyous excitement. Everyone looked at him as if he lost his mind. “How? How?”

  “I am using Mind Talk, my friend,” Towbar said and his booming voice carried a rare but hearty laughter. “I see you as if I could reach out and touch you.”

  “I can hear you Towbar. It’s like you’re standing here. I’m not imagining this,” he said and turned to the others when he realized they all glared at him. “I’ll explain after. Trust me, I’m not going crazy,” he laughed with delight. They gave him the same look Pam’s friend Norma gave Pam when Towbar enabled Mykal to speak to Pam through Mind Talk during Mykal’s first visit. Mykal couldn’t keep from laughing.

  “Who are you talking to Myk?” Boris asked. Boris was the only one not fearful of Mykal’s sanity.

  “Wait,” Mykal held his hand up to stop interruptions. He knew from past experience Towbar wouldn’t be able to hold the Mind Talk for very long. “I’ll explain in a minute.”

  “I do not have much time my friend. You must let me concentrate on your surroundings. Do you plan to stay in this location very long?”

  “Yes, we’re trapped in this room. We’re under a mountain and surrounded by what looks like Goblins. They wanna kill us,” he said. He felt Towbar’s presence. “Can you get us outta here?”

  “I will try my friend. I need you to look around so I may take in your surroundings.”

  “Who are you talking to?” William asked.

  “Stop for just a few minutes,” Mykal barked while slowly turning and looking at all the area of the room. “Can you see everything? We’re trapped and lost.”

  “I see it as you see it my friend. I do not have much--oh my, are there Elves in your presence?” Towbar sounded stunned.

  “Yes, we have three Elvin friends Starling, Leeno and Blair. I’ll explain all that when we have time.”

  “This is fascinating. Slowly take in your surroundings and remain calm. Concentrate on your location.”

  “Who the hell is he talking to?” William said only to make sure everyone paid attention. William wanted everyone to see Mykal was cracking up before them.

  “He said shut up right now,” Boris snapped. “He’s got his reasons. Myk knows what he’s doing.”

  Mykal knew he looked crazy slowly turning in a circle and talking to an imaginary friend. They would have to trust him. “Do you think you can get us outta here?” Mykal asked Towbar but he held his hand up for the others to wait and not to interrupt him.

  “I must go. I am getting weak. I will go retrieve the magic powder we have hidden away. I will Mind Talk with you in time. I will make it swift and I will use the green fog to bring you back to the Pass. Your room is in my mind. Try to remain there and we will Mind Talk soon, my friend.”

  “Oh great! Thank you, thank you,” he said. Mykal’s glee was hard to contain. He wanted to jump up and down and shout his excitement. He wanted to dance around and act silly with happiness. Everyone looked at him as if he snapped mentally.

  The giant disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. “Just hurry Towbar,” Mykal called out in vain. “Alright,” he laughed out loud and clapped his hands together. “We’re getting outta here. Trust me, we’re getting outta here,” he said, but he clearly saw in all their faces they were at a loss for words as if he had gone completely insane.

  “What? And how are we going to do that?” William asked to break the uncomfortable silence.

  “I just talked to Towbar. He’s gonna try to get us outta here in the next couple of hours or so. Well, he didn’t say a couple of hours, but he’ll get us outta here in a little while,” he corrected himself because Towbar did say he was getting weak, so he would have to rest to regain his strength.

  “Myk, are you alright?” Jake asked. Jake looked concerned.

  “I don’t think Mykal should be in charge anymore,” William boldly declared and looked directly at Captain Diaz. “And since I am the ranking officer present I will share all leadership responsibilities with you Captain Diaz.”

  “William, you better back the hell up,” Mykal scoffed and chortled as if William was joking. “You wouldn’t have the balls to lead us anywhere,” Mykal scoffed again. He realized William was trying to attack his mental stability. ‘They don’t understand Mind Talk,’ he thought as he looked at the concerned expressions. Mykal suddenly felt he was on his own.

  “It appears to me that the pressure, strain and difficulty of our situation, has gotten the best of him,” William said as if to lay out his case. “All of you just witnessed it. He snapped right in front of all of us.”

  “Hey, screw you Will,” Mykal barked. William wasn’t joking, he was making a power grab. “Towbar’s gonna get us outta here.”

  Jake spoke up. “Myk, I don’t doubt anything you say, but help us to understand. How do you know Towbar is coming here to rescue us? We don’t have radio communications.”

  “I know I must have looked nuts, but Towbar has the ability to do what he calls Mind Talk. He can communicate through minds, through thoughts. If Towbar knows where you’re located and if he can mentally find you, so to speak, he can communicate with you. He actually did it for me one time when we were here back in July, during the first time. It was before we had the big battle in the Pass on July 4th,” he said for the benefit of Boris and Jake. “It’s the same way he communicated with Nidious when we were back in the world. I told you about it when we first got back to Towbar’s world, remember? Otherwise he woulda never have been able to get us back to his world cuz Nidious gave him the instructions to create the green fog. Now he knows where we’re at, so he’s going to get the stuff he needs to produce the green fog and he’ll take us back to the Pass.”

  “Why didn’t we hear him?” William asked to disrupt the discussion and make an attempt to turn everyone against Mykal. He clearly wanted to take over Mykal’s position. “And why didn’t you ever mention this before?”

  “I did to Boris and to Jake when we first got back. As to your first question, he wasn’t communicating with anyone other than me. He was inside my mind. Thus it’s called Mind Talk. And as to your second question, you, Captain Roberts, never had a need to know. Basically, it was none of your friggin business,” he said which initiated a few snickers. “Who woulda believed it anyway? Look at all the nonsense me and Towbar had to go through to prove our story when we first returned.”

  “Mykal did tell me about it before we ever returned to Towbar’s world,” Boris said.

  “Yeah, I do remember Mykal telling me something about it because of the crazy old man Nidious told us he spoke to Towbar and we, those who were still here, thought he was nuts,” Jake said and nodded.

  “Well, why now?” William asked and looked at all the onlookers.

  “He said he was trying to find me but hasn’t been able to. Probably cuz of all the running around we’ve been doing. Now we’ve finally been in one spot for a while so he was able to make contact.”

  William scoffed. “I’m sorry men, but this all sounds like--”

  “Is Towbar going to make the green fog appear in this room?” Diaz interrupted to s
top William from further trying to cause a division.

  “Yes,” he replied. Suddenly Mykal knew what Diaz was getting to. “Oh no, we can’t allow that.”

  “What’s wrong?” Jake asked.

  “If Towbar causes the green fog to appear here, we will disappear to who knows where, and he will be stuck here by himself. Oh man, we can’t do that.”

  “Why don’t we just step outside the door until after the green fog is gone?” Boris suggested.

  “With countless blood thirsty savages out there who want to kill us?” William countered. “And that’s if the fog--”

  “Wait a minute! You’re the one who wanted us to be all kissy face with them and talk to them like a damn sissy, now you’re afraid they wanna kill us,” Boris frowned with disgust. “You’re a friggin idiot. What I meant was, just before Towbar gets here we open up with the 60s and blow them away. Once they’re all dead, we go out the door and once the green fog is gone we come back in and join Towbar.”

  “Yeah that’s it,” Mykal and Jake said together.

  “Without trying to be a problem child, how do we know this is really going to happen?” William asked. “How do we know Mykal really had a mental conversation, a Mind Talk, with Towbar?” He added air quotes to the words ‘mind talk’. It was a deliberate attempt to create doubt concerning Mykal. “Did anyone else in here hear it?”

  “It was in my head! Damn it,” Mykal replied harshly and realized it didn’t sound the way he wanted it to. He couldn’t understand why William would deliberately start trouble between him and the rest of the men concerning their possible liberation from the underground prison. “I mean his voice was in my mind. I know no one else heard it. I’m fed up with this Will, cuz every time I’ve turned around you’ve had a bug up your ass about me being in charge. I’ll settle it right now. When I tell everyone that Towbar is coming, you have a choice. Those who trust me can go out into the hallway and the rest of you can stay in here with Captain Roberts. And we’ll see what happens. I’m not going to say another word about it. Will, honestly, you’re pissing me off cuz it seems like you’re always trying to make everything difficult for me. You’re on your own. I don’t give a shit what you do anymore. I’ll tell ya when he’s coming and then you can decide what you wanna believe.”


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