Anything Your Heart Desires

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Anything Your Heart Desires Page 20

by AJ Adaire

  “Wouldn't it be easier to just start by calling Meg?” Nic asked.

  “Easier, maybe. I just have a real uneasy feeling about this. Can we try it my way, please?” Mallory implored.

  “Sure. What do we do about here?”

  “I'll call Amanda and ask her to come over and cover the office for us. We can put a sign on the door saying closed for lunch. She'll be here in half an hour or so. We'll be back in an hour if we don't find Jo. If that's the case, I think we need to call Jo's old boss. The Chief will help. Think we should call him now?”

  “Let's wait and see what we can find out first.” Nic got her jacket and keys.

  Mallory called Amanda and wrote up the sign while Nic got the car. With the sign in the window and the door to the business locked, they drove as quickly as they could to Jo's house. Jo’s home was secure and there was no sign of Jo's truck. Next, they made the ten-minute trip to Meg's house. The house was quiet.

  “Neither Jo's or Meg's trucks are here,” Nic observed.

  “Pull in the drive, Nic. I just want to take a look around.”

  Mallory got out and went to the door. She rang the bell several times with no answer. On a hunch, she went around the side of the house and looked in the garage window. There was Jo's truck. Mallory had a sick, uneasy feeling. She raced back to Nic's car. “Jo's truck is in the garage. Let's look in the windows and see if we can see anything.”

  “Do you think that we should call the chief?” Nic wondered.

  “Let's check first. Please.”

  “Okay. I'm not convinced this is the best approach.”

  “What if Meg's hurt her? Come on, Nic, the sooner we find Jo the better.”

  “Okay. I agree.” Nic and Mallory went around to the back of the house to peer in. The living room was quiet and in order. They continued around the back to the side of the house.

  Mallory yelled Jo’s name. “Did you hear that?”

  Nodding, Nic picked up a rock and broke a pane of glass in the back door, quickly reaching through to unlock the latch. She beat Mallory to the bedroom and burst through the door. “Oh my God, Jo. Are you all right?”

  “I'm much better now. I'm sure glad you found me. There's something drastically wrong with Meg. She drugged me this morning and chained me up.”

  Mallory started to check Jo out. “Where is she now?”

  “Well, after she fed me a muffin and some tea, she kissed me goodbye as if this was the most normal situation in the world and left for work. She's definitely off. Nic, can you see if you can find my handcuff key so we can get these off? There’s one on a key ring in my glove box.”

  Nic found the key and hurried back. She unlocked the handcuffs while Mallory called Jo's old boss and Jo massaged some feeling back into her hands. Mallory put the phone on speaker so Jo could explain what happened.

  Jo's former boss asked, “Where is Meg now?”

  “She works for the Mitchell Medical Group over on Locust Street. Chief, she's not a bad person. She was injured a couple of months ago when I got shot. I think this is something related to her injury. I don't want to press charges. I just want her to get the help she needs.”

  “That may be out of our hands, Jo. I promise, I'll do what I can.”

  “Let’s get out of here just in case Meg leaves work early. Then I want to call Stacy and tell her I'm okay. “

  Concerned it wasn’t safe for Jo to drive after being drugged, Mallory drove Jo's truck, and Nic drove Jo in her car. Mallory insisted that Jo get checked out at the hospital before she allowed her to return home. The doctor pronounced Jo 'none the worse for wear' and told her to go home and get some rest. While Jo was leaving the hospital with Mallory, her cell rang.

  The call was from the Chief. He told her that he’d taken Meg into custody and were taking her to the hospital's psychiatric ward for an evaluation. “Meg broke down in tears when we arrested her. She said she didn't know what was wrong with her. She just couldn't help herself. She is totally fixated on you. I think you were lucky that Meg’s inherently a good person. She seems to not have meant you any harm. She just wanted you to be with her, and apparently she saw this as her last resort to achieve that end.”

  “She's sick, Chief. Do what you can for her, will you?”

  “Sure, Jo. I promise.”


  After Jo’s release from the hospital, they returned to the office. “I’ll go over to the apartment with you, Jo,” Mallory offered.

  “I’ll be fine. Stacy is on her way back. She plans to be home tonight, hopefully before midnight. Her dad’s doing much better and is resting peacefully.”

  Nic squeezed Jo’s shoulder. “I have a feeling this is going to be quite a reunion when you two get together.” Despite Jo’s protests, Nic convinced her that she was capable of tutoring her student in high school French. “We'll take care of things here. I’ll also take care of the report. Go and get some rest. I'm sure you could use it.”

  Jo hugged and kissed her friends in turn. “How can I thank you? You saved my life today. There for a while I was afraid I'd never see any of you again. What a bizarre day.”

  “Now, there's an understatement if ever I've heard one.” Mallory draped an arm over Jo’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

  “Nic, that document I need you to proof for me is in a blue folder on my backseat.”

  “Don't worry. I'll take care of it for you. I'll drop it off after I meet your student.”

  Jo blushed and then winked at Nic. “No hurry. Stacy and I will pick it up tomorrow.”

  Chapter 26

  MALLORY WALKED ACROSS THE street with Jo and noticed that Jo was limping a bit. “How about a massage?”

  “Thanks, Mal. That would help a lot. I fell on this leg when Meg pulled me into the room. It was such a shock when she grabbed me and pulled that I didn't have time to turn on my other side. I hope I didn't do any more damage.”

  “Come on, let's see if we can work out some of those kinks. Maybe you’re just bruised. You go get ready and I'll be in there in a few minutes.

  Jo went to her room, slid out of her clothes, and dressed in a tee shirt and boxers. When Mallory entered the room, she pointed to the lotion. “That's what Stacy uses.”

  “Okay, lay back and relax. I'll see what I can do.” Mallory massaged most of the kinks out of her leg. “Maybe you should take some pain meds. Do you have any here?”

  “Yeah, in the kitchen.”

  “Let's get you some tea and something to eat with that pill.”

  “Anything but blueberry muffins,” Jo grinned. “I don’t think I’ll ever think kindly of them again.”


  Jo's leg felt better after the rub down that Mallory gave her. The two friends sat across from each other in the kitchen as they waited for the water to boil. Jo ate some cheese and crackers and took the pills. The tea was soothing, and she admitted she felt better after eating. “What a weird day.”

  “Yes it was. Chances are good you'll never have another like it. What do you think will happen to Meg?”

  “I don't know. I hope that they'll just hospitalize her, instead of sending her to prison. At least she'll get the treatment she needs there. I mean, obviously she's suffered a greater injury to her head than anyone suspected.”

  “At least if they hospitalize her, there are meds and psychiatric care that can help her.”

  “It was very disconcerting when I learned she'd been watching me on my walks with Stacy. I never even suspected. Geez, I'm a cop, or at least I was a cop. I should have been more observant.”

  “Well, you had no reason to suspect she was watching you, and maybe you were less vigilant because you've been busy falling in love. Haven't you?”

  Jo nodded. “Stacy's a wonderful person, Mal. I've spouted that rule number two crap for so long I actually believed it. Thank God, she didn't let it stop her. She risked everything to tell me she loved me. She's even told her mom and her sister that she's in love with a woman and came out
to two of her friends. All that before we've really even kissed. That's gotta count for something, don't you think?”

  “I'd suspect that you should get some rest.” Mallory stood up as she prepared to leave. “I think you might need it when your girl gets home to you.”

  “I can't wait to see her. My last thought before everything went dark this morning was of her and how unfair it would be if I couldn't get to be with her any longer than we've had.” Jo shook her head. “I've got to go to bed and get some sleep. I feel exhausted.”

  “Okay, hope that massage helps. Need me to do anything else?”

  “No, you've saved my life today and given me a massage. What more could a girl want?” Mallory put her hand to her cheek, pointer finger raised. She tapped her finger on her cheek and looked towards the ceiling. “Hmm, let me think.”

  Jo slapped Mallory playfully on the arm. “Go on and get out of here. Thank Nic for taking care of my student when you see her.” She gave Mallory a warm hug. “And thank you for rescuing me today.”

  “It's only fair. You saved my life. I owed you. Okay, call if you need anything.”

  Jo followed Mallory out to the stairs. Mallory left and Jo started back down the hall toward her room. She was ready to get into bed when she changed her mind, turned around, and headed for Stacy's bedroom. She wanted to feel closer to Stacy while she waited for her to come home. She slipped into Stacy's bed. Stacy will be tired when she gets here. She had only a few hours of sleep on Saturday night, then drove all the way to Virginia and now all the way home. Jo smiled at the last thought she had of the woman she loved just before she drifted off to sleep. I'll be happy even if all I get to do is just hold her tonight.


  Mallory walked across the street to the office. Amanda was sitting at the front desk while Nic tutored Jo's student. Mallory asked, “So did Nic bring you up to date on everything that happened?”

  “What a weird day. You were so right about Meg. I hope they can help her.”

  They talked a little more about Jo's harrowing experience and Meg's medical condition. Mallory gestured with her head at the phone. “Any calls today?”

  Amanda pointed to the notepad she’d made notes on. “I had a couple of small jobs come in. I got a call from one of the companies that Nic reached out to. It looks like we might get a contract to do their work. I told them she'd call them back so she could work out the details with them. Yesterday, I signed contracts with two more freelancers. I think we should be good to go when Nic closes this deal. Jo is studying for her certification exam. We're on our way. We're not turning a profit yet, although we're way ahead of our projections.”

  “Honey, you've done a great thing for all of us, opening this business. Nic has shouldered a lot of the load so far. In a couple of weeks Dana will come onboard full time, and things will be easier for all of us. Adding Jo's class has been a success. That bunch she's teaching will probably be here forever. We may have to charge them rent.” Mallory smiled. “You do know that they’re now bringing sandwiches to class. It's like a party in there.”

  Amanda laughed at Mallory’s observation. “I know. She's made her class fun, and I think she's learned that she enjoys teaching. She's a natural. Have you watched her teach?”

  “Just a few times for a short while. I agree with you. Although her classes are very structured, she thinks up fun activities that get everyone actively involved.”

  Amanda and Mallory stood facing each other across the reception desk. Amanda shook her head. “We’ve been so lucky. I can’t wait for tomorrow. Things get better and better every day. How do you feel about things?” Amanda leaned on the counter to seek her partner’s eyes.

  “I agree with you. I’m deliriously happy.” Mallory’s love showed in her eyes. “Wanna marry me?”

  Amanda spoke softly. “Name the day.”

  “I've been thinking maybe Labor Day weekend. We'll all be off. It's a holiday, so none of our family and friends who come will have to take any time from work.”

  “I like it. I like that time of year, too. It's not usually beastly hot.” Amanda grinned playfully. “And we'll have ample time to practice for the honeymoon.”

  “I never knew you had such a wicked streak when I hooked up with you. Let's talk with Nic and Dana. It's their day, too. I think they've been too busy to even think about the wedding.”

  “Yeah, they've been too busy practicing for the honeymoon, too.” Amanda’s laughter was interrupted when she heard Nic’s voice.

  Nic emerged from the back room and bid Jo's student goodbye. As the door closed, she asked, “What's so funny?”

  “We were just talking about the wedding,” Amanda said.

  “Yeah,” Mallory added, “and about practicing for the honeymoon.”

  “I see. When are we going to do it? The wedding, not the practice.”

  When their laughter died down, Mallory replied. “We wanted to ask you and Dana what you'd think about Labor Day weekend.”

  “We're done here for tonight. Let's go get Dana and go out for dinner. We can talk everything over then. If you guys will lock up, I’ll give her a call.”

  The three women left, chattering with excitement about their plans.

  Chapter 27

  STACY WAS EXHAUSTED AFTER making the trip in record time. The clock on the dash showed that it was nearly nine-thirty by the time she pulled into a parking place about a block from her apartment. She gathered her belongings and headed for home. Her heart was beating in expectation of seeing Jo. Nic had called her earlier to let her know that Mallory had taken Jo back to the apartment and that Jo was planning to take a nap. Nic said that Jo seemed okay, just tired, and she had cautioned her to drive safely.

  Stacy opened the door to the scent of leather, the familiar smell of home. She listened. Hearing nothing, she climbed the stairs quietly and deposited her bags at the top of the steps. The light over the stove in the kitchen was on, giving a soft illumination to the main living area. She draped her jacket over the back of the stool and saw the note she’d left Jo two days earlier, still on the counter. She picked it up and read Jo's response. Her heart swelled. She loves me, too!

  Quietly, Stacy got a clean oversized T-shirt from her suitcase then went down the hallway and into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. When she was finished there, she put on the shirt and headed for the office and Jo.

  The blinds were open. The streetlight provided enough illumination to show her that Jo was not there. She must be in my room—no, our room, now. Stacy hurried down the hallway, through the living room, and into her bedroom. The nightlight was on, and Jo’s regular breathing indicated that she was sleeping. Stacy stood near the bed, unsure if she should wake her.


  “Yes, it's me.” Stacy moved to the side of the bed. “Sweetheart, I was so worried.” She leaned over and kissed her. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Jo kissed her back softly, pulling her down so she was lying across her on top of the covers.

  Jo just held her for a few seconds. “I was afraid I'd never see you again, never get to hold you like this.”

  “You're safe now, and I'm here.” Stacy sighed as she laid her head on Jo’s chest.

  “How was the drive? Tired?”

  “Exhausted. How are you feeling?” Stacy pushed up to rest on her elbows to better study Jo’s face.

  “Better now that you're here. I missed you so much. Come on, get in here with me, I'll warm you up. You feel cold. Why are you wet? Is it raining?”

  Stacy stood up and stripped the shirt off, not feeling shy. “I took a shower.” Completely naked, she slipped out of her panties and slid into bed with Jo. “Hey, that's not fair,” she said pulling on Jo's T-shirt.

  “Easily remedied.” Jo slipped off her shirt and boxers.

  Stacy settled against her. “Oh God, you feel so good.”

  Jo rolled to her side and kissed Stacy's cheek. “That dimple has called my name from the min
ute I met you.” She kissed her softly on the mouth, feeling Stacy respond. “I love you,” Jo whispered.

  “What about rule number two?”

  “I'm not worried about it anymore. What about you?”

  Stacy smiled, showing her dimple. “Well, I for one don't plan on getting involved with any straight women.” She tried to keep a straight face as long as possible before she finally gave into laughter.

  “Well, that’s good, I guess.” Jo, sobered, kissed Stacy, a long, slow, thorough kiss that took Stacy’s breath away.

  Their mouths met, their tongues played together, and Stacy's world went on fire. Her body came alive. She could feel Jo pressed against her the whole length of her body. Stacy's hips strained against Jo, wanting release from her increasing passion.

  Jo pulled back and looked into Stacy's eyes. “I want to make love to you, slow and easy.”

  “I want you, Jo.”

  Jo bent to kiss Stacy's lips, then trailed kisses down her neck. She inhaled the scent of Stacy's skin, tasting it with her tongue, and felt herself respond to her lover. She slid her hand up over the soft and tender skin of Stacy's breast, rolling the already erect nipple beneath her palm. Stroking Stacy stoked her own passion. She lowered her lips to suck Stacy's nipple into her mouth and tongued it until Stacy moaned softly. She rolled Stacy on top of her, allowing Stacy to settle against the thigh of her good leg. She pushed up, raising her knee to provide a better angle for Stacy to move against.

  “Jo, you feel so good.”

  Jo ran her hands down the muscles of Stacy's back. Massaging as she moved the length of Stacy’s body as far as she could reach, she trailed her nails over her smooth skin as she reversed the path of her hands.

  “That feels wonderful.” Stacy rose up and slid a little lower along Jo's body. Her lips found Jo's breast, causing a quick intake of breath. Stacy tongued one nipple as she tentatively explored the other with her palm. “You feel so good,” she murmured.


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