I.N.E.T 2

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I.N.E.T 2 Page 1

by Brenda Cothern


  International Narcotics

  Enforcement & Tracking

  Book 2

  Brenda Cothern

  Brenda Cothern

  By Brenda Cothern © 2016

  All Rights Reserved.

  Smashwords Edition

  ISBN-13: 978-1-943949-19-9

  First Printing September 2016

  No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, altered, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, in any way, without prior, written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages within the review for publication in a newspaper, magazine, journal, or on a website.

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, (some) places, and situations are the products of the author’s imagination and intended to be fictional. Any resemblances to actual events, situations, or persons, alive or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book contains M/M sexual situations and is intended for readers of legal age in the country in which they reside. Please store your adult literature responsibly. This book also contains references to drugs and I.V. drug use. If these are triggers for you, please do not read.

  Wench Publishing, Inc.

  136 E. 145th Avenue

  Tampa, Florida, 33613 USA



  To my fans that fell in love with Knight’s anger management outbursts!


  As always, special thanks The Body Shop in Tampa for letting me treat their bars like my personal office and to Chris, the bartender who has learned to ignore me when I am talking to myself!

  Of course, I have to once again thank my beta team, without you, my writing wouldn’t be nearly as clean and the story would suffer.


  Table of Contents



  Table of Contents




























  About the Author

  GLBT Support Organizations



  Four weeks. Four fucking boring as hell weeks stuck in the office. Knight needed the time to heal from the bullet hole in his shoulder and Slade understood, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going bat-shit crazy being stuck at HQ.

  The first week wasn’t too bad even though Knight’s anger didn’t make an appearance. Slade wasn’t sure if his new partner was controlling his temper to make up for walking off the job before he even started or if he just didn’t get pissed off about anything because Slade was catching him up on their current cases.

  Regardless, Slade wasn’t disappointed when Knight’s unpredictable anger management issues made an appearance early the second week they were stuck in their cubicle hell. Slade grinned when he thought about the stupidity of what set Knight off.

  His partner was using the copier and it jammed. Lita went to help Knight fix the damn thing, but neither agent knew Slade had rigged it to shut down to break up his boredom.

  The moment Lita pulled the toner cartridge out, the still almost full cartridge exploded. Ink went everywhere. All over the front of the copier, but most of it hit Lita smack dab in the face and chest. Knight’s bitch-fest about the splatter that hit his ‘brand-new fucking suit’ wasn’t as funny as the toner ink that soaked into Lita’s long blonde locks and ran down his face and neck before turning the collar of his pink dress shirt almost a smokey-purple color.

  Even funnier, was that Lita’s blonde hair was still streaked with faded ink after two weeks. Every time Slade looked at Lita, he couldn’t help but grin and chuckle. Knight shot him a glare every time he did, too. That glare was hot as hell and just one more reason to entertain himself while they were stuck in the office. In fact, he was sure that he’d see that glare again any minute.

  Once more Slade stretched the rubber band between his thumb and forefinger of his makeshift slingshot. A paperclip was his ammunition and the moment Zep walked passed their cubicle, Slade let it fly.

  “Slade if you fucking hit me one more time, I’m gonna shoot your ass.” Zep didn’t even bother to stop or look back after the paperclip bounced off the back of his head.

  “Don’t make me take those away from you, too,” Knight growled without looking away from his monitor.

  Slade chuckled. Knight had confiscated his rubber band ball before the end of their second week in the office. It took his partner almost two full days of him bouncing the ball off the wall across from their cubicle before Knight lost his shit.

  Slade had to admit it was sexy when Knight intercepted the ball on a rebound at the same time his temper exploded. That led to their first hot as hell session in the men’s room. That suck-fest only encouraged Slade to find more ways to set his partner off.

  “It’s bad enough the office is littered with damn paper footballs,” Knight grumbled. “I’m tired of picking those fucker’s up and paperclips are worse. You could put someone’s damn eye out.”

  Slade smirked and knew Knight could see him from the corner of his eye. Still, Slade loaded another paperclip into his finger slingshot and let it fly without looking away from Knight. If Knight hadn’t stolen all the Post-it notes from their work area, he wouldn’t have needed to resort to metal projectiles.

  “Yes, mom.” Slade snickered at the same time Hunt cursed, “Asshole.”

  Slade knew the paper footballs he had shot all over the office and now the paperclips were driving his partner crazy. Apparently, not only did Knight have a photographic memory, but also he had a touch of OCD. Every time they stepped out of their slice of office space, Knight couldn’t walk past one of the multicolored folded Post-it’s if it was in his path.

  A few more paperclips should push Knight over the edge and that would lead them to the men’s room which was a much more entertaining and fun way to break up the monotony.

  Knight knew exactly what his partner was trying to accomplish. For the last hour, he’d been fighting his temper. So much so, that he was just tempted to drag Slade’s ass to the bathroom just to let off steam before he exploded again. However, he didn’t.

  As much as Slade was pushing all of his buttons to set him off, having the man confined to their cubicle was better than the alternative of letting his partner roam the office without an escort.

  The printer prank would have been funny if it hadn’t ruined one of his three new suits. Suits that he was pissed he was required to wear while they worked in the office. The last time he had worn a suit before he was recruited into INET was when he was fifteen. He’d promised himself then that he would never wear another one. Unfortunately, that was a promise he had to break a month ago.

  “Slade, I swear to fucking God!”

  Zep stood up f
rom his cubicle. That was a mistake because Slade hit him with another paperclip. His partner’s aim with his makeshift weapon was unnerving. Zep drawling his side arm so fast was equally unnerving. Knight had looked up the moment he caught movement from Zep’s cubicle.

  “Whoa.” Knight stood and held his hands out to Zep. He didn’t think his new teammate would really shoot Slade, but if he was wrong, they’d be stuck in the office that much longer.

  “You hit me one more fucking time... With anything and I’m going to put a bullet in your ass.”

  “The paperwork would be a bitch, Zep.” Slade drawled and loaded up another paperclip. Knight could easily see what his partner was doing even though his eyes never left Zep.

  “The paperwork would so be worth it,” Zep growled and his glare shot daggers at Slade as if daring Slade to hit him with another paperclip.

  “Slade,” Knight warned when he saw his partner drawback the rubber band slingshot between his fingers.

  Knight still hadn’t taken his eyes off Zep and he was only slightly surprised that Lita and Hunt hadn’t stood from their own office boxes. He decided that had to be a good sign, but still wouldn’t put it past their recently off an undercover op teammate to shoot Slade’s ass.

  Two things happened simultaneously. Fisher opened his door and yelled, “What the fuck is going on out here?”

  And Slade let the paperclip fly. The paperclip was aimed nowhere near Zep, thankfully. However, the few feet to the right where Slade sent the small bit of metal flying wasn’t much better. The paperclip hit the metal door frame of Fish’s office, ricocheted off, and hit their boss in the temple.

  If the North American, Southern Division, Director of INET was pissed before, he was livid now. His face went from angrily flushed to furiously red. Knight could swear that he could see a vein throbbing on Fish’s other temple even though he stood a good six feet from the man.

  Knight shot an angry glare at Slade. His partner was trying to piss him off and having a team member point a gun at them had already pushed him almost over the brink. The fallout they were sure to experience any minute from their boss shoved him the rest of the way over the edge.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Knight reached down and fisted Slade’s suit jacket before he pulled his new partner up out of his chair. He got in Slade’s face and the man’s cocky grin only infuriated him more.

  “Isn’t it bad enough that you almost got one of us shot by a fucking teammate...”

  “Zep wouldn’t have shot us,” Slade interrupted at the same time he brought his hands up to wrap around Knight’s wrists.

  “I so would’ve shot you,” Zep growled and no one noticed him lowering his weapon.

  “Now, I’m going to have to listen to some fucking lecture because you have no damn control over not acting like a fucking nine-year-old!” Knight gave Slade a rough shake.

  “More like twelve,” Slade responded with the smirk and tightened his grip on Knight’s wrists.

  His hands were positioned perfectly over the pressure points that would numb his partner’s arms clear up to his shoulders, but he didn’t apply any pressure. Applying pressure to get Knight to release him was the last thing Slade wanted to do.

  No, he didn’t want to get away from his furious partner. He wanted to get closer. Closer was exactly what a slight shift of his body achieved and he had to hold back a moan when his achingly hard cock brushed the front of his partner slacks.

  “I will not be written up over your juvenile bullshit, Slade.”

  Knight shook his partner again and it was that slight movement that made him aware of his partner’s arousal. Slade’s pupils were blown wide, but Knight hadn’t realized his partner was that aroused from him finally losing his shit. He should’ve known better if the last four months were any indication of how Slade responded to his anger.

  “Enough!” Fish bellowed and Knight was smart enough to rein in his fury over his partner’s antics. “Slade, Knight, Zep,” Fish pointed to each man in turn. “My office. Now!”

  Knight glared at Slade for only a moment before he pushed his partner away. He ignored Slade’s words that he could easily read from his partner’s lips even if the man hadn’t made a sound. The man was hell bent on torturing him.

  “I’m going to suck your brain out of your cock after Fish is finished with us.”

  Knight frowned and spun on his heel. His frown was more at himself than Slade’s words. The last thing he needed was his dick to get hard over the thought of Slade’s talented mouth moments before they were both sure to get an ass chewing because of Slade’s bullshit. He didn’t look back over his shoulder to see if his partner was following. Knight knew Slade was, so instead he focused on Zepple’s back and followed his teammate into their boss’ office.

  “Shut the fucking door, Slade,” Fish spat out and his angry glare still shot daggers at them. “All right, you shits,” Fish started after his office door was closed and Slade stepped up to stand next to Knight.

  Knight wasn’t sure he was comfortable standing between Slade and his new teammate who had just had them in the sights of his weapon less than five minutes ago. Still, whether he was comfortable or not, the expression on his new boss’ face was the greater danger over Zep and Slade going at it.

  “You,” Fish pointed at Zep. “Unless we are attacked by fucking terrorists, you don’t draw your weapon in my house. I’ve been tempted to shoot his ass myself,” Fish pointed at Slade as if they had any doubt who he was referring to. “But, you do it again and I’ll shoot you in the ass before I shackle you in that fucking cubicle prison for the next year.” Fish continued to glare at Zep. “You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I feel you,” Zep gritted out.

  “Good. Now get the fuck out of my office while I deal with these two fuck ups.”

  Knight bristled at being referred to as a fuck up by his new boss. If anything, he towed the line the last four weeks in order to make up for blowing off the opportunity to not only work at INET, but to CLEP out of most of the trainee courses. Of course, if he hadn’t been so pissed off at Slade when the man went to detox and refused to see him after his partner’s last undercover op it wouldn’t of been a problem to begin with. They still hadn’t talked about why Slade didn’t want to see him, but Knight pushed that thought away.

  “Don’t you dare get your panties in a bunch, Knight. You’re guilty by association.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Knight couldn’t bite his tongue and shot an angry glance at his partner. Slade’s response was to meet his glance with a hungry, lust filled gaze of his own.

  “Asshole,” Knight cursed because his cock twitched at the promise in his partner’s eyes.

  “And you,” Fish shifted his glare to Slade. “I know you’re chomping at the bit to get your ass back in the field, but that’s no reason to drive the rest of us fucking insane with your antics!” Fish took a deep breath and braced his hands on his desk to lean toward them.

  “We had to buy a new copier after your stunt...”

  “That wasn’t...,” Slade tried to deny his involvement with the ink bomb.

  “Shut it. If you’re going to do shit like that, at least own up to it.” A small smile threatened to spread Fish’s lips before he caught himself. “Then the shit with the vending machine. Even the damn service guy couldn’t figure out how you did that, but at least it didn’t threaten anyone’s life.”

  Knight had to fight the grin that struggled to make an appearance. Even he wasn’t sure how his partner pulled off making every spiral dispense the snacks at the same time until they filled the front of the glass so tightly that the bottom couldn’t be pushed into retrieve anything. However, Fish was right. Of all the shit Slade got up to in order to amuse himself, the vending machine prank was the least harmless.

  “The shit in the break room is another matter.” Fish frowned. “You’re lucky no one got burned with the shit you did to the coffee maker. Your ass should be
written up for that alone. Hell, I could say the same thing about the icemaker.” Fish fell silent for a moment.

  Knight could admit that he was impressed with his partner’s creativeness and technical knowledge to actually pull off some of the shit he had over the last few weeks. Still, that didn’t make him feel any better about having his ass chewed right along with Slade.

  “This bullshit ends now.” Fish gave them both a pointed look.

  Jonathan Chadwick Fisher, Jr. was an intimidating man when he wasn’t pissed off, let alone when he was. Their boss stood at an imposing 6’7” and easily weighed 260 pounds. Fish might have been pushing fifty-five, but God save the idiot who assumed the tinge of salt-and-pepper at the man’s temples made him old or even worse, soft. Any one of the INET agents, Knight included would have Fish covering their back in the field in a heartbeat.

  “You understand? Nod your fucking heads,” Fish ordered and they both complied. “Good.” Fish’s sudden smile caught Knight off guard and he was suspicious of his boss’ sudden change in demeanor.

  “Payne called in a 911,” Fish tossed out almost casually and the abrupt change in direction of their conversation made Knight’s head spin.

  “What?” Knight asked.

  “Shit,” Slade cursed at the same time.

  “Your office pranks are done, Slade. It’s time to get back to work,” Fish said seriously. “Sit your asses down and I’ll brief you.”



  The mention of Agent Payne, David Payne, shifted Knight’s mental gears. Fish had Slade review all of their open cases with him the first week they were reassigned to the office.


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