Mykal's Deadly Perambulation

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Mykal's Deadly Perambulation Page 60

by Dave Hazel

  Mykal looked at the vehicles that were in front of him and he saw the soldier standing in the turret ready to open fire with the big .50 caliber machine gun. “Hand me the mike for the PA. Dalisid, I want you to watch me. I’m going to speak into this thing and the Sosos are going to hear me better than if I was yelling to them. I’m going to say some things to them and then I want you to speak it in their language. You can repeat some of the same things I say or change it up. Okay?”

  “I will do as you wish,” he answered and looked nervous.

  “Don’t worry about it. We’re safe here,” Mykal said and gave a reassuring smile. “Hey Sosos. Listen up,” he spoke into the PA microphone. “I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say,” he paused again. The sound of his voice instigated the Sosos to stir. Some looked at each other to see if they were really hearing the same thing.

  “If you continue with this war you will die,” he paused because he knew there would be some response. It prompted a round of yells and howls. “Zizmon-Tarl is using you because he is too frightened to fight his own battles,” he paused to laugh. “You must understand that when we use this type of magic it destroys your soul. You will not go to paradise when you die. You will die a fool’s death,” he paused again because his words stirred up an angry mob. “Look at all the dead Sosos in the pit. Look at your dead all around your feet. We killed them with our magic and now their soul is lost in limbo forever. You will join them and you will die the same fool’s death, ha ha ha,” Mykal added with an evil growl that provoked laughter from some of the Army soldiers.

  “Great job Myk,” Barry snickered.

  “Dalisid, I want you to say basically the same thing I said but in their language. One of you guys key the mike for him while he speaks.”

  Mykal watched the response of the Sosos when Dalisid spoke to the Sosos in their native tongue. Mykal wasn’t sure if they responded in anger or fear, but they were being riled easily. It seemed to start fights among the Sosos. Mykal assumed some were reacting to what had been said and the leader types asserted their control and forced them to stand ready.

  “Keep saying whatever you’re saying cuz it’s doing something. Oooh, look at that big bastard,” Mykal said and opened the door to step out. “Look at that one,” Mykal pointed to one of the largest Sosos he had ever seen. He was a smaller version of Towbar.

  The large Soso forced his way through the crowd cracking a large whip in one hand and swinging his sword with the other. He stomped his feet hard and it was obvious he had two inch spikes on the bottom of his boots. One of the dead bodies he stomped on clung to his foot. He shouted angrily while he kicked the dead Soso free with his other foot. The leader then shouted to those around him. It clearly forced those nearby to cower around him. Mykal was sure the big Soso had threatened his own people. A few of the Sosos tried to respond to his orders but they received a snap of the bull whip.

  “Tell them that they don’t have to listen to the big one cracking the whip,” Mykal relayed to Dalisid. “Tell them that he will not protect you from what I’m going to do to you people.”

  Mykal listened as Dalisid slowly translated Mykal’s words. The larger Soso stood facing the vehicles and yelled loudly while flexing his muscles. He gave Mykal the impression of a wild rabid animal and he got the feeling the angry leader had wild crazy demonic looking eyes. Mykal wished he could look into the crazed eyes of the leader when he gets struck down.

  Mykal raised his rifle and pointed at the large Soso’s head. “Go ahead Dalisid and say, ‘this is why you don’t have to listen to him, and why you need to listen to me.’ Tell me right after you say those words.”

  “I have said it Mykal,” Dalisid said.

  Mykal squeezed off three quick shots and all three drilled into the large Soso’s head. It looked as if an invisible force slammed a heavy club into his head which knocked him back and kicked his feet upward exposing the blood covered two inch spikes. Mykal saw Sosos react in stunned surprise. They gawked at the dead leader and then stared fearfully at the metal beasts that foretold of the leader’s demise.

  “Tell them I did that. Just say that. Hurry,” Mykal ordered and as Dalisid’s voice carried through the speaker Mykal jumped up and down and pointed to himself to signify he killed the cruel leader. “Tell them if they don’t stop this now they will all face the same horrible death. Also, say that I took his soul and he will not go to paradise. He just died a fool’s death, and he will be my little slave in the afterlife.” Mykal said and laughed knowing how superstitious the Sosos were about dying a “fool’s death” in combat. “Tell them that every one of them I kill will be my little bitches, or slaves, when I kill them.”

  Sergeant Barry and his team started to hoot and howl with laughter

  “Alright, everyone start yelling stuff to them,” Mykal ordered Barry to pass on to the other vehicles. “Tell them not to get the gods angry at them or they will join that worthless piece of shit I just killed. Tell them that I just showed them, that compared to me, that leader is weaker than a woman’s piss,” he added with a laugh based on what a Soso said to Percy’s assistant Ronny before he had been killed almost two weeks ago.

  Mykal laughed hysterically when he saw that a small riot started among those directly in front of them. It seemed many in front wanted to leave the area. Those behind them wouldn’t allow it. Sosos clashed with Sosos.

  “Now say, okay I warned you,” Mykal said and waited for Dalisid to relay when he spoke those words. “Okay guys, open fire with the .50 cals,” Mykal yelled to Barry so he would pass it on to the other vehicles.

  The thumping explosions of the big machine guns ripped into the fighting Sosos. They were mowed down like exploding dominoes. While the shooting raged some of the men continued to taunt over the PA system. Mykal looked at Dalisid and the General looked amazed at the chaos they caused by taunting the Sosos through the loud speakers.

  “Alright let’s get outta here before they decide to come after us. I think we stirred up enough trouble,” Mykal said as all the men started to high five each other.

  “That was crazy Myk,” Barry commented with humor. “But that was great. That will be one of those things I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Thanks for the crazy and hilarious memories.”

  “That’s what I do,” Mykal said to be humorous and looked at Dalisid. Mykal couldn’t understand what Dalisid felt about their actions. “Gotta mix it up a little bit.”

  They returned to the second pit to the welcoming roar of cheers, hoots and yells. “Dalisid, make sure your men are ready to get involved completely. I have this gut feeling they’re gonna try to go all out and take the Pass.”

  “I owe you an apology Mykal,” Dalisid said and stood firm as if proud that he could admit when he was wrong. “I underestimated you. I now see clearly how Towbar is able to put his entire trust in you. You are a worthy warrior and a worthy leader.”


  Order had been restored at the end of a whip or tip of the sword. War cries and battle chants rose from the Soso army. It appeared they were working themselves into an emotional frenzy in preparation to attack. They recited a chant in their native tongue and at the end of each verse they shouted and then thrust their weapon arm into the air.

  “Diaz and Oakenfold,” Mykal called to the leaders on the front line. “We know they’re getting ready to attack, so let’s disrupt their motivating rally. Have the men open fire.”

  “Got it Myk,” Oakenfold responded first.

  “Mathis, get Chick on the radio and tell him to get all the injured and those going home on vehicles and for them to stand by, cuz when I think it’s time to leave I don’t wanna wait for anyone. I want them waiting for me.”

  “Myk, your message has been sent,” Mathis replied. “One of Major Chick’s representatives said the task will be carried out immediately. Myk, I got a strange message after that. Someone said to tell you there are a group of people coming this way to find you.”

��Whadda ya mean? What people?”

  “They didn’t say. All they said was to pass on to you there is a group of people coming this way to find you and it was important,” Mathis said and shrugged. “When I tried to get more info, I lost contact with the person who relayed the message. It wasn’t the same person who spoke for Major Chick.”

  “It wasn’t Towbar, or Elves, was it?”

  “Honestly Myk, I don’t know. Whoever it was didn’t say anything more than that. Sorry,” Mathis said with a frown as if he disappointed Mykal.

  Mykal stood at the dirt mound and watched the men open fire on the stationary Sosos. The enemy dropped with every round fired, but the replacements to fill the gap seemed endless.

  Several long horns blasted. It was the Soso signal to attack. A loud roar of screams and yells erupted and the ground seemed to shake when the massive army charged forward. Machine guns opened fire and grenade launchers lobbed explosives. The weapons were devastating, but the numbers were unprecedented.

  Mykal moved closer to Captain Diaz and his Marines. Some of the men of Alpha Company, First Platoon were survivors of the trip around Towbar’s world. Mathis and the vehicle stayed close to Diaz and his men.

  “Maintain your position,” Diaz instructed calmly while the men kept shooting. “Be sure to listen for the order to retrograde to the third position. We will leave together and Towbar’s soldiers will cover our departure,” he commanded while walking down the line.

  Sergeant Barry drove alongside Diaz repeating his instructions through the PA system. The .50 caliber machine guns were instructed to hold their fire until maneuvers occurred so they could help provide covering fire.

  “Make sure to take out the archers,” Diaz continued his instructions that Sergeant Barry repeated. The other vehicles picked up Barry’s example and repeated the same message to the others down the line. “Do not allow the archers to get one arrow into the air. Being wounded by the Soso death arrow equals death. If you see a bow and arrow, stop it immediately. Take out Sosos who carry bridge materials,” he ordered referring to Sosos carrying objects that could be used to bridge the pits.

  The men continued to shoot and as the bodies piled up inside the pit, those charging in tried to use the dead and wounded as stepping stones to climb out of the pit. Towbar’s soldiers rushed into position to attack those who tried to exit the pit only to have Sosos meet a brutal end.

  Those carrying objects to cross the pits were shot dead and any who tried to pick up the dropped objects were killed just as quickly. Any Sosos trying to string their bow was cut down before they posed a threat. Out of the thousands nearing the pit only three arrows were released striking two of Towbar’s soldiers.

  Mykal instructed the men behind the PA microphones to continue to taunt the Sosos and threaten their souls would be snatched away and prevented from going to paradise. Mykal wasn’t sure if there was any way to determine if the tactic helped or not but he had them continue.

  “Have the men prepare to leap frog,” Oakenfold called out and had the message passed back. “Pass it on that ammunition and supplies will be waiting at the third position. Have the men resupply, grab a quick bite and be ready for anything.”

  Mykal was glad that Diaz’s Alpha Company and Oakenfold’s Delta Company were moving to the rear. Both companies had suffered more losses than the other Companies. Diaz took losses when his First Platoon got transported and remained stranded on the other side of Towbar’s world. Oakenfold’s Delta Company suffered losses when they became the victim of the sneak attack from the Goblins the previous night. That one encounter inflicted the single largest loss of American life from any battle in Towbar’s world.

  The transfer took place smoothly. The front line, Alpha and Delta Companies, moved back behind the next two lines of defense positions. Towbar’s soldiers fought valiantly and took the planks over the pit with them when they withdrew. They lost only a small number of soldiers in the process where as the Sosos lost thousands upon thousands. The blizzard of noise froze out most communication. Despite the terrible losses suffered by Sosos they didn’t let up and continued to push forward with growing determination that grew with the noise. They seemed to be pushed by demons that wouldn’t allow them to stop.

  Bravo Company with Captain Little Hawk and Echo Company led by Captain Cox were in position and ready to open fire after the last of Towbar’s men were out of harm’s way. Thousands of Dwarven warriors came alongside the Marines of Bravo and the mixed forces of Echo. Though communication was extremely limited between the Dwarven warriors and all others they understood they were comrades and would fight gallantly with and for each other.

  Norg and the few Dwarven warriors who could speak the common tongue spread out through the line to help with any communication between men and Dwarves. Most of the Dwarves were swinging their large battle axes as if warming up for a game. The stocky little men were anxious to do their part and show the large men that they were formidable foes.

  Mykal taught Norg that thumbs up meant something good and positive. He smiled when he saw many of the Dwarven warriors approach the nearest human and gave thumbs up after pointing to the man and then himself.

  One of the Dwarven warriors approached Mykal and slapped him on the chest with his thick muscular hand to get Mykal’s attention. Mykal had to hide the fact that it almost knocked the wind out of him. The first thought that occurred to Mykal’s was how deceptively strong chimpanzees were. Though smaller than humans, chimpanzees were much stronger; it seemed the same to be true for the Dwarven warriors.

  Mykal looked at the broad bearded warrior who left a hand print on Mykal’s chest. The little man used his left hand to pull up the thumb on his right as if he couldn’t flick the thumb out on his own. He gave a deep guttural laugh that made him sound demented. “Oooud!” The Dwarf said with an exaggerated nod.

  “Yes, good,” Mykal laughed with him and returned thumbs up.

  The Dwarven warrior’s greyish skin was nearly all covered with thick coarse brown hair. His beard and hair were very long. His thick eyebrows seemed to have a mind and mission of their own. He slapped his own chest to point to himself. “Klot-ta,” he said as if introducing himself.

  “Myk-al,” Mykal responded and tapped his own chest.

  Klot-ta gave another guttural laugh and nodded eagerly. He used his hands to point out an invisible aura around Mykal’s head. He pointed to Mykal’s face. “Bend,” he said and continued to point back and forth. “Bend.”

  “Friend?” Mykal guessed at what he was trying to say.

  “Fend, fend,” he repeated and nodded happily.

  “Friend, yes, friend,” Mykal said and smiled with a wink.

  Shoot at will,” Captain Little Hawk shouted through one of the PA speakers. “Listen for commands, promptly follow orders.”

  Rifle shots, machine gun fire and grenade explosions met the yells of the charging Sosos. The Sosos were cut down with ease. Mykal couldn’t understand how the Sosos would continually throw themselves into such a meat grinder with nothing to show for it but a few yards of ground gained inside the Pass. ‘Could all that bloodshed and loss of life be worth taking control of the Pass? It’s true, they don’t value life,’ he remembered the statement made by Captain Diaz.

  With a guttural yell Klot-ta and hundreds of Dwarves jumped to their feet. They rushed to the pit before being called upon. Hundreds more followed their example and then thousands rushed to the line. Mykal feared the lack of communication could become detrimental for those on the front line.

  Mykal ran back to his waiting vehicle and grabbed the radio handset from Mathis. “Little Hawk, get in touch with Norg or any of the interpreters. Tell them the Dwarves are doing a great job, but we need them to wait until we tell them to jump in. They’re putting themselves at risk of getting hit by friendly fire. They’re making it harder for our people cuz our guys don’t wanna have an accident and hit them by mistake. When we go back to the next pit tell them to be a little more p

  “I couldn’t hear everything Myk, but I got the gist of it,” Little Hawk replied. “Norg is not too far from me so I will get the message to him ASAP.”

  Mykal returned to his spot at the dirt mound and began squeezing off shots. He felt he wasn’t as fast as he could be since he had to be extra careful not to strike their Dwarven allies. The Dwarven warriors impressed him with their fighting ability, strength, and their eager willingness to clash with the Sosos.

  Mykal stopped and took notice of the powerful swings little Klot-ta took with his large double-headed battle axe. Sosos weren’t able to climb out of the pit. With each strike of the axe Mykal saw blood, material and pieces of flesh fly upward. The scene reminded Mykal of a golfer following through and bringing up large wet divots.

  Mykal saw that Towbar’s soldiers waited to be called upon before getting into the battle. They stuck to the plan to do their job as designed. They feared deviating from set battle plans. It would equate to changing strategies put in place by Towbar. Without good reason they’d never change Towbar’s plans out of respect and fear.

  Mykal motioned for one of Towbar’s minor Generals. The large muscular soldier ran to him followed by several soldiers. “How may I be of service to you Mykal, my leader?” The man asked and others looked ready to follow Mykal’s command.

  “I want more of your soldiers to be involved. Dalisid knows it’s gonna get crazy here and he knows he’s gotta bring in more soldiers, so I want you to get more men ready to be involved. So if you would, have some of the men go to the rear and start bringing others forward. I’m going to leave to take my wounded people home and I don’t want you guys to be caught short when I’m not here.”

  “It will be done swiftly,” he said and tipped his head as if bowing. He gave orders to those gathered and they dispersed. He faced Mykal. “I will run. I am swifter than the others.”

  Mykal stopped him. “Hold on. Mathis, take him to the rear and then bring him back,” he called out and looked over his shoulder as the sound of the battle intensified and seemed to draw closer. “You’re gonna be riding in this craft,” he pointed to the vehicle. “Just tell Mathis where you need to go and then he’ll bring you back here. I want you to find Dalisid and tell him what you did.”


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