Anything Your Heart Desires

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Anything Your Heart Desires Page 14

by AJ Adaire

  They spent a quiet night together, ending it as usual with a stretching and a kneading of Jo’s sore muscles.


  Stacy massaged Jo's leg again the next morning before they each showered and dressed. “Temps will be near or slightly above fifty today. It’ll be virtually spring-like,” Stacy exclaimed excitedly. “I'm just going to wear a light jacket today.”

  “Let's take the truck, okay? The chair will fit more easily in the back. I'll take out the bed extender, and we can just slide the chair in and out. We can lock the cover, so it'll be secure when we're not using it.”

  “That sounds like a plan. Will you trust me to drive to the hair salon? That way I can drop you in front of the store and we won't need the chair.”

  “Sure.” Jo handed Stacy the keys to her pickup. “You get my wheels and I'll get the chair.”


  Whistling a tune as she dressed, it suddenly came to Jo that, for the first time since she’d left her home after the shooting, she was happy. Moreover, it occurred to her that it was only since Stacy had become a part of her life that she felt this way. In her heart, Jo knew she would miss Stacy's constant presence in her life and that leaving would be hard to do. She finished getting dressed as she looked forward to their afternoon together.

  The hairstylist listened to Jo describe the cut she wanted. The resulting haircut was very close to the way she’d worn it many years before. Instead of it being trimmed neatly at the neckline, the stylist had feathered it, leaving it wispy and brushed up in the back.

  “This is a more hip and current cut than just trimming it off,” the stylist told her.

  “Ok, we'll give it a shot,” Jo agreed. “But if I don't like it, I reserve the right to come back and have you cut it shorter back there.”


  Stacy was already finished and waiting for Jo when she went to the cashier to pay. “Jo, you look amazing.”

  As they left the store together, Jo looked up and down the street to see if she could see where the car was parked. Stacy had dropped her at the door earlier. “It's about a block and a half up.” Stacy pointed. “Want me to go get it?”

  “No, let's walk. My leg is feeling so much better. It’s so much stronger and I have more stamina, thanks in large part to you.”

  Now, when taking their daily walks, Jo was able to walk twice around the block near the store without a rest if she used her cane. Stacy’s presence gave her confidence, and she had grown to depend on Stacy to know when to link her arm through hers to add the stability she needed. She rarely took the chair any more, reserving its use for times when she had a lot of ground to cover, like today. Sometimes she'd reach for Stacy's hand and tuck it into the crook of her arm just because she missed having it there, more than for the need of her requiring it there for stability. She wondered if Stacy suspected. Jo did that today, and arm in arm they strolled down the street.

  Stacy glanced over at Jo. “Hot.”


  Stacy smiled. “I said hot. You definitely look hot.”

  Jo blushed. “I'm not sure I know how to respond to that. If I say you look hot, too, I'll sound insincere. I'm not. You are nearly irresistibly cute. I don’t mean just today, I mean every day.”

  “Too bad. I mean the nearly part. You know, nearly irresistible.” The playful conversation ended all too quickly. “Here's the pickup,” Stacy said, handing Jo the keys.

  “Want to eat near here or in the city?” Jo asked as she drove.

  “Let's grab something around here before we get into the city. It'll be quicker and cheaper to eat here and parking will be easier. We're going out for a big meal tomorrow night, then to the bar.”

  “Good idea. You have any suggestions, Jo?”

  “I'd love a burger.

  “Okay by me.”

  “Take a left on Main. Let's go to the Shack.”

  The short trip to the restaurant ended with them finding a parking place right in front. They enjoyed their lunch together, laughing and teasing as they ate. The comfortable ambiance, good food, and speedy service all combined to make for a pleasurable experience.


  They were running a little later than they expected as they pulled into the parking lot at the museum. Working together, they removed the companion chair from the back of the pickup.

  Jo locked the vehicle before settling into the chair. “This feels weird. I can walk,” Jo said as she settled into the chair.

  “We both know that. This will be quicker and easier. Once we're in the museum, you can walk if you want, or maybe by that time you'll need to push me.” Stacy touched Jo's face. “You look beautiful.” She whispered, stroking Jo's cheek lightly with her fingertips. Quickly, she moved behind the chair waiting for Jo to settle before she headed toward the exit sign, pushing the chair.

  A short walk later, they entered the museum. “Do you want to take a tour or just wander?” Jo asked.

  “Let's just wander today. I'll push and you direct the way.” They meandered through paintings, then sculptures, and ended up getting lost in the armor section. They finally figured out where they were on the map and navigated to an area of more interest to them. They stopped in the cafe for a cup of tea and a sweet when their energy waned towards the end of the day.

  “What do you want to do for dinner?” Jo asked.

  “I don't know. Pizza?”

  “Umm, sounds good. Eat in or take home?”

  “Let's see how we feel when we get closer to home.”

  They opted to take the pizza home since both were tired after their long day. “Should we take the wheelchair to the shop?” Stacy asked as she parked the pickup about a block from the apartment.

  “No, I can walk down to the truck and get it tomorrow if I need it. It was good to have it today, though. I think I'm just about finished needing it around town here. I have to say it was a lifesaver today. It would've have been impossible for me to walk as far as we went today. Either we'd have seen much less, or you'd have had to go without me and I'd have ended up sitting on a bench somewhere. Thanks for pushing all day.”

  Despite Jo offering to treat for both meals as a thank you, Stacy insisted on splitting the bills. Stacy carried the pizza, and Jo linked her arm through Stacy's free one. Once inside the apartment, they served up the pizza.

  Stacy took the first bite of her slice. “Umm, good. Still pretty warm, too.”

  “Uh huh, and good, too. Thank you, Stacy, for a wonderful day. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed spending this much time with someone and still felt interested in more time together. I never grow tired of my time with you.”

  Stacy swallowed. “Our time together is growing short, you know.”

  “Yes, I'm aware of that. How would you feel about extending it? I have to go up and open my parent's cabin. I don't want you to think that the only reason I'm asking you to come with me is because I would feel more comfortable having someone with me, even though I would. I'd really like it if you could come. It's beautiful up there, and I'd like to share it with you.”

  “I'd be happy to come with you. I've got another survey to turn in by the end of next week. Maybe I can work over the weekend and finish it up early. Will you help me translate it?”

  Jo smiled. “Sure. I'd be pleased to do something for you for a change.”

  Once the dishes were cleared, Stacy went into the office and began writing up the summary of her survey. Jo had already finished up the part she could help her with.

  “Will I bother you if I ride my bike a bit? I got my second wind, and I could stand to work off some of that pizza.”

  “Not at all.”

  Depending on how much she had used her leg during the day, Jo was able to ride for fifteen to twenty minutes on the bike, nonstop. “I’ve come to find that sound much less annoying.” Stacy had to raise her voice to be heard over the hum of the bike.

  When she finished on the bike, Jo chose to sit on her bed and read as Stacy work
ed. As she read, she couldn't help feeling a little sad that she would be leaving Stacy's house in less than two short weeks. Stacy had been picking away at her novel in her spare time, although she wouldn't let Jo read it.

  “You can read it as soon as I’m finished,” Stacy promised when Jo asked for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Stop asking me.”

  Jo grinned. “I really do want to read it. I like to bug you about it, anyway. You’re cute when you’re angry.”

  Stacy shook her head and returned her focus to the job, resisting the smile that threatened to emerge against her will. She worked only a half hour longer. Looking up from her work, she studied Jo as she read. She’d always found Jo attractive. Now, with the new haircut, it was difficult to resist running her fingers through Jo’s hair and…Stacy shook her head, denying her thought. “I'm wiped. I’d better get out of here and into my bed. I think if I work awhile tomorrow and put in some time on Sunday, I'll be able to finish up.”

  “I'll translate each page as you finish. Maybe we can ask Nic or Dana to check my work for me. I still don't have the certification.”

  “Yeah, but you have the skill. Neither Nic or Dana has ever changed anything you’ve written.”

  “Maybe, I'd still feel better if they check the translation for us.”

  Stacy glanced at the time. “Will we be late on Saturday?”

  Jo pursed her lips. “Well, figure dinner will be over about what…nine-thirty? Then we have to drive into the city so it'll be at least ten before we get to the bar. I'd imagine we should be home by one thirty or so. Why?”

  “Jo? Think it'd be a good idea to take a nap tomorrow afternoon. I can give you a massage first, so your leg will be in tiptop shape. I want to see you shake your tail feathers.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Jo paused. “Will you fast dance with me?”

  “If you ask.” Stacy stood to leave. “Get ready. I’ll be back to give you your massage.”


  Stacy massaged Jo's leg and they did the stretching routine. Before she went to bed, Stacy did the exercise routine Jo had shown her to firm her abs and tighten up her muscles. Finished, she fell into bed and was soon asleep.

  Jo tiptoed down the hallway and quietly entered Stacy's bedroom. She was naked. Without disturbing the sleeping Stacy, Jo slid under the covers and spooned behind the sleeping woman. Stacy awoke, and although surprised by Jo's presence in her bed, she continued to feign sleep as Jo's breath warmed her neck. Stacy could feel the outline of Jo's breasts pressed against her back, and when Jo's hand began its journey under her pajama top, she could feel Jo's nipples harden at the same time her own did. She stirred to turn over. “Jo…”

  “Don't move,” Jo commanded. “You've made me feel good with massages night after night. Let me make you feel good just this once. Roll onto your stomach and let's get rid of this top.”

  Stacy did as she was directed. Jo began a slow and steady kneading of Stacy's tired neck muscles. It felt heavenly. She could smell Jo's fresh scent and felt relieved that she’d showered before she got into bed. Soon, as Jo's hands worked, Stacy stopped thinking and allowed herself to only feel. Jo's hands massaged and soothed their way down her back first. Jo began to use her nails ever so lightly, trailing irregular shapes and patterns across Stacy's skin. The path was unpredictable, leaving each square inch of skin hoping that it was its turn next. A groan escaped Stacy's lips. She was shocked to realize that her own voice had made that sound filled with such need. Jo's hands slid beneath the band of Stacy's pajama bottoms.

  “Raise up. It's time for these to go, don't you think?”

  Stacy complied and soon she was naked. She longed for Jo to press her body to her own. Instead Jo continued with the slow, deliberate strokes, caressing her lower back then traveling across her buttocks to her thighs.

  Stacy was wet and wanting Jo to touch her. Jo avoided touching the front of Stacy’s torso. She continued to deliberately stroke and scratch her way down Stacy's legs to her calves. When she finished the tour of the back of Stacy's body, Jo returned to again spoon against Stacy, allowing her lips to trace soft circles down her neck and across her shoulders.

  Unable to stand it any longer, Stacy turned over, seeking to feel Jo's breasts pressed against her own, needing to press her core against Jo's skin. How can I be this much in need when we haven't even kissed yet, she wondered. Her lips sought Jo's mouth. As Jo's tongue probed she met it with her own, and the passion exploded between them. She couldn't get close enough to her. They rode each other's thighs, increasing the need for more intimate contact.

  Jo rubbed Stacy's breast, pinching the already erect nipple. Curious, Stacy reached out to tentatively touch Jo's breast. Slowly gaining confidence, she replaced her inquisitive fingers with her lips and tongue. She was pleased with herself when Jo moaned in response. Jo pushed against her and turned Stacy on her back. Jo’s lips, her tongue, her teeth were everywhere, kissing, licking, and gently biting. As Stacy's need grew, she could smell the scent of their mutual arousal. Jo's hand touched her. Stacy begged. “Inside, please. Now. I need you inside me.”

  Jo entered her, stroking gently at first. As their need grew, the tempo and urgency increased. A powerful orgasm shot through Stacy. She screamed out Jo's name in release. Stacy’s own voice woke her. She sat up in bed with a start. Feeling the empty space next to her in bed, she was disappointed to find it cold. She stood, slipped into her robe, and made her way out to the kitchen to get a drink of water. She pressed her cool damp fingers to her neck before splashing water on her face. Her dream had certainly settled any remaining questions. There was no room for doubt. She wanted Jo. She wanted her naked, and she wanted her intimately. She got her laptop from the dining table, took it into the bedroom with her and once settled began to type. It was four o'clock when she finished and closed her laptop.

  The next morning, Jo was already awake when Stacy joined her in the kitchen. Jo was puzzled when Stacy seemed to be avoiding her eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I had a very realistic dream that woke me up last night.”

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  “Not right now.” Stacy blushed as the memory flooded her mind. “It was certainly memorable. I promise I'll tell you about it sometime, just not right now. I need to get busy. I've got a lot of work left to do if I want to finish up early.”

  “I have to run over and see Nic. I need to find out my schedule this week. I know I have the class and the tutoring. I don't know what days she needs me to cover the office. Want to come? It'll only take me a few minutes.”

  Torn, Stacy debated only for a moment knowing she should start on her work. In the end, she decided to steal some time to go see Nic. “I haven't talked to Nic since she and Dana got the good news. I'd like to say hello.”

  The duo walked across the street and exchanged greetings with Mallory and Nic. After Jo and Nic had the schedule worked out, the four women made small talk. Mallory asked Jo how the massages and stretching were working out.

  Jo casually threw an arm over Stacy's shoulder pulling her close. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by either Nic or Mallory who exchanged a look. Jo was unaware of the silent communication between Nic and Mallory, but Stacy saw the exchange and wondered what it meant.

  Jo praised Stacy's massage abilities and virtually gushed about how she had helped her leg improve much faster than she’d been led to believe it would.

  Jo turned to Stacy. “I've got a few things to do here. I'll be five minutes more max, I promise. Do you want to wait for me?”

  “All right. Then I've got work to do.”

  “I know. I'm going to help you. Be right back.” She grinned, gave Stacy's shoulder a squeeze, and headed toward the back of the shop.

  “You certainly have an admirer there,” Mallory commented. “Jo seems much happier.”

  “You mean about her leg?” Stacy agreed. “Yes, she is,”

  “I don't think that was precisely what M
al meant,” Nic said with a wink. “Look, Stacy, I don't mean to butt in here. It’s just that you've been good for Jo. We all love Jo and want to see her happy. We all feel the same way about you.”

  Mallory was surprised when Nic didn't say more. So she decided to give Cupid a hand and put in her own two cents. “We all agree that it's too bad you're straight. Truth is, we all think you and Jo would be perfect together.”

  The two women standing before her had just put into words feelings that had gradually been coming into focus for Stacy. She decided to confide in them. “Don't assume that because I've always played for one team that I haven't actually given it some thought. I've grown to care a great deal for Jo and would be open to...”

  How should she put it? What would she be open to, sex? A relationship? She wasn't sure yet. She finished her thought simply with, “I’d be open to more. But Jo has this rule.”

  Mallory rolled her eyes and Nic shrugged.

  “Rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?” Nic cautioned, “Be sure that, if you decide to act on your feelings, you won't change your mind. Before you act, you need to feel that your heart would shatter if she walked out of your life.”

  “Believe me, it's not a decision I would ever make lightly. I would never hurt her. That’s the last thing I'd ever want to do to someone I love.” Her hand shot up to cover her lips. Shocked by her own words, she shook her head, eyes wide. “I don't know where that came from.”

  Nic reached out and lightly touched Stacy's chest where her heart resided. “From here,” she said quietly.

  “But how, Nic? She isn't interested in me as anything more than a friend. If I try to tell her how I feel, she'll just quote that damned rule and tell me no.”

  “I'm going to give you a little hint here. It's extremely hard to say no when your mouth is busy doing something else. Kiss her. Kiss her with all you're worth. If she has the feelings for you that I suspect she has, that'll do it.” Nic reached over and squeezed Stacy's hand.


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